infile,s,a,"",,," Input list file:" outfile,s,a,"",,," Output image file:" xcol,s,h,"X",,," Name of x column:" ycol,s,h,"Y",,," Name of y column:" value,s,h,"VALUE",,," Name of value column:" xrange,s,a,"INDEF",,," Enter the X-RANGE(Eg: 10.0,20.0 (by default INDEF):" yrange,s,a,"INDEF",,," Enter the Y-RANGE(Eg: 10.0,20.0 (by default INDEF):" rows,s,a,"-",,," Range of rows:" nxbin,s,h,"INDEF",,," Number of X bins:" nybin,s,h,"INDEF",,," Number of Y bins:" datatype,s,h," ",,," Datatype of output image:" chatter,i,h,10,,,"chatter flag:" clobber,b,h,no,,,"Overwrite output file if it already exists ?" mode,s,h,"ql",,,"Mode"