infile , f, a, "infile" , , , "Name of input file with time to correct " outfile , s, a, "output" , , , "Name of output file corrected " orbfile , f, a, "orb.orb" , , , "Name of satellite orbit file" ra , r, a, "0.0" , , , "Right ascension of position used in the corrction (deg)" dec , r, a, "0.0" , , , "Declination of position used in the correction (deg)" # These parameters define the format of the orbital files. The default values for orbext, # orbform and orbcol are based on the Astro-H values, which are the same as Suzaku. orbext , s, h, "PAR_ORBIT" , , , "Orbit extension" # This parameter is ignored if orbform = KEPLERIAN orbform , s, h, "KEPLERIAN", VECTOR|COMPONENTS|KEPLERIAN , , "Orbit velocity format (VECTOR|COMPONENTS|KEPLERIAN)" # A E I AN AP MA or X Y Z VX VY VZ or position and velocity orbcol , s, h, "A,E,I,AN,AP,MA", , , "Orbital columns " refframe , s, h, "FILE", FILE|FK5|ICRS , , "Ephemeris reference frame" orbinterp , s, h, "WEIGHTED",NEAREST|WEIGHTED|TAYLOR , , "Interpolation method" timecol , s, h, "TIME" , , , "Name of time column in file" startcol , s, h, "START" , , , "Name of start column in GTI extension" stopcol , s, h, "STOP" , , , "Name of stop column in GTI extension" useweights , b, h, no , , , "Use values in weights column when combining multiple orbit rows" clobber , b, h, no , , , "Overwrite existing output file (yes/[no])" chatter , i, h, 1 , 0, 3, "Chatter level for output" logfile , s, h, "!DEFAULT" , , , "Output log file (DEFAULT, NONE; '!' to clobber)" debug , b, h, no , , , "Enable debug mode (yes/[no])" history , b, h, yes , , , "Record tool parameters in HISTORY ([yes]/no)" mode , s, h, "ql" , , , "Mode of automatic parameters"