# Default configuration file for SExtractor 2.3b2 # EB 2003-02-07 # #-------------------------------- Catalog ------------------------------------ CATALOG_NAME default.cat # name of the output catalog CATALOG_TYPE FITS_1.0 # "NONE","ASCII_HEAD","ASCII","FITS_1.0" # or "FITS_LDAC" PARAMETERS_NAME ${HEADAS}/refdata/uvotdetect.param # name of the file containing catalog contents #------------------------------- Extraction ---------------------------------- DETECT_TYPE CCD # "CCD" or "PHOTO" DETECT_MINAREA 2 # minimum number of pixels above threshold THRESH_TYPE RELATIVE BACK_TYPE AUTO BACK_VALUE 1 DETECT_THRESH 3 # or , in mag.arcsec-2 ANALYSIS_THRESH 3 # or , in mag.arcsec-2 FILTER Y # apply filter for detection ("Y" or "N")? FILTER_NAME ${HEADAS}/refdata/uvotdetect.4x4.conv # name of the file containing the filter #------------------------------- Photometry ---------------------------------- PHOT_APERTURES 3,5 # MAG_APER aperture diameter(s) in pixels # corresponding to very nearly 3" and 5" radius PIXEL_SCALE 0 # size of pixel in arcsec (0=use FITS WCS info). GAIN 0 # detector gain in e-/ADU #--------------------- Memory (change with caution!) ------------------------- MEMORY_OBJSTACK 2000 # number of objects in stack MEMORY_PIXSTACK 200000 # number of pixels in stack MEMORY_BUFSIZE 2048 # number of lines in buffer #----------------------------- Miscellaneous --------------------------------- VERBOSE_TYPE NORMAL # can be "QUIET", "NORMAL" or "FULL"