package provide xsl_plot 1.0 # open the fits file, move to the correct extension, and init the #.pow.pow. proc XselPlotInit {filename iext } { #The main program has to load the POW and fitsTcl features #global env #load $env(FTOOLS)/lib/ pow #load $env(FTOOLS)/lib/ fits powInit set width [winfo screenwidth .] set height [winfo screenheight .] set x [expr int($width/90.0)] set y [expr int($height/7.0)] wm geometry .pow +$x+$y #tell the POW window how big to be .pow.pow configure -width 380 -height 380 # open the fits file for reading and move to the desired extension. set infilehandle [fits open $filename 0] $infilehandle move $iext return $infilehandle } proc PlotImage {gname infilehandle } { #load the image data into memory set imghandle [$infilehandle load image] #get the dimensions of the image set dims [$infilehandle info imgdim] set n1 [lindex $dims 0] set n2 [lindex $dims 1] #get the data type of the image set data_type [lindex [lindex [$infilehandle get keyword BITPIX] 0] 1] #Now we work around a bug in the 2.0 version of the plugin, future versions #will be able to use the BITPIX value for data type without translation set ppFitsDataType(8) 0 set ppFitsDataType(16) 1 set ppFitsDataType(32) 2 set ppFitsDataType(-32) 3 set ppFitsDataType(-64) 4 set data_type $ppFitsDataType($data_type) #Now a bit of Voodoo to deal with possible wierd file types: #If the image has BZERO or BSCALE keywords in the header, fitsTcl will #do the appropriate thing with them automatically, but the datatype returned #will be floating point doubles (isn't FITS fun:) if { ([catch {$infilehandle get keyword BZERO}] == 0) || ([catch {$infilehandle get keyword BSCALE}] == 0) } { set data_type 4 } #make a POW DATA object powCreateData ${gname}_data $imghandle $data_type [expr $n1 * $n2] 0 #make a POW IMAGE object; the units (pixels, intensity) are arbitrary; since #this is a general application, we don't know what they are powCreateImage ${gname}_img ${gname}_data 0 0 $n1 $n2 0 1 0 1 pixels pixels intensity #This will setup POW to use the Astronomical coordinate information #in the file (if there is any) global powWCS if { ! [catch {$infilehandle get imgwcs} wcsString] } { set powWCS(${gname}_img) $wcsString } #make a POW Graph object which contains only our image set n1 [expr $n1*1.2 ] set n2 [expr $n2*1.2 ] powCreateGraph $gname NULL ${gname}_img \ pixels pixels NULL NULL $n1 $n2 } proc PlotTwoColumns {gname infilehandle \ xcolumn xerrcolumn ycolumn yerrcolumn} { #make a POW X Vector object set xcolhandle [$infilehandle load column $xcolumn NULL 1 ] set colinfo [$infilehandle info column $xcolumn] set colinfo [lindex $colinfo 0] set xunit [lindex $colinfo 2] set xname [lindex $colinfo 0] set data_type [lindex $xcolhandle 1] set xlength [lindex $xcolhandle 2] set xdata [lindex $xcolhandle 0] powCreateData ${gname}_xdata $xdata $data_type $xlength 1 powCreateVector xvect ${gname}_xdata 0 NULL 1 #make a POW X Error Vector object set xerrcolumn [string toupper $xerrcolumn] if { $xerrcolumn != "NULL" } { set xerrcolhandle [$infilehandle load column $xerrcolumn NULL 1] set colinfo [$infilehandle info column $xerrcolumn] set colinfo [lindex $colinfo 0] set data_type [lindex $xerrcolhandle 1] set data_length [lindex $xerrcolhandle 2] set xerr [lindex $xerrcolhandle 0] powCreateData ${gname}_xerr $xerr $data_type $data_length 1 powCreateVector xerrvect ${gname}_xerr 0 NULL 1 set xerrvect xerrvect } else { set xerrvect NULL } #make a POW Y Vector object set ycolhandle [$infilehandle load column $ycolumn NULL 1 ] set colinfo [$infilehandle info column $ycolumn] set colinfo [lindex $colinfo 0] set yunit [lindex $colinfo 2] set yname [lindex $colinfo 0] set data_type [lindex $ycolhandle 1] set ylength [lindex $ycolhandle 2] set ydata [lindex $ycolhandle 0] powCreateData ${gname}_ydata $ydata $data_type $ylength 1 powCreateVector yvect ${gname}_ydata 0 NULL 1 #make a POW Y Error Vector object set yerrcolumn [string toupper $yerrcolumn] if { $yerrcolumn != "NULL" } { set yerrcolhandle [$infilehandle load column $yerrcolumn NULL 1] set colinfo [$infilehandle info column $yerrcolumn] set colinfo [lindex $colinfo 0] set data_type [lindex $yerrcolhandle 1] set data_length [lindex $yerrcolhandle 2] set yerr [lindex $yerrcolhandle 0] powCreateData ${gname}_yerr $yerr $data_type $data_length 1 eval [concat powCreateData ${gname}_yerr $yerrcolhandle 0 ] powCreateVector yerrvect ${gname}_yerr 0 NULL 1 set yerrvect yerrvect } else { set yerrvect NULL } #make a POW curve object which contains our vectors powCreateCurve ${gname}_curve xvect $xerrvect yvect $yerrvect #make a POW Graph object which contains only our curve powCreateGraph ${gname} ${gname}_curve NULL $xunit $yunit $xname $yname \ 300 300 } proc PlotXImage {} { set infilehandle [ XselPlotInit xsel_image.xsl 1 ] #plot the image PlotImage xsel_image $infilehandle #we're done reading the file now $infilehandle close } proc PlotXSpec {} { set infilehandle [ XselPlotInit xsel_hist.xsl 2 ] # generate curve PlotTwoColumns xsel_spec $infilehandle channel null counts null #we're done reading the file now $infilehandle close } proc PlotXLCurve {} { set infilehandle [ XselPlotInit xsel_fits_curve.xsl 2 ] PlotTwoColumns xsel_lcurve $infilehandle time null rate error set mjd0 [lindex [$infilehandle get keyword MJD-OBS ] 0] set tzero [lindex [$infilehandle get keyword TIMEZERO ] 0] set mjd0 [lindex $mjd0 1] set tzero [lindex $tzero 1] set graph xsel_lcurve set g [ .pow.pow coords ${graph}box ] set xi [lindex $g 0] set yi [lindex $g 1] set xf [lindex $g 2] set yf [lindex $g 3] set dx [expr $xf - $xi ] set dy [expr $yf - $yi ] set x1 [expr 1.1 * $dx + $xi ] set y1 [expr $dy * -0.1 + $yi] set title "Offset: \n MJD: $mjd0 \n SC time: ${tzero}(s)" .pow.pow create text $x1 $y1 -text $title \ -tags [ list $graph ${graph}utext ${graph}text ] \ -justify left -anchor w .pow.pow xview moveto 1.0 #we're done reading the file now $infilehandle close } proc FilterTime {} { global lines global nline global mygraph global gtiindex PlotXLCurve .pow.pow xview moveto 1.0 set mygraph xsel_lcurve set g [ .pow.pow coords ${mygraph}box ] set xi [lindex $g 0] set yi [lindex $g 1] set xf [lindex $g 2] set yf [lindex $g 3] set dx [expr $xf - $xi ] set dy [expr $yf - $yi ] set x1 [expr 1.1 * $dx + $xi ] set y1 [expr $dy * 0.4 + $yi] set instr "To select a time interval: \n \ Put the cursor at the begining, Press the left , \n \ Drag the cursor to the end, and release the left \n \ To delete a selected time interval: \n \ Put the cursor on the interval, and click the middle . " .pow.pow create text $x1 $y1 -text $instr -tag $mygraph -justify left -anchor w set nline 0 set infilehandle [fits open xsel_fits_curve.xsl 0] $infilehandle move 2 set mjd0 [lindex [$infilehandle get keyword MJD-OBS ] 0] set tzero [lindex [$infilehandle get keyword TSTART ] 0] set mjd0 [lindex $mjd0 1] set tzero [lindex $tzero 1] .pow.pow config -cursor plus bind .pow.pow {startline %W %x %y} bind .pow.pow {drawhline %W %x %y} bind .pow.pow {endline %W %x %y} bind .pow.pow {destroyline %W %x %y} tkwait window .pow.pow # sort gtis and delete the empty ones. # store the sorted gtis in the gtilists set j 1 for {set i 0 } { $i < $nline } {incr i} { if ![ info exist lines($i) ] { continue } set a [expr [lindex $lines($i) 0] + $tzero ] set b [expr [lindex $lines($i) 1] + $tzero ] lappend gtilists [list $a $b ] incr j } set nline [expr $j - 1 ] if ![info exist gtilists ] { $infilehandle close return } lsort -command comptime $gtilists if ![info exist gtiindex ] { set gtiindex 1 } if {$gtiindex < 10 } { set gtiext "00$gtiindex" } elseif {$gtiindex < 100 } { set gtiext "0$gtiindex" } elseif {$gtiindex < 1000 } { set gtiext $gtiindex } else { set gtiext "001" set gtiindex 0 } incr gtiindex set ofilehandle [fits open xsel_cursor_gti${gtiext}.xsl 2 ] $ofilehandle put ihd -p $ofilehandle put bhd $nline 2 {START STOP} {1D 1D} {s s } STDGTI regsub -all -- {[\{\}]} [ $infilehandle get keyword MJDREF ] " " b $ofilehandle put keyword $b 1 regsub -all -- {[\{\}]} [ $infilehandle get keyword TIMEUNIT ] " " b $ofilehandle put keyword $b 1 regsub -all -- {[\{\}]} [ $infilehandle get keyword TIMEREF ] " " b $ofilehandle put keyword $b 1 regsub -all -- {[\{\}]} [ $infilehandle get keyword TIMESYS ] " " b $ofilehandle put keyword $b 1 $ofilehandle put keyword \ {HDUCLASS OGIP format conforms to OGIP/GSFC convention } 1 $ofilehandle put keyword \ {HDUCLAS1 GTI File contains Good Time intervals } 1 $ofilehandle put keyword \ {HDUCLAS2 STANDARD File contains Good Time intervals } 1 $ofilehandle put keyword \ {TIMEZERO 0 TIME ZERO } 1 regsub -all -- {[\{\}]} [ $infilehandle get keyword TSTART ] " " b $ofilehandle put keyword $b 1 # decide the tstart and tstop foreach item $gtilists { lappend startcol [lindex $item 0] lappend stopcol [lindex $item 1] } foreach item $stopcol { if ![info exist tstop ] { set tstop $item continue } if { $tstop < $item } { set tstop $item } } set a [lindex [lindex $gtilists 0 ] 0 ] set a "TSTART $a data start time in mission time " $ofilehandle put keyword $a 1 set a "TSTOP $tstop data stop time in mission time " $ofilehandle put keyword $a 1 $ofilehandle put table START 1 1-$j $startcol $ofilehandle put table STOP 1 1-$j $stopcol $ofilehandle close $infilehandle close } proc comptime {a b} { set x [lindex $a 0] set y [lindex $b 0] if {$x > $y } { return -1 } else { return 1 } } proc startline {w x y} { global bcoords set x [.pow.pow canvasx $x ] set y [.pow.pow canvasy $y ] set bcoords [list $x $y] } proc drawhline {w x y } { global nline global lines global bcoords global mygraph set x [.pow.pow canvasx $x ] set y [.pow.pow canvasy $y ] set loccords $bcoords lappend loccoords $x [lindex $bcoords 1] $w create line $loccoords -tags [list seg${nline} $mygraph ] -fill red } proc endline {w x y } { global lines global nline global mygraph global bcoords set loccords $bcoords set x [.pow.pow canvasx $x ] set y [.pow.pow canvasy $y ] lappend loccords $x [lindex $bcoords 1] .pow.pow delete seg${nline} $w create line $loccords -tags [list seg${nline} $mygraph ] -fill red set s [ powCanvasToGraph $mygraph [lindex $bcoords 0] [lindex $bcoords 1] ] set e [ powCanvasToGraph $mygraph [lindex $loccords 2] [lindex $loccords 3] ] if { [lindex $s 0] < [lindex $e 0 ] } { lappend lines($nline) [lindex $s 0] [lindex $e 0 ] } else { lappend lines($nline) [lindex $e 0] [lindex $s 0 ] } incr nline } proc destroyline {w x y} { global lines global nline global mygraph set x [.pow.pow canvasx $x ] set y [.pow.pow canvasx $y ] set here [ powCanvasToGraph $mygraph $x $y ] set x0 [lindex $here 0 ] for {set i 0 } { $i < $nline } {incr i} { if ![ info exist lines($i) ] { continue } set x1 [lindex $lines($i) 0 ] set x2 [lindex $lines($i) 1 ] if { $x0 >= $x1 && $x0 <= $x2 } { unset lines($i) .pow.pow delete seg${i} } } } proc xsl_nlist {mylabel} { toplevel .xsllist set width [winfo screenwidth .] set height [winfo screenheight .] set x [expr int(2.0*$width/9.0)] set y [expr int($height/7.0)] wm geometry .xsllist +$x+$y frame .xsllist.lframe label .xsllist.lframe.label -text $mylabel frame .xsllist.lframe.flist set loadlist [ listbox .xsllist.lframe.flist.list -width 30 -height 20 \ -borderwidth 2 -relief raised -selectmode single \ -font "-*-courier-bold-r-normal--14-*-*-*-*-*" \ -yscrollcommand {.xsllist.lframe.flist.yscroll set} \ -xscrollcommand {.xsllist.lframe.flist.xscroll set} ] scrollbar .xsllist.lframe.flist.yscroll -command \ {.xsllist.lframe.flist.list yview} scrollbar .xsllist.lframe.flist.xscroll -command \ {.xsllist.lframe.flist.list xview} -orient horizontal pack .xsllist.lframe.label -side top -expand true \ -anchor w -pady 5 -padx 5 pack .xsllist.lframe.flist -side top -expand true pack .xsllist.lframe.flist.yscroll -side right -expand true -fill y pack .xsllist.lframe.flist.xscroll -side bottom -expand true -fill x pack .xsllist.lframe.flist.list -side right -expand true -fill y frame .xsllist.rframe frame .xsllist.rframe.f1 frame .xsllist.rframe.f2 button .xsllist.rframe.f1.all -text All \ -command select_all button .xsllist.rframe.f1.reset -text Reset \ -command reset_list button .xsllist.rframe.f2.ok -text Ok \ -command ok_list bind .xsllist.lframe.flist.list select_one pack .xsllist.rframe.f2.ok -side bottom -pady 10 -expand true -fill x pack .xsllist.rframe.f1.all -side top -pady 5 -expand true -fill x pack .xsllist.rframe.f1.reset -side top -pady 5 -expand true -fill x pack .xsllist.rframe.f1 -side top -anchor n -expand true -fill x pack .xsllist.rframe.f2 -side bottom -anchor s -expand true -fill x pack .xsllist.lframe -side left -fill y -expand true pack .xsllist.rframe -side left -padx 10 -fill y -anchor n -expand true reset_list } proc ok_list {} { global selected global only_once global xsl_lists if [info exist only_once ] { unset only_once } if [info exist selected ] { unset selected } # update the original list without the selected items. set last [.xsllist.lframe.flist.list index end ] if [info exist xsl_lists] { unset xsl_lists } for {set i 0 } { $i < $last } { incr i } { lappend xsl_lists [.xsllist.lframe.flist.list get $i] } destroy .xsllist } proc reset_list {} { global xsl_list2 global xsl_lists global only_once global selected if ![info exist xsl_lists] { return 0 } if [info exist only_once ] { if [info exist selected ] { unset selected } } .xsllist.lframe.flist.list delete 0 end set i 0 foreach item $xsl_lists { if { $item != ""} { .xsllist.lframe.flist.list insert $i $item } incr i } if [info exist xsl_list2] { unset xsl_list2 } } proc select_all {} { global xsl_list2 global xsl_lists set last [.xsllist.lframe.flist.list index end ] for {set i 0 } { $i < $last } { incr i } { lappend xsl_list2 [.xsllist.lframe.flist.list get $i] } .xsllist.lframe.flist.list delete 0 end return } proc select_one {} { global xsl_list2 global xsl_lists global selected global only_once if [info exist only_once ] { if [info exist selected ] { return } } set pos [.xsllist.lframe.flist.list curselection ] lappend xsl_list2 [.xsllist.lframe.flist.list get $pos] # set xsl_lists [lreplace $xsl_lists $pos $pos "" ] .xsllist.lframe.flist.list delete $pos $pos if [info exist only_once ] { set selected 1 } return } proc PlotMulti {gname filehandle xerrprofix yerrprofix} { global only_once global xsl_list2 global xsl_lists if [info exist xsl_list2 ] { unset xsl_list2 } set tmp [$filehandle info column ] foreach item $tmp { if { $xerrprofix != "NULL" } { set a [string first $xerrprofix $item] } else { set a -1 } if { $yerrprofix != "NULL" } { set b [string first $yerrprofix $item] } else { set b -1 } if { $a == -1 && $b == -1 } { lappend xsl_lists [lindex $item 0 ] } } # get the x column set a "Column for X variable (only once):" xsl_nlist $a set only_once 1 .xsllist.rframe.f1.all configure -state disabled tkwait window .xsllist set xcolname [lindex $xsl_list2 0] # get the y columns unset xsl_list2 set a "Columns for Y variables: " xsl_nlist $a tkwait window .xsllist set ycolnames $xsl_list2 set i 0 foreach ycolname $ycolnames { set gcol "$gname$ycolname" if { $xerrprofix != "NULL" } { set xcolerr "$xcolname$xerrprofix" } else { set xcolerr NULL } if { $yerrprofix != "NULL" } { set ycolerr "$ycolname$yerrprofix" } else { set ycolerr NULL } PlotTwoColumns $gcol $filehandle $xcolname $xcolerr $ycolname $ycolerr if { $i != 0 && $i %3 == 0 } { powStartNewRow } } } proc PlotXMKF {} { global xsl_lists if [info exist xsl_lists ] { unset xsl_lists } set infilehandle [ XselPlotInit xsel_ffcurve.fits 2 ] # generate curve PlotMulti xsl_mkf $infilehandle NULL _Err #we're done reading the file now $infilehandle close } proc PlotXHK {} { global xsl_lists if [info exist xsl_lists ] { unset xsl_lists } set infilehandle [ XselPlotInit xsel_hkcurve.fits 2 ] # generate curve PlotMulti xsl_hk $infilehandle NULL _Err #we're done reading the file now $infilehandle close }