package libswxrtgrblc; # Miscellaneous functions for processing Swift light curves #use strict; use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT $VERSION); use Exporter; $VERSION = "1.0"; @ISA = qw( Exporter ); @EXPORT = qw( &chat &error &warnhi &warnlo &debug &genCmd &runSystem &parseFitsList &runSystemNoChat &getListParam &getStrParam &getTmpFile &dumpListToTxt &readLC &extractLC &writeLC &getEmptyLC &readXImageDetectFile &lcStats &getFltParam &getIntParam &getBoolParam &convertRAStringToDegrees &convertDecStringToDegrees &swifttime FLT_NULL PI ); use HEACORE::PIL; use HEACORE::HEAUTILS; use Astro::FITS::CFITSIO qw( :longnames :constants ); use Env; use Errno; use File::Spec::Functions; # constants use constant PI => 3.14159265358979; use constant FLT_NULL => -2.22e-28; # !trouble unless something==this # some useful PIL constants use constant PIL_NO_FILE => -3003; use constant PIL_FILE_NO_RD => -3014; # don't use these variable names in your code # not that you would, since they are awful our $libswxrtgrblcPrefix = ""; our $libswxrtgrblcChatter = 0; our %libswxrtgrblcTmpNames = ( ); sub setchat ( $ ) { $libswxrtgrblcChatter = shift; } sub setprefix ( $ ) { $libswxrtgrblcPrefix = shift; } # # genCmd - # # generates a shell command. first arg is taskname, second is # hash reference, where keys are parameter names, and values are # parameter values # sub genCmd ( $$ ) { my $toolname = shift; my $params = shift; my $cmd = $toolname; foreach my $param ( sort keys %{$params} ) { $cmd .= " $param=\"$params->{$param}\""; } return $cmd; } # # getTmpFile - # # returns a unique, non-extant temporary file with a given extension # the only argument is the extension (e.g. "fits"). a '.' will # be placed between the root name and the extension. # sub getTmpFile( $ ) { my $ext = shift; my $nam = join '.', 'tmpfil', $$, int( rand( 65535 ) ), $ext; if ( exists $ENV{HEADAS_TMPDIR} && defined $ENV{HEADAS_TMPDIR} ) { $nam = catfile( $ENV{HEADAS_TMPDIR}, $nam ); } while ( -e $nam || exists $libswxrtgrblcTmpNames{$nam} ) { $nam = join '.', 'tmpfil', $$, int( rand( 65535 ) ), $ext; if ( exists $ENV{HEADAS_TMPDIR} && defined $ENV{HEADAS_TMPDIR} ) { $nam = catfile( $ENV{HEADAS_TMPDIR}, $nam ); } } $libswxrtgrblcTmpNames{$nam} = 1; return $nam; } # # chat - # # prints a list of messages - newlines are the callers responsibility # message is only printed if the first argument is >= the global # $chatter variable. prepends the task name and version to each line. # # Inputs: # - chat level # - message list # # Outputs: None (except to terminal) # sub chat { my $lev = shift; my $tmp = join "", @_; chomp $tmp; my @tmp2 = split /\n/, $tmp, -1; my @msg = ( ); foreach my $line ( @tmp2 ) { push @msg, "${libswxrtgrblcPrefix}Info: $line\n"; } if ( @msg && $lev <= $libswxrtgrblcChatter ) { print @msg; } } sub error { my $lev = shift; my $tmp = join "", @_; chomp $tmp; my @tmp2 = split /\n/, $tmp, -1; my @msg = ( ); foreach my $line ( @tmp2 ) { push @msg, "${libswxrtgrblcPrefix}Error: $line\n"; } if ( @msg && $lev <= $libswxrtgrblcChatter ) { print @msg; } } sub warnlo { my $lev = shift; my $tmp = join "", @_; chomp $tmp; my @tmp2 = split /\n/, $tmp, -1; my @msg = ( ); foreach my $line ( @tmp2 ) { push @msg, "${libswxrtgrblcPrefix}Warning: $line\n"; } if ( @msg && $lev <= $libswxrtgrblcChatter ) { print @msg; } } sub warnhi { my $lev = shift; my $tmp = join "", @_; chomp $tmp; my @tmp2 = split /\n/, $tmp, -1; my @msg = ( ); foreach my $line ( @tmp2 ) { push @msg, "${libswxrtgrblcPrefix}WARNING: $line\n"; } if ( @msg && $lev <= $libswxrtgrblcChatter ) { print @msg; } } sub debug { my $lev = 5; my $tmp = join "", @_; chomp $tmp; my @tmp2 = split /\n/, $tmp, -1; my @msg = ( ); foreach my $line ( @tmp2 ) { push @msg, "${libswxrtgrblcPrefix}Debug: $line\n"; } if ( @msg && $lev <= $libswxrtgrblcChatter ) { print @msg; } } # # runSystem - # # Runs a system command with output logging, and error checking # adapted from # # Inputs: # - base command name # - arguments list # # Outputs: # - reference to the list of output lines from the command # - return status of the command # sub runSystem { my $base = $_[ 0 ]; my $cmd = join " ", @_; my @out = ( ); chat( 3, "running: $cmd\n" ); eval { #open( PIPE, "$cmd 2>&1 |" ) || return; local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { return @_; }; open( PIPE, "$cmd 2>&1 |" ) or die; while ( ) { print $_ unless $libswxrtgrblcChatter < 3; push @out, $_; } #close( PIPE ) || return; close( PIPE ) or die; }; my $rc = $?; if ( $rc == 0xff00 ) { warnhi( 1, "$base failed, error was: $!\n" ); warnhi( 1, "command line was: $cmd\n" ); } elsif ( $rc > 0x80 ) { my $nrc = ( $rc >> 8 ); warnhi( 1, "command $base exited with non-zero status: $nrc\n" ); warnhi( 1, "command line was: $cmd\n" ); } elsif ( $rc != 0 ) { warnhi( 1, "command $base failed with core dump: $rc\n" ); warnhi( 1, "command line was: $cmd\n" ); } if ( wantarray ) { return ( $rc, \@out ); } else { return $rc; } } # # runSystemNoChat - # # Runs a system command with error checking and returns the output # by way of a list reference # # Inputs: # - base command name # - arguments list # # Outputs: # - reference to the list of output lines from the command # - return status of the command # sub runSystemNoChat { my $base = $_[ 0 ]; my $cmd = join " ", @_; my @out = ( ); eval { #open( PIPE, "$cmd 2>&1 |" ) || return; local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { return @_; }; open( PIPE, "$cmd 2>&1 |" ) or die; @out = ; #close( PIPE ) || return; close( PIPE ) or die; }; my $rc = $?; if ( $rc == 0xff00 ) { warnhi( 1, "$base failed, error was: $!\n" ); warnhi( 1, "command line was: $cmd\n" ); } elsif ( $rc > 0x80 ) { my $nrc = ( $rc >> 8 ); warnhi( 1, "command $base exited with non-zero status: $nrc\n" ); warnhi( 1, "command line was: $cmd\n" ); } elsif ( $rc != 0 ) { warnhi( 1, "command $base failed with core dump: $rc\n" ); warnhi( 1, "command line was: $cmd\n" ); } if ( wantarray ) { return ( $rc, \@out ); } else { return $rc; } } # # getEmptyLC - # # returns an empty lightcurve hash # sub getEmptyLC { # empty light curve template my %emptyLC = ( 'time' => [ ], # center of time bin (sec) 'rate' => [ ], # rate (in units of ratunit) 'rateerr' => [ ], # error (also in units of ratunit) 'fracexp' => [ ], # fraction exposure for the bin 'timedel' => [ ], # full width of the bin (sec) 'uplimit' => [ ], # is this bin an upper limit? 'start' => [ ], # GTI start times 'stop' => [ ], # GTI stop times 'tstart' => 0.0, # start time 'tstop' => 0.0, # stop time 'tzero' => 0.0, # time that bin centers are relative to 'deltat' => 0.0, # likely the same as timedel 'ratunit' => 'count/s' # unit of rate ); return %emptyLC; } # # extractLC - # sub extractLC { my ( $evt, $base, $odir, $pimin, $pimax, $tmin, $tmax, $lcthresh, $reg, $savereg, $bin, $olc, $ospec, $oevt ) = @_; # create a region file my $regf; if ( $savereg ) { $regf = catfile( $odir, "$base.reg" ); } else { $regf = getTmpFile( "reg" ); } my $ret = open REG, ">$regf"; if ( !$ret ) { error( 1, "failed to open region file $regf\n" ); return -1; } chomp $reg; print REG $reg . "\n"; close REG; # create a text GTI file my $gti = getTmpFile( "gti" ); $ret = open GTI, ">$gti"; if ( !$ret ) { error( 1, "failed to open gti text file $gti\n" ); return -1; } printf GTI "%1.13e %1.13e\n", $tmin, $tmax; close GTI; # run extractor # note that we try to keep the command line as small as possible # for fear we run into the 1000 char limit in xanlib my %extractor = ( exitnow => 'no', filename => "${evt}\[PI=$pimin:$pimax\]", imgfile => 'NONE', fitsbinlc => $olc, binf => 1, binlc => $bin, lcthresh => 0.0, lcthwarn => 3.0, lctzero => 'yes', regionfile => $regf, timefile => $gti, unbinlc => 'NONE', xcolf => 'X', ycolf => 'Y', tcol => 'TIME', ecol => 'PI', ccol => 'NONE', gcol => 'NONE', gtitxt => 'NONE', xronwn => 'NONE', events => 'EVENTS', gti => 'GTI', timeorder => 'no', timeref => 40000.0, eventkey => 'NONE', phamax => 'TLMAX', xfkey => 'TLMAX', yfkey => 'TLMAX', copyall => 'yes', clobber => 'yes' ); # run once with energy filtering $extractor{eventsout} = defined $oevt ? $oevt : 'NONE'; $extractor{phafile} = 'NONE'; my $cmd = genCmd( 'extractor', \%extractor ); my ( $stat, $out ) = runSystem( $cmd ); my $totcts; foreach my $line ( @{$out} ) { if ( $line =~ /Fits light curve has\s+([\d\.eE\+-]+)/ ) { $totcts = $1 * 1.0; } } # extract full channel spectrum if ( defined $ospec ) { delete $extractor{binlc}; delete $extractor{lcthresh}; delete $extractor{lcthwarn}; delete $extractor{lctzero}; delete $extractor{copyall}; $extractor{wtmapb} = 'yes'; $extractor{wtmapfix} = 'yes'; $extractor{swmapx} = 'no'; $extractor{swmapy} = 'no'; $extractor{binh} = 1; $extractor{wmapver} = 2; $extractor{specbin} = 1; $extractor{xcolh} = 'X'; $extractor{ycolh} = 'Y'; $extractor{xhkey} = 'TLMAX'; $extractor{yhkey} = 'TLMAX'; $extractor{filename} = $evt; $extractor{phafile} = $ospec; $extractor{eventsout} = 'NONE'; $extractor{fitsbinlc} = 'NONE'; $cmd = genCmd( 'extractor', \%extractor ); $stat = runSystem( $cmd ); } unlink $gti; if ( !defined $savereg ) { unlink $regf; } return ( $stat, $totcts ); } # # readLC - # # TODO: 1. check that columns exist. # 2. allow for different column names # 3. check for TIMEDEL and DEADC columns # 4. read more than 1 GTI # 5. check if DEADC has been applied # sub readLC { my ( $fn, $lcref ) = @_; my ( $fptr, $nrows, $col, $any, $code, $rpt, $wdt, $com ); my $stat = 0; my $deadc; my %cols = ( 'TIME' => $lcref->{'time'}, 'RATE*' => $lcref->{rate}, # there should be only RATE or RATE1 'ERROR*' => $lcref->{rateerr}, 'FRACEXP' => $lcref->{fracexp} ); # read the columns $fptr = Astro::FITS::CFITSIO::open_file( $fn, READONLY, $stat ); return $stat unless $stat == 0; $fptr->movnam_hdu( BINARY_TBL, "RATE", 0, $stat ); $fptr->get_num_rows( $nrows, $stat ); foreach my $nam ( keys %cols ) { $fptr->get_colnum( CASEINSEN, $nam, $col, $stat ); $fptr->get_coltype( $col, $code, $rpt, $wdt, $stat ); $fptr->read_col( $code, $col, 1, 1, $nrows, 0, \@{$cols{$nam}}, $any, $stat ); } $fptr->read_key_dbl( 'TSTART', $lcref->{tstart}, $com, $stat ); $fptr->read_key_dbl( 'TSTOP', $lcref->{tstop}, $com, $stat ); $fptr->read_key_dbl( 'TIMEDEL', $lcref->{deltat}, $com, $stat ); $fptr->read_key_dbl( 'TIMEZERO', $lcref->{tzero}, $com, $stat ); $fptr->read_key_dbl( 'DEADC', $deadc, $com, $stat ); # read the GTI - assume that it is called GTI or STDGTI $fptr->movnam_hdu( BINARY_TBL, "GTI", 0, $stat ); if ( $stat != 0 ) { $stat = 0; $fptr->movnam_hdu( BINARY_TBL, "STDGTI", 0, $stat ); return $stat unless $stat == 0; } $fptr->get_num_rows( $nrows, $stat ); $fptr->get_colnum( CASEINSEN, 'START', $col, $stat ); $fptr->get_coltype( $col, $code, $rpt, $wdt, $stat ); $fptr->read_col( $code, $col, 1, 1, $nrows, 0, \@{$lcref->{start}}, $any, $stat ); $fptr->get_colnum( CASEINSEN, 'STOP', $col, $stat ); $fptr->get_coltype( $col, $code, $rpt, $wdt, $stat ); $fptr->read_col( $code, $col, 1, 1, $nrows, 0, \@{$lcref->{stop}}, $any, $stat ); $fptr->close_file( $stat ); return $stat unless $stat == 0; # apply dead time correction if ( $deadc > 0.0 && $deadc <= 1.0 ) { for ( my $i = 0; $i < @{$lcref->{'time'}}; $i++ ) { $lcref->{rate}[ $i ] /= $deadc; $lcref->{rateerr}[ $i ] /= $deadc; } } return $stat; } # # writeLC - # # writes columns to a light-curve. a template is used # to preserve the observational # keywords. The template file is assumed to be a lightcurve # generated with either extractor, or xselect. It is also assumed # that the time system keywords, and MJDREF keywords are correct # sub writeLC { my ( $lc, $file, $ra, $dec, $trigtime, $lctempl ) = @_; my ( $fptr, $fptr2, $hdutype, $col, $code, $rpt, $wdt, $any ); my $stat = 0; my $nrows; # keywords for primary header and rate table my @primkeys = ( { name => 'TELESCOP', type => TSTRING, comm => 'Telescope (mission) name' }, { name => 'INSTRUME', type => TSTRING, comm => 'Intrument name' }, { name => 'OBJECT', type => TSTRING, comm => 'Name of observed object' }, { name => 'ORIGIN', type => TSTRING, comm => 'Origin of fits file' }, { name => 'TSTART', type => TDOUBLE, val => $lc->{tstart}, comm => 'Start time' }, { name => 'TSTOP', type => TDOUBLE, val => $lc->{tstop}, comm => 'Stop time' }, { name => 'TELAPSE', type => TDOUBLE, val => $lc->{tstop} - $lc->{tstart}, comm => 'Elapsed time' }, { name => 'MJDREFI', type => TINT, comm => 'MJD reference day' }, { name => 'MJDREFF', type => TDOUBLE, comm => 'MJD reference (fraction of day)' }, { name => 'TIMEREF', type => TSTRING, comm => 'Reference time' }, { name => 'TIMESYS', type => TSTRING, comm => 'Time measured from' }, { name => 'TIMEUNIT', type => TSTRING, comm => 'Unit of time keywords' } ); # keywords for rate table only (primkeys are also written) my @ratekeys = ( { name => 'TIMEZERO', type => TDOUBLE, val => $lc->{tzero}, comm => 'Time zero' }, { name => 'TASSIGN', type => TSTRING, comm => 'Time assigned by clock' }, { name => 'TIERRELA', type => TDOUBLE, comm => '[s/s] relative errors expressed as rate' }, { name => 'TIERABSO', type => TDOUBLE, comm => '[s] timing precision in seconds' }, { name => 'DEADAPP', type => TLOGICAL, val => 1, comm => 'Has DEADC been applied to data' }, { name => 'HDUCLASS', type => TSTRING, val => 'OGIP', comm => 'Format conforms to OGIP/GSFC conventions' }, { name => 'HDUCLAS1', type => TSTRING, val => 'LIGHTCURVE', comm => 'Extension contains a light curve' }, { name => 'TARG_ID', type => TLONG, comm => 'Target ID' }, { name => 'PROCVER', type => TSTRING, comm => 'Processing script version' }, { name => 'SOFTVER', type => TSTRING, comm => 'HEASoft/Swift software version' }, { name => 'CALDBVER', type => TSTRING, comm => 'CALDB index versions used' }, { name => 'RA_OBJ', type => TDOUBLE, val => $ra, comm => '[deg] R.A. Object' }, { name => 'DEC_OBJ', type => TDOUBLE, val => $dec, comm => '[deg] Dec Object' }, { name => 'TRIGTIME', type => TDOUBLE, val => $trigtime, comm => '[s] MET TRIGger Time for Automatic Target' }, { name => 'PHALCUT', type => TINT, comm => 'Minimum PI channel' }, { name => 'PHAHCUT', type => TINT, comm => 'Maximum PI channel' }, { name => 'DATAMODE', type => TSTRING, comm => 'Datamode' } ); # read the template header $fptr = Astro::FITS::CFITSIO::open_file( $lctempl, READONLY, $stat ); return $stat unless $stat == 0; my $primheader = $fptr->read_header( $stat ); $fptr->movabs_hdu( 2, ANY_HDU, $stat ); my $rateheader = $fptr->read_header( $stat ); $fptr->close_file( $stat ); # setup output columns my $un = $lc->{ratunit}; my @ttype = qw( TIME XAX_E RATE ERROR FRACEXP TIMEDEL ); # UPLIMIT ); my @tform = qw( D D E E E D ); # E ); my @tunit = ( 's', 's', $un, $un, '', 's' ); # $un ); my $nfld = scalar( @ttype ); # create the lightcurve $fptr = Astro::FITS::CFITSIO::create_file( $file, $stat ); return $stat unless $stat == 0; # null primary array $fptr->write_grphdr( 1, 8, 0, [ 0 ], 0, 1, 1, $stat ); # write primary header keywords foreach my $key ( @primkeys ) { # if we know the val, then write it if ( exists $key->{val} ) { $fptr->write_key( $key->{type}, $key->{name}, $key->{val}, $key->{comm}, $stat ); # otherwise, default to the rate table extension } elsif ( exists $rateheader->{$key->{name}} ) { $rateheader->{$key->{name}} =~ s/[\"\']//g; $fptr->write_key( $key->{type}, $key->{name}, $rateheader->{$key->{name}}, $key->{comm}, $stat ); } elsif ( exists $primheader->{$key->{name}} ) { $primheader->{$key->{name}} =~ s/[\"\']//g; $fptr->write_key( $key->{type}, $key->{name}, $primheader->{$key->{name}}, $key->{comm}, $stat ); } } my ( $datestring, $timeref ); Astro::FITS::CFITSIO::fits_get_system_time( $datestring, $timeref, $stat ); $fptr->write_key_str( 'DATE', $datestring, 'File creation date', $stat ); # add the rate table $nrows = scalar( @{$lc->{'time'}} ); $fptr->insert_btbl( $nrows, $nfld, \@ttype, \@tform, \@tunit, "RATE", 0, $stat ); # add the rate table header keywords foreach my $key ( @primkeys, @ratekeys ) { # if we know the val, then write it if ( exists $key->{val} ) { $fptr->write_key( $key->{type}, $key->{name}, $key->{val}, $key->{comm}, $stat ); # otherwise, default to the rate table extension } elsif ( exists $rateheader->{$key->{name}} ) { $rateheader->{$key->{name}} =~ s/[\"\']//g; $fptr->write_key( $key->{type}, $key->{name}, $rateheader->{$key->{name}}, $key->{comm}, $stat ); } elsif ( exists $primheader->{$key->{name}} ) { $primheader->{$key->{name}} =~ s/[\"\']//g; $fptr->write_key( $key->{type}, $key->{name}, $primheader->{$key->{name}}, $key->{comm}, $stat ); } } # generate more columns my @xax_e = ( ); foreach my $timdel ( @{$lc->{timedel}} ) { push @xax_e, $timdel / 2.0; } # add the columns $fptr->get_colnum( CASEINSEN, 'TIME', $col, $stat ); $fptr->write_col_dbl( $col, 1, 1, $nrows, \@{$lc->{'time'}}, $stat ); $fptr->get_colnum( CASEINSEN, 'RATE', $col, $stat ); $fptr->write_colnull_flt( $col, 1, 1, $nrows, \@{$lc->{rate}}, FLT_NULL, $stat ); $fptr->get_colnum( CASEINSEN, 'ERROR', $col, $stat ); $fptr->write_colnull_flt( $col, 1, 1, $nrows, \@{$lc->{rateerr}}, FLT_NULL, $stat ); $fptr->get_colnum( CASEINSEN, 'FRACEXP', $col, $stat ); $fptr->write_col_flt( $col, 1, 1, $nrows, \@{$lc->{fracexp}}, $stat ); $fptr->get_colnum( CASEINSEN, 'TIMEDEL', $col, $stat ); $fptr->write_col_flt( $col, 1, 1, $nrows, \@{$lc->{timedel}}, $stat ); $fptr->get_colnum( CASEINSEN, 'XAX_E', $col, $stat ); $fptr->write_col_flt( $col, 1, 1, $nrows, \@xax_e, $stat ); # add checksum and datasum keywords $fptr->write_chksum( $stat ); # write the GTIs $nrows = scalar( @{$lc->{start}} ); @ttype = ( 'START', 'STOP' ); @tform = ( 'D', 'D' ); @tunit = ( 's', 's' ); $nfld = scalar( @ttype ); $fptr->insert_btbl( $nrows, $nfld, \@ttype, \@tform, \@tunit, "GTI", 0, $stat ); $fptr->get_colnum( CASEINSEN, 'START', $col, $stat ); $fptr->write_col_dbl( $col, 1, 1, $nrows, \@{$lc->{start}}, $stat ); $fptr->get_colnum( CASEINSEN, 'STOP', $col, $stat ); $fptr->write_col_dbl( $col, 1, 1, $nrows, \@{$lc->{stop}}, $stat ); $fptr->write_key_str( 'HDUCLASS', 'OGIP', 'Format conforms to OGIP/GSFC conventions', $stat ); $fptr->write_key_str( 'HDUCLAS1', 'GTI', 'Extension contains Good Time Intervals', $stat ); $fptr->write_key_str( 'HDUCLAS2', 'STANDARD', 'Extension contains Good Time Intervals', $stat ); foreach my $key ( @primkeys ) { # if we know the val, then write it if ( exists $key->{val} ) { $fptr->write_key( $key->{type}, $key->{name}, $key->{val}, $key->{comm}, $stat ); # otherwise, default to the rate table extension } elsif ( exists $rateheader->{$key->{name}} ) { $rateheader->{$key->{name}} =~ s/[\"\']//g; $fptr->write_key( $key->{type}, $key->{name}, $rateheader->{$key->{name}}, $key->{comm}, $stat ); } elsif ( exists $primheader->{$key->{name}} ) { $primheader->{$key->{name}} =~ s/[\"\']//g; $fptr->write_key( $key->{type}, $key->{name}, $primheader->{$key->{name}}, $key->{comm}, $stat ); } } HDpar_stamp( $fptr, 1, $stat ); $fptr->close_file( $stat ); return $stat; } # # lcStats - # # gets light curve stats with lcstats, # supporting extended filename syntax through ftcopy # sub lcStats { my $file = shift; my $stat = 0; my $root = ""; my %stats = ( average => 0.0, stddev => 0.0, minimum => 0.0, maximum => 0.0, variance => 0.0, expvar => 0.0, thirdmom => 0.0, avgdev => 0.0, skewness => 0.0, kurtosis => 0.0, chisq => 0.0, chiprob => 0.0, kolmsmir => 0.0, ); my %patts = ( average => qr/Average\ \(c\/s\)\ \.+\s*(\S+)/, stddev => qr/Standard\ Deviation\ \(c\/s\)\.+\s*(\S+)/, minimum => qr/Minimum\ \(c\/s\)\ \.+\s*(\S+)/, maximum => qr/Maximum\ \(c\/s\)\.+\s*(\S+)/, variance => qr/Variance\ \(\(c\/s\)\*\*2\)\.+\s*(\S+)/, expvar => qr/Expected\ Variance\ \(\(c\/s\)\*\*2\)\.+\s*(\S+)/, thirdmom => qr/Third\ Moment\ \(\(c\/s\)\*\*3\)\.+\s*(\S+)/, avgdev => qr/Average\ Deviation\ \(c\/s\)\.+\s*(\S+)/, skewness => qr/Skewness\.+\s*(\S+)/, kurtosis => qr/Kurtosis\.+\s*(\S+)/, chisq => qr/Chi-Square\.+\s*(\S+)/, chiprob => qr/Chi-Square\ Prob\ of\ constancy\.+\s*(\S+)/, kolmsmir => qr/Kolm\.-Smir\.\ Prob\ of\ constancy\s*(\S+)/, ); Astro::FITS::CFITSIO::fits_parse_rootname( $file, $root, $stat ); return ( $stat, %stats ) unless $stat == 0; my $tmpfits = undef; if ( $root ne $file ) { $tmpfits = getTmpFile( "fits" ); my %ftcopy = ( infile => $file, outfile => $tmpfits, copyall => 'yes', clobber => 'no', chatter => 4, history => 'no' ); my $cmd = genCmd( 'ftcopy', \%ftcopy ); $stat = runSystem( $cmd ); return ( $stat, %stats ) unless $stat == 0; $file = $tmpfits; } my %lcstats = ( cfile1 => $file, window => '-', dtnb => 'INDEF', nbint => 'INDEF', itre => 0, tchat => 10, lchat => 0 ); my $cmd = genCmd( 'lcstats', \%lcstats ); my $out; ( $stat, $out ) = runSystem( $cmd ); unlink $tmpfits if defined $tmpfits; return ( $stat, %stats ) unless $stat == 0; foreach my $line ( @$out ) { foreach my $key ( sort keys %patts ) { if ( $line =~ $patts{$key} ) { $stats{$key} = $1 * 1.0; delete $patts{$key}; last; } } } return ( $stat, %stats ); } # # readXImageDetectFile - # # reads a detect file generated by XImage. the first arg is the # detect file, and the second is an array ref. into this array (ref) # is put a hash at each array position. a single array element will # look like (see XImage documentation for column descriptions): # # $outRef->[0]{SRCRATE} = 2.0 # $outRef->[0]{SRCRATE_ERR} = 1.414 # etc. # # each array element represents a single detected source. a status # variable is returned indicating the fitsio error code if any. # sub readXImageDetectFile { my ( $detFile, $outarr ) = @_; # output from XImage detect is fixed my @cols = qw( SRCRATE SRCRATE_ERR X Y VIGNET RA DEC ERRRAD HBOXSIZE PROB SNR ); my ( $stat, $fptr, $nrows, $code, $rpt, $wid, $anynull, $cn ); $stat = $anynull = 0; @{$outarr} = ( ); chat( 3, "reading XImage detect file $detFile\n" ); $fptr = Astro::FITS::CFITSIO::open_file( $detFile, READONLY, $stat ); return $stat unless $stat == 0; $fptr->movnam_hdu( BINARY_TBL, 'SRCLIST', 0, $stat ); $fptr->get_num_rows( $nrows, $stat ); # get the column numbers and types and sort them my $colnums = ( ); my @coltyps = ( ); foreach my $col ( @cols ) { $fptr->get_colnum( CASEINSEN, $col, $cn, $stat ); $fptr->get_coltype( $cn, $code, $rpt, $wid, $stat ); push @colnums, $cn; push @coltyps, $code; } my @order = sort { $colnums[ $a ] <=> $colnums[ $b ] } 0..$#colnums; @colnums = @colnums[ @order ]; @coltyps = @coltyps[ @order ]; @cols = @cols[ @order ]; for ( my $i = 1; $i <= $nrows; $i++ ) { my $row = { }; for ( my $j = 0; $j < @cols; $j++ ) { my @outval = ( ); $fptr->read_col( $coltyps[ $j ], $colnums[ $j ], $i, 1, 1, 0, \@outval, $anynull, $stat ); $row->{$cols[ $j ]} = $outval[ 0 ]; } push @{$outarr}, $row; } $fptr->close_file( $stat ); @{$outarr} = ( ) unless $stat == 0; return $stat; } # # getListParam - # # gets string parameter and converts to a list # if the string parameter starts with '@' by reading # the file whose name follows the '@'. Or if the gotten # parameter is a comma separated list, creates a list # containing all the values # # e.g., if the parameter gotten is '@files.txt', and the # contents of files.txt is: # # file1.fits # file2.fits # # then the parameter will be set to [ file1.fits, file2.fits ] # # Inputs: # - parameter name # - return parameter reference # # Outputs: # - the return parameter is modified, will be a list # - a standard status var is returned # sub getListParam { my $name = shift; my $parref = shift; my $status = 0; my $tmp; debug( "getting string parameter $name\n" ); $status = PILGetString( $name, $tmp ); if ( $status != 0 ) { error( 1, "error getting string parameter $name\n" ); return $status; } my @tmparr = ( ); $status = readAtParamList( $tmp, \@tmparr ); if ( $status != 0 ) { error( 1, "failed to read list parameter $name\n" ); } else { @{$parref} = @tmparr; } return $status; } # # getStrParam - # # gets string parameter # # Inputs: # - parameter name # - return parameter reference # # Outputs: # - the return paramater is modified # - a standard status var is returned # sub getStrParam { my $name = shift; my $parref = shift; my $status = 0; debug( "getting string parameter $name\n" ); $status = PILGetString( $name, $$parref ); if ( $status != 0 ) { error( 1, "error getting string parameter $name\n" ); } debug( "parameter $name is: $$parref\n" ); return $status; } # # getFltParam - # # gets real parameter # # Inputs: # - parameter name # - return parameter reference # # Outputs: # - the return paramater is modified # - a standard status var is returned # sub getFltParam { my $name = shift; my $parref = shift; my $status = 0; debug( "getting real parameter $name\n" ); $status = PILGetReal( $name, $$parref ); if ( $status != 0 ) { error( 1, "error getting real parameter $name\n" ); } debug( "parameter $name is: $$parref\n" ); return $status; } # # getIntParam - # # gets integer parameter # # Inputs: # - parameter name # - return parameter reference # # Outputs: # - the return paramater is modified # - a standard status var is returned # sub getIntParam { my $name = shift; my $parref = shift; my $status = 0; debug( "getting int parameter $name\n" ); $status = PILGetInt( $name, $$parref ); if ( $status != 0 ) { error( 1, "error getting int parameter $name\n" ); } debug( "parameter $name is: $$parref\n" ); return $status; } # # getBoolParam - # # gets bool parameter # # Inputs: # - parameter name # - return parameter reference # # Outputs: # - the return paramater is modified # - a standard status var is returned # sub getBoolParam { my $name = shift; my $parref = shift; my $status = 0; debug( "getting bool parameter $name\n" ); $status = PILGetBool( $name, $$parref ); if ( $status != 0 ) { error( 1, "error getting bool parameter $name\n" ); } debug( "parameter $name is: $$parref\n" ); return $status; } # # readAtParamList - # # reads an @-file if the first character of the input is '@', # # Inputs: # - string input parameter # - reference to the output array # # Outputs: # - clears and fills output array # - returns status variable # sub readAtParamList { my $inparam = shift; my $outarr = shift; my $status = 0; # support the @file construct if ( $inparam =~ /^\@/ ) { my $fn = $inparam; $fn =~ s/^\@//; if ( -f $fn ) { debug( "reading list parameter from file $fn\n" ); open IF, "<$fn"; if ( $@ ) { error( 1, "failed to open file $fn\n" ); $status = PIL_FILE_NO_RD; return $status; } # clear the output array @{$outarr} = ( ); while ( ) { chomp; s/^#.*//; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; next unless length; push @{$outarr}, $_; debug( "read $_ from $fn\n" ); } close IF; } else { error( 1, "$fn is not a file\n" ); $status = PIL_NO_FILE; } } else { @{$outarr} = ( ); push @{$outarr}, $inparam; } return $status; } # # parseFitsList - # # parses a list of fits files, separated by commas - handles extended # notation (e.g. junk.fits[EVENTS]). adapted from cfitsio # sub parseFitsList { my $inparam = shift; my @outarr = ( ); my @splitstring = split //, $inparam; my $depth = 0; my $start = 0; my $end = 0; foreach my $char ( @splitstring ) { if ( $char eq '[' or $char eq '(' or $char eq '{' ) { $depth++; } elsif ( $char eq '}' or $char eq ')' or $char eq ']' ) { $depth--; } elsif ( $depth == 0 and $char eq ',' or $char eq ' ' ) { my $fn = join '', @splitstring[ $start..( $end - 1 ) ]; $fn =~ s/^\s+//; if ( length $fn ) { push @outarr, $fn; $start = $end + 1; debug( "read $fn from input parameter\n" ); } } $end++; } if ( $start != $end ) { my $fn = join '', @splitstring[ $start..( $end - 1 ) ]; $fn =~ s/^\s+//; if ( length $fn ) { push @outarr, $fn; $start = $end + 1; debug( "read $fn from input parameter\n" ); } } return @outarr; } # # convertRAStringToDegrees - # # converts RA in HH:MM:SS.SSSS, HH MM SS.SSSS, HHhMMmSS.SSSSs # or DDD.DDDD to degrees # # Inputs: # - input RA string # # Outputs: # - output scalar RA in degrees # - status variable # sub convertRAStringToDegrees { my $inRa = shift; my $ra = -1; my $status = 0; if ( $inRa =~ /^(\d{2})([: h]|h\s+)(\d{2})([: m]|m\s+)(\d{2}(\.\d*)?)s?$/ ) { my $h = $1 * 3600.; my $m = $3 * 60.; my $s = $5 * 1.; $ra = ( $h + $m + $s ) / (60. * 4.); debug( "converted $inRa to $ra degrees\n" ); } elsif ( $inRa =~ /^(\d+\.?\d*|\.\d+|\d+\.)$/ ) { $ra = $inRa * 1.0; } else { error( 1, "invalid RA string in convertRAStringToDegrees\n" ); error( 1, "Use HH:MM:SS.SS, HHhMMmSS.SSs, HH MM SS.SS or DDD.DD\n" ); $status = -1; } return ( $status, $ra ); } # # convertDecStringToDegrees - # # converts Dec in [+-]DD:MM:SS.SSSS, [+-]DD MM SS.SSSS, [+-]DDdMMmSS.SSSSs # or DDD.DDDD to degrees # # Inputs: # - input Dec string # # Outputs: # - output scalar Dec in degrees # - status variable # sub convertDecStringToDegrees { my $inDec = shift; my $dec = -1; my $status = 0; if ( $inDec =~ /^([\+-]?\d{2})([: d]|d\s+)(\d{2})([: m]|m\s+)(\d{2}(\.\d*)?)s?$/ ) { my $d = $1; my $m = $3 / 60.; my $s = $5 / 3600.; my $sign = ( $d < 0 || $d =~ /-00/ ) ? -1. : 1.; $dec = $sign * ( $d * $sign + $m + $s ); debug( "converted $inDec to $dec degrees\n" ); } elsif ( $inDec =~ /^[\+-]?(\d+\.?\d*)|(\.\d+)|(\d+\.)$/ ) { $dec = $inDec * 1.0; } else { error( 1, "invalid Dec string in convertDecStringToDegrees\n" ); error( 1, "Use DD:MM:SS.SS, DD MM SS.SS, DDdMMmSS.SSs or DDD.DD\n" ); $status = -1; } return ( $status, $dec ); } # # swifttime - # # runs the tool swifttime, and converts output (if $outform='t') # to the DATE-OBS format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SS # sub swifttime { my ( $intime, $insys, $inform, $outsys, $outform ) = @_; my $doconv = undef; if ( lc( $outform ) eq 't' ) { $doconv = 1; $outform = 'c'; } # run swifttime my $swifttime = { intime => $intime, insystem => $insys, informat => $inform, outsystem => $outsys, outformat => $outform, swcofile => 'CALDB', allowcorr => 'yes', chatter => 3 }; my ( $stat, $out ) = runSystem( genCmd( 'swifttime', $swifttime ) ); # error if ( $stat != 0 ) { return FLT_NULL; } # parse output my $outtime; foreach my $line ( @$out ) { chomp $line; if ( $line =~ /^Converted time:\s+(.+?)$/ ) { $outtime = "$1"; last; } } # another error condition if ( !defined $outtime ) { return FLT_NULL; } # convert to if ( $doconv ) { if ( $outtime =~ /^(\d{4})(\w{3})(\d{2})\s+at\s+(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})/ ) { my ( $yr, $mo, $da, $time ) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4 ); # convert month if ( $mo =~ /^jan$/i ) { $mo = "01"; } elsif ( $mo =~ /^feb$/i ) { $mo = "02"; } elsif ( $mo =~ /^mar$/i ) { $mo = "03"; } elsif ( $mo =~ /^apr$/i ) { $mo = "04"; } elsif ( $mo =~ /^may$/i ) { $mo = "05"; } elsif ( $mo =~ /^jun$/i ) { $mo = "06"; } elsif ( $mo =~ /^jul$/i ) { $mo = "07"; } elsif ( $mo =~ /^aug$/i ) { $mo = "08"; } elsif ( $mo =~ /^sep$/i ) { $mo = "09"; } elsif ( $mo =~ /^oct$/i ) { $mo = "10"; } elsif ( $mo =~ /^nov$/i ) { $mo = "11"; } elsif ( $mo =~ /^dec$/i ) { $mo = "12"; } else { return FLT_NULL; } return "${yr}-${mo}-${da}T${time}"; } else { return FLT_NULL; } } else { return $outtime; } } # # dumpListToTxt - # sub dumpListToTxt { my @list = @_; my $tmpfile = getTmpFile( "txt" ); my $ret = open TMP, ">$tmpfile"; if ( !$ret ) { return ""; } foreach my $line ( @list ) { chomp $line; print TMP "$line\n"; } close TMP; return $tmpfile; } 1;