input_fname,s,a,"",,,"HXD cleaned PIN event file(s) or PIN source light curve?" pse_event_fname,s,a,"",,,"HXD cleaned PSE event file(s) or unfiltered WEL event file(s) (wel_uf)?" bkg_event_fname,s,a,"",,,"HXD PIN NXB event file(s)?" gti_fname,s,h,"NONE",,,"GTI file to AND with NXB GTI or 'NONE'?" outstem,s,a,"",,,"Stem for output filenames?" bkgsub,b,h,yes,,,"Create background subtracted light curve?" cxb_rate,r,h,0.0,0.0,,"Constant Cosmic X-ray Background (CXB) rate?" cxb_err_mode,s,h,PHOT,PHOT|CONST,,"Treat the CXB rate (cxb_rate param) as constant (CONST) or photons (PHOT) when calculating errors?" nxb_scale,r,h,10.0,0.0,,"Scale factor to divide NXB light curve RATE by?" binlc,r,h,128.0,0.0,,"Bin duration for output light curves (0.0 to use minimum possible with input data - not recommended)?" lcthresh,r,h,0.99,0.0,1.0,"Minimum fractional exposure to allow?" synch,b,h,yes,,,"Force light curves to be synchronous?" cleanup,b,h,yes,,,"Remove temporary files?" chatter,i,h,2,0,5,"Terminal chat level" clobber,b,h,no,,,"Overwrite existing files?" history,b,h,yes,,,"Add history keywords?" mode,s,h,"ql",,,"Mode?"