infil1,s,a,,,,"Name of 1st FITS file and [ext#] " infil2,s,a,,,,"Name of 2nd FITS file and [ext#] " outfil,s,a,,,,"Name of OUTFIL FITS file " ops,s,a,,,,"Operation to perform (ADD,SUB,DIV,MUL(or +,-,/,*),MIN,MAX) " datatype,s,h," ",,,"Data type of output image" overflow,b,h,no,,,"Ignore the overflow and underflow?" blank,r,h,-999,,,"Value of NULL to use" null,b,h,no,,,"Whether to write NULLS, or write value in blank for undefined" copyprime,b,h,yes,,,"Copy non-scaling keywords from primary array of infile1?" dim1,s,h,"",,,"New dimensions for 1st FITS image:" dim2,s,h,"",,,"New dimensions for 2nd FITS image:" evenvec,b,h,yes,,,"Require dimensions of input images to be even multiples?" clobber,b,h,no,,,"Overwrite existing output file?" mode,s,h,"ql",,,