package BAT::bayes; use Astro::FITS::CFITSIO qw(:longnames :constants); use BAT::log; # # Compute Bayesian block GTI and burst duration measures # # Step 70 # # This module also writes additional GTIs which contain the total # burst duration and the background intervals, as reported by the task # battblocks. # # $self - class name (ignored) # $info - generic information hash reference # INPUTS: $info->{qmap} - quality map # $info->{tlookback} - battblocks parameter value # $info->{tpeak} - battblocks parameter value # OUTPUTS: $info->{t90dur/t90err} - T90 estimate and uncertainty # $info->{t50dur/t50err} - T50 estimate and uncertainty # $info->{tpeak} - estimated time of peak flux # $info->{cntflu} - estimated total fluence # $info->{gti_bb} - name of Bayesian block GTI # $info->{gti_t90} - name of T90 GTI # $info->{gti_t50} - name of T90 GTI # $info->{gti_peak} - name of peak-flux GTI # $info->{gti_bkg1} - name of background interval #1 # $info->{gti_bkg2} - name of background interval #2 # $info->{gti_tot} - name of total burst GTI # $infiles - scalar string containg input file name(s) or wildcard specs # if undefined, then assume that batbinevt/battblocks have already # been run, and read their output. # $bbfile - output Bayesian block GTI file # $durfile - output duration measure GTI file # $erange - energy range to analyze (scalar string, e.g. "15-350") # $tbinsize - time binsize in seconds for temporary light curve # $lc4ms - name of temporary light curve # $peakint - peak flux interval [seconds] (default 1.0) # # RETURNS: revised $info # # EXCEPTIONS: * no matching input files # * failed batbinevt # * failed battblocks # * could not open Bayesian blocks GTI file # * could not bracket burst # * could not create background or GTI_TOT intervals # # MODIFICATIONS: # 02 Sep 2004 CM # Add $tbinsize parameter (interface change) # 28 Sep 2004 CM # Add $peakint parameter (interface change) # Now read TOTDUR, TOTSTART, TOTSTOP keywords into hash parameters # sub compute { my ($self,$info,$log,$infiles,$bbfile,$durfile,$erange,$tbinsize,$lc4ms,$peakint) = @_; my ($status,$qmap,$inlist,$basedir,$cmd); my ($tlookback,$tpeak,$bbstartl,$bbstopl,$tmpfile,$fits); my ($t90dur,$t90err,$t50dur,$t50err,$tpeak,$cntflu,$tstart,$tstop); my ($bkgstr); my (@globlist,@errlog,@bbstart,@bbstop); if ($infiles) { $qmap = $info->{qmap}; if ("$infiles" =~ m/^@/) { @globlist = ("$infiles"); # Batch file } else { @globlist = glob("$infiles"); } die "ERROR: no input files" if ($#globlist == -1); $inlist = join(",",@globlist); if ($info->{tbkgsub}) { $bkgstr = "YES"; } else { $bkgstr = "NO"; } # Default name of 4ms light curve unless ($lc4ms) { $basedir = $globlist[0]; $basedir =~ s|/[^/]*$||; # Strip trailing filename $lc4ms = "$basedir/"; } $peakint = 1.0 unless ($peakint); unlink($lc4ms); $cmd = "batbinevt infile='$inlist' outfile='$lc4ms' outtype=LC timedel=$tbinsize timebinalg=u energybins='$erange' " . "detmask='$qmap' " . "ecol=ENERGY weighted=YES outunits=RATE clobber=yes"; $status = BAT::log->callnote($log,$cmd, "Creating trial $tbinsize second light curve"); if ($status || ! -f $lc4ms ) { die "ERROR: batbinevt failed while estimating GTIs"; } $tlookback = $info->{tlookback}; unlink($bbfile); unlink($durfile); $cmd = "battblocks infile='$lc4ms' outfile='$bbfile' durfile='$durfile' " . "tlookback=$tlookback " . "bkgsub='$bkgstr' timecol=TIME countscol=RATE errcol=ERROR ". "hduclas3=RATE tpeak=$peakint clobber=yes"; $status = BAT::log->callnote($log,$cmd, "Estimating Bayesian Blocks from trial $tbinsize second light curve"); if ($status || ! -f $bbfile ) { die "ERROR: battblocks failed while estimating GTIs"; } } die "ERROR: battblocks did not create $bbfile" if (! -f $bbfile ); die "ERROR: battblocks did not create $durfile" if (! -f $durfile ); # Read the Bayesian blocks... # ... and also read the T50/90 keywords $status = 0; $status = SimpleFITS->open("<$bbfile")->move("STDGTI") ->readcol("START",{type=>TDOUBLE},$bbstartl) ->readcol("STOP",{type=>TDOUBLE},$bbstopl) ->readkey("T90DUR",$t90dur) # T90 value and error ->readkey("T90ERR",$t90err) ->readkey("T50DUR",$t50dur) # T50 value and error ->readkey("T50ERR",$t50err) ->readkey("TPEAK",$tpeak) # Epoch of peak flux ->readkey("CNTFLU",$cntflu) # Counts fluence for GRB ->readkey("TOTDUR",$totdur) # Total duration ->readkey("TOTSTART",$totstart) # Start of total burst ->readkey("TOTSTOP",$totstop)# End of total burst ->close() ->status(); die "ERROR: could not open/read $bbfile (status $status)" if ($status); @bbstart = @$bbstartl; @bbstop = @$bbstopl; die "ERROR: too few Bayesian blocks to bracket the GRB" if ($#bbstart < 2); # Store the statistics $info->{t90dur} = $t90dur; $info->{t90err} = $t90err; $info->{t50dur} = $t50dur; $info->{t50err} = $t50err; $info->{tpeak} = $tpeak; $info->{cntflu} = $cntflu; $info->{totdur} = $totdur; $info->{totstart} = $totstart; $info->{totstop} = $totstop; # Store the GTI file names $info->{gti_bb} = "$bbfile"; $info->{gti_t90} = "$durfile"."[GTI_T90]"; $info->{gti_t50} = "$durfile"."[GTI_T50]"; $info->{gti_peak} = "$durfile"."[GTI_PEAK]"; # Same as TOTSTART and TOTSTOP (in build 9.1) $tstart = $bbstop[0]; $tstop = $bbstart[$#bbstart]; $tmpfile = "$bbfile" . ".tmp"; unlink("$tmpfile"); my $fname = "$durfile"."[1]"; $cmd = "ftcopy infile='$fname' outfile='$tmpfile' clobber=yes copyall=no"; BAT::log->call($log,$cmd); die "ERROR: could not create GTI_BKG1" if (! -f $tmpfile); # Write first background interval $status = SimpleFITS->open("+<$tmpfile")->move("2") ->writecol("START",{type=>TDOUBLE},-1.0e307) ->writecol("STOP",{type=>TDOUBLE},$tstart) ->writekey("TSTART",-1.0e307) ->writekey("TSTOP",$tstart) ->writekey("EXTNAME","GTI_BKG1") ->close()->status(); die "ERROR: could not write GTI_BKG1 (status=$status)" if ($status); my $fname = "$tmpfile"."[GTI_BKG1]"; system("ftappend '$fname' $durfile"); die $? if ($?); $info->{gti_bkg1} = "$durfile"."[GTI_BKG1]"; # Write second background interval $status = SimpleFITS->open("+<$tmpfile")->move("2") ->writecol("START",{type=>TDOUBLE},$tstop) ->writecol("STOP",{type=>TDOUBLE},1.0e307) ->writekey("TSTART",$tstop) ->writekey("TSTOP",1.0e307) ->writekey("EXTNAME","GTI_BKG2") ->close()->status(); die "ERROR: could not write GTI_BKG2 (status=$status)" if ($status); my $fname = "$tmpfile"."[GTI_BKG2]"; system("ftappend '$fname' $durfile"); die $? if ($?); $info->{gti_bkg2} = "$durfile"."[GTI_BKG2]"; # Check for GTI_TOT (build 9.1 has it already) $fits = SimpleFITS->open("<$durfile")->move("GTI_TOT"); $status = $fits->status(); $fits->setstatus(0)->close(); undef($fits); # If it does not exist, then create one if ($status) { $status = SimpleFITS->open("+<$tmpfile")->move("2") ->writecol("START",{type=>TDOUBLE},$tstart) ->writecol("STOP",{type=>TDOUBLE},$tstop) ->writekey("TSTART",$tstart) ->writekey("TSTOP",$tstop) ->writekey("EXTNAME","GTI_TOT") ->close()->status(); die "ERROR: could not write GTI_TOT (status=$status)" if ($status); my $fname = "$tmpfile"."[GTI_TOT]"; system("ftappend '$fname' $durfile"); die $? if ($?); } $info->{gti_tot} = "$durfile"."[GTI_TOT]"; unlink("$tmpfile"); return $info; } 1;