infile,s,a,,,,"Name of input FITS file and [ext#]" outfile,s,a,,,,"Name of output FITS file" gtifile,s,a,,,,"Name of the input GTI file" phasefile,s,a,,,,"Name of the input phase file (not currently available)" timecol,s,a,"TIME",,,"Name of the input time column" column,s,a,"PHAS",,,"Name of the input vector column(s)" binsize,r,a,INDEF,0.,,"Size of bins, INDEF for 100 bins total" lowval,r,a,INDEF,,,"Lowest time value to include, INDEF for min of file" highval,r,a,INDEF,,,"Highest time value to include, INDEF for max of file" binmode,s,a,"SUM",,,"The binning mode: SUM, MEAN, RATE, EVENT_RATE or EVENT_SUM" rows,s,h,"-",,,"The rows to include" indate,s,h,"MJDREF",,,"Input file zero date keyword name" intime,s,h," ",,,"Input file zero time keyword name" gtistart,s,h,"START",,,"Name of the GTI start column" gtistop,s,h,"STOP",,,"Name of the GTI stop column" gtidate,s,h,"MJDREF",,,"GTI file zero date keyword name" gtitime,s,h," ",,,"GTI file zero time keyword name" epoch,s,h,"PH_EPOCH",,,"Name of the phase epoch keyword" period,s,h,"PH_PRD",,,"Name of the phase period keyword" phstart,s,h,"START",,,"Name of the phase start column" phstop,s,h,"STOP",,,"Name of the phase stop column" phdate,s,h,"MJDREF",,,"Phase file zero date keyword name" phtime,s,h," ",,,"Phase file zero time keyword name" outtimecol,s,h," ",,,"Output bin centers column name" outcol,s,h," ",,,"Output parameter values column name(s)" outerr,s,h," ",,,"Output error column name(s) blank for default, NONE for none" outlive,s,h,"Livetime",,,"Output fractional time column name, blank for none" copyprime,b,h,yes,,,"Copy primary array to output file" copyall,b,h,no,,,"Copy all other extensions to output file" history,b,h,yes,,,"Write history records?" sensecase,b,h,no,,,"Be case sensitive?" mode,s,h,"ql",,,