#! /usr/local/bin/perl -w # # # main for SAS perl tasks. # require 5; use strict; use Getopt::Long; Getopt::Long::Configure ("pass_through"); use SAS::error; ## At build time the following strings (enclosed in --, that is ## -string-) are replaced: ## taskname ## version ## release ## aka ## Make sure they do not occur anywhere else in main.pl unless you ## want them to be replaced. ## taskname also occurs at the end of main.pl ## my $name = "omgchain"; SAS::error::client($name); my $VERSION = "1.11.1"; my $RELEASE = "xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0"; my $AKA = "14.0.0"; ## ## Standard options: these follow taskmain. ## ## -a|--ccfpath [:...] --> SAS_CCFPATH ## -f|--ccffiles [...] --> cannot be implemented ## -c|--noclobber --> SAS_CLOBBER ## -d|--dialog --> tool(sasdialog) ## -h|--help --> tool(listparams) ## -i|--ccf --> SAS_CCF ## -m|--manpage --> sashelp ## -o|--odf --> SAS_ODF ## -V|--verbosity -- SAS_VERBOSITY ## -v|--version --> local implementation ## ## Getopt::Long provides support for short versions with single "-" except for -v. ## Therefore all short versions were automatically included either with first letter ## or via an alias as for -a, -i, -o and -V. ## ## -v deserves special care due to the existence of support for $version within the ## Getopt module. Therefore -v is treated specially. my ($ccfpath, $noclobber, $dialog, $help, $ccf, $manpage, $odf, $verbosity, $version); exit(1) unless GetOptions("ccfpath|a=s" => \$ccfpath, "noclobber" => \$noclobber, "dialog" => \$dialog, "help" => \$help, "ccf|i=s" => \$ccf, "manpage" => \$manpage, "odf|o=s" => \$odf, "verbosity|V=i" => \$verbosity, "version" => \$version, ); my $arg; foreach $arg (@ARGV) { $version=1 if ( $arg =~ "-v" ); } $ENV{SAS_CCFPATH} = $ccfpath if($ccfpath); $ENV{SAS_CLOBBER} = 0 if($noclobber); $ENV{SAS_CCF} = $ccf if($ccf); $ENV{SAS_ODF} = $odf if($odf); $ENV{SAS_VERBOSITY} = $verbosity if($verbosity); use SAS::param; if($version){ print "$name-$VERSION [$RELEASE-$AKA]\n"; exit(0); } if($manpage){ system("sashelp --doc=$name"); my $x = $? >> 8; # perldoc -f system exit($x); } if($help){ system("listparams $name"); my $x = $? >> 8; exit($x); } if($dialog){ system("sasdialog $name"); my $x = $? >> 8; exit($x); } &omgchain(); #!/usr/local/bin/perl # # OMGCHAIN # # XMM Pipeline Processing System OMGCHAIN script # # Author: Vladimir Yershov (vny@mssl.ucl.ac.uk) May 31, 2001 # # Description: This script runs the tasks required for to produce # PPS products from Grism Mode ODFs. # Usage: # omgchain -infile input_filename -outfile output_filename -noclobber noclobber # # $Id: module.f90,v 1.1 2003/03/06 10:21:08 gvacanti Exp $ # # # 27.10.2003 VNY - Created as a new task # 29.10.2009 VNY - checked the correctness of the usage of the input and output directories # 31.10.2003 VNY - new parameters passed to omgprep # 07.11.2003 VNY parameters for image smoothing removed # 10.11.2003 VNY protected against crushing if omgrismplot produced no plots # 02.12.2003 VNY parameters src2spectrum and spectrumlegth are removed as misleading # 26.01.2004 VNY parameter extractionmode is activated # 01.02.2004 VNY Protected against crashing when the verbosity level is # higher than seven. # 03.02.2004 VNY two optional parameters to be used by omgrismplot are # included (plotflux and bkgdyscale) # 24.02.2004 VNY use DAL was removed since it is not necessary anymore # 19.03.2004 VNY adjusting the parameters spectrumHalfWidth, bkgWidth, etc. to better UV-extraction # 20.05.2004 VNY ASCII-region file renamed from g.... to p.... (that # is to be a product); # Engineering-2 sub-window files are sorted at the input # according to their names in order to ensure the combination # of these sub-windows into a single full-frame image # (SSC-SPR-3324) # 29.05.2004 VNY Correction in the subroutine GetODFDirectory in order # to protect the task from failing during its test on Mac-machines # 14.07.2004 VNY Default values for the spectra and background extraction # regions are increased from 3 to 6 pixels; # 26.07.2004 VNY New parameters are included to control the output file names # in omgrism task (outspectralistset, extractfieldspectra) # 27.07.2004 VNY Separate (new) file is introduced for the spectra regions # (SPR-3365) # 08.09.2004 VNY setting the parameter outspectralistfile for the task omgrism # so as to produce the spectra list even if the field objects spectra are # not requested (SSC-SPR-3382). # 30.05.2006 (VNY) Introducing OMATT for omputing the RA # and DECs of the sources (the version 1.2 derived from 1.1, SSC-SPR-3605) # 05.06.2006 (VNY) Skipping further processing of the exposure if its image is # too small fot the spectrum extraction (analysing the exit flag of # omgprep-1.1.1, SSC-SPR-3606) # 09.11.2006 (VNY) the OMATT parameter is modified to produce the grism sky image. # Now the grism sky coordinates are computed with higher accuracy # (SSC-SPR-3633) # 31.01.2007 (VNY) the file names are modified such that they include the symbol # with the observation mode idenifies (S, U or X). Previosly this symbol # was fixed (S) since it was thought that the observations are always sheduled. # (fixing SSC-SPR-3646) # 22.05.2007 (VNY) The default parameter for the width of the spectrum extraction # region was set to 8 pixels because this is what actually was used in # the task omgrism due to a small bug. The bug was fixed in Omgrism-1.17 # (accompanying the SSC-SPR-3660) so that omgchain is also adjusted to # keep the spectrum extraction region the same as before. # 2.11.2007 (VNY) Added a parameter for controlling the output of the new region # file with the newly detected point sources # 01.05.2008 (VNY) Adding new parameters to omgrismplot to plot spectra extraction # regions overlaying the grism rotated image # 09.09.2008 (VNY) Adding new parameter to omgprep (produceunscatteredimage) to # remove scattered light (central enhancement) from the rotated image # 17.09.2008 (VNY) Introducing the parameter "removescatteredlight" (yes/no) to # enable the removing of the background scattered light features # 20.07.2010 (VNY) Protected against a bug in pgplot which resulted in file # name truncation and disappearance of the output files (SSC-SPR-6622). # #use DAL; use SAS; # my ($input_image_filename); my ($redirect, $periodic_file_flag, $non_periodic_file_flag, $flatfield_file_flag); my ($taskname, $date, $ommodmap_nsig, $ommodmap_nbox, $comment, $nsigma);#$timebinsize); my ($create, $text1, $inp_directory, $text2, $out_directory, $orb_key, %file_list); my (%mode_list, $mode_key); my (%orb_list, $orbit_key, %obs_list, $message, $obs_key, %exp_list, $in_orbit_flat_field_filename); my ($exp_key, $tracking_history_filename, $sas_dir, $periodic_hk_filename, $non_periodic_hk_filename); my ($window_data_filename, $s, $tracking_history_plot_filename, $tracking_history_timeseries_filename); my (%win_list, $win_key, $number_of_grisms, $image_filename, $intermediate_image_filename, $line, $filter_id); my ($grism_id, $arg_list, $raw_image, $out_flat_filename); my ($osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename, $second_osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename); my ($image_pps_product_filename, $detectorCoordImageFileName, $rotatedImageFileName, $skyCoordImageFileName); my ($smoothRotatedImageFileName, $modulo_8_product_filename, $sky_coord_pps_product_filename); my ($undistImageFileName, $unscatteredImageFileName, $bkgImageFileName); my ($region_file, $second_region_file, $PPS_eventlist_file, $background_output); my ($signifimage_output, $grismOutFileName, $flat_field_filename); my ($omgprep_usecat, $level_image_file); my ($nSources, $source, $source_key); my ($spectrum_pps_file, $spectrum_plot_file, $spectrum_pdf_file, $spectrum_pps_fileL); my ($spectrum_plot_fileL, $spectrum_pdf_fileL, $spectrum_pps_fileR, $spectrum_plot_fileR); my ($spectrum_plot_file0, $spectrum_PDF_file0); my ($spectrum_pdf_fileR, $thx_file, $nph_file, $peh_file, $wdx_file, $SASFile, $SASFILE); my ($exposureNo, $exposureSchedule, @ExposureNoList, %ExposureScheduleList, $filterName); my (%ExposureFilterList, $pos, @FilterList, @ExposureFilterList, @EngineeringModeIMIList); my (@E2IMIList, @E4IMIList, %ExposureType, $FFXFiles, $PFXFiles, $RFXFiles, $THXFiles); my ($WDXFiles, $FAEFiles, $IMIFiles, $file); my ($hasFF, $ffName, $workingDir, $combine, $mod8correction); my ($bkgOffsetLeft, $bkgWidthLeft, $bkgOffsetRight, $bkgWidthRight, $spectrumLengthU, $spectrumLengthV); my ($spectrumHalfWidth, $imageSmoothBoxWidth, $imageSmoothBoxHeight, $spectrumSmoothLength); my ($src2spectrum, $src2spectrumU, $src2spectrumV, $spectrumLength, $plotBinSize); my ($extractionMode); my ($scaleBkgPlot, $plotFlux); my ($extractFieldSpectra, $outSpectraListFileName, $spectraRegionFileName, $spectraRegionPlotName); my ($spectraRegionPDF, $addedRegionFile, $removeScatteredLight); # my (%wx0_list,%wy0_list, %wdx_list, %wdy_list, %filter_list); sub omgchain { # VNY 01.02.2004 To fix the problem when the task cannot read its # input parameters for verbosity levels > 7, the current verbosity # is temporarily diminished until the parameters are read # my $SASVERBOSITY = " "; if (exists($ENV{SAS_VERBOSITY})) { $SASVERBOSITY = $ENV{SAS_VERBOSITY}; } else { $SASVERBOSITY = "5"; $ENV{SAS_VERBOSITY} = "5"; } if ($SASVERBOSITY > 7) { $ENV{SAS_VERBOSITY} = "5"; } $redirect = 0; #***************************************************** # For test purposes only - BLANK OUT THE FOLLOWING # subroutine call before uploading # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT FORGET !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #***************************************************** # &CreateLogFile; #******************************* # Set up the directory paths #******************************* &SetUpDirectoryPaths; $periodic_file_flag = 0; $non_periodic_file_flag = 0; $flatfield_file_flag = 0; $taskname = 'OMGCHAIN'; #$VERSION = '1.10'; $date = &date_time; #$ommodmap_nsig=3; #$ommodmap_nbox=16; # VNY 30.05.2008 $ommodmap_nsig=6; $ommodmap_nbox=16; # getting parameters $comment = stringParameter("comment"); $nsigma = realParameter("nsigma"); # The sigma parameter to define the detection level for omdetect # New parameter combine (for the possibility to combine the Engineering-2 data) $combine = booleanParameter("combine"); # 12.09.2008 New parameter to enable removing the scattered light (central enhancement) $removeScatteredLight=booleanParameter("removescatteredlight"); $mod8correction = intParameter("mod8correction"); # $bkgOffsetLeft = realParameter("bkgoffsetleft"); $bkgWidthLeft = realParameter("bkgwidthleft"); $bkgOffsetRight = realParameter("bkgoffsetright"); $bkgWidthRight = realParameter("bkgwidthright"); $scaleBkgPlot = booleanParameter("scalebkgplot"); $plotFlux = intParameter("plotflux"); # VNY 26.07.2004 $extractFieldSpectra = booleanParameter("extractfieldspectra"); $addedRegionFile = booleanParameter("addedregionfile"); $spectrumLengthU = 1000.0; $spectrumLengthV = 400.0; $spectrumHalfWidth = realParameter("spectrumhalfwidth"); $src2spectrumU = 1100.0; $src2spectrumV = 800.0; $spectrumSmoothLength = intParameter("spectrumsmoothlength"); $extractionMode=intParameter("extractionmode"); $imageSmoothBoxWidth = 10.0; $imageSmoothBoxHeight = 10.0; $plotBinSize = intParameter("plotbinsize"); # if ($plotBinSize == 0) { $plotBinSize=1}; $create = " Running SAS task $taskname V$VERSION $date"; $text1 = " Input directory = $inp_directory"; $text2 = " Output directory = $out_directory"; &HighlightedMessage("*", $create,$comment, " ", $text1, $text2); if ($combine) { $message="Engineering-2 Mode sub-windows (if they exist) will be combined"; } else { $message="Engineering-2 Mode windows will not be combined"; } &Message($message); # Return SAS_VERBOSITY to its requested level if ($SASVERBOSITY > 7) { $ENV{SAS_VERBOSITY} = $SASVERBOSITY; } #************************************************ # Get a list of the files in the current directory #************************************************ &GetListOfDataFiles; #foreach $mode_key (keys(%mode_list)) #{ #print("L202 mode_key=$mode_key mode_list: $mode_list{$mode_key}\n") #} #************************************************** # Check for the presence of the house keeping files #************************************************** &CheckForHouseKeepingFiles; # Run the chain. # Loop over all observations. foreach $orb_key (keys(%orb_list)) { #******************************************** # Process the data for each orbit in the list #******************************************** &ProcessOrbit($orb_key); } # foreach orb_key } # sub omfchain #========================================================================= # # OMGCHAIN subroutine section # #========================================================================= #*************************** # Subroutine ProcessOrbit #*************************** sub ProcessOrbit($) { my ($orb_key) = @_; $message = " Processing orbit ". $orb_key; &HighlightedMessage("*", $message); foreach $obs_key (keys(%obs_list)) { $message = " Observation $obs_key \n"; &Message($message); if ($hasFF) { #$message = "Using flatfield $in_orbit_flat_field_filename \n"; $message="Using flatfield (hasFF= $hasFF) \n"; &Message($message); $message="ffName= $ffName \n"; &Message($message); $flat_field_filename=$ffName; } else { $flat_field_filename=""; } # Loop over all exposures. foreach $exp_key (sort(keys(%exp_list))) { &ProcessExposure($orb_key, $obs_key, $exp_key); } # foreach exp_key } # foreach obs_key } # end ProcessOrbit #****************************** # Subroutine ProcessExposure #****************************** sub ProcessExposure($) { my ($orb_key, $obs_key, $exp_key) = @_; my ($wx0, $wy0, $wdx, $wdy, $gwin_key); my (%wx0_list,%wy0_list, %wdx_list, %wdy_list, %filter_list); my (%process_list); my (@vis_win, @vis_wx0, @vis_wy0, @vis_wdx, @vis_wdy, @vis_proc, $vis_index); my (@uv_win, @uv_wx0, @uv_wy0, @uv_wdx, @uv_wdy, @uv_proc, $uv_index); $message = " Exposure ". $exp_key; &HighlightedMessage("*",$message); # Check consistency of odf. if (exists($file_list{$orb_key . $obs_key . $exp_key . "00THX"})) { $message = "Tracking history file: O.K."; &Message($message); $tracking_history_filename = $file_list{ $orb_key . $obs_key . $exp_key . "00THX"}; } else { $message = "Tracking history file for the exposure $exp_key is missing"; &Message($message); $sas_dir = $ENV{SAS_DIR}; #*********************************** # Create a dummy THX #*********************************** $message = "Creating a dummy file for tracking history"; &Message($message); $tracking_history_filename = "DUMMYTHX.FIT"; } if (exists($file_list{$orb_key . $obs_key . $exp_key . "00WDX"})) { $message = "Window data file: O.K."; &Message($message); } else { $message = "Window data file for the exposure $exp_key is missing"; &Message($message); } if(exists($file_list{$orb_key . $obs_key . $exp_key . "00WDX"}) && exists($file_list{$orb_key.$obs_key."00000NPH"}) && exists($file_list{$orb_key.$obs_key."00000PEH"})) { # Set pipeline variables. $periodic_hk_filename = $file_list{$orb_key.$obs_key."00000PEH"}; $non_periodic_hk_filename = $file_list{$orb_key.$obs_key."00000NPH"}; # Modified $obs_key $window_data_filename = $file_list{$orb_key.$obs_key.$exp_key."00WDX"}; # Extraction of the Exposure Flag $s = substr($window_data_filename, 18, 1); $tracking_history_plot_filename = "p" . $obs_key . "OM" . $s . $exp_key . "TSHPLT" . "0000.PS"; ## $message = "Tracking history plot file: " . $tracking_history_plot_filename; &Message($message); ## $s= substr($non_periodic_hk_filename, 18, 1); $tracking_history_timeseries_filename = "p" . $obs_key . "OM" . $s . $exp_key . "TSTRTS0000.FIT"; ## VNY 07.03.03 $message = "Tracking history timeseries file: " . $tracking_history_timeseries_filename; &Message($message); ## #### Check if the windows in the given exposure are splits of the larger window ####################### $number_of_grisms=0; $vis_index=0; $uv_index=0; # VNY 20.05.2004 Sorting the window keys list in order to get the subwindows # in the increasing order #foreach $win_key (keys(%win_list)) foreach $win_key (sort(keys(%win_list))) { if (exists($file_list{$orb_key . $obs_key . $exp_key . $win_key . "IMI"})) { $image_filename = $file_list{$orb_key . $obs_key . $exp_key . $win_key . "IMI"}; if (open(IMIFILE, $inp_directory . '/' . $image_filename)) { $message="Found image file $image_filename"; &Message($message); } $line=; $filter_id=0; if ($line=~/FILTER = +(\d\d\d\d)/i) { $filter_id=$1; } elsif ($line=~/FILTER = +(\d\d\d)/i) { $filter_id=$1; } $wx0=-1; $wy0=-1; $wdx=-1; $wdy=-1; if ($line=~/WINDOWX0= +(\d\d\d\d)/i || $line=~/WINDOWX0= +(\d\d\d)/i || $line=~/WINDOWX0= +(\d\d)/i || $line=~/WINDOWX0= +(\d)/i) { $wx0=$1; } if ($line=~/WINDOWY0= +(\d\d\d\d)/i || $line=~/WINDOWY0= +(\d\d\d)/i || $line=~/WINDOWY0= +(\d\d)/i || $line=~/WINDOWY0= +(\d)/i) { $wy0=$1; } if ($line=~/WINDOWDX= +(\d\d\d\d)/i || $line=~/WINDOWDX= +(\d\d\d)/i || $line=~/WINDOWDX= +(\d\d)/i || $line=~/WINDOWDX= +(\d)/i) { $wdx=$1; } if ($line=~/WINDOWDY= +(\d\d\d\d)/i || $line=~/WINDOWDY= +(\d\d\d)/i || $line=~/WINDOWDY= +(\d\d)/i || $line=~/WINDOWDY= +(\d)/i) { $wdy=$1; } close(IMIFILE); #$message="L361 Image file closed"; #&Message($message); ## #print "L364 filter_id=$filter_id \n"; if ($filter_id==200) # add to the list of visual grism images { $vis_win[$vis_index]=$win_key; $vis_wx0[$vis_index]=$wx0; $vis_wy0[$vis_index]=$wy0; $vis_wdx[$vis_index]=$wdx; $vis_wdy[$vis_index]=$wdy; $vis_proc[$vis_index]=1; $vis_index++; } if ($filter_id==1000) # add to the list of UV grism images { $uv_win[$uv_index]=$win_key; $uv_wx0[$uv_index]=$wx0; $uv_wy0[$uv_index]=$wy0; $uv_wdx[$uv_index]=$wdx; $uv_wdy[$uv_index]=$wdy; $uv_proc[$uv_index]=1; $uv_index++; } } # if exists IMI } # foreach win_key ####################### # Produce tracking history products. # Process UV-images if ($uv_index > 0) { &ProcessWindows($orb_key, $obs_key, $exp_key, $filter_id, $uv_index, @uv_win, @uv_wx0, @uv_wy0, @uv_wdx, @uv_wdy, @uv_proc); } # # Process Visual images if ($vis_index > 0) { &ProcessWindows($orb_key, $obs_key, $exp_key, $filter_id, $vis_index, @vis_win, @vis_wx0, @vis_wy0, @vis_wdx, @vis_wdy, @vis_proc); } # } # if exists (WDX NPH PEX) else { $message = "*** Warning ***"; &Message($message); $message = "Exposure ". $exp_key . " in observation " . $obs_key . " is missing a file"; &Message($message); $thx_file = $orb_key . "_" . $obs_key . "_OMS" . $exp_key . "00THX.FIT"; $message = "Please check if the file ". $thx_file . " is in the ODF"; &Message($message); $nph_file = $orb_key . "_" . $obs_key . "_OMS" . $exp_key . "00NPH.FIT"; $message = "Please check if the file ". $nph_file . " is in the ODF"; &Message($message); $peh_file = $orb_key . "_" . $obs_key . "_OMS" . $exp_key . "00PEH.FIT"; $message = "Please check if the file ". $peh_file . " is in the ODF"; &Message($message); $wdx_file = $orb_key . "_" . $obs_key . "_OMS" . $exp_key . "00WDX.FIT"; $message = "Please check if the file ". $wdx_file . " is in the ODF"; &Message($message); } } # end sub ProcessExposure sub ProcessWindows($) { my ($orb_key, $obs_key, $exp_key, $filter_id, $index, @mixed) = @_; my (@win, @wx0, @wy0, @wdx, @wdy, @proc); my ($wx_edge, $dx_edge, $wy_edge, $dy_edge); my (@comb_list, $icomb, $ii, $jj, $kk, $grism_id); $message=" Filter value does not correspond to a grism"; if ($filter_id==200) { $grism_id="Grism 2 (visual)"; $message= ("Filter value corresponds to $grism_id"); } if ($filter_id==1000) { $grism_id="Grism 1 (UV)"; $message= ("Filter value corresponds to $grism_id"); } &Message($message); # Recovering the six lists of parameters if ($index > 0) { $ii=0; while ($ii < $index) { $win[$ii]=$mixed[$ii]; $wx0[$ii]=$mixed[$ii+$index]; $wy0[$ii]=$mixed[$ii+2*$index]; $wdx[$ii]=$mixed[$ii+3*$index]; $wdy[$ii]=$mixed[$ii+4*$index]; $proc[$ii]=$mixed[$ii+5*$index]; $ii++; } } $ii=0; while ($ii < $index) { if ($proc[$ii] >=0) { $wx_edge=$wx0[$ii]; $dx_edge=$wdx[$ii]; $wy_edge=$wy0[$ii]; $dy_edge=$wdy[$ii]; $message= "Window $win[$ii] will be processed"; &Message($message); $icomb=0; $comb_list[$icomb]=$win[$ii]; # Combine images only if the parameter $combine is yes if ($combine) { $jj=$ii; while ($jj < $index-1) { $jj++; if ($wx0[$jj] == $wx_edge+$dx_edge && $wy0[$jj] == $wy_edge && $wdy[$jj] == $dy_edge) { $icomb++; $comb_list[$icomb]=$win[$jj]; $wx_edge=$wx_edge+$dx_edge; $dx_edge=$wdx[$jj]; $wy_edge=$wy0[$jj]; $dy_edge=$wdy[$jj]; $proc[$jj]=-1; } } # Check if the iput files exist $kk=0; while ($kk <= $icomb) { if (exists($file_list{$orb_key . $obs_key . $exp_key . $comb_list[$kk] . "IMI"})) { $input_image_filename = $file_list{$orb_key . $obs_key . $exp_key . $comb_list[$kk] . "IMI"}; } $kk++; } } # end if combine == yes # Processing the list of windows (some of which can be combined # at the previous steps) $kk=@comb_list; &ProcessWindow($orb_key, $obs_key, $exp_key, @comb_list); } # end if win[ii]>=0 else { $message="The window $win[$ii] is in the combined list and will not be processed "; &Message($message); } $ii++; } # end while $ii <= $index } # end sub ProcessWindows #****************************** # Subroutine ProcessWindow #****************************** sub ProcessWindow($) { my ($orb_key,$obs_key, $exp_key, @comb_list) = @_; my ($i_win, $n_win); # Number of windows in the list my ($combinedFileName, $arg_list, $kk); my (@ExposureImageList, $combinedImageWasProduced); my ($mode_symbol); $n_win=@comb_list; #$message="The combined list for this window contains $n_win elements"; #&Message($message); # creating the list of files for OMCOMB $combinedFileName="g" . $obs_key . "OMS" . $exp_key . "CIMAGE0000.FIT"; $mode_symbol="S"; $combinedImageWasProduced=0; $message = "Number of sub-windows found: $n_win "; &Message($message); # Combining images if comb_list contains four elements, otherwise process only the first image if ($combine && $n_win == 4) { $kk=0; while ($kk < $n_win) { if (exists($file_list{$orb_key . $obs_key . $exp_key . $comb_list[$kk] . "IMI"})) { $ExposureImageList[$kk] = $inp_directory . '/' . $file_list{$orb_key . $obs_key . $exp_key . $comb_list[$kk] . "IMI"}; $mode_symbol=$mode_list{$orb_key . $obs_key . $exp_key . $comb_list[$kk] . "IMI"}; $combinedFileName="g" . $obs_key . "OM" .$mode_symbol . $exp_key . "CIMAGE0000.FIT"; } $kk++; } $message = "... Combining sub-windows (Engineering-2 Mode data) ... "; &Message($message); &HighlightedMessage("*", "... omcomb ..."); $arg_list= "imagesets=\"" . "@ExposureImageList" . "\"" . " outset=\"" . "$out_directory" . '/' . "$combinedFileName" . "\""; print(" omcomb arguments: $arg_list \n"); system ("omcomb $arg_list") && SAS::fatal("Task Failure", "omcomb"); $message="... Produced a combined image $combinedFileName ... "; &Message($message); $combinedImageWasProduced=1; } $i_win=0; # Processing windows. $message = "... Running Tracking tasks ... "; ###&Message($message); # # omprep. # Loop over all windows. # Temporarily the window are processes one by one (without combining them) $i_win=0; # Processing only the first image #while ($i_win < $n_win) { # Check consistancy of odf. if (exists($file_list{$orb_key . $obs_key . $exp_key . $comb_list[$i_win] . "IMI"})) { $message = " Window $comb_list[$i_win]"; &HighlightedMessage("-", $message); # Set variables. if ($combine && $combinedImageWasProduced) { $input_image_filename= $out_directory . '/' . $combinedFileName; } else { $input_image_filename = $inp_directory . '/' . $file_list{$orb_key . $obs_key . $exp_key . $comb_list[$i_win] . "IMI"}; } ### VNY 07.03.03 Check if the filter is grism $message = "Image file name: ". $input_image_filename; &Message($message); if (open(IMIFILE, $input_image_filename)) { #$message="Image file opened"; #&Message($message); $line=; $filter_id=0; if ($line=~/FILTER = +(\d\d\d\d)/i) { $filter_id=$1; } elsif ($line=~/FILTER = +(\d\d\d)/i) { $filter_id=$1; } close(IMIFILE); #$message=" Image file closed"; #&Message($message); ### Processing only the grism images if ($filter_id==200 || $filter_id==1000) { $message="Filter value does not correspond to a grism"; if ($filter_id==200) { $grism_id="Grism 2 (visual)"; $message="Filter value corresponds to $grism_id"; } if ($filter_id==1000) { $grism_id="Grism 1(UV)"; $message="Filter value corresponds to $grism_id"; } &Message($message); ### $raw_image = "g" . $input_image_filename; #$s = substr($input_image_filename,18, 1); #$s="S"; $s=$mode_symbol; $out_flat_filename = "g" . $obs_key . "OM" . $s . $exp_key . "FLAFLD" . substr($comb_list[$i_win], 1,1) . "000.FIT"; $osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename = "p" . $obs_key . "OM" . $s . $exp_key . "SWSRLI" . substr($comb_list[$i_win], 1,1) . "000.FIT"; $second_osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename = "p" . $obs_key . "OM" . $s . $exp_key . "SWSRLI" . substr($comb_list[$i_win], 1,1) . "001.FIT"; $image_pps_product_filename = "p" . $obs_key . "OM" . $s . $exp_key . "IMAGE_" . substr($comb_list[$i_win], 1,1) . "000.FIT"; $intermediate_image_filename = "g" . $obs_key . "OM" . $s . $exp_key . "IMAGEI" . substr($comb_list[$i_win], 1,1) . "000.FIT"; $detectorCoordImageFileName = "g" . $obs_key . "OM" . $s . $exp_key . "IMAGE_" . substr($comb_list[$i_win], 1,1) . "000.FIT"; $skyCoordImageFileName = "g" . $obs_key . "OM" . $s . $exp_key . "SIMAGE" . substr($comb_list[$i_win], 1,1) . "000.FIT"; $rotatedImageFileName = "p" . $obs_key . "OM" . $s . $exp_key . "RIMAGE" . substr($comb_list[$i_win], 1,1) . "000.FIT"; $smoothRotatedImageFileName = "s" . $obs_key . "OM" . $s . $exp_key . "IMAGE_" . substr($comb_list[$i_win], 1,1) . "000.FIT"; $undistImageFileName = "u" . $obs_key . "OM" . $s . $exp_key . "IMAGE_" . substr($comb_list[$i_win], 1,1) . "000.FIT"; $unscatteredImageFileName = "g" . $obs_key . "OM" . $s . $exp_key . "RIMNSC" . substr($comb_list[$i_win], 1,1) . "000.FIT"; $bkgImageFileName = "g" . $obs_key . "OM" . $s . $exp_key . "RIMBKG" . substr($comb_list[$i_win], 1,1) . "000.FIT"; $modulo_8_product_filename = "g" . $obs_key . "OM" . $s . $exp_key . "MOD8MP" . substr($comb_list[$i_win], 1,1) . "000.FIT"; $sky_coord_pps_product_filename = "p" . $obs_key . "OM" . $s . $exp_key . "SIMAGE" . substr($comb_list[$i_win], 1,1) . "000.FIT"; $region_file = "p" . $obs_key . "OM" . $s . $exp_key . "REGION" . substr($comb_list[$i_win], 1,1) . "000.ASC"; $second_region_file = "p" . $obs_key . "OM" . $s . $exp_key . "REGION" . substr($comb_list[$i_win], 1,1) . "001.ASC"; $spectraRegionFileName = "p" . $obs_key . "OM" . $s . $exp_key . "SPCREG" . substr($comb_list[$i_win], 1,1) . "001.ASC"; $PPS_eventlist_file = "g" . $obs_key . "OM" . $s . $exp_key . "EVLIST" . substr($comb_list[$i_win], 1,1) . "000.FIT"; $spectraRegionPlotName = "p" . $obs_key . "OM" . $s . $exp_key . "SPCREG" . substr($comb_list[$i_win], 1,1) . "001.PS"; $spectraRegionPDF = "p" . $obs_key . "OM" . $s . $exp_key . "SPCREG" . substr($comb_list[$i_win], 1,1) . "001.PDF"; # temporary files for testing purposes $background_output= "tmp_background" . $obs_key . "OM" . $s . $exp_key . "BACKGR" . substr($comb_list[$i_win], 1,1) . ".FIT"; $signifimage_output="tmp_signifimage" . $obs_key . "OM" . $s . $exp_key . "SIGNIF" . substr($comb_list[$i_win], 1,1) . ".FIT"; $grismOutFileName="p" . $obs_key . "OM" . $s . $exp_key . "SPECTR" . substr($comb_list[$i_win], 1,1) . "000.FIT"; # VNY 26.07.2004 ################ if ($extractFieldSpectra) { $message="Available spectra of the field objects will be extracted (by request)"; $outSpectraListFileName="p" . $obs_key . "OM" . $s . $exp_key . "SPECLI" . substr($comb_list[$i_win], 1,1) . "000.FIT"; &Message($message); } else { $message="Extraction of the target object spectrum (no field spectra will be extracted)"; &Message($message); $outSpectraListFileName=""; # VNY 07.09.2004 producing the output spectra list for both cases $outSpectraListFileName="p" . $obs_key . "OM" . $s . $exp_key . "SPECLI" . substr($comb_list[$i_win], 1,1) . "000.FIT"; } ################ # Produce fast mode products. $message = "... Running Grism Mode tasks ... "; &Message($message); ############# #********************************* # omprep #********************************* &HighlightedMessage("*", "omprep"); $arg_list = "set=$input_image_filename" . " nphset=$inp_directory/$non_periodic_hk_filename" . " pehset=$inp_directory/$periodic_hk_filename" . " wdxset=$inp_directory/$window_data_filename" . " modeset=4" . " outset=$out_directory/$intermediate_image_filename"; &Message("omprep $arg_list"); #************************************************************** # Modified so that if omprep fails it just skips the observation, # but does not kill the chain (1.11.2000) #************************************************************** system("omprep $arg_list"); my $exit_value = $? >> 8; # 0 okay, 1 call fatal called, or some other disaster if ($exit_value == 1) # Failure in omprep { &HighlightedMessage("*", "omprep has detected an error- this observation will not be processed"); return; } ############## #*************************************** # ommodmap #*************************************** &HighlightedMessage("*", "... ommodmap ..."); $arg_list = "set=$out_directory/$intermediate_image_filename" . " flatset=$flat_field_filename" . #" applyflat=yes" . #" multiplyflat=yes" . " mod8product=yes" . " mod8set=$out_directory/$modulo_8_product_filename" . " outset=$out_directory/$detectorCoordImageFileName" . " outflatset=$out_directory/$out_flat_filename" . " nsig=$ommodmap_nsig" . " nbox=$ommodmap_nbox" . " mod8correction=$mod8correction"; &Message("ommodmap $arg_list"); system("ommodmap $arg_list") && SAS::fatal("Task Failure","ommodmap failed."); #*********************************************** # omgprep #*********************************************** &HighlightedMessage("*", "... omgprep ..."); $omgprep_usecat="F"; # $arg_list = "set=$out_directory/$detectorCoordImageFileName" . # #" sourcelistset=$out_directory/$osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename" . # " outset=$out_directory/$rotatedImageFileName";# . # # " undistset=$out_directory/$undistImageFileName"; # $arg_list = "set=$out_directory/$detectorCoordImageFileName" . # " outset=$out_directory/$rotatedImageFileName" . # " undistset=$out_directory/$undistImageFileName"; print(" removeScatteredLight= $removeScatteredLight\n"); if ($removeScatteredLight) { $arg_list = "set=$out_directory/$detectorCoordImageFileName" . " outset=$out_directory/$rotatedImageFileName" . " undistset=$out_directory/$undistImageFileName". " removescatteredlight=$removeScatteredLight". " backgroundset=$out_directory/$bkgImageFileName"; } else { $arg_list = "set=$out_directory/$detectorCoordImageFileName" . " outset=$out_directory/$rotatedImageFileName" . " undistset=$out_directory/$undistImageFileName"; } &Message("omgprep $arg_list"); system("omgprep $arg_list"); my $exit_value2 = $? >> 8; # 0 okay, otherwise do not continue #print(" ------------------------ \n"); #print(" exit_value2=$exit_value2 \n"); #print(" ------------------------ \n"); if ($exit_value2 == 1) # Failure in omgprep { &HighlightedMessage("*", "omgprep has detected a problem - this exposure will not be processed"); return; } $level_image_file="LEVEL.FIT"; #************************************************** # omdetect (principal run) #************************************************** $message = " ... omdetect ... "; &HighlightedMessage("*", $message); #$arg_list = "nsigma=2" . $arg_list = "nsigma=$nsigma" . #" minsignificance=0" . #" set=$out_directory/$smoothRotatedImageFileName" . " set=$out_directory/$rotatedImageFileName" . #" levelimage=$out_directory/$level_image_file" . " regionfile=$out_directory/$second_region_file" . " outset=$out_directory/$second_osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename" ; &Message("omdetect $arg_list"); system("omdetect $arg_list") && die("omdetect failed\n"); # *********************************************** $nSources=0; # Number of lines in the region_file open (REGFILE, "$out_directory/$second_region_file"); while ($line=) { $nSources=$nSources+1; } $message = " Number of detected sources = ". $nSources; &Message($message); close(REGFILE); #******************************************************** # OMATT #********************************************************* &HighlightedMessage("*", "... omatt ... "); $arg_list = "set=" . $out_directory . '/' . $rotatedImageFileName . " sourcelistset=" . $out_directory . '/' . $second_osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename . " ppsoswset=" . $out_directory . '/' . $skyCoordImageFileName . " usecat=F" ; system("omatt $arg_list") && SAS::fatal("Task Failure","omatt failed."); #*************************************** # omgrism #*************************************** &HighlightedMessage("*", "... omgrism ..."); $arg_list = "set=$out_directory/$rotatedImageFileName" . " sourcelistset=$out_directory/$second_osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename" . " outset=$out_directory/$grismOutFileName" . " bkgoffsetleft=$bkgOffsetLeft" . " bkgwidthleft=$bkgWidthLeft" . " bkgoffsetright=$bkgOffsetRight" . " bkgwidthright=$bkgWidthRight" . " spectrumhalfwidth=$spectrumHalfWidth" . " spectrumsmoothlength=$spectrumSmoothLength" . " extractionmode=$extractionMode". " extractfieldspectra=$extractFieldSpectra" . " regionfile=$out_directory/$second_region_file" . " spectraregionfile=$out_directory/$spectraRegionFileName" . " outspectralistset=$outSpectraListFileName" . " addedregionfile=$addedRegionFile"; &Message("omgrism $arg_list"); system("omgrism $arg_list") && SAS::fatal("Task Failure","omgrism failed."); #$message = " Number of detected sources = ". $nSources; #&Message($message); #**************************************** # omgrismplot (V1.1) #**************************************** ### calling a new version of OMGRISMPLOT for plotting all the spectra in one file $spectrum_plot_file0 = "g" . $obs_key . "OM" . $s . $exp_key . "SPECTR" . substr($comb_list[$i_win], 1,1) . "000.PS"; $spectrum_PDF_file0 = "p" . $obs_key . "OM" . $s . $exp_key . "SPECTR" . substr($comb_list[$i_win], 1,1) . "000.PDF"; if ( -e $out_directory . '/' . $grismOutFileName) { $message = "... omgrismplot ... "; &HighlightedMessage("*",$message); &Message("OMGRISM spectrum pps file: $grismOutFileName"); ### 10.10.05 reducing the string in calling PGBEG by setting the PGPLOT_TYPE variable $ENV{PGPLOT_TYPE}="ps"; $arg_list = "set=" . $out_directory . '/' . $grismOutFileName . " scalebkgplot=$scaleBkgPlot" . " binsize=$plotBinSize" . " plotflux=$plotFlux" . #" plotfile=" . $out_directory . '/' . $spectrum_plot_file0 . " plotfile=t.ps" . " spectraregionfile=". $out_directory . '/' . $spectraRegionFileName . #" regionplotfile=" . $out_directory . '/' . $spectraRegionPlotName . " regionplotfile=r.ps" . " rotatedimageset=" . $out_directory . '/' . $rotatedImageFileName ; # The pgplot program truncates the long file names, so using a short name # and renaming it system("omgrismplot $arg_list") && die("omgrismplot failed\n"); rename("t.ps", "$out_directory/$spectrum_plot_file0"); rename("r.ps", "$out_directory/$spectraRegionPlotName"); print("spectraRegionFileName=$out_directory/$spectraRegionFileName \n"); # converts PS to PDF if ( -e $out_directory . '/' . $spectrum_plot_file0) { &Message("Converting the spectrum PostScript file to PDF"); system ("ps2pdf " . $out_directory . '/' . $spectrum_plot_file0 . ' ' . $out_directory . '/' . $spectrum_PDF_file0 ); } else { &Message("The required spectrum PostScript file is missing"); } if ( -e $out_directory . '/' . $spectraRegionPlotName) { &Message("Converting the spectrum region PostScript file to PDF"); system ("ps2pdf " . $out_directory . '/' . $spectraRegionPlotName . ' ' . $out_directory . '/' . $spectraRegionPDF ); } else { &Message("The spectrum region PostScript file is missing"); } } else { &Message("File $grismOutFileName does not exist: no plot produced"); } } # if grism_id=200 or 1000 } # if open IMI else { $message="Failure openning the image file to be processed"; &Message($message); } } #if exists IMI else { $message="Image file for this window does not exist"; &Message($message); } $i_win++; } # for each win_key # Clean things up and do some stuff. unlink($out_directory . '/' . "tmp_tracking"); } # end sub ProcessWindow #************************************************************ # Subroutine GetListOfDataFiles # Get a list of file names in the current working directory. #************************************************************ sub GetListOfDataFiles { my ($p1, $p2, $p3, $p4, $p5, $p6); my (%ffx_list); opendir(INDIR, $inp_directory) || SAS::fatal("OMGCHAIN", "Unable to open $inp_directory"); # Sort the file names according to observation, exposure, window and file type. #$flat_field_filename=$inp_directory . '/superflat_withoutLED.fits'; $periodic_file_flag = 0; $non_periodic_file_flag = 0; $FFXFiles = 0; $PFXFiles = 0; $RFXFiles = 0; $THXFiles = 0; $WDXFiles = 0; $FAEFiles = 0; $IMIFiles = 0; # Sort the file names according to observation, exposure, window and file type. #while ($file = readdir(INDIR)) # { # VNY 11.06.2002 Changes in order to make it working at Jupiter machine foreach $file (glob("$inp_directory/*")) { $file=~ s/^.+\///; #if ($file =~ /^([0-9A-Z]{4})_([0-9A-Z]{10})_OM[S|U|X]([0-9a-zA-Z]{3})([0-9]{2})([A-Z]{3}).FIT/i) if ($file =~ /^([0-9A-Z]{4})_([0-9A-Z]{10})_OM([A-Z]{1})([0-9a-zA-Z]{3})([0-9]{2})([A-Z]{3}).FIT/i) { #$p1=$1;$p2=$2;$p3=$3;$p4=$4;$p5=$5; # V.Y. 01.05.2001 $p1=$1;$p2=$2;$p3=$4;$p4=$5;$p5=$6; # V.Y. 31.01.2007 $p6=$3; #print("L923 p1=$p1 p2=$p2 p3=$p3 p4=$p4 p5=$p5 p6=$p6\n"); # File list. $file_list{"$p1$p2$p3$p4$p5"} = "$file"; $mode_list{"$p1$p2$p3$p4$p5"} = "$p6"; if ($file =~ /^([0-9A-Z]{4})_([0-9A-Z]{10})_OM[S|U|X][0-9a-zA-Z]{3}[0-9]{2}FFX.FIT/i) { $FFXFiles = $FFXFiles + 1; $ffx_list{"$p1$p2"} = "$inp_directory/$file"; $flat_field_filename = $file; $in_orbit_flat_field_filename = $file;; $flatfield_file_flag = 1; } else { if ($file !~ /^([0-9A-Z]{4})_([0-9A-Z]{10})_OM([[0-9a-zA-Z]{4})([0-9]{2})PEH.FIT/i && $file !~ /^([0-9A-Z]{4})_([0-9A-Z]{10})_OM([[0-9a-zA-Z]{4})([0-9]{2})NPH.FIT/i) { #$flatfield = $file; if ($file =~/IMI/i) { # Orbit number list $orb_list{$p1}="$p1"; # Observation list. $obs_list{"$p2"} = "$p1"; # Exposure list. $exp_list{"$p3"} = "$p2"; # Window list. $win_list{"$p4"} = "$p3"; $IMIFiles = $IMIFiles + 1; } if ($file=~ /FAE/i) { $FAEFiles = $FAEFiles + 1; } if ($file =~ /PFX/i) { $PFXFiles = $PFXFiles + 1; } if ($file =~ /RFX/i) { $RFXFiles = $RFXFiles + 1; } if ($file =~ /THX/i) { $THXFiles = $THXFiles + 1; } if ($file =~ /WDX/i) { $WDXFiles = $WDXFiles + 1; } } # if file!=PEH else { #***************************************** # Pick-up the House Keeping files here. #***************************************** if ($file =~ /^([0-9A-Z]{4})_([0-9A-Z]{10})_OM([[0-9a-zA-Z]{4})([0-9]{2})PEH.FIT/i) { $periodic_hk_filename = $file; $periodic_file_flag = 1; } if($file =~ /^([0-9A-Z]{4})_([0-9A-Z]{10})_OM([[0-9a-zA-Z]{4})([0-9]{2})NPH.FIT/i) { $non_periodic_hk_filename = $file; $non_periodic_file_flag = 1; } } # else } # else } # if file=fit } #while closedir(INDIR); } # end sub GetListOfDataFiles #************************************************** # sub CheckForHouseKeepingFiles # Check for the presence of the house keeping files #************************************************** sub CheckForHouseKeepingFiles { if($periodic_file_flag == 0) { $message = "The ODF does NOT contain a Periodic Housekeeping file. Please insert into the ODF."; &Message($message); SAS::fatal("Task Failure","Incomplete ODF."); } if($non_periodic_file_flag == 0) { $message = "The ODF does NOT contain a Non Periodic Housekeeping file. Please insert into the ODF."; &Message($message); SAS::fatal("Task Failure","incomplete ODF."); } } #end sub CheckForHouseKeepingFiles sub date_time { # create the file creation datestring my ($datestring); $datestring = `date -u`; chop $datestring; return $datestring; } #************************************** # Subroutine Message #************************************** sub Message($) { my ($message) = @_; if ($redirect eq 5) { print("$message \n"); } else { SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::SparseMsg, $message); } } #************************************** # Subroutine HighlightedMessage # Outputs lines of text #************************************** sub HighlightedMessage($) { my ($character, @Messages) = @_; my $noLines = @Messages; my $maxLength = length($Messages[0]); my $i = 0; if ($noLines gt 1) { for ($i = 1; $i < $noLines; $i++) { if (length($Messages[$i]) gt $maxLength) { $maxLength = length($Messages[$i]); } } } my $text = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $maxLength; $i++) { $text = $text . $character; } &Message($text); for ($i = 0; $i < $noLines; $i++) { &Message($Messages[$i]); } &Message($text); } #*************************************** # CreateLogFile #************************************** sub CreateLogFile { $redirect = 5; open (STDOUT, ">omgchain_log"); open (STDERR, ">&STDOUT"); select (STDERR); } #*********************************** # Subroutine GetCurrentDirectory #********************************** sub GetCurrentDirectory { my ($command, $curdir, $leng); $command = "pwd"; $curdir = `$command`; $leng = length($curdir); substr($curdir, $leng - 1) = ""; return $curdir; } #****************************** # Subroutine GetODFDirectory # Retrieves the directory-path # of the ODF data files. #****************************** sub GetODFDirectory($) { my ($SASFile) = @_; my ($directory, $length); open (SASFILE, $SASFile) || SAS::fatal("OMGCHAIN","Unable to open SAS SUMMARY FILE $SASFILE"); $line = ; while ($line = ) { if ($line =~ "PATH") { $length = length($line); $directory = substr($line, 5, $length - 6); #if ($directory eq "." or $directory eq "./") #{ # $length = length($SASFile); # $directory = substr($SASFile, 0, $length - 32); #} close SASFILE; return $directory; } } close SASFILE; SAS::fatal("OMGCHAIN", "Unable to find the ODF directory path"); } #******************************* # sub SetUpDirectoryPaths #******************************* sub SetUpDirectoryPaths { my ($ffdirectory, $i, $input, @SASFiles, $length, $directory); my ($position); $inp_directory = stringParameter("inpdirectory"); if ($inp_directory eq "") { # Test VNY 11.06.03 (search for the flat-field file) $hasFF=0; $ffdirectory = $ENV{SAS_DIR} . "/packages"; $workingDir=$0; $position=index($workingDir, "/bin"); #if ($position >= 0) #{ #print(" position of the /bin pattern= $position \n"); #} #else #{ #print (" OMGCHAIN L972: /bin/omgchain was not found \n"); #} if (opendir (FFDIR, $ffdirectory)) { # Check if the Flat Field file is there $ffName=$ffdirectory . "/omgchain/test/superflat_withoutLED.fit"; if (open(FFFILE, "$ffName")) { $hasFF=1; close(FFFILE); } else { $ffName=substr($workingDir, 0, $position) ; #print(" new ff-directory= $ffName \n"); $ffName = $ffName . "/packages/omgchain/test/superflat_withoutLED.fit"; #print(" new ff-name= $ffName \n"); if (open(FFFILE, "$ffName")) { $hasFF=1; close(FFFILE); } else { #print (" OMGCHAIN L999: there is no ff-file at all \n"); } } closedir (FFDIR); } #************************************************* # If the SAS_ODF environment variable has been set # then set the input directory to it- otherwise # set the input directory to the current directory #************************************************* $input = $ENV{SAS_ODF}; if ($input eq "") { $inp_directory = &GetCurrentDirectory; $ENV{SAS_ODF} = $inp_directory; @SASFiles = <$inp_directory/*.SAS>; $SASFile = shift @SASFiles; } else { #************************************************* # If SAS_ODF is set to a .SAS file then need # to get the ODF directory from it #************************************************ $pos = index($input, "SAS"); if ($pos gt 0) { $length = length($input); $directory = substr($input, 1, $length - 4); $SASFile = $input; $inp_directory = &GetODFDirectory($input); } else { $inp_directory = $input; @SASFiles = <$inp_directory/*.SAS>; $SASFile = shift @SASFiles; } } } $out_directory = stringParameter("outdirectory"); if ($out_directory eq "") { $out_directory = &GetCurrentDirectory; } #&Message("inpdirectory = $inp_directory"); #&Message("outdirectory = $out_directory"); } #************************************ # Sub GetOmdetectParameters #************************************ #sub GetOmdetectParameters #{ # $omdetect_nsigma = realParameter("nsigma"); # $omdetect_contrast = realParameter("contrast"); # $omdetect_smoothsize = realParameter("smoothsize"); # $omdetect_boxscale = intParameter("boxscale"); # $omdetect_maxscale = intParameter("maxscale"); # #} #************************************ # Sub GetOmdetectParameters #************************************ #sub GetOmregionParameters #{ # $omregion_srcradius = realParameter("srcradius"); # $omregion_bkginner = realParameter("bkginner"); # $omregion_bkgouter = realParameter("bkgouter"); #} #***************************** # Subroutine Display # Displays the given list #**************************** sub Display($) { my ($title, @List) = @_; my ($i) = 0; print("DISPLAYING LIST $title \n"); for ($i = 0; $i < @List; $i++) { print("$i) $List[$i] \n"); } } #*************************** # GetStringParameterList # Gets the list of strings # in the command line for a # specified parameter name #*************************** sub GetStringParameterList($) { my($parameter) = @_; my $num = 0; my $i = 0; $num = parameterCount($parameter); my (@ParameterList) = (); if ($num eq 0) { return @ParameterList; } for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $ParameterList[$i] = stringParameter($parameter, $i); } &Display("parameter list", @ParameterList); return @ParameterList; }