infile , f, a, "in.fits" , , , "Input event file" ehkfile , f, a, "ehk.fits" , , , "Input EHK file" regfile , f, a, "ds9.reg" , , , "Input region file in DS9 format" innxbfile , f, a, "nxb.fits" , , , "Input NXB event file" inpsefile , f, a, "nxb.pse" , , , "Input NXB pseudo file" innxbehk , f, a, "nxb.ehk" , , , "Input NXB EHK file" outpifile , f, a, "pi.out" , , , "Output PI event file" outehkfile , f, h, "NONE" , , , "Output EHK file (or NONE)" outnxbfile , f, h, "NONE" , , , "Output NXB file (or NONE)" outnxbehk , f, h, "NONE" , , , "Output NXB EHK file (or NONE)" regmode , s, h, "SKY" , , , "Region mode ([SKY], DET, FOC, RAW)" timefirst , i, h, 150 , , , "Days before the observation to extract NXB" timelast , i, h, 150 , , , "Days after the observation to extract NXB" sortcol , s, h, "COR3" , , , "Column for sorting NXB data" sortbin , s, h, "0,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,99", , , "Bin boundaries for sorting NXB data" tsaacol , s, h, "T_SAA_HXI1" , , , "Time since SAA column for sorting NXB data" tsaabin , s, h, "500,1000,2000,5000",,,"Time since SAA bin boundaries for sorting NXB data" expr , s, h, "NONE" , , , "Additional expression to select good events (or NONE)" # global parameters cleanup , b, h, yes , , , "Delete intermediate files ([yes]/no)" clobber , b, h, no , , , "Overwrite existing output file (yes/[no])" chatter , i, h, 2 , 0, 3, "Chatter level for output" logfile , s, h, "!DEFAULT" , , , "Output log file (DEFAULT, NONE; '!' to clobber)" debug , b, h, no , , , "Enable debug mode (yes/[no])" history , b, h, yes , , , "Record tool parameters in HISTORY ([yes]/no)" mode , s, h, "ql" , , , "Mode of automatic parameters"