outfile,s,ql,"testx.lc",,,"Name of output FITS file" type,s,ql,"B",,,"Type of Light Curve: (E) Event or (B) Binned" tstart,r,h,-1.,,,"Observation Start Time (MJD)" binsize,r,ql,1.,,,"Bin Size/Sampling Precision" binunit,s,ql,"s",,,"Units for bin size (s=sec, d=days)" span,r,ql,1.,,,"Total time span of observation" spanunit,s,ql,"d",,,"Units for the time span (s=sec, d=days)" cts,r,ql,100,,,"Mean intensity" ctsunit,s,ql,"count/s",,,"Units for intensity" noise,i,ql,1,,,"Noise Option" sigma,r,h,20,,,"Sigma for Guassian Noise" hexte,b,h,no,,,"Hexte Sampling ?" nsegs,i,h,1,,,"Number of data segments" gaplength,r,h,0.1,,,"Average length of data gaps" orbit,s,h,"N",,,"Option for typical XTE orbit" seed,i,h,-3267,,,"Seed for random number generator ( < 0)" copyprime,b,h,yes,,,"Copy primary header and array" copyall,b,h,no,,,"Copy all other extensions" mode,s,h,"ql",,,""