# # Hyperhelp # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Implements a help facility using html formatted hypertext files. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # AUTHOR: Kris Raney EMAIL: kraney@spd.dsccc.com # # @(#) $Id: hyperhelp.itk,v 1.5 2002/03/16 05:26:19 mgbacke Exp $ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 1996 DSC Technologies Corporation # ====================================================================== # Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and license this software # and its documentation for any purpose, and without fee or written # agreement with DSC, is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright # notice appears in all copies and that both the copyright notice and # warranty disclaimer below appear in supporting documentation, and that # the names of DSC Technologies Corporation or DSC Communications # Corporation not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to the # software without specific, written prior permission. # # DSC DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING # ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, AND NON- # INFRINGEMENT. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE # AUTHORS AND DISTRIBUTORS HAVE NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, # SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. IN NO EVENT SHALL # DSC BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR # ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTUOUS ACTION, # ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS # SOFTWARE. # ====================================================================== # # Acknowledgements: # # Special thanks go to Sam Shen(SLShen@lbl.gov), as this code is based on his # help.tcl code from tk inspect. # # Default resources. # option add *Hyperhelp.width 575 widgetDefault option add *Hyperhelp.height 450 widgetDefault option add *Hyperhelp.modality none widgetDefault option add *Hyperhelp.vscrollMode static widgetDefault option add *Hyperhelp.hscrollMode static widgetDefault option add *Hyperhelp.maxHistory 20 widgetDefault # # Usual options. # itk::usual Hyperhelp { keep -activebackground -activerelief -background -borderwidth -cursor \ -foreground -highlightcolor -highlightthickness \ -selectbackground -selectborderwidth -selectforeground \ -textbackground } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # HYPERHELP # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::class iwidgets::Hyperhelp { inherit iwidgets::Shell constructor {args} {} itk_option define -topics topics Topics {} itk_option define -helpdir helpdir Directory . itk_option define -title title Title "Help" itk_option define -closecmd closeCmd CloseCmd {} itk_option define -maxhistory maxHistory MaxHistory 20 public variable beforelink {} public variable afterlink {} public variable selectedTopic {} public method showtopic {topic} public method followlink {link} public method forward {} public method back {} public method updatefeedback {n} protected method _readtopic {file {anchorpoint {}}} protected method _pageforward {} protected method _pageback {} protected method _lineforward {} protected method _lineback {} protected method _fill_go_menu {} protected variable _history {} ;# History list of viewed pages protected variable _history_ndx -1 ;# current position in history list protected variable _history_len 0 ;# length of history list protected variable _histdir -1 ;# direction in history we just came ;# from protected variable _len 0 ;# length of text to be rendered protected variable _file {} ;# current topic private variable _remaining 0 ;# remaining text to be rendered private variable _rendering 0 ;# flag - in process of rendering } # # Provide a lowercased access method for the Scrolledlistbox class. # proc ::iwidgets::hyperhelp {pathName args} { uplevel ::iwidgets::Hyperhelp $pathName $args } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # CONSTRUCTOR # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Hyperhelp::constructor {args} { itk_option remove iwidgets::Shell::padx iwidgets::Shell::pady # # Create a pulldown menu # itk_component add -private menubar { frame $itk_interior.menu -relief raised -bd 2 } { keep -background -cursor } pack $itk_component(menubar) -side top -fill x itk_component add -private topicmb { menubutton $itk_component(menubar).topicmb -text "Topics" \ -menu $itk_component(menubar).topicmb.topicmenu \ -underline 0 -padx 8 -pady 2 } { keep -background -cursor -font -foreground \ -activebackground -activeforeground } pack $itk_component(topicmb) -side left itk_component add -private topicmenu { menu $itk_component(topicmb).topicmenu -tearoff no } { keep -background -cursor -font -foreground \ -activebackground -activeforeground } itk_component add -private navmb { menubutton $itk_component(menubar).navmb -text "Navigate" \ -menu $itk_component(menubar).navmb.navmenu \ -underline 0 -padx 8 -pady 2 } { keep -background -cursor -font -foreground \ -activebackground -activeforeground } pack $itk_component(navmb) -side left itk_component add -private navmenu { menu $itk_component(navmb).navmenu -tearoff no } { keep -background -cursor -font -foreground \ -activebackground -activeforeground } set m $itk_component(navmenu) $m add command -label "Forward" -underline 0 -state disabled \ -command [itcl::code $this forward] -accelerator f $m add command -label "Back" -underline 0 -state disabled \ -command [itcl::code $this back] -accelerator b $m add cascade -label "Go" -underline 0 -menu $m.go itk_component add -private navgo { menu $itk_component(navmenu).go -postcommand [itcl::code $this _fill_go_menu] } { keep -background -cursor -font -foreground \ -activebackground -activeforeground } # # Create a scrolledhtml object to display help pages # itk_component add scrtxt { iwidgets::scrolledhtml $itk_interior.scrtxt \ -linkcommand "$this followlink" -feedback "$this updatefeedback" } { keep -hscrollmode -vscrollmode -background -textbackground \ -fontname -fontsize -fixedfont -link \ -linkhighlight -borderwidth -cursor -sbwidth -scrollmargin \ -width -height -foreground -highlightcolor -visibleitems \ -highlightthickness -padx -pady -activerelief \ -relief -selectbackground -selectborderwidth \ -selectforeground -setgrid -wrap -unknownimage } pack $itk_component(scrtxt) -fill both -expand yes # # Bind shortcut keys # bind $itk_component(hull) [itcl::code $this forward] bind $itk_component(hull) [itcl::code $this back] bind $itk_component(hull) [itcl::code $this forward] bind $itk_component(hull) [itcl::code $this back] bind $itk_component(hull) [itcl::code $this _pageforward] bind $itk_component(hull) [itcl::code $this _pageforward] bind $itk_component(hull) [itcl::code $this _pageback] bind $itk_component(hull) [itcl::code $this _pageback] bind $itk_component(hull) [itcl::code $this _pageback] bind $itk_component(hull) [itcl::code $this _lineforward] bind $itk_component(hull) [itcl::code $this _lineback] wm title $itk_component(hull) "Help" eval itk_initialize $args if {[lsearch -exact $args -closecmd] == -1} { configure -closecmd [itcl::code $this deactivate] } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # OPTIONS # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # OPTION: -topics # # Specifies the topics to display on the menu. For each topic, there should # be a file named /.html # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::configbody iwidgets::Hyperhelp::topics { set m $itk_component(topicmenu) $m delete 0 last foreach topic $itk_option(-topics) { if {[lindex $topic 1] == {} } { $m add radiobutton -variable [itcl::scope selectedTopic] \ -value $topic \ -label $topic \ -command [list $this showtopic $topic] } else { if {[file pathtype [lindex $topic 1]] != "absolute"} { set link [file join $itk_option(-helpdir) [lindex $topic 1]] } else { set link [lindex $topic 1] } $m add radiobutton -variable [itcl::scope selectedTopic] \ -value [file tail $link] \ -label [lindex $topic 0] \ -command [list $this followlink $link] } } $m add separator $m add command -label "Close Help" -underline 0 \ -command $itk_option(-closecmd) } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # OPTION: -title # # Specify the window title. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::configbody iwidgets::Hyperhelp::title { wm title $itk_component(hull) $itk_option(-title) } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # OPTION: -helpdir # # Set location of help files # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::configbody iwidgets::Hyperhelp::helpdir { if {[file pathtype $itk_option(-helpdir)] == "relative"} { configure -helpdir [file join [pwd] $itk_option(-helpdir)] } else { set _history {} set _history_len 0 set _history_ndx -1 $itk_component(navmenu) entryconfig 0 -state disabled $itk_component(navmenu) entryconfig 1 -state disabled configure -topics $itk_option(-topics) } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # OPTION: -closecmd # # Specify the command to execute when close is selected from the menu # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::configbody iwidgets::Hyperhelp::closecmd { $itk_component(topicmenu) entryconfigure last -command $itk_option(-closecmd) } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # METHODS # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # METHOD: showtopic topic # # render text of help topic . The text is expected to be found in # /.html # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Hyperhelp::showtopic {topic} { if ![regexp {(.*)#(.*)} $topic dummy topicname anchorpart] { set topicname $topic set anchorpart {} } if {$topicname == ""} { set topicname $_file set filepath $_file } else { set filepath [file join $itk_option(-helpdir) $topicname.html] } if {[incr _history_ndx] < $itk_option(-maxhistory)} { set _history [lrange $_history 0 [expr {$_history_ndx - 1}]] } else { incr _history_ndx -1 set _history [lrange $_history 1 $_history_ndx] } set _history_len [expr {$_history_ndx + 1}] lappend _history [list $topicname $filepath $anchorpart] _readtopic $filepath $anchorpart } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # METHOD: followlink link # # Callback for click on a link. Shows new topic. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Hyperhelp::followlink {link} { if {[string compare $beforelink ""] != 0} { eval $beforelink $link } if ![regexp {(.*)#(.*)} $link dummy filepart anchorpart] { set filepart $link set anchorpart {} } if {$filepart != "" && [file pathtype $filepart] != "absolute"} { set filepart [file join [$itk_component(scrtxt) pwd] $filepart] set hfile $filepart } else { set hfile $filepart } if {[incr _history_ndx] < $itk_option(-maxhistory)} { set _history [lrange $_history 0 [expr $_history_ndx - 1]] } else { incr _history_ndx -1 set _history [lrange $_history 1 $_history_ndx] } set _history_len [expr $_history_ndx + 1] lappend _history [list [file rootname [file tail $hfile]] $hfile $anchorpart] set ret [_readtopic $filepart $anchorpart] if {[string compare $afterlink ""] != 0} { eval $afterlink $link } return $ret } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # METHOD: forward # # Show topic one forward in history list # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Hyperhelp::forward {} { if {$_rendering || ($_history_ndx+1) >= $_history_len} return incr _history_ndx eval _readtopic [lrange [lindex $_history $_history_ndx] 1 end] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # METHOD: back # # Show topic one back in history list # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Hyperhelp::back {} { if {$_rendering || $_history_ndx <= 0} return incr _history_ndx -1 set _histdir 1 eval _readtopic [lrange [lindex $_history $_history_ndx] 1 end] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # METHOD: updatefeedback remaining # # Callback from text to update feedback widget # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Hyperhelp::updatefeedback {n} { if {($_remaining - $n) > .1*$_len} { [$itk_interior.feedbackshell childsite].helpfeedback step [expr {$_remaining - $n}] update idletasks set _remaining $n } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # PRIVATE METHOD: _readtopic # # Read in file, render it in text area, and jump to anchorpoint # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Hyperhelp::_readtopic {file {anchorpoint {}}} { if {$file != ""} { if {[string compare $file $_file] != 0} { if {[catch {set f [open $file r]} err]} { incr _history_ndx $_histdir set _history_len [expr {$_history_ndx + 1}] set _histdir -1 set m $itk_component(navmenu) if {($_history_ndx+1) < $_history_len} { $m entryconfig 0 -state normal } else { $m entryconfig 0 -state disabled } if {$_history_ndx > 0} { $m entryconfig 1 -state normal } else { $m entryconfig 1 -state disabled } return } set _file $file set txt [read $f] iwidgets::shell $itk_interior.feedbackshell -title \ "Rendering HTML" -padx 1 -pady 1 iwidgets::Feedback [$itk_interior.feedbackshell \ childsite].helpfeedback \ -steps [set _len [string length $txt]] \ -labeltext "Rendering HTML" -labelpos n pack [$itk_interior.feedbackshell childsite].helpfeedback $itk_interior.feedbackshell center $itk_interior $itk_interior.feedbackshell activate set _remaining $_len set _rendering 1 if {[catch {$itk_component(scrtxt) render $txt [file dirname \ $file]} err]} { if [regexp "" $err] { $itk_component(scrtxt) render "$err" } else { $itk_component(scrtxt) render "
" } } wm title $itk_component(hull) "Help: $file" itcl::delete object [$itk_interior.feedbackshell \ childsite].helpfeedback itcl::delete object $itk_interior.feedbackshell set _rendering 0 } } set m $itk_component(navmenu) if {($_history_ndx+1) < $_history_len} { $m entryconfig 0 -state normal } else { $m entryconfig 0 -state disabled } if {$_history_ndx > 0} { $m entryconfig 1 -state normal } else { $m entryconfig 1 -state disabled } if {$anchorpoint != {}} { $itk_component(scrtxt) import -link #$anchorpoint set selectedTopic "[file tail $_file]#$anchorpoint" } else { $itk_component(scrtxt) import -link # set selectedTopic [file tail $_file] } set _histdir -1 } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # PRIVATE METHOD: _fill_go_menu # # update go submenu with current history # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Hyperhelp::_fill_go_menu {} { set m $itk_component(navgo) catch {$m delete 0 last} for {set i [expr {$_history_len - 1}]} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} { set topic [lindex [lindex $_history $i] 0] set filepath [lindex [lindex $_history $i] 1] set anchor [lindex [lindex $_history $i] 2] $m add command -label $topic \ -command [list $this followlink $filepath#$anchor] } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # PRIVATE METHOD: _pageforward # # Callback for page forward shortcut key # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Hyperhelp::_pageforward {} { $itk_component(scrtxt) yview scroll 1 pages } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # PRIVATE METHOD: _pageback # # Callback for page back shortcut key # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Hyperhelp::_pageback {} { $itk_component(scrtxt) yview scroll -1 pages } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # PRIVATE METHOD: _lineforward # # Callback for line forward shortcut key # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Hyperhelp::_lineforward {} { $itk_component(scrtxt) yview scroll 1 units } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # PRIVATE METHOD: _lineback # # Callback for line back shortcut key # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Hyperhelp::_lineback {} { $itk_component(scrtxt) yview scroll -1 units }