/*** File libwcs/imrotate.c *** June 26, 2008 *** By Jessica Mink, jmink@cfa.harvard.edu *** Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics *** Copyright (C) 1996-2008 *** Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Correspondence concerning WCSTools should be addressed as follows: Internet email: jmink@cfa.harvard.edu Postal address: Jessica Mink Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory 60 Garden St. Cambridge, MA 02138 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include "fitsfile.h" static void RotWCSFITS(); /* rotate all the C* fields */ /* Rotate an image by 90, 180, or 270 degrees, with an optional * reflection across the vertical or horizontal axis. * verbose generates extra info on stdout. * return NULL if successful or rotated image. */ char * RotFITS (pathname,header,image0,xshift,yshift,rotate,mirror,bitpix2,rotwcs,verbose) char *pathname; /* Name of file which is being changed */ char *header; /* FITS header */ char *image0; /* Unrotated image pixels */ int xshift; /* Number of pixels to shift image horizontally, +=right */ int yshift; /* Number of pixels to shift image vertically, +=right */ int rotate; /* Angle to by which to rotate image (90, 180, 270) */ int mirror; /* Reflect image around 1=vertical, 2=horizontal axis */ int bitpix2; /* Number of bits per pixel in output image */ int rotwcs; /* If not =0, rotate WCS keywords, else leave them */ int verbose; { int bitpix1, ny, nx, nax; int x1, y1, x2, y2, nbytes; char *rotimage; char *image; char history[128]; char *filename; double crpix; image = NULL; rotimage = NULL; if (rotate == 1) rotate = 90; else if (rotate == 2) rotate = 180; else if (rotate == 3) rotate = 270; else if (rotate < 0) rotate = rotate + 360; filename = strrchr (pathname,'/'); if (filename) filename = filename + 1; else filename = pathname; /* Get image size */ nax = 0; if (hgeti4 (header,"NAXIS",&nax) < 1) { if (verbose) printf ("RotFITS: Not an image (NAXIS=%d)\n",nax); return (NULL); } else { if (hgeti4 (header,"NAXIS1",&nx) < 1) { if (verbose) printf ("RotFITS: Not an image (NAXIS1=%d)\n",nx); return (NULL); } else { if (hgeti4 (header,"NAXIS2",&ny) < 1) { if (verbose) printf ("RotFITS: Not an image (NAXIS2=%d)\n",ny); return (NULL); } } } bitpix1 = 16; hgeti4 (header,"BITPIX", &bitpix1); if (bitpix2 == 0) bitpix2 = bitpix1; /* Shift WCS fields in header */ if (rotwcs && hgetr8 (header, "CRPIX1", &crpix)) { crpix = crpix + xshift; hputr8 (header, "CRPIX1", crpix); } if (rotwcs && hgetr8 (header, "CRPIX2", &crpix)) { crpix = crpix + yshift; hputr8 (header, "CRPIX2", crpix); } /* Rotate WCS fields in header */ if (rotwcs && (rotate != 0 || mirror)) RotWCSFITS (header, rotate, mirror, verbose); /* Compute size of image in bytes */ switch (bitpix2) { case 8: nbytes = nx * ny; break; case 16: nbytes = nx * ny * 2; break; case 32: nbytes = nx * ny * 4; break; case -16: nbytes = nx * ny * 2; break; case -32: nbytes = nx * ny * 4; break; case -64: nbytes = nx * ny * 8; break; default: if (verbose) printf ("RotFITS: Illegal BITPIX (%d)\n", bitpix2); return (NULL); } if (bitpix1 != bitpix2) { sprintf (history,"Copy of image %s bits per pixel %d -> %d", filename, bitpix1, bitpix2); hputc (header,"HISTORY",history); if (verbose) fprintf (stderr,"%s\n",history); } /* Shift image first */ if (xshift != 0 || yshift != 0) { /* Allocate buffer for shifted image */ image = (char *) calloc (nbytes, 1); if (image == NULL) { if (verbose) printf ("RotFITS: Cannot allocate %d bytes for shifted image\n", nbytes); return (NULL); } for (x1 = 0; x1 < nx; x1++) { x2 = x1 + xshift; for (y1 = 0; y1 < ny; y1++) { y2 = y1 + yshift; if (y2 < ny) movepix (image0,bitpix1,nx,x1,y1,image,bitpix2,nx,x2,y2); } } sprintf (history,"Copy of image %s shifted by dx=%d dy=%d", filename, xshift, yshift); hputc (header,"HISTORY",history); if (rotate == 0 && !mirror) return (image); } else image = image0; /* Allocate buffer for rotated image */ rotimage = (char *) calloc (nbytes, 1); if (rotimage == NULL) { if (verbose) printf ("RotFITS: Cannot allocate %d bytes for new image\n", nbytes); return (NULL); } /* Mirror image without rotation */ if (rotate < 45 && rotate > -45) { if (mirror == 1) { for (x1 = 0; x1 < nx; x1++) { x2 = nx - x1 - 1; for (y1 = 0; y1 < ny; y1++) { movepix (image,bitpix1,nx,x1,y1,rotimage,bitpix2,nx,x2,y1); } } sprintf (history,"Copy of image %s reflected",filename); hputc (header,"HISTORY",history); } else if (mirror == 2) { for (y1 = 0; y1 < ny; y1++) { y2 = ny - y1 - 1; for (x1 = 0; x1 < nx; x1++) { movepix (image,bitpix1,nx,x1,y1,rotimage,bitpix2,nx,x1,y2); } } sprintf (history,"Copy of image %s flipped",filename); hputc (header,"HISTORY",history); } else { for (y1 = 0; y1 < ny; y1++) { for (x1 = 0; x1 < nx; x1++) { movepix (image,bitpix1,nx,x1,y1,rotimage,bitpix2,nx,x1,y1); } } } } /* Rotate by 90 degrees */ else if (rotate >= 45 && rotate < 135) { if (mirror == 1) { for (y1 = 0; y1 < ny; y1++) { x2 = ny - y1 - 1; for (x1 = 0; x1 < nx; x1++) { y2 = nx - x1 - 1; movepix (image,bitpix1,nx,x1,y1,rotimage,bitpix2,ny,x2,y2); } } sprintf (history,"Copy of image %s reflected, rotated 90 degrees", filename); hputc (header,"HISTORY",history); } else if (mirror == 2) { for (y1 = 0; y1 < ny; y1++) { for (x1 = 0; x1 < nx; x1++) { movepix (image,bitpix1,nx,x1,y1,rotimage,bitpix2,ny,y1,x1); } } sprintf (history,"Copy of image %s flipped, rotated 90 degrees", filename); hputc (header,"HISTORY",history); } else { for (y1 = 0; y1 < ny; y1++) { x2 = ny - y1 - 1; for (x1 = 0; x1 < nx; x1++) { y2 = x1; movepix (image,bitpix1,nx,x1,y1,rotimage,bitpix2,ny,x2,y2); } } sprintf (history,"Copy of image %s rotated 90 degrees",filename); hputc (header,"HISTORY",history); } hputi4 (header,"NAXIS1",ny); hputi4 (header,"NAXIS2",nx); } /* Rotate by 180 degrees */ else if (rotate >= 135 && rotate < 225) { if (mirror == 1) { for (y1 = 0; y1 < ny; y1++) { y2 = ny - y1 - 1; for (x1 = 0; x1 < nx; x1++) { movepix (image,bitpix1,nx,x1,y1,rotimage,bitpix2,nx,x1,y2); } } sprintf (history,"Copy of image %s reflected, rotated 180 degrees", filename); hputc (header,"HISTORY",history); } else if (mirror == 2) { for (x1 = 0; x1 < nx; x1++) { x2 = nx - x1 - 1; for (y1 = 0; y1 < ny; y1++) { movepix (image,bitpix1,nx,x1,y1,rotimage,bitpix2,nx,x2,y1); } } sprintf (history,"Copy of image %s flipped, rotated 180 degrees", filename); hputc (header,"HISTORY",history); } else { for (y1 = 0; y1 < ny; y1++) { y2 = ny - y1 - 1; for (x1 = 0; x1 < nx; x1++) { x2 = nx - x1 - 1; movepix (image,bitpix1,nx,x1,y1,rotimage,bitpix2,nx,x2,y2); } } sprintf (history,"Copy of image %s rotated 180 degrees",filename); hputc (header,"HISTORY",history); } } /* Rotate by 270 degrees */ else if (rotate >= 225 && rotate < 315) { if (mirror == 1) { for (y1 = 0; y1 < ny; y1++) { for (x1 = 0; x1 < nx; x1++) { movepix (image,bitpix1,nx,x1,y1,rotimage,bitpix2,ny,y1,x1); } } sprintf (history,"Copy of image %s reflected, rotated 270 degrees", filename); hputc (header,"HISTORY",history); } else if (mirror == 2) { for (y1 = 0; y1 < ny; y1++) { x2 = ny - y1 - 1; for (x1 = 0; x1 < nx; x1++) { y2 = nx - x1 - 1; movepix (image,bitpix1,nx,x1,y1,rotimage,bitpix2,ny,x2,y2); } } sprintf (history,"Copy of image %s flipped, rotated 270 degrees", filename); hputc (header,"HISTORY",history); } else { for (y1 = 0; y1 < ny; y1++) { x2 = y1; for (x1 = 0; x1 < nx; x1++) { y2 = nx - x1 - 1; movepix (image,bitpix1,nx,x1,y1,rotimage,bitpix2,ny,x2,y2); } } sprintf (history,"Copy of image %s rotated 270 degrees",filename); hputc (header,"HISTORY",history); } hputi4 (header,"NAXIS1",ny); hputi4 (header,"NAXIS2",nx); } /* If rotating by more than 315 degrees, assume top-bottom reflection */ else if (rotate >= 315 && mirror) { for (y1 = 0; y1 < ny; y1++) { for (x1 = 0; x1 < nx; x1++) { x2 = y1; y2 = x1; movepix (image,bitpix1,nx,x1,y1,rotimage,bitpix2,ny,x2,y2); } } sprintf (history,"Copy of image %s reflected top to bottom",filename); hputc (header,"HISTORY",history); } if (verbose) fprintf (stderr,"%s\n",history); return (rotimage); } /* rotate all the C* fields. * return 0 if at least one such field is found, else -1. */ static void RotWCSFITS (header, angle, mirror, verbose) char *header; /* FITS header */ int angle; /* Angle to be rotated (0, 90, 180, 270) */ int mirror; /* 1 if mirrored left to right, else 0 */ int verbose; /* Print progress if 1 */ { static char flds[15][8]; char ctype1[16], ctype2[16]; double ctemp1, ctemp2, ctemp3, ctemp4, naxis1, naxis2; int i, n, ndec1, ndec2, ndec3, ndec4; strcpy (flds[0], "CTYPE1"); strcpy (flds[1], "CTYPE2"); strcpy (flds[2], "CRVAL1"); strcpy (flds[3], "CRVAL2"); strcpy (flds[4], "CDELT1"); strcpy (flds[5], "CDELT2"); strcpy (flds[6], "CRPIX1"); strcpy (flds[7], "CRPIX2"); strcpy (flds[8], "CROTA1"); strcpy (flds[9], "CROTA2"); strcpy (flds[10], "IMWCS"); strcpy (flds[11], "CD1_1"); strcpy (flds[12], "CD1_2"); strcpy (flds[13], "CD2_1"); strcpy (flds[14], "CD2_2"); n = 0; hgetr8 (header, "NAXIS1", &naxis1); hgetr8 (header, "NAXIS2", &naxis2); /* Find out if there any WCS keywords in this header */ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(flds)/sizeof(flds[0]); i++) { if (ksearch (header, flds[i]) != NULL) { n++; if (verbose) fprintf (stderr,"%s: found\n", flds[i]); } } /* Return if no WCS keywords to change */ if (n == 0) { if (verbose) fprintf (stderr,"RotWCSFITS: No WCS in header\n"); return; } /* Reset CROTAn and CD matrix if axes have been exchanged */ if (angle == 90) { if (hgetr8 (header, "CROTA1", &ctemp1)) { hgetndec (header, "CROTA1", &ndec1); hputnr8 (header, "CROTA1", ndec1, ctemp1+90.0); } if (hgetr8 (header, "CROTA2", &ctemp2)) { hgetndec (header, "CROTA2", &ndec2); hputnr8 (header, "CROTA2", ndec2, ctemp2+90.0); } } /* Negate rotation angle if mirrored */ if (mirror) { if (hgetr8 (header, "CROTA1", &ctemp1)) { hgetndec (header, "CROTA1", &ndec1); hputnr8 (header, "CROTA1", ndec1, -ctemp1); } if (hgetr8 (header, "CROTA2", &ctemp2)) { hgetndec (header, "CROTA2", &ndec2); hputnr8 (header, "CROTA2", ndec2, -ctemp2); } if (hgetr8 (header, "LTM1_1", &ctemp1)) { hgetndec (header, "LTM1_1", &ndec1); hputnr8 (header, "LTM1_1", ndec1, -ctemp1); } if (hgetr8 (header, "CD1_1", &ctemp1)) hputr8 (header, "CD1_1", -ctemp1); if (hgetr8 (header, "CD1_2", &ctemp1)) hputr8 (header, "CD1_2", -ctemp1); if (hgetr8 (header, "CD2_1", &ctemp1)) hputr8 (header, "CD2_1", -ctemp1); } /* Unbin CRPIX and CD matrix */ if (hgetr8 (header, "LTM1_1", &ctemp1)) { if (ctemp1 != 1.0) { if (hgetr8 (header, "LTM2_2", &ctemp2)) { if (ctemp1 == ctemp2) { double ltv1 = 0.0; double ltv2 = 0.0; if (hgetr8 (header, "LTV1", <v1)) hdel (header, "LTV1"); if (hgetr8 (header, "LTV2", <v1)) hdel (header, "LTV2"); if (hgetr8 (header, "CRPIX1", &ctemp3)) hputr8 (header, "CRPIX1", (ctemp3-ltv1)/ctemp1); if (hgetr8 (header, "CRPIX2", &ctemp3)) hputr8 (header, "CRPIX2", (ctemp3-ltv2)/ctemp1); if (hgetr8 (header, "CD1_1", &ctemp3)) hputr8 (header, "CD1_1", ctemp3/ctemp1); if (hgetr8 (header, "CD1_2", &ctemp3)) hputr8 (header, "CD1_2", ctemp3/ctemp1); if (hgetr8 (header, "CD2_1", &ctemp3)) hputr8 (header, "CD2_1", ctemp3/ctemp1); if (hgetr8 (header, "CD2_2", &ctemp3)) hputr8 (header, "CD2_2", ctemp3/ctemp1); hdel (header, "LTM1_1"); hdel (header, "LTM2_2"); } } } } /* Reset CRPIXn */ if (hgetr8 (header, "CRPIX1", &ctemp1) && hgetr8 (header, "CRPIX2", &ctemp2)) { hgetndec (header, "CRPIX1", &ndec1); hgetndec (header, "CRPIX2", &ndec2); if (mirror) { if (angle == 0) hputnr8 (header, "CRPIX1", ndec1, naxis1-ctemp1); else if (angle == 90) { hputnr8 (header, "CRPIX1", ndec2, naxis2-ctemp2); hputnr8 (header, "CRPIX2", ndec1, naxis1-ctemp1); } else if (angle == 180) { hputnr8 (header, "CRPIX1", ndec1, ctemp1); hputnr8 (header, "CRPIX2", ndec2, naxis2-ctemp2); } else if (angle == 270) { hputnr8 (header, "CRPIX1", ndec2, ctemp2); hputnr8 (header, "CRPIX2", ndec1, ctemp1); } } else { if (angle == 90) { hputnr8 (header, "CRPIX1", ndec2, naxis2-ctemp2); hputnr8 (header, "CRPIX2", ndec1, ctemp1); } else if (angle == 180) { hputnr8 (header, "CRPIX1", ndec1, naxis1-ctemp1); hputnr8 (header, "CRPIX2", ndec2, naxis2-ctemp2); } else if (angle == 270) { hputnr8 (header, "CRPIX1", ndec2, ctemp2); hputnr8 (header, "CRPIX2", ndec1, naxis1-ctemp1); } } } /* Reset CDELTn (degrees per pixel) */ if (hgetr8 (header, "CDELT1", &ctemp1) && hgetr8 (header, "CDELT2", &ctemp2)) { hgetndec (header, "CDELT1", &ndec1); hgetndec (header, "CDELT2", &ndec2); if (mirror) { if (angle == 0) hputnr8 (header, "CDELT1", ndec1, -ctemp1); else if (angle == 90) { hputnr8 (header, "CDELT1", ndec2, -ctemp2); hputnr8 (header, "CDELT2", ndec1, -ctemp1); } else if (angle == 180) { hputnr8 (header, "CDELT1", ndec1, ctemp1); hputnr8 (header, "CDELT2", ndec2, -ctemp2); } else if (angle == 270) { hputnr8 (header, "CDELT1", ndec2, ctemp2); hputnr8 (header, "CDELT2", ndec1, ctemp1); } } else { if (angle == 90) { hputnr8 (header, "CDELT1", ndec2, -ctemp2); hputnr8 (header, "CDELT2", ndec1, ctemp1); } else if (angle == 180) { hputnr8 (header, "CDELT1", ndec1, -ctemp1); hputnr8 (header, "CDELT2", ndec2, -ctemp2); } else if (angle == 270) { hputnr8 (header, "CDELT1", ndec2, ctemp2); hputnr8 (header, "CDELT2", ndec1, -ctemp1); } } } /* Reset CD matrix, if present */ ctemp1 = 0.0; ctemp2 = 0.0; ctemp3 = 0.0; ctemp4 = 0.0; if (hgetr8 (header, "CD1_1", &ctemp1)) { hgetr8 (header, "CD1_2", &ctemp2); hgetr8 (header, "CD2_1", &ctemp3); hgetr8 (header, "CD2_2", &ctemp4); hgetndec (header, "CD1_1", &ndec1); hgetndec (header, "CD1_2", &ndec2); hgetndec (header, "CD2_1", &ndec3); hgetndec (header, "CD2_2", &ndec4); if (mirror) { if (angle == 0) { hputnr8 (header, "CD1_2", ndec2, -ctemp2); hputnr8 (header, "CD2_1", ndec3, -ctemp3); } else if (angle == 90) { hputnr8 (header, "CD1_1", ndec4, -ctemp4); hputnr8 (header, "CD1_2", ndec3, -ctemp3); hputnr8 (header, "CD2_1", ndec2, -ctemp2); hputnr8 (header, "CD2_2", ndec1, -ctemp1); } else if (angle == 180) { hputnr8 (header, "CD1_1", ndec1, ctemp1); hputnr8 (header, "CD1_2", ndec2, ctemp2); hputnr8 (header, "CD2_1", ndec3, -ctemp3); hputnr8 (header, "CD2_2", ndec4, -ctemp4); } else if (angle == 270) { hputnr8 (header, "CD1_1", ndec4, ctemp4); hputnr8 (header, "CD1_2", ndec3, ctemp3); hputnr8 (header, "CD2_1", ndec2, ctemp2); hputnr8 (header, "CD2_2", ndec1, ctemp1); } } else { if (angle == 90) { hputnr8 (header, "CD1_1", ndec4, -ctemp4); hputnr8 (header, "CD1_2", ndec3, -ctemp3); hputnr8 (header, "CD2_1", ndec2, ctemp2); hputnr8 (header, "CD2_2", ndec1, ctemp1); } else if (angle == 180) { hputnr8 (header, "CD1_1", ndec1, -ctemp1); hputnr8 (header, "CD1_2", ndec2, -ctemp2); hputnr8 (header, "CD2_1", ndec3, -ctemp3); hputnr8 (header, "CD2_2", ndec4, -ctemp4); } else if (angle == 270) { hputnr8 (header, "CD1_1", ndec4, ctemp4); hputnr8 (header, "CD1_2", ndec3, ctemp3); hputnr8 (header, "CD2_1", ndec2, -ctemp2); hputnr8 (header, "CD2_2", ndec1, -ctemp1); } } } /* Delete any polynomial solution */ /* (These could maybe be switched, but I don't want to work them out yet */ if (ksearch (header, "CO1_1")) { int i; char keyword[16]; for (i = 1; i < 13; i++) { sprintf (keyword,"CO1_%d", i); hdel (header, keyword); } for (i = 1; i < 13; i++) { sprintf (keyword,"CO2_%d", i); hdel (header, keyword); } } return; } /* May 29 1996 Change name from rotFITS to RotFITS * Jun 4 1996 Fix bug when handling assymetrical images * Jun 5 1996 Print filename, not pathname, in history * Jun 10 1996 Remove unused variables after running lint * Jun 13 1996 Replace image with rotated image * Jun 18 1996 Fix formatting bug in history * * Jul 11 1997 If rotation is 360, flip top bottom if mirror flat is set * * Feb 23 1998 Do not delete WCS if image not rotated or mirrored * May 26 1998 Rotate WCS instead of deleting it * May 27 1998 Include imio.h * Jun 8 1999 Return new image pointer instead of flag; do not free old image * Jun 9 1999 Make history buffer 128 instead of 72 to avoid overflows * Jun 10 1999 Drop image0; use image * Oct 21 1999 Fix hputnr8() calls after lint * * Jan 11 2001 Print all messages to stderr * Jan 17 2001 Reset coordinate direction if image is mirrored * Jan 18 2001 Reset WCS scale if image is binned * Nov 27 2001 Add error messages for all null returns * Nov 27 2001 Add bitpix=8 * * Jan 28 2004 Add xshift and yshift arguments to shift image * Sep 15 2004 Fix bugs in calls to hgetr8 for crpix (found by Rob Creager) * * Aug 17 2005 Add mirror = 2 flag indicating a flip across x axis * * Jun 26 2008 Shift pixels if either xshift or yshift is not zero */