infile,s,a,"ad51011020s000102h.det",,,"Name input FITS image" outfile,s,a,"!",,,"Name of output FITS image" teldef,s,a,"s0_teldef_ascalin.fits",,,"Name of teldef calibration file" from,s,a,"DET",,,"Name of coordinates of the input image" to,s,a,"SKY",,,"Name of coordinates of the output image" method,s,a,"events","events|intensity|center|bbox|area",,"Transform method" from_offx,r,h,0.0,,,"X offset of original coordinates" from_offy,r,h,0.0,,,"Y offset of original coordinates" to_offx,r,hl,0.0,,,"X offset of transformed coordinates" to_offy,r,hl,0.0,,,"Y offset of transformed coordinates" to_sizex,i,hl,-1,,,"X size of output image in binned pixels. (-1 for default)" to_sizey,i,hl,-1,,,"Y size of output image in binned pixels. (-1 for default)" binx,r,h,-1.0,,,"X binning with respect to standard coordinates (-1 for default)" biny,r,h,-1.0,,,"Y binning with respect to standard coordinates (-1 for default)" segment,s,a,"0",,,"Segment number for raw coordinates or keyword giving the same" ra,r,a,278.715,,,"R.A. of nominal pointing" dec,r,a,-8.03162,,,"Declination of nominal pointing" attfile,s,a,"fa940408_1555.1729",,,"Name of attitude file for sky coords" aberration,b,h,yes,,,"Should aberration be included in aspecting?" seed,i,h,-1956,,,"Random number generator seed" copy_hdus,b,h,yes,,,"Copy the other FITS extensions to the output file?" zeronulls,b,h,no,,,"Treat null pixels in the input as zeros?" chatter,i,h,1,0,5,"Output verbosity" history,b,h,yes,,,"Write HISTORY keywords to output?" mode,s,h,"ql",,,