equinox,r,a,1950.0,,,"Equinox (d/f 1950)" ra,s,a,"341.5",,,"RA in hh mm ss.s or degrees" dec,s,a,"60",,,"DEC in dd mm ss.s or degrees" infile,s,a,,,,"Input file" rootname,s,a,,,,"Rootname for generated scan output:" beta,r,a,0.6,,,"Beta parameter (d/f 0.6)" daily_effic,b,a,no,,,"Weight data by daily efficiency ? (d/f no) " ivwoff,i,a,0,,,"Desired scan [1st scan = 0, 2nd scan = 1, 3rd scan = 2]:" iclwt1,i,a,,,,"Discovery scalar weight option [0-6]:" sc_mode,i,a,,,,"Discovery scalar mode for color weightings [1-6]:" sc_wt1,r,a,,,,"Weighting of the 1st color:" sc_wt2,r,a,,,,"Weighting of the 2nd color:" sc_wt3,r,a,,,,"Weighting of the 3rd color:" sc_wt4,r,a,,,,"Weighting of the 4th color:" sc_wt5,r,a,,,,"Weighting of the 5th color:" sc_wt6,r,a,,,,"Weighting of the 6th color:" sc_wt7,r,a,,,,"Weighting of the 7th color:" sc_wt8,r,a,,,,"Weighting of the 8th color:" det_select,b,a,yes,,,"Use default detector (data) selection ? (d/f yes)" det_no,i,a,,,,"Desired detector [MED = 5, HD3 = 6, COMBINED = 7]:" anti_coeff,b,a,no,,,"Change anti-coincidence coefficient ? (d/f no) " anti_mode,i,a,,,,"Discovery scalar mode for anti-coincidence coeff weighting [1-6]:" anti_wt,r,a,,,,"Weighting of the anti-coincidence coeff:" tchat,i,h,10,,,"Terminal chattiness" lchat,i,h,10,,,"Log chattiness" clobber,b,h,yes,,,"Overwrite existing scan output ?" mode,s,h,"ql",,,""