sourcename,s,a,,,,"Name of source: " long_src,r,a,,,,"Galactic longitude (lII) of the source: " lat_src,r,a,,,,"Galactic latitude (bII) of the source: " searchrad,r,a,5.0,,,"Radius around the source to search (deg): " collim,b,ql,yes,,,"Apply collimator response function corrections? " spincheck,b,ql,yes,,,"Reject data when spin period is unstable? " pointcheck,b,ql,yes,,,"Reject data with pointing error(s)? " backopt,i,a,2,,,"Background options (0 none, 1 straight, 2 sinusiodial): " minflux,r,a,-100.0,,,"Minimum flux allowable (counts/s): " maxflux,r,a,,,,"Maximum flux allowable (counts/s): " maxerr,r,a,,,,"Maximum variance allowable (counts/s): " beginyr,i,a,69,,,"Start year for light curve data: " beginday,i,a,1,,,"Start day of year for light curve data: " endyr,i,a,80,,,"Stop year for light curve data: " endday,i,a,1,,,"Stop day of year for light curve data: " weight,b,ql,no,,,"Use weighted bins? (Alternative is straight binning) " binopt,i,a,2,,,"Binning options (0 none, 1 10 d, 2 natural, 3 resolved): " timbin,r,a,403200.0,,,"Size of time bins (s): " imax,i,h,500000,,,"Maximum array size: " mode,s,h,"ql",,,