#! /usr/bin/perl -w # # # main for SAS perl tasks. # require 5; use strict; use Getopt::Long; Getopt::Long::Configure ("pass_through"); use SAS::error; ## At build time the following strings (enclosed in --, that is ## -string-) are replaced: ## taskname ## version ## release ## aka ## Make sure they do not occur anywhere else in main.pl unless you ## want them to be replaced. ## taskname also occurs at the end of main.pl ## my $name = "eimsimbatch"; SAS::error::client($name); my $VERSION = "2.3"; my $RELEASE = "xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0"; my $AKA = "14.0.0"; ## ## Standard options: these follow taskmain. ## ## -a|--ccfpath [:...] --> SAS_CCFPATH ## -f|--ccffiles [...] --> cannot be implemented ## -c|--noclobber --> SAS_CLOBBER ## -d|--dialog --> tool(sasdialog) ## -h|--help --> tool(listparams) ## -i|--ccf --> SAS_CCF ## -m|--manpage --> sashelp ## -o|--odf --> SAS_ODF ## -V|--verbosity -- SAS_VERBOSITY ## -v|--version --> local implementation ## ## Getopt::Long provides support for short versions with single "-" except for -v. ## Therefore all short versions were automatically included either with first letter ## or via an alias as for -a, -i, -o and -V. ## ## -v deserves special care due to the existence of support for $version within the ## Getopt module. Therefore -v is treated specially. my ($ccfpath, $noclobber, $dialog, $help, $ccf, $manpage, $odf, $verbosity, $version); exit(1) unless GetOptions("ccfpath|a=s" => \$ccfpath, "noclobber" => \$noclobber, "dialog" => \$dialog, "help" => \$help, "ccf|i=s" => \$ccf, "manpage" => \$manpage, "odf|o=s" => \$odf, "verbosity|V=i" => \$verbosity, "version" => \$version, ); my $arg; foreach $arg (@ARGV) { $version=1 if ( $arg =~ "-v" ); } $ENV{SAS_CCFPATH} = $ccfpath if($ccfpath); $ENV{SAS_CLOBBER} = 0 if($noclobber); $ENV{SAS_CCF} = $ccf if($ccf); $ENV{SAS_ODF} = $odf if($odf); $ENV{SAS_VERBOSITY} = $verbosity if($verbosity); use SAS::param; if($version){ print "$name-$VERSION [$RELEASE-$AKA]\n"; exit(0); } if($manpage){ system("sashelp --doc=$name"); my $x = $? >> 8; # perldoc -f system exit($x); } if($help){ system("listparams $name"); my $x = $? >> 8; exit($x); } if($dialog){ system("sasdialog $name"); my $x = $? >> 8; exit($x); } &eimsimbatch(); # You need to run eimsimprep before running eimsimbatch. # # You may run several invocations of eimsimbatch from the same directory if you submit different stream numbers for each one. # # eimsimbatch calls the perl task eimsim. my ($testFlag); my ($command, $new_fvtmp, $i, $stopfile);#, $instexpid, $prefix, $band); sub eimsimbatch { use SAS; my $taskname = "eimsimbatch"; # Prints all output to stderr: select(STDERR); #...................................................................... # Read and check non-slave parameters: my @start_times = times; my $num_entries = parameterCount('obsidroots'); SAS::error('noObsIds', "There must be at least one member in the " ."list --obsidroots") if ($num_entries <= 0); my @obsid_roots = (); foreach $i (0 .. $num_entries-1) { $obsid_roots[$i] = stringParameter('obsidroots', $i) } my $stream_num = intParameter('streamnumber'); my $nfields = intParameter('nfields'); my $start_num = intParameter('startatn'); # my $apply_corr = booleanParameter('applycorr'); my $next_on_fail = booleanParameter('nextonfail'); $testFlag = booleanParameter('astest'); my $testFlagStr = &boolToStr($testFlag); my $cleanUp = booleanParameter('cleanup'); # my $cleanUpStr = &boolToStr($cleanUp); $stream_num =~ s/^0+//; # chop off any leading zeros my $makeBlankFields = !booleanParameter('withsimsources'); my $withsimsources_str = &boolToStr(booleanParameter('withsimsources')); my $with_det_entry_stage = booleanParameter('withdetentrystage'); my $with_det_entry_str = &boolToStr($with_det_entry_stage); my $with_det_final_stage = booleanParameter('withdetfinalstage'); my $with_det_final_str = &boolToStr($with_det_final_stage); my $dettaskstyle = stringParameter('dettaskstyle'); if ($dettaskstyle eq 'user') { if (-e "eimsim_config"){ my ($det_type) = `cat eimsim_config`; chomp($det_type); my $det_script = stringParameter('dettask'); if ( $det_script eq 'eimsimdetect1xmm' && $det_type ne '1xmm') { SAS::error('nonMatchingPrepAndDet', "The requested detection task does not match the type ($det_type) of the preparation."); } elsif($det_script eq 'eimsimdetect2xmm' && $det_type ne '2xmm') { SAS::error('nonMatchingPrepAndDet', "The requested detection task does not match the type ($det_type) of the preparation."); } } } elsif($dettaskstyle eq 'auto') { SAS::error('noConfigFile', "Couldn't find eimsim_config.") if (!-e "eimsim_config"); } else { SAS::error('badDetTaskStyle', "Didn't recognize the choice $dettaskstyle."); } #...................................................................... # General setup: my $lockfile = "lock_$stream_num"; SAS::error('lockFileExists', "Lock file $lockfile exists!") if (-e "$lockfile"); SAS::error('writeLockFileFailed', "Couldn't make lock file $lockfile.") if (!$testFlag && system("touch $lockfile")); my $old_fvtmp = $ENV{"FVTMP"}; if (defined($old_fvtmp) && -e $old_fvtmp){ $new_fvtmp = "$old_fvtmp/stream_$stream_num"; } else { $new_fvtmp = "./fvtemp/stream_$stream_num"; } SAS::error('mkdirFailed', "Can't mkdir $new_fvtmp") if (!-e "$new_fvtmp" && system("mkdir -p $new_fvtmp")); $ENV{"FVTMP"} = $new_fvtmp; #...................................................................... # Main routine: my $stop_num = $start_num + $nfields - 1; for($i=$start_num; $i<=$stop_num; $i++) { #.................................................................... # Check stop file: $stopfile = "stop_$stream_num"; if (-e "$stopfile") { unlink("$lockfile"); SAS::error('gracefulStop', "Stop file $stopfile found."); } $command = "eimsim " ."obsidroots='".join(' ', @obsid_roots)."' " ."entrystage=".stringParameter('entrystage')." " ."finalstage=".stringParameter('finalstage')." " ."refband=".stringParameter('refband')." " ."prdssubdir=".stringParameter('prdssubdir')." " ."simopsubdir=".stringParameter('simopsubdir')." " ."simgensubdir=".stringParameter('simgensubdir')." " ."streamnumber=$stream_num " ."idnumber=$i " ."srcspecset=".stringParameter('srcspecset')." " ."withsimsources=$withsimsources_str " # ."energyfraction=".realParameter('energyfraction')." " # ."fluxcutoff=".realParameter('fluxcutoff')." " ."dettaskstyle=".stringParameter('dettaskstyle')." " ."withdetentrystage=$with_det_entry_str " ."withdetfinalstage=$with_det_final_str " # ."cleanup=$cleanUpStr " ."astest=$testFlagStr " ; if (!$makeBlankFields){ $command .= "energyfraction=".realParameter('energyfraction')." "; $command .= "fluxcutoff=".realParameter('fluxcutoff')." "; # $command .= "faintsourcewidth=".realParameter('faintsourcewidth')." "; my $withFluxOffset = booleanParameter('withfluxoffset'); my $withFluxOffset_str = &boolToStr($withFluxOffset); $command .= "withfluxoffset=$withFluxOffset_str "; if ($withFluxOffset){ $command .= "fluxoffset=".realParameter('fluxoffset')." "; } } if ($dettaskstyle eq 'user') { $command .= "dettask=".stringParameter('dettask')." "; } if ($with_det_entry_stage) { $command .= "detentrystage=".stringParameter('detentrystage')." "; } if ($with_det_final_stage) { $command .= "detfinalstage=".stringParameter('detfinalstage')." "; } # print "\ninvoke $command\n\n"; SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::VerboseMsg, "invoke $command\n"); if (system("$command")) { SAS::error('eimsimFailed', "Couldn't run eimsim, iteration $i.") if (!$next_on_fail); SAS::warning('eimsimFailed', "Couldn't run eimsim, iteration $i."); } next if (!$cleanUp); $command = "eimsim " ."obsidroots='".join(' ', @obsid_roots)."' " ."entrystage=cleanup " ."finalstage=cleanup " ."refband=".stringParameter('refband')." " ."prdssubdir=".stringParameter('prdssubdir')." " ."simopsubdir=".stringParameter('simopsubdir')." " ."simgensubdir=".stringParameter('simgensubdir')." " ."streamnumber=$stream_num " ."idnumber=$i " ."dettaskstyle=".stringParameter('dettaskstyle')." " ."astest=$testFlagStr " ; if ($dettaskstyle eq 'user') { $command .= "dettask=".stringParameter('dettask')." "; } SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::VerboseMsg, "invoke $command\n"); if (system("$command")) { SAS::error('eimsimFailed', "Couldn't run eimsim cleanup, iteration $i.") if (!$next_on_fail); SAS::warning('eimsimFailed', "Couldn't run eimsim cleanup, iteration $i."); } } ENDD: # if (!$apply_corr) { #SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::VerboseMsg, "Don't forget! Param --applycorr was not set. Your figures " # ."for completeness and/or reliability will therefore not be optimum. " # ."To get the best figures you should run eimsimfinalize, " # ."check the correction models against the results, then run " # ."eimsimbatch with --entrystage=compare and --applycorr=yes."); # } unlink("$lockfile"); $command = "rm -rf $new_fvtmp"; SAS::error('rmFvtmpFailed', "Can't rm $new_fvtmp") if (system("$command")); my @end_times = times; my $proc_time_sec = $end_times[2] - $start_times[2] + $end_times[3] - $start_times[3]; SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::VerboseMsg, "Execution time: $proc_time_sec seconds."); } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub run { #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # $testFlag should be defined globally. my ($command) = @_; my $status = 0; # print "\ninvoke $command\n\n"; SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::VerboseMsg, "invoke $command\n"); if (!$testFlag) { $status = system($command); } return $status; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub boolToStr { #--------------------------------------------------------------------- my ($bool_val) = @_; if ($bool_val){ return 'yes'; } else { return 'no'; } }