infile,s,a," ",,,"Input file name or @file-of-filenames:" lcbinarray,i,hl,INDEF,,,"Maximum number of light-bins to use (INDEF):" gtiarray,i,hl,INDEF,,,"Maximum number of GTI array elements to allow (INDEF):" maxmiss,i,hl,INDEF,,,"Maximum number of misses before skipping file (INDEF):" gtiorfile,s,a,"APPLY",,,"Input GTI files to be OR'd with INFILE (-):" gtiandfile,s,a,"-",,,"Input GTI file to be AND'd with INFILE (-):" outroot,s,a,"sec",,,"Root name for output file: " extenpha,s,h,".pha",,,"Extension string to be used for spectral files (.pha):" extenlc,s,h,".lc",,,"Extension string to be used for light curve files (.lc):" phasefile,s,h,"-",,,"Input PHASE file name (-):" bitfile,s,h,"-",,,"Input file name containing filtering bitmasks (-):" timecol,s,a,"TIME",,,"Name of TIME column:" columns,s,a,"Event",,,"Name of COLUMN to be accumulated:" multiple,b,h,no,,,"Is BINSZ an even multiple of minimum time resolution? (no)" binsz,r,a,INDEF,,,"Input the binsize in seconds, use 0.1 etc. if nec (INDEF):" mfracexp,r,hl,INDEF,,,"Minimum acceptable fractional exposure (INDEF):" tnull,r,hl,0.0,,,"Null value to use when necessary (0.0):" timezero,s,h,"INDEF",,,"TIMEZERO adjustment for the light-curve (INDEF):" printmode,s,a,"BOTH",,,"Chose print option, LIGHTCURVE, SPECTRUM, or BOTH:" lcmode,s,a,"RATE",,,"Type of binning for LIGHTCURVE: (SUM, RATE, MEAN):" spmode,s,a,"SUM",,,"Type of binning for SPECTRUM (SUM, RATE, MEAN):" mlcinten,r,hl,INDEF,,,"Maximum acceptable intensity for Light Curve (INDEF):" mspinten,r,hl,INDEF,,,"Maximum acceptable intensity for Spectrum (INDEF):" timemin,r,a,INDEF,,,"Starting time for summation in seconds (INDEF):" timemax,r,a,INDEF,,,"Ending time for summation in seconds (INDEF):" timeint,s,a,"INDEF",,,"Input time intervals t1-t2,t3-t4 in seconds (INDEF):" gticols,s,h,"START STOP",,,"Column names for start/stop times (START STOP):" chmin,i,a,INDEF,,,"Minimum energy bin to include in Spectra (INDEF) or 0-255:" chmax,i,a,INDEF,,,"Maximum energy bin to include in Spectra (INDEF) or 0-255:" chint,s,a,"INDEF",,,"Input energy intervals to be retained 0-1,2-255 (INDEF):" chbin,s,a,"INDEF",,,"Input channels for each bin 0-5,6-255 (INDEF):" ephem,r,hl,INDEF,,,"Input the ephemeris of the phase in seconds (INDEF):" period,r,hl,INDEF,,,"Input the period in seconds, use 0.1 etc. if nec (INDEF):" phaseint,s,h,"INDEF",,,"Input phase interval 0.0-0.5,0.75-1.0 (INDEF):" obsdate,s,h,"MJDREF",,,"Reference start date keyword or time (MJDREF):" obstime,s,h,"TSTART TSTOP",,,"Input start/stop time keyword (TSTART TSTOP):" sensecase,b,h,no,,,"Case sensitive input?:" chkit,b,h,no,,,"Perform checks on files?:" clobber,b,h,yes,,,"Do you want to delete any existing output files? (Yes):" negative,s,h,"IGNORE",,,"What to do with non-NULL negative values (IGNORE):" bailout,b,h,no,,,"Should the code abort on the smallest problem? (no)" mode,s,h,"ql",,,"Mode:"