read_iomode,s,h,"overwrite",,,"HXD event fits input I/O mode : overwrite or create ?" time_change,b,h,n,,,"HXD event fits update TIME : yes or no ?" grade_change,b,h,y,,,"HXD event fits update GRADE : yes or no ?" pi_pmt_change,b,h,n,,,"HXD event fits update PI_FAST PI_SLOW : yes or no ?" pi_pin_change,b,h,n,,,"HXD event fits update PI_PIN0 PI_PIN1 PI_PIN2 PI_PIN3: yes or no ?" gtimode,b,h,n,,,"HXD event fits using GTI : yes or no ?" gti_time,s,h,"S_TIME",,,"HXD event fits using time : TIME or S_TIME ?" input_name,f,a,"",,,"HXD event fits file name ?" create_name,f,a,"",,,"HXD event fits created file name ?" leapfile,f,a,"CALDB;$ENV{LHEA_DATA}/leapsec.fits",,,"leapsec file name" hxdgrade_psdsel_fname,f,a,"CALDB",,,"File name for the GRADE PSD Selection." hxdgrade_pinthres_fname,f,a,"CALDB",,,"File name for the GRADE PIN Threshold." hxdgrade_psdsel_criteria,r,h,2.1,,,"PSD selection criteria." use_pwh_mode,b,h,n,,,"Use PWH in time assignment ?" num_event,i,h,-1,,,"number of event (-1=all,0=exit)" event_freq,i,h,10000,,,"Event number printout frequency" anl_verbose,i,h,-1,,,"ANL verbose level (-1:full, 0:minimum)" anl_profile,b,h,yes,,,"Enable ANL module profiling" chatter,i,h,2,,,"message chatter level (0:min, 2:norm, 5:max)" mode,s,h,"ql",,,""