#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # minorbatch (was imbatch) # # This task calls colimchain to process _all_ the exposures for _all_ # the instruments in the directory given via the parameter --prodsdir. # # TODO: # - feed colimchain the obs and exp ids instead of the indices? This will prevent it having to make a hash tree itself. #------------------------------------------------------------------------ require 5.005; use English; #use strict; my (%obs_list, $obsindex, $obs, $ins_list_name, $ins, $exp_list_name, $expindex, $exp_type_num, $band_list_name, @available_bands); my ($is_band_8, $req_band, $file_not_found, $available_band, $i); my ($instrument_lc, $opfile, $command, $status); my $taskname = 'minorbatch'; my $log_name = 'log'; my $testflag = 0; my $status = 0; my %params = &getParams; # my $clobber = &boolTranslate($params{clobber}); my $write_log = &boolTranslate($params{writelog}); my $prodsdir = $params{prodsdir}; my $bandlist = $params{bandlist}; # Only if $clobber_log!! # if ($write_log && -e "$log_name") { # unlink($log_name); # system("touch $log_name"); # } my $ccf_path = $params{ccfpath}; if (!defined($ccf_path) || $ccf_path eq '') { if (!defined($ENV{'SAS_CCF'})) { &quit("You must set SAS_CCF before running colimchain.", 1); } else { $ccf_path = $ENV{'SAS_CCF'}; } } else { $ENV{'SAS_CCF'} = $ccf_path; } $bandlist =~ s/^\s+//; $bandlist =~ s/\s+$//; my @req_bands = sort(split(/\s+/, $params{bandlist})); #........................................................................ # Main processing: &makeHashTree($prodsdir); # gets a tree of hashes that contains, in # its outermost leaves, the names of all the product fits image files # in $prodsdir. # Now go through all these files and make a colour image from each exposure: my $num_valid_exposures = 0; my @obss = keys(%obs_list); foreach $obsindex (0 .. $#obss) { $obs = $obss[$obsindex]; $ins_list_name = $obs_list{"$obs"}; foreach $ins (keys(%{"$ins_list_name"})) { next if ($ins eq 'OM'); $exp_list_name = ${${"$ins_list_name"}{"$ins"}}; my @exps = keys(%{"$exp_list_name"}); # foreach $exp_type_num (keys(%{"$exp_list_name"})) { foreach $expindex (0 .. $#exps) { $exp_type_num = $exps[$expindex]; $band_list_name = ${${"$exp_list_name"}{"$exp_type_num"}}; @available_bands = sort(keys(%{$band_list_name})); # Make sure there are enough image bands (not counting band 8): $is_band_8 = 0; foreach (@available_bands) { if ($_ == 8) { $is_band_8 = 1; last; } } next if (@available_bands < 2 || (@available_bands < 3 && $is_band_8)); # Check to see that all the bands requested (via the parameter # --bandlist) are in fact present: BAND: foreach $req_band (@req_bands) { $file_not_found = 1; foreach $available_band (@available_bands) { if ($req_band == $available_band) { $file_not_found = 0; last BAND; } } } # next $req_band if ($file_not_found) { &warn("There are enough bands to make a colour image, but not " ."all of the requested set of bands are represented. The image " ."will be made using the lowest 3 (or 2 if there are only that " ."many) bands."); @req_bands = (); $i = 0; while ($i < @available_bands && @req_bands < 4) { if ($available_bands[$i] != 8) { push @req_bands, $available_bands[$i] } ++$i; } &quit("BUG!!", 2) if (@req_bands < 2 || @req_bands > 3); $bandlist = "$req_bands[0]"; foreach $i (1 .. $#req_bands) { $bandlist .= " $req_bands[$i]"; } } # end if any requested image file not found. $instrument_lc = lc($ins); $opfile = "P$obs$ins$exp_type_num"."IMGCLR000.PNG"; $pgdev = "/png"; ++$num_valid_exposures; $command = "colimchain " . "ccfpath='' " . "prodsdir=$prodsdir " ."clobbertemps=$params{'clobbertemps'} " ."clobberprods=$params{'clobberprods'} " . "writelog=$params{'writelog'} " . "astest=$params{'astest'} " ."withthumbnails=$params{'withthumbnails'} " ."thumbnaildir=$params{'thumbnaildir'} " . "instrument=$instrument_lc " . "obsindex=$obsindex " . "expindex=$expindex " . "bandlist='$bandlist' " . "smooth=$params{'smooth'} " . "maxsigma=$params{'maxsigma'} " . "desiredsnr=$params{'desiredsnr'} " . "ngauss=$params{'ngauss'} " . "rebinimage=$params{'rebinimage'} " . "newnxbins=$params{'newnxbins'} " . "newnybins=$params{'newnybins'} " . "weirdness=$params{'weirdness'} " . "heat=$params{'heat'} " . "heatspread=$params{'heatspread'} " . "cutoff=$params{'cutoff'} " . "gainstyle=$params{'gainstyle'} " . "gain=$params{'gain'} " . "pgdev=$pgdev " # . "thumbnail=$params{thumbnail} " ."expandtomask=$params{'expandtomask'} " . "plotfile=$opfile " . "withframe=$params{'withframe'} " ; &tell("invoke $command"); # if (!$testflag) {$status = system($command);} if (!$testflag) {$status = (system($command) >> 8);} &quit("Couldn't run colimchain.", 3) if (&bad($status)); } # next $exp_type_num } # next $ins } # next $obs &quit("No valid exposure in $prodsdir.", 0) if ($num_valid_exposures == 0); exit 0; #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ sub getParams { # This routine is shared with rgsprods. Should therefore be in a separate module. my ($possible_key, $actual_key, $value, $no_match_found, $unmatched_pars_found); my %params = &getParamDefaults; # # Look for '-v': # foreach (@ARGV) { # if ($_ eq '-v') { #&getVersionThenQuit(); # } # } $unmatched_pars_found = 0; foreach (@ARGV) { if ($_ =~ /^(\w+)(=+)/) { $actual_key = $1; $value = $'; $no_match_found = 1; foreach $possible_key (keys(%params)) { if ($possible_key eq $actual_key) { $params{$possible_key} = $value; $no_match_found = 0; last; } } if ($no_match_found) { $unmatched_pars_found = 1; &warn("Unrecognised parameter: $actual_key"); } } } &quit("Unmatched parameters found.", -1) if ($unmatched_pars_found); return %params; } #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ sub getParamDefaults { # Loading default parameter values: my %params = ( ccfpath => '', prodsdir => '.', clobbertemps => 'yes', clobberprods => 'no', writelog => 'no', astest => 'no', withthumbnails => 'no', thumbnaildir => './thumbnails', bandlist => "2 3 4", smooth => 'yes', maxsigma => 15.0, desiredsnr => 7.0, ngauss => 30, rebinimage => 'no', newnxbins => 250, newnybins => 250, weirdness => -0.7, heat => 0.0, heatspread => 0.3, cutoff => 0.05, gainstyle => 'auto', gain => 8.0, # pgdev => '/ppm', # thumbnail => 'no', expandtomask => 'yes', # plotfile => 'temp.ppm', withframe => 'no', ); return %params; } #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ sub boolTranslate { my ($inStr) = @_; my $out; if ($inStr =~ /^\w+$/) { $inStr = lc($inStr); if ($inStr eq 'y' || $inStr eq 'yes' || $inStr eq 't' || $inStr eq 'true') { $out = 1; } elsif ($inStr eq 'n' || $inStr eq 'no' || $inStr eq 'f' || $inStr eq 'false') { $out = 0; } else { &quit("Non-boolean variable $inStr treated as boolean.", -2); } } elsif ($inStr ne '0' && $inStr ne '1') { &quit("Non-boolean variable $inStr treated as boolean.", -3); } return($out); } #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ sub makeHashTree { # Construct a hash tree of revolution, observation, exposure, instrument, # ccd, in which each hash value is a name of the next hash down. The easiest # way to compose unambiguous hash names is to use the rev, obs etc numbers # themselves. my ($filename, $obs, $ins, $typ, $exp, $img); my ($prodsdir) = @_; my @filenames = `ls -1 $prodsdir`; my $total_matching_files = 0; foreach $filename (@filenames) { chomp($filename); if ($filename =~ /^P(\d{10})(\w\w)(S|U)(\d{3})IMAGE_(\d)000.FIT/i) { ++$total_matching_files; $obs = $1; $ins = $2; $typ = $3; $exp = $4; $img = $5; #print "$obs $ins $typ $exp $img\n"; chomp($filename); # Observation list: $obs_list{$obs} = "$obs"; # Instrument list for each observation: ${${$obs}{$ins}} = "$obs$ins"; # Exposure list for each instrument: ${${"$obs$ins"}{"$typ$exp"}} = "$obs$ins$typ$exp"; # No more hash levels below this, so it is convenient to store the # filename in the hash value instead: ${${"$obs$ins$typ$exp"}{"$img"}} = "$filename"; } } if ($total_matching_files == 0) { &quit("No matching files in $prodsdir.", 0); } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub bad { #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tests to see if colimchain status return represents a fatal error. my ($status) = @_; my @bad_statuses = qw(1 2 4 5 6 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20); foreach(@bad_statuses) { return 1 if ($status==$_); } return 1 if ($status<0); return 0; } #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ sub tell { open(LOG, ">> $log_name") if ($write_log); foreach (@_) { print "$taskname:- $_\n\n"; print LOG "$taskname:- $_\n\n" if ($write_log); } close(LOG) if ($write_log); } #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ sub warn { open(LOG, ">> $log_name") if ($write_log); foreach (@_) { print "** $taskname: warning, $_\n\n"; print LOG "** $taskname: warning, $_\n\n" if ($write_log); } close(LOG) if ($write_log); } #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ sub quit { my ($message, $status) = @_; open(LOG, ">> $log_name") if ($write_log); print "** $taskname: ERROR! $message\n\n"; print LOG "** $taskname: ERROR! $message\n\n" if ($write_log); close(LOG) if ($write_log); exit $status; }