bpulsfil,s,a,"crab_09103_lad_pll.fits",,,"name of BATSE occultation data file (lad_pll type):" data_dir,s,a,"./mydata",,,"name of directory for data files:" tjdsta,d,a,9103.000352288,,,"start time (Truncated Julian Date):" tjdstp,d,a,9103.001109934,,,"stop time (Truncated Julian Date):" binsz,i,a,3,,,"the bin size (in sampling intervals):" # # parameters defining phase cuts: phsta,i,a,1,,,"start of phase interval:" phstp,i,a,63,,,"end of phase interval:" # # parameters defining hardness ratio chani,i,a,1,,,"start channel of the soft band:" chanj,i,a,4,,,"stop channel of the soft band:" chanm,i,a,5,,,"start channel of the hard band:" chann,i,a,15,,,"stop channel of the hard band:" # #flux cuts for flux vs phase or flux vs time chansta,i,a,1,,,"start channel of flux:" chanstp,i,a,15,,,"stop channel of flux:" # binszph,i,a,1,,,"the bin size for phase interval:" # # Name of the output Fits file which contains either counts or rates FitsFname,s,a,"crab_9103_test.pha",,,"name of Fits file to be created:" # fitswt,s,a,"C",,,"write counts or rates? (COUNTS/RATES)" asciiwt,s,a,"yes",,,"write hardness in ASCII data files? (yes/no)" # Plot device type for the display of all 8 detectors. /xwin is for # screen display (default). /ps or /gif will save the plotting in # ps or gif file, which will cause the end of the program. device,s,a,"/Xwin",,,"name of device for ploting(/xwin,/ps,/gif)" mode,s,h,"ql",,,""