# This test file contains examples of the new source definition file for a source at # (ra,dec)=(81.5,-69.5) with NH=1.0e21 and flux given in 2.0-10.0 keV, # to be read and parsed by the heasim initialize read_source_data routine: # The format of the read-in string contains the following parameters, in order: # float ra_src right ascention of source # float dec_src declination of source # float NH column density of cloud obscuring source # string spec_mod spectral model # float spec_par spectral parameter # float flux flux # string bandpass min-max energy bandpass # string filename filename of user input file ("none" if none) # int format format flag of "filename" user input (ignored if filename is "none"). See below. # int unit unit flag, see below. # string source_specs OPTIONAL, extended model, pulse, or image input. See below. # For the purposes of THIS EXAMPLE FILE ONLY, we need to overwrite the previously set pointing RA and Dec, # to ensure that the example sources will fall within the field of view of the simulation. These # character sequences will allow initialize.c:getPars() to identify and parse the new RA and Dec. # !!! RA = 81.5 # !!! DEC = -69.5 # We will actually only execute source example 1; to do any of the others, uncomment the appropriate data line, # and ensure that any of the specified files exist and are accessible. #(1) a single point-source with a 0.5 keV blackbody spectrum [point_input.dat]: 81.5,-69.5,1.0E+21,blac,0.5,1.0e-11,2.0-10.0,none,2,2 #(2) a single pulsed point-source with a power-law spectrum [point_pulsed_input.dat]: # 81.5,-69.5,1.0E+21,pow,0.5,1.0e-11,2.0-10.0,none,2,2,pulse(1000.0,0.5) #(3) a single point-source with a user-supplied input spectrum in XSPEC format [point_userspec_input.dat]: # 81.5,-69.5,1.0E+21,user,0.0,0.0,0.0-0.0,myspec.txt,2,2 #(4) multiple point sources with different spectra [point_multi_input.dat]: # 81.5,-69.5,1.0E+21,user,0.0,0.0,0.0-0.0,myspec1.txt,2,2 # 81.7,-69.5,1.0E+21,user,0.0,0.0,0.0-0.0,myspec2.txt,2,2 # 81.5,-69.9,1.0E+21,user,0.0,0.0,0.0-0.0,myspec3.txt,2,2 #(5) a 1’-core elliptical (axial ratio of 0.5) beta-model distribution w/ rotation angle and uniform spectrum given by a # user-supplied input spectrum in “SHERPA” format [beta_input.dat]: # 81.5,-69.5,1.0E+21,user,0.0,0.0,0.0-0.0,myspec.txt,1,1,extmod(beta,0.7,1.0,0.5,45.0,0.0,10.0) #(6) a 1’-core elliptical beta-model distribution w/ temperature profile [vbeta_input.dat]: # 81.5,-69.5,1.0E+21,rs,1.0,3.0e-12,0.5-10.0,none,2,2,extmod(beta,0.7,1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,2.0) # 81.5 ,-69.5,1.0E+21,rs,2.0,5.0e-12,0.5-10.0,none,2,2,extmod(beta,0.7,1.0,0.0,0.0,2.0,4.0) # 81.5,-69.5,1.0E+21,rs,4.0,4.0e-12,0.5-10.0,none,2,2,extmod(beta,0.7,1.0,0.0,0.0,4.0,6.0) # 81.5,-69.5,1.0E+21,rs,5.0,6.0e-12,0.5-10.0,none,2,2,extmod(beta,0.7,1.0,0.0,0.0,6.0,10.0) #(7) a flat distribution ranging from 0-20' with a user-supplied input spectrum in XSPEC format [flat_input.dat]: # 81.5,-69.5,1.0E+21,user,0.0,0.0,0.0-0.0,myspec.txt,2,2,extmod(flat,0.0,20.0) #(8) an image with a 5 keV brems spectrum # 81.5,-69.5,1.0E+21,brem,5.0,3.0e-11,2.0-10.0,none,2,2,image(chandra_image.fits,0,0,0,0) [image_input.dat]: #(9) a subimage with a 1.5 keV monoenergetic spectrum [subimage_input.dat]: # 81.5,-69.5,1.0E+21,mono,1.5,3.0e-11,2.0-10.0,none,2,2,image(chandra_image.fits,430,600,430,600) #(10) an elliptical ring (axial ratio of 0.5) w/ rotation angle and spectrum given by a user-supplied input spectrum in # “SHERPA” format [ellip_input.dat]: # 81.5,-69.5,1.0E+21,user,0.0,0.0,0.0-0.0,myspec.txt,1,1,extmod(ellipse,0.5,45.0,2.0,5.0) #(11) a power-law distribution with a raymond-smith spectrum [power_input.dat]: # 81.5,-69.5,1.0E+21,rs,0.5,3.0e-11,0.5-2.0,none,2,2,extmod(power,1.5,0.0,100.0) #(12) a gaussian distribution with a user-supplied input spectrum in XSPEC format [gauss_input.dat]: # 81.5,-69.5,1.0E+21,user,0.0,0.0,0.0-0.0,myspec.txt,2,2,extmod(gauss,0.5,0.5,0.0) # spectral file format flag # ============================= # 1 if two columns: energy bin center, and photon flux in the bin # 2 if three columns: energy/wavelength bin center, energy/wavelength half-width, flux in the bin # spectral file units flag energy column(s) unit flux column units # ========================================================================================== # 1 keV photons/cm^2/s/channel [Sherpa] # 2 keV photons/cm^2/s/keV [Xspec] # 3 angstroms photons/cm^2/s/A [Xspec] # 4 eV ergs/cm^2/s/eV # 5 keV ergs/cm^2/s/keV # 6 angstroms ergs/cm^2/s/A # 7 eV ergs/cm^2/s/channel # 8 keV ergs/cm^2/s/channel # 9 angstroms ergs/cm^2/s/channel # source_specs options (only one of the following): # ====================================================================== # pulse(period,pulse_frac) # burst(tburst,risetime,decaytime,burstratio) # extmod(beta,beta,core_radius,ellipticity,pos_angle,Rmin,Rmax) # extmod(ellipse,ellipticity,pos_angle,Rmin,Rmax) # extmod(power,slope,Rmin,Rmax) # extmod(gauss,fwhm_x,fwhm_y,pos_angle) # extmod(flat,Rmin,Rmax) # image(filename,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax)