#! /usr/bin/perl -w # # # main for SAS perl tasks. # require 5; use strict; use Getopt::Long; Getopt::Long::Configure ("pass_through"); use SAS::error; ## At build time the following strings (enclosed in --, that is ## -string-) are replaced: ## taskname ## version ## release ## aka ## Make sure they do not occur anywhere else in main.pl unless you ## want them to be replaced. ## taskname also occurs at the end of main.pl ## my $name = "omichain"; SAS::error::client($name); my $VERSION = "1.71.1"; my $RELEASE = "xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0"; my $AKA = "14.0.0"; ## ## Standard options: these follow taskmain. ## ## -a|--ccfpath [:...] --> SAS_CCFPATH ## -f|--ccffiles [...] --> cannot be implemented ## -c|--noclobber --> SAS_CLOBBER ## -d|--dialog --> tool(sasdialog) ## -h|--help --> tool(listparams) ## -i|--ccf --> SAS_CCF ## -m|--manpage --> sashelp ## -o|--odf --> SAS_ODF ## -V|--verbosity -- SAS_VERBOSITY ## -v|--version --> local implementation ## ## Getopt::Long provides support for short versions with single "-" except for -v. ## Therefore all short versions were automatically included either with first letter ## or via an alias as for -a, -i, -o and -V. ## ## -v deserves special care due to the existence of support for $version within the ## Getopt module. Therefore -v is treated specially. my ($ccfpath, $noclobber, $dialog, $help, $ccf, $manpage, $odf, $verbosity, $version); exit(1) unless GetOptions("ccfpath|a=s" => \$ccfpath, "noclobber" => \$noclobber, "dialog" => \$dialog, "help" => \$help, "ccf|i=s" => \$ccf, "manpage" => \$manpage, "odf|o=s" => \$odf, "verbosity|V=i" => \$verbosity, "version" => \$version, ); my $arg; foreach $arg (@ARGV) { $version=1 if ( $arg =~ "-v" ); } $ENV{SAS_CCFPATH} = $ccfpath if($ccfpath); $ENV{SAS_CLOBBER} = 0 if($noclobber); $ENV{SAS_CCF} = $ccf if($ccf); $ENV{SAS_ODF} = $odf if($odf); $ENV{SAS_VERBOSITY} = $verbosity if($verbosity); use SAS::param; if($version){ print "$name-$VERSION [$RELEASE-$AKA]\n"; exit(0); } if($manpage){ system("sashelp --doc=$name"); my $x = $? >> 8; # perldoc -f system exit($x); } if($help){ system("listparams $name"); my $x = $? >> 8; exit($x); } if($dialog){ system("sasdialog $name"); my $x = $? >> 8; exit($x); } &omichain(); #!/usr/bin/perl # # # OMICHAIN # # XMM Pipeline Processing System OMICHAIN scriptrstore # # Author: Jon Rainger (jfr@mssl.ucl.ac.uk) # # Description: This script runs the tasks required for to produce # PPS products from Imaging Mode ODFs. # # $Id: module.f90,v 1.6 1998/05/27 13:45:39 gvacanti Exp $ # # # MODIFICATIONS: # 12/06/2000 - AMK - Removed call to OMPSF as none of the pipleline tasks use it's output. # # 12/06/2000 - AMK - Redirected sreen output to a file omichain_log as user will lose the output during a complete ODF # # 06/09/2000 - AMK - Ammended code so that the new style house keeping files are processed correctly. # # 06/09/2000 - AMK - Ammended code so that product names conform to specification. # # 29/09/2000 - AMk - Changed flat field product file name to tmp_flat_field as this file should NOT be a product. # # 11/10/2000 - AMK - Removed the die calls and replace with SAS::fatal calls. # # 03/11/2000 - CB - Modified so that images with "BLOCKED" or "UNKNOWN" filters are not processed.sas # Added call to ps2pdf. # 21/01/2000 - CB - Modified so that "ommosaic" runs at the end to produce a composite image for each filter. # 10/08/2001 - CB - Modified to process engineering 2 and 4 data and restructured. # 11/20/2001 - CB - Modified to accept command-line parameters for ommodmap, omdetect, ommodmap, ommosaic # and omsrclistcomb. # 12/12/2001 - CB - Modified to process the exposures for each filter in the order that the filters # appear in the SAS summary file. # 08/-5/2002 - CB - Modified to keep the intermediate source-list files from omdetect & ommag # 03/12/2002 - CB - Modified to use the omatt parameter rotateimage # 15/06/2003 - CB - Perl script overhauled for latest Perl # 27/01/2004 - VNY - an error with input parameters and verbosity > 7 is by-passed # 01.02.2004 - VNY the verbosity level is lowered to 5 for the moment # of reading the input parameters of omichain # 14.04.2004 - VNY - protected against using an uninitialized string # variable in the lines 398-413 (to fix SSC-SPR-3286) # 2004-05-29 - VNY Correction in the subroutine GetODFDirectory to protect # the task from failure during its test in Mac-machines # 2012-10-23 - VNY - introduced the compillation of the USNO catalogue subset, # the USNO subset files being given their corresponding names # 2012-11-24 VNY the task will generate the name for the USNO subset only # if the parameter cafile is not specified # 2012-12-01 VNY adding the task omregion to generate the ASCII region-product # file for full-frame images (the region file for the mosaiced images # is generated by omdetect). # 2012-12-04 VNY protected from a crash in the case of finding an undefined OM filter # # 2014-03-20 (vny,eop) Changed the name of the intermediate image (detectorCoordImageFileName) # which was marked as a product (P...), but which is not the final product (should be I...) # in the call to the routine omqualitymap. The terminating string of this # name is changed from _windowNo0 to 3windowNo0. The name of the image containing the quality # map (stringQmap2) is changed from QIMA2_windowNo to IMAGE_windowNo. #************************************************************************************** #use DAL; use SAS; my @FilterList =(); # Stores a list of the filters in the summary file my @FilterFileList = (); my @ExposureNoList =(); # Stores a list of the exposure numbers my %ExposureFilterList =(); # Stores a list of the filter for each exposure number my @E2IMIList =(); # Stores the IMI files created by omengine2 my @E4IMIList =(); # Stores the engineering 4 mode image files my @Simage2000Files = (); my %ExposureType = (); my $SASFile = "TEST"; my @FileList = (); my @InputFilterList = (); my @OMFilterCodes = (); my @ExposureImageList = (); my %ExposureExtension = (); my %ExposureScheduleList = (); my (@UserExposureList) = @_; # The list of exposures in the parameter list my (@OMFilterList); # The list of OM filters from the SAS summary file my (@ExposureList) = (); my @osw_file_list = (); my %orb_list = (); my $inp_directory = ""; # The input directory my $out_directory = ""; # The output directory my $redirect = 0; #************************************************************ # # For processing summary # #************************************************************ my %processedImageList = (); my %processedSourceList = (); my %processedSkyImageList = (); my %processedMosaicedImageList = (); my %processedMosaicedSourceList = (); my %observationSourceList = (); #************************************************************* # # Tracking-history product files (time-series and plot file) # #************************************************************ my @TSTRTSList = (); my @TSHPLT1List = (); my @TSHPLT2List = (); my $tracking_history_found=0; #************************************************* # Output files #************************************************ my $tracking_history_filename; my $in_orbit_flat_field_filename; my $flatFieldFileName; my $detectorCoordImageFileNameNoQmap; my $detectorCoordImageFileName; my $detectorCoordQualityFileName; my $detectorCoordQualityFileName2; my $usnoSubsetFileName=""; my $IntermediateImage1FileName; my $IntermediateImage2FileName; my $modulo_8_product_filename; my $regionFileName; my $levelImageFileName; my $backgroundImageFileName; my $osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename; my $osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename1; my $osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename2; my $trackingHistoryOutputFileName; my $tracking_history_plot_filename; my $tracking_history_plot_filename1; my $window_data_filename; my $periodic_hk_filename; my $non_periodic_hk_filename; my $tracking_history_timeseries_filename; my $observation_source_list_pps_product_filename; my $observation_source_list_region_product_filename; my $skyCoordImageFileName; my $flat_field_product_filename; my $periodic_file_flag; my $non_periodic_file_flag; my $obs_key; my $win_key; my $exp_type; my $orb_key; #********************************************* # Input parameters #********************************************* my $ommodmap_nsig; my $ommodmap_nbox; my $omdetect_nsigma; my $omdetect_minsignificance; my $omdetect_detectextended; my $omsrclistcomb_nsigma; my $omsrclistcomb_usecat; my $omsrclistcomb_alignaxes; my $maxradecerr; my $maxrmsres; my $omatt_usecat; my $catfile; my $catfileSpecified=0; my $omatt_rotateimage = 1; my $detect_stacked = "F"; my $psfPhotometryEnabled = "F"; my $backgroundMethod = 1; my $maxRawCountRate =50.0; my $rawattitude=0; #****************************************** # Parameters for ommergelsts #***************************************** my $ommergelistsRegionFile = ""; my $ommergelistsPlotFile = "ommergelists.ps"; my $ommergelistsTolerance = 2.0; my $ommergelistsMaxrawrate = 2.0; #******************************************** # # Parameters for omvariability #******************************************** my $omvariability_minStd = 2.0; my $omvariability_plotFile = "omvariability.ps"; sub omichain { #///////////////////////////////////////// my $SASVERBOSITY = " "; if (exists($ENV{SAS_VERBOSITY})) { $SASVERBOSITY = $ENV{SAS_VERBOSITY}; } else { $SASVERBOSITY = "5"; $ENV{SAS_VERBOSITY} = "5"; } if ($SASVERBOSITY > 7) { $ENV{SAS_VERBOSITY} = "5"; } #************************************************ # For program development message can be written # to a file "omichain_log" # REMEMBER TO BLANK OUT NEXT LINE BEFORE UPLOADING #*********************************************** $redirect = 1; # &CreateLogFile; #************************************** # Set up the directory paths for input # and output. #************************************** &SetUpDirectoryPaths; my $taskname='OMICHAIN'; #my $VERSION='1.69'; my $date = &date_time; my $comment = stringParameter("comment"); my $commentLength=length($comment); if ($commentLength > 255) { $comment=" "; $commentLength=1; } $detect_stacked = "T"; $psfPhotometryEnabled = "F"; $backgroundMethod = 1; $maxRawCountRate =50.0; $rawattitude=0; $omatt_rotateimage = 1; $ommergelistsTolerance = 2.0; $ommergelistsMaxrawrate = 2.0; $ommergelistsPlotFile = "ommergelists.ps"; $ommergelistsRegionFile = "ommergelists.fit"; $omvariability_minStd = 2.0; $omvariability_plotFile = "omvariability.ps"; my $create = "Running SAS task $taskname V$VERSION $date"; my $text1 = "Input directory = $inp_directory"; my $text2 = "Output directory = $out_directory"; &HighlightedMessage("*", $create, $comment, " ", $text1, $text2); #************************************** # Get the parameters for ommodmap, # omdetect, omatt, omsrclistcomb #************************************** &GetOmmodmapParameters; &GetOmdetectParameters; &GetOmattParameters; &GetOmsrclistcombParameters; #************************************************* # Get the parameters for ommergelists #************************************************* &GetOmmergelistsParameters; # &GetOmvariabilityParameters; $rawattitude = intParameter("rawattitude"); #print("L282 rawattitude=$rawattitude \n"); #*************************************************************** # Process the mosaiced sky-images or not # #*************************************************************** $detect_stacked = &GetBooleanParameter("processmosaicedimages"); #************************************** # # Get the list of filters that the # user wants to process (if any in list) # #************************************** @InputFilterList = &GetStringParameterList("filters"); for(my $i = 0; $i < @InputFilterList; $i++) { $InputFilterList[$i] = &convertToUpperCase( $InputFilterList[$i] ); } # Return SAS_VERBOSITY to its requested level if ($SASVERBOSITY > 7) { $ENV{SAS_VERBOSITY} = $SASVERBOSITY; } #***************************************************** # Read the SAS summary file to get a list of # observations, etc, to be processed #***************************************************** &ExamineSASFile; #*************************************************** # # Initialise the lists of engineering 2/4 data, etc. # #*************************************************** &InitialiseLists; #************************************************** # Check for the presence of the house keeping files #************************************************** &CheckForHouseKeepingFiles; #********************************************** # Run the pipeline- Loop over all observations. #********************************************** foreach $orb_key (keys(%orb_list)) { #******************************************** # Process the data for each orbit in the list #******************************************** &ProcessOrbit($orb_key, @InputFilterList); } #******************************************** # We don't want to keep any new image file # created from Engineering mode 2 data #******************************************** # &DeleteNewImageFiles; #************************************************* # # Produce a report of product files # #************************************************ &processingReport; $date = &date_time; my $message = "Finished running SAS task $taskname V$VERSION $date"; &HighlightedMessage("*", $message); #****************************** # For test purposes #****************************** if ($redirect == 5) { close(STDOUT); close(STDERR); } } #*********************************************************** # # Subroutine section # #*********************************************************** sub date_time { # create the file creation datestring my $datestring; $datestring = `date -u`; chop $datestring; return $datestring; } #************************************** # subroutine GetFilterCode # Given a filter from the SAS file # returns the filter code to be used # in constructing the output file name. #************************************** sub GetFilterCode { my($filter) = @_; # The input filter name my @OMFilters = ("BLOCKED", "V", "Magnifier", "MAGNIFIER", "U", "B", "WHITE", "GRISM2", "Grism2", "UVW1", "UVM2", "UVW2", "GRISM1", "Grism1"); my @OMFilterCodes = ("BL", "V", "MA", "MA", "U", "B", "W", "G", "G", "L", "M", "S", "H", "H"); my $undefinedFilterCode="X"; for (my $i = 0; $i < @OMFilters; $i++) { if ($OMFilters[$i] eq $filter) { return $OMFilterCodes[$i]; } } #die("No such filter ($filter) in filter table!"); return $undefinedFilterCode; } #************************************ # Sub IsHighResCentralWindow #************************************ sub IsHighResCentralWindow { my ($fileName) = @_; if($fileName =~ /OMS00/) { if($fileName =~ /IMAGE_1000/) { return 1; } } return 0; } #******************************************************************** # subroutine FindEngineering4ImageFiles #******************************************************************** sub FindEngineering4ImageFiles { my $numExposures = @ExposureNoList; my @ImageFile = <$inp_directory/*E4I.FIT*>; # print("Findengineering4Imagefiles line 356\n"); my $numFiles = @ImageFile; if($numFiles == 0) { return; } # print("Findengineering4imagefiles line 363\n"); #************************************************************************ # Create a list of engineering 4 image files, without the directory path #************************************************************************ for (my $i = 0; $i < $numFiles; $i++) { my $fileName = $ImageFile[$i]; my $pos = index($fileName, "E4I") - 24; my $name = substr($fileName, $pos, 32); # Get rid of the directory name # print("Line 377 $i) file=$fileName\n"); push(@E4IMIList, $name); # Add it to the list of engineering mode 4 data $fileName = $name; #********************************************* # Find out which exposure this file is #********************************************* my $exposure = substr($fileName, 19, 3); # The exposure number my $found = 0; my $j = 0; while ($j < $numExposures and $found == 0) { my $exposureNo = substr($ExposureNoList[$j], 0, 3); if ($exposure eq $exposureNo) { $ExposureType{$exposureNo} = "ENG4"; $ExposureExtension{$exposureNo} = "*E4I.FIT*"; $found = 1; } $j++; } } } #****************************************************** # Subroutine FillExposureList # Obtains a list of the exposures in the summary file #****************************************************** sub FillExposureNoList { open (SASFILE, $SASFile) || die("Unable to open SAS SUMMARY FILE $SASFile- Please check directory paths and SAS_ODF variable"); my $line; # print("fillexposurenolist line 414\n"); #************************************************* # # Skip past the EPIC and RGS stuff # #************************************************* while ($line = ) { my $k=substr($line, 0, 2); next unless $k eq "OM"; last; } # until (substr($line, 0, 2) eq "OM") # { # # $line = ; # # } while ($line = ) { if ($line =~ "/ Exposure Identifier") { #print("L541 line=$line \n"); #my $exposureNo = substr($line, 0, 3); my $exposureNo = substr($line, 32, 4); my $exposureSchedule = substr($line, 32, 1); push(@ExposureNoList, $exposureNo); $ExposureScheduleList{$exposureNo} = $exposureSchedule; #print("L550 exposureno=$exposureNo, exposureschedule=$exposureSchedule\n"); #**************************************** # Get the filter name from the SAS file #**************************************** my $filterName = &GetNextSASFilter; if ($filterName eq "") { last; } #************************************************************************ # Store the exposure number for this filter #************************************************************************ # 2011-05-20: there is a possibility that the observation contains # two data sets with the same exposureNo, e.g. 006, the difference being # S006 and U006, one belongs to the W1-filter, and another M2-filter # To distinguish them the variable exposureNo should be modified # #print("fillexposurenolist L565 - filter name=$filterName, exposureno=$exposureNo\n"); #print("Line was $line\n"); %ExposureFilterList = Store($filterName, $exposureNo, %ExposureFilterList); #print("L570 - exposureno=$exposureNo, filter=$filterName\n"); } } # close $handle; close SASFILE; } #*************************************************************** # Subroutine DeleteNewImageFiles # Renames the new image files created from each set of four # engineering 2 mode image files. #*************************************************************** sub DeleteNewImageFiles { if ($out_directory ne $inp_directory) { my $num = @E2IMIList; for (my $j = 0; $j < $num; $j++) { my $fileName = $E2IMIList[$j]; my $pos = index($fileName, "E2I") - 24; my $name = $out_directory . '/' . substr($fileName, $pos, 32); # Get rid of the directory name system("cp $fileName $name"); } unlink (@E2IMIList); } #********************************************* # Move the flatfield file created by omflatgen # to the output directory and delete the one # in the input directory #********************************************* if ($flatFieldFileName ne "BLANK" and $out_directory ne $inp_directory) { my $name = $inp_directory . '/'. $flatFieldFileName; system("cp $flatFieldFileName $name"); unlink $flatFieldFileName; } #****************************************** # Delete temp files #***************************************** chdir $out_directory; &DeleteFileList("tmp"); #****************************************** # Delete imi files #***************************************** &DeleteFileList("imi"); #****************************************** # Delete fit files #***************************************** &DeleteFileList("fit"); } #*************************************** # DeleteFileList #*************************************** sub DeleteFileList($) { my ($name) = @_; my @List = <*$name*> ; # Creates a list of FIT file names unlink (@List); } #************************************************************** # Subroutine MissingImageFileWarning #************************************************************* sub MissingImageFileWarning($) { # my ($fileName) = @_; my $exp_key = " "; my $value = $ExposureType{$exp_key}; if ($value eq "ENG2" or $value eq "ENG4" and $value ne "") { return; } my $imi_file = $orb_key . "_" . $obs_key . "_OM" . $exp_type . $exp_key . $win_key . "IMI.FIT"; &Message("*** Warning *************************************************"); my $message = "Warning! - Window '$win_key' of exposure '$exp_key' in observation '$obs_key' is missing the image file $imi_file."; &HighlightedMessage("*", $message); } #******************************************** # Subroutine CreatePoductFileNames #******************************************** sub CreateProductFileNames($) { my ($observationNo, $exposureSchedule, $exposureNo, $windowNo, $filter) = @_; # The exposure and window numbers $windowNo = substr($windowNo, 1, 1); my $exposureType = $ExposureType{$exposureNo}; # Rudi5, ENG2 or ENG4 my $filterCode = &GetFilterCode($filter); my $string1; my $string2; my $string3; my $stringUsno; my $stringQmap; my $stringQmap2; #print("L707 exposureType=$exposureType \n"); #print("L737 filterCode=$filterCode \n"); if ($exposureType eq "RUDI5") # Rudi-5 case { $string1 = "SIMAGE$windowNo"; $string2 = "IMAGE_$windowNo"; $string3 = $windowNo; $stringQmap = "QIMAG_$windowNo"; #$stringQmap2 = "QIMA2_$windowNo"; $stringQmap2 = "IMAGE_$windowNo"; $stringUsno="USNO$windowNo"; } elsif ($exposureType eq "ENG2") # Engineering-2 case { $string1 = "FSIMAG$filterCode"; $string2 = "FIMAG_$filterCode"; $stringQmap = "FQIMA_$windowNo"; #$stringQmap2 = "FQIM2_$windowNo"; $stringQmap2 = "FIMAG_$windowNo"; $string3 = $filterCode; $stringUsno="FUSNO$filterCode"; } elsif ($exposureType eq "ENG4") # Engineering-4 case { $string1 = "FSIMAG$filterCode"; $string2 = "FIMAG_$filterCode"; $stringQmap = "FQIMA_$windowNo"; #$stringQmap2 = "FQIM2_$windowNo"; $stringQmap2 = "FIMAG_$windowNo"; $string3 = $filterCode; $stringUsno="FUSNO$filterCode"; } else { die("UNKNOWN EXPOSURE TYPE ($exposureType)"); } #print("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"); #print("L781 stringQmap2=$stringQmap2 windowNo=$windowNo \n"); #print("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"); #*************************************************** # The detector-coordinate (ie non-rotated image) file name #*************************************************** #*************************************************************** # 2011-05-20 modification to get the unique exposure number #*************************************************************** #$detectorCoordImageFileName = $out_directory . "/P$observationNo" # . "OM$exposureNo$string2" . "000.FIT"; $detectorCoordImageFileName = $out_directory . "/I$observationNo" . "OM$exposureNo" . "IMAGE3" . $windowNo . "000.FIT"; #*************************************************************** # 2012-09-23 adding a new product: raw quality map #*************************************************************** $detectorCoordQualityFileName = $out_directory . "/I$observationNo" . "OM$exposureNo$stringQmap" . "000.FIT"; #$detectorCoordQualityFileName = $out_directory . "/I$observationNo" # . "OM$exposureNo$stringQmap" . $windowNo . "00.FIT"; $detectorCoordQualityFileName2 = $out_directory . "/P$observationNo" . "OM$exposureNo$stringQmap2" . "000.FIT"; #$detectorCoordQualityFileName2 = $out_directory . "/P$observationNo" # . "OM$exposureNo$stringQmap2" . $windowNo . "00.FIT"; #*************************************************** # The sky-coordinate (ie rotated image) file name #*************************************************** #$skyCoordImageFileName = $out_directory . "/P$observationNo" . "OM$exposureSchedule$exposureNo$string1" . "000.FIT"; $skyCoordImageFileName = $out_directory . "/P$observationNo" . "OM$exposureNo$string1" . "000.FIT"; #*************************************************** # The file name for the USNO catalogue subset #************************************************** $usnoSubsetFileName=$out_directory . "/I$observationNo" . "OM$exposureNo$stringUsno" . "000.FIT"; #************************************ # The intermediate image file names #*********************************** #$IntermediateImage1FileName = $out_directory . "/I$observationNo". "OM$exposureSchedule$exposureNo" . "IMAGE1$windowNo" . "000.FIT"; $IntermediateImage1FileName = $out_directory . "/I$observationNo" . "OM$exposureNo" . "IMAGE1$windowNo" . "000.FIT"; #$IntermediateImage2FileName = $out_directory . "/I$observationNo" . "OM$exposureSchedule$exposureNo" . "IMAGE2$windowNo" . "000.FIT"; $IntermediateImage2FileName = $out_directory . "/I$observationNo" . "OM$exposureNo" . "IMAGE2$windowNo" . "000.FIT"; #$flat_field_product_filename = $out_directory . "/I$observationNo" . "OM$exposureSchedule$exposureNo" . "FLATF$windowNo" . "000.FIT"; $flat_field_product_filename = $out_directory . "/I$observationNo" . "OM$exposureNo" . "FLATF$windowNo" . "000.FIT"; #****************************** # Product created by ommodmap #***************************** #$modulo_8_product_filename = $out_directory . "/I$observationNo" . "OM$exposureSchedule$exposureNo" . "MOD8$windowNo" . "000.FIT"; $modulo_8_product_filename = $out_directory . "/I$observationNo" . "OM$exposureNo" . "MOD8$windowNo" . "000.FIT"; #***************************** # # Products created by omdetect # #***************************** #$regionFileName = $out_directory . "/I$observationNo" . "OM$exposureSchedule$exposureNo" . "REGION$windowNo" . "000.ASC"; $regionFileName = $out_directory . "/I$observationNo" . "OM$exposureNo" . "REGION$windowNo" . "000.reg"; #. "OM$exposureNo" . "REGION$windowNo" . "000.ASC"; #$levelImageFileName = $out_directory . "/I$observationNo" . "OM$exposureSchedule$exposureNo" . "LEVELIMAGE$windowNo" . "000.FIT"; $levelImageFileName = $out_directory . "/I$observationNo" . "OM$exposureNo" . "LEVELIMAGE$windowNo" . "000.FIT"; #$backgroundImageFileName = $out_directory . "/I$observationNo" . "OM$exposureSchedule$exposureNo" . "BCKIMAGE$windowNo" . "000.FIT"; $backgroundImageFileName = $out_directory . "/I$observationNo" . "OM$exposureNo" . "BCKIMAGE$windowNo" . "000.FIT"; #************************************************** # The source=list created by omdetect #************************************************** #$osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename1 = "I$observationNo" . "OM$exposureSchedule$exposureNo"."SWSRLI1$string3"."000.FIT"; $osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename1 = "I$observationNo" . "OM$exposureNo"."SWSRLI1$string3"."000.FIT"; #************************************************** # The source-list created by ommag #************************************************** #$osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename2 = "I$observationNo" . "OM$exposureSchedule$exposureNo"."SWSRLI1$string3"."001.FIT"; $osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename2 = "I$observationNo" . "OM$exposureNo"."SWSRLI1$string3"."001.FIT"; #************************************************** # The source-list created by ommat (the product file) #************************************************** #$osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename = "P$observationNo" . "OM$exposureSchedule$exposureNo"."SWSRLI$string3"."000.FIT"; $osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename = "P$observationNo" . "OM$exposureNo"."SWSRLI$string3"."000.FIT"; } #******************************************** # Subroutine CheckTHXFileExits #******************************************** sub CheckTHXFileExists($) { my ($orbitNo, $observationNo, $exposureSchedule, $exposureNo) = @_; # The exposure and window numbers #$tracking_history_filename = $inp_directory . "/". $orbitNo . "_" . $observationNo . "_OM" . $exposureSchedule . $exposureNo . "00" . "THX.FIT"; $tracking_history_filename = $inp_directory . "/". $orbitNo . "_" . $observationNo . "_OM" . $exposureNo . "00" . "THX.FIT"; #*************************************************** # # Check for existence of file # #************************************************** if (-e $tracking_history_filename) { $tracking_history_found=1; } else { #*********************************** # Create a dummy name to fool OMPREP #*********************************** $tracking_history_filename = $out_directory . "/DUMMYTHX.FIT"; $tracking_history_found=0; } } #************************************************ # Subroutine ProcessIageFile # Processes an OM imaging file #*********************************************** sub ProcessImageFile($) { my ($image_filename, $observationNo, $exposureSchedule, $exposureNo, $windowNo, $filter) = @_; #print("L845 image_filename=$image_filename \n"); #print("L846 exposureNo=$exposureNo \n"); my $position = rindex($image_filename, "OM") + 2; my $text = substr($image_filename, $position, 1); if ($text eq "U" or $text eq "S") { $exposureSchedule = $text; } # print("schedule identifier at position $position=$text\n"); # print("Line 772 processimagefile file_name=$image_filename, exposureschedule=$exposureSchedule, exposureno=$exposureNo\n"); my $exposureType = $ExposureType{$exposureNo}; # Rudi5, ENG2 or ENG4 #****************************************** # Set pipeline variables. #************************** &CreateProductFileNames($observationNo, $exposureSchedule, $exposureNo, $windowNo, $filter); #print("L937 filter=$filter \n"); #*********************************** # Produce image mode products. #*********************************** &HighlightedMessage("*", "Processing image file $image_filename"); #********************************* # omprep #********************************* &HighlightedMessage("*", "omprep"); my $arg_list = "set=$image_filename" . " nphset=$non_periodic_hk_filename" . " pehset=$periodic_hk_filename" . " wdxset=$window_data_filename" . " rawattitude=$rawattitude" . " outset=$IntermediateImage1FileName"; # &Message("omprep $arg_list"); #************************************************************** # Modified so that if omprep fails it just skips the observation, # but does not kill the chain (1.11.2000) #************************************************************** system("omprep $arg_list"); my $exit_value = $? >> 8; # 0 okay, 1 call fatal called, or some other disaster if ($exit_value !=0){ &HighlightedMessage("-", "omprep has datected a problem: trying without using raw attitudes "); $arg_list = "set=$image_filename" . " nphset=$non_periodic_hk_filename" . " pehset=$periodic_hk_filename" . " wdxset=$window_data_filename" . " outset=$IntermediateImage1FileName"; system("omprep $arg_list"); $exit_value = $? >> 8; if ($exit_value == 1) # Failure in omprep { &HighlightedMessage("*", "omprep has detected an error - this observation will not be processed"); return; } } #****************************************** # omcosflag #****************************************** &HighlightedMessage("*", "omcosflag"); $arg_list = "set=" . $IntermediateImage1FileName . " thxset=" . $trackingHistoryOutputFileName; # &Message("omcosflag $arg_list"); system("omcosflag $arg_list") && SAS::fatal("Task Failure","omcosflag failed."); #**************************************** # omflatfield #**************************************** &HighlightedMessage("*", "omflatfield"); $arg_list = "set=$IntermediateImage1FileName" . " thxset=$trackingHistoryOutputFileName" . " inorbitflatset=$in_orbit_flat_field_filename" . " tsflatset=$flat_field_product_filename" . " outset=$IntermediateImage2FileName"; # &Message("omflatfield $arg_list"); system("omflatfield $arg_list") && SAS::fatal("Task Failure","omflatfield failed."); #*************************************** # ommodmap #*************************************** &HighlightedMessage("*", "ommodmap"); $arg_list = "set=$IntermediateImage2FileName" . " mod8product=yes" . " mod8set=$modulo_8_product_filename" . " outset=$detectorCoordImageFileName" . # " outset=$IntermediateImage3FileName" . " nsig=$ommodmap_nsig" . " nbox=$ommodmap_nbox"; # &Message("ommodmap $arg_list"); system("ommodmap $arg_list") && SAS::fatal("Task Failure","ommodmap failed."); #***************************************************** # Store this file # NB Store(key, value, self) #***************************************************** %processedImageList = Store($filter, $detectorCoordImageFileName, %processedImageList); #*********************************************** # # Stop processing image file if a grism image # #*********************************************** if ($filter eq "GRISM1" or $filter eq "GRISM2" or $filter eq "MAGNIFIER" or $filter eq "Magnifier") { &HighlightedMessage("X", "Cannot process this image file any further ($filter image)"); return 1; } #************************************************************************** # # 2012-09-23 VNY modifying the program omqualitymap # to make it working similarly to uvotflagqual # and producing a raw-image quality map #************************************************************************* &HighlightedMessage("*", "omqualitymap"); $arg_list = "set=$detectorCoordImageFileName" . #" outset=$detectorCoordImageFileName" . " outset=$detectorCoordQualityFileName" . " mode=setqualityimage"; system("omqualitymap $arg_list") && SAS::fatal("Task Failure","omquality failed."); #************************************************** # omdetect #************************************************** &HighlightedMessage("*", "omdetect"); $arg_list = "nsigma=$omdetect_nsigma" . " minsignificance=$omdetect_minsignificance" . " detectextended=$omdetect_detectextended" . #" set=$detectorCoordImageFileName" . " set=$detectorCoordQualityFileName" . " regionfile=$regionFileName" . " levelimage=$levelImageFileName" . " backgroundimage=$backgroundImageFileName" . " outset=$out_directory/$osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename";# . # " psfphotometryenabled=$psfPhotometryEnabled" . # " backgroundmethod=$backgroundMethod" . # " maxrawcountrate=$maxRawCountRate"; # &Message("omdetect $arg_list"); system("omdetect $arg_list") && SAS::fatal("Task Failure","omdetect failed."); #********************************************************************* # Keep a copy of this source-list #********************************************************************* system("cp $out_directory/$osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename $out_directory/$osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename1"); if( $detect_stacked eq "T") { #************************************************************************** # # November 5th 2008- new program omqualitymap # This program will add "quality" flag information from the # source-list file to the quality image in the image file #************************************************************************* &HighlightedMessage("*", "omqualitymap"); #$arg_list = "set=$detectorCoordImageFileName" . $arg_list =" set=$detectorCoordQualityFileName" . " srclistset=$out_directory/$osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename". #" outset=$detectorCoordImageFileName" . " outset=$detectorCoordQualityFileName2" . " mode=setqualityimage"; system("omqualitymap $arg_list") && SAS::fatal("Task Failure","omquality failed."); } #*********************************************** # ommag #*********************************************** &HighlightedMessage("*", "ommag"); $arg_list = "set=$out_directory/$osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename"; # &Message("ommag $arg_list"); system("ommag $arg_list") && SAS::fatal("Task Failure","ommag failed."); #********************************************************************* # Keep a copy of this source-list #********************************************************************* system("cp $out_directory/$osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename $out_directory/$osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename2"); #*********************************************************************** # #********************************************************************** # if($omatt_usecat eq "t" or $omatt_usecat eq "T") # { # if (not -e $catfile) # { # my $command = "omcat set=$out_directory/$osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename outset=$catfile"; # system( $command ); # } # # } #*********************************************** # omatt #*********************************************** &HighlightedMessage("*", "omatt"); #$arg_list ="set=$detectorCoordImageFileName" . if ($catfileSpecified==1){ $arg_list = " set=$detectorCoordQualityFileName2" . " sourcelistset=$out_directory/$osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename" . " ppsoswset=$skyCoordImageFileName" . " catfile=$catfile" . " usecat=$omatt_usecat" . " maxradecerr=$maxradecerr" . " maxrmsres=$maxrmsres" . " rotateimage=$omatt_rotateimage"; } else { $arg_list = " set=$detectorCoordQualityFileName2" . " sourcelistset=$out_directory/$osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename" . " ppsoswset=$skyCoordImageFileName" . " catfile=$usnoSubsetFileName" . " usecat=$omatt_usecat" . " maxradecerr=$maxradecerr" . " maxrmsres=$maxrmsres" . " rotateimage=$omatt_rotateimage"; } # &Message("omatt $arg_list"); system("omatt $arg_list") && SAS::fatal("Task Failure","omatt failed."); %processedSourceList = Store($filter,"$out_directory/$osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename", %processedSourceList); if( $omatt_rotateimage eq 'T' or $omatt_rotateimage = 't') { #***************************************************** # Store this file # NB Store(key, value, self) #***************************************************** %processedSkyImageList = Store($filter, $skyCoordImageFileName, %processedSkyImageList); } #********************************************************** # 12.6.2001 # Add the file to the list if it is not the high-resolution # central image #********************************************************** # print("Line 1096 file=$osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename\n"); # if ( &IsHighResolutionCentralWindow("$out_directory/$osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename") eq 'F') { # print("*******************************************************************\n"); # print("Line 1032 $osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename IS NOT a high-re central window\n"); my $name = $out_directory . '/' . $osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename; #*********************************************************** # # Add to the list of SWS files for omsrclistcomb # #*********************************************************** push(@osw_file_list, $out_directory . '/' . $osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename); if ( &IsHighResolutionRudi5Window( "$out_directory/$osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename") eq 'T' ) { return; } push(@Simage2000Files, $skyCoordImageFileName); } # else # { # print("Line 1048 $osw_list_intermediary_detect_filename is a high-re central window\n"); ## } } #*************** #********************************************* # GetFlatFieldImage #********************************************* sub GetFlatFieldImage($) { my ($orb_key, $obs_key) = @_; &HighlightedMessage("-", "omflatgen"); $flatFieldFileName = "P$orb_key" . $obs_key . "X000FLAFLD0000.FIT"; $flatFieldFileName = $out_directory . "/$flatFieldFileName"; my $arg_list = "outset=$flatFieldFileName"; my $message = "omflatgen $arg_list"; # &Message($message); #******************************** # Create an artificial one #******************************** system("omflatgen $arg_list") && SAS::fatal("Task Failure", "omflatgen"); # my $flat = "/opt/data/ssco2/odf/flatfield/pix2pix2006.fits"; # if(-e $flat) # { # my $command = "cp $flat $flatFieldFileName"; # print("$command\n"); # system( $command ); # } # else # { # die("file $flat not found\n"); # } $in_orbit_flat_field_filename = $flatFieldFileName; return $in_orbit_flat_field_filename; } #**************************************************** # Subroutine ProcessExposure #**************************************************** sub ProcessExposure($) { my ($orbitNo, $observationNo, $exposureNo, $exposureSchedule, $exposureType, $filter) = @_; my ($type) = $ExposureType{$exposureNo}; # One of RUDI5, ENG2 or ENG4 #*********************************************** # Determine if RUDI5, ENG2 or ENG4 exposure #*********************************************** #print("L1204 exposureSchedule=$exposureSchedule, exposuretype=$exposureType, filter=$filter\n"); if ($exposureType eq "MISSING") { &HighlightedMessage("x", "Warning! - No image files found for exposure $exposureNo - ignoring exposure"); return; } my $text = "Processing exposure no $exposureNo (Imaging)"; &HighlightedMessage(".", $text); my ($exposureKey) = $exposureType . $exposureNo; my ($i) = 0; my $directory; #************************************************** # If the exposure is an engineering-2 one combine # the four separate images into one. #************************************************** if ($exposureType eq "ENG2") { &CombineEng2Images($observationNo, $exposureSchedule, $exposureNo); $directory = $out_directory; } else { $directory = $inp_directory; } #******************************************************************* # Check consistancy of odf. # # We need only check for the presence of the WDX and THX files here. # # We now have a true or dummy tracking history file name #******************************************************************* $tracking_history_found=0; &CheckTHXFileExists($orbitNo, $observationNo, $exposureSchedule, $exposureNo); #print("L1264 tracking_history_found=$tracking_history_found \n"); #print("L1265 exposureType=$exposureType rawattitude=$rawattitude \n"); #******************************************************************* # 2011-06-07 Modify the value of the parameter rawattitude # if the exposure is in the full-frame mode (ENG2 or ENG4) # or if the tracking history file was not found #******************************************************************* if ($tracking_history_found==0 || $exposureType eq "ENG2" || $exposureType eq "ENG4"){ # the parameter rawattitude =2 is for averaging along the whole exposure $rawattitude=2; my $message = sprintf("%s", "Raw attitude will be averaged for the whole exp.time "); SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::SparseMsg, $message); } else{ if ($rawattitude==1){ # the parameter rawattitude =1 is for averaging during the first 20s my $message = sprintf("%s", "Raw attitude will be averaged for the first 20s of exposure"); SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::SparseMsg, $message); } } #*********************************************************** # 2011-05-20 modification to get the unique exposure number #*********************************************************** #$window_data_filename = $inp_directory . "/". $orbitNo . "_" . $observationNo . "_OM" . $exposureSchedule . $exposureNo . "00WDX.FIT"; $window_data_filename = $inp_directory . "/". $orbitNo . "_" . $observationNo . "_OM" . $exposureNo . "00WDX.FIT"; if (&FileExists($window_data_filename) == 0) { my $text = "Missing WDX file- skipping exposure"; &HighlightedMessage("x", $text); return; } #************************** # # Set pipeline variables. # #************************** #********************************************************** # 2011-05-20 modification to get the unique exposure number #********************************************************** #$tracking_history_plot_filename = $out_directory . "/P" . $observationNo . "OM" . $exposureSchedule . $exposureNo . "TSHPLT" . "000.ps"; $tracking_history_plot_filename = $out_directory . "/P" . $observationNo . "OM" . $exposureNo . "TSHPLT" . "000.ps"; #$tracking_history_plot_filename1 = $out_directory . "/P" . $observationNo . "OM" . $exposureSchedule . $exposureNo . "TSHPLT" . "000.PDF"; $tracking_history_plot_filename1 = $out_directory . "/P" . $observationNo . "OM" . $exposureNo . "TSHPLT" . "000.PDF"; #$tracking_history_timeseries_filename = $out_directory . "/P" . $observationNo . "OM" . $exposureSchedule . $exposureNo . "TSTRTS000.FIT"; $tracking_history_timeseries_filename = $out_directory . "/P" . $observationNo . "OM" . $exposureNo . "TSTRTS000.FIT"; #************************************ # Tracking pipeline #************************************ &HighlightedMessage(" ", "Running tracking chain"); #******************************************** # omprep #******************************************** &HighlightedMessage("-", "omprep"); #******************************** # The tracking-history file name #******************************* #************************************************************** # 2011-05-20 modification to get the unique exposure number #************************************************************** #$trackingHistoryFileName = $out_directory . "/I" . $observationNo . "OM" . $exposureSchedule . $exposureNo . "TRHIS0000.FIT"; $trackingHistoryOutputFileName = $out_directory . "/I" . $observationNo . "OM" . $exposureNo . "TRHIS0000.FIT"; #print("L1320 trackinhHistoryFileName=$trackingHistoryFileName \n"); my $arg_list = "set=$tracking_history_filename" . " nphset=$non_periodic_hk_filename" . " pehset=$periodic_hk_filename" . " wdxset=$window_data_filename" . " rawattitude=$rawattitude" . " outset=$trackingHistoryOutputFileName" . " modeset=3"; system("omprep -v"); # &Message("... omprep $arg_list"); system("omprep $arg_list"); my $exit_value = $? >> 8; # 0 okay, 1 call fatal called, or some other disaster if ($exit_value == 1) # Failure in omprep { &Message("omprep has detected an error- this observation will not be processed"); return; } #************************************************************ # omdrifthst #************************************************************ &HighlightedMessage("-", "omdrifthist"); $arg_list = "set=$trackingHistoryOutputFileName" . " plotfile=" . $tracking_history_plot_filename; # &Message("omdrifthist $arg_list"); system("omdrifthist $arg_list") && SAS::fatal("Task Failue","omdrifthist failed."); #******************************************************************* # Only run ps2pdf if tracking-history file exists #******************************************************************* if (&FileExists($tracking_history_plot_filename) == 1) { #&HighlightedMessage("*", "ps2pdf"); $arg_list = "$tracking_history_plot_filename $tracking_history_plot_filename1"; # &Message("ps2pdf $arg_list"); system("ps2pdf $arg_list") && SAS::fatal("Task Failure","ps2pdf failed."); #***************************************************** # Store this file # NB Store(key, value, self) #***************************************************** push( @TSHPLT1List, $tracking_history_plot_filename); push( @TSHPLT2List, $tracking_history_plot_filename1); # print("Line 1324 2 tracking-history files are $tracking_history_plot_filename and $tracking_history_plot_filename1\n"); } else { &HighlightedMessage("x", "Tracking-history-plot file name doesn't exist"); } #************************************************************ # omthconv #************************************************************ &HighlightedMessage("-", "omthconv"); $arg_list = "thxset=$trackingHistoryOutputFileName" . " nphset=$non_periodic_hk_filename" . " outset=$tracking_history_timeseries_filename" ; push(@TSTRTSList, $tracking_history_timeseries_filename); # &Message("omthconv $arg_list"); system("omthconv $arg_list") && SAS::fatal("Task Failure","omthconv failed."); #*************************************************** # Loop over the windows (0 or 1) for RUDI5 images # (Low res & high res window) #*************************************************** #************************************************** # Get a list of the IMI/E2I/E4I for this exposure #************************************************** my $extension = $ExposureExtension{$exposureNo}; # One of RUDI5, ENG2 or ENG4 #*********************************************** # Get a list of image files for this exposure #*********************************************** my @FileList = &GetExposureFileList($directory, $exposureNo, $extension); #************************************************ # If the exposure is a Rudi-5 one check that # there are 2 exposures (high and low resolution) #************************************************ if ($exposureType eq "RUDI5") { &CheckRudi5Images($exposureNo, @FileList); } #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #die; #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #********************************************* # The imaging pipeline #********************************************* &HighlightedMessage("*", "Running Imaging pipeline"); # print("Process exposure - the list of files for exposure schedule $exposureSchedule\n"); # for (my $i = 0; $i < @FileList; $i++) # { # my $imageFileName = $FileList[$i]; # print("$i) $imageFileName\n"); # } for (my $i = 0; $i < @FileList; $i++) { my $imageFileName = $FileList[$i]; my $pos = index($imageFileName, $extension) - 24; my $name = substr($imageFileName, $pos, 32); # Get rid of the directory name my $windowNo = substr($name, 16, 2); # Window no- 00 or 01 &ProcessImageFile($imageFileName, $observationNo, $exposureSchedule, $exposureNo, $windowNo, $filter); } } #*************************** # # Subroutine ProcessOrbit # #*************************** sub ProcessOrbit($) { my ($orbitNo, @UserFilterList) = @_; my $obs_list = $orb_list{$orbitNo}; my $message; my @List = RetrieveList($orbitNo, %orb_list); #************************************************ # Process observations for the orbit number #*********************************************** for (my $i = 0; $i < @List; $i++) { my $exposureNo; my $oldExposureType; my $exposureType; $obs_key = $List[$i]; #************************************************* # Get the flat-field (create one if necessary) #************************************************* $in_orbit_flat_field_filename = &GetFlatFieldImage($orbitNo, $obs_key); &HighlightedMessage("*", "Observation $obs_key"); #************************************************** # # Process the data for each exposure of each filter # #************************************************** @UserExposureList = &GetStringParameterList("exposures"); if (@UserFilterList > 0 and @UserExposureList > 0) { &HighlightedMessage("x", "Error! - You can only supply either a list of filters or a list of exposures- aborted"); die; } my $userSupplied = 0; my @List = (); if (@UserFilterList > 0) { #***************************************************** # # Check that the list is valid and modify accordingly # #***************************************************** @List = &CheckUserFilterList(@UserFilterList); } elsif (@UserExposureList > 0) { #***************************************************** # Obtain the list of filters for the user-specified # exposures #***************************************************** @List = &CheckUserExposureList(@UserExposureList); # print("Line 1359 user-supplied list of exposures\n"); $userSupplied = 1; } else { @List = &GetFilterList; # List of OM filters in summary file } #********************************************************************* # # Loop through the list of filters for this observation # #********************************************************************* my @mosaicedSkyImageList = (); # For storing the mosaiced sky-images my @mosaicedFilterList = (); # For storing the mosaiced filters for (my $k = 0; $k < @List; $k++) { #print("Line 1384 filter=$List[$k] \n"); #*********************************************** # # Stop processing image file if a grism image # #*********************************************** @Simage2000Files = () ; # Stores a list of the image files for mosaicing #print("----- \n"); #print("L1699 ExposureFilterList==\n"); #print(%ExposureFilterList); #print("\n"); my @List1 = &RetrieveList($List[$k], %ExposureFilterList); #print("----- \n"); #print("L1707 List1=\n"); #print(@List1); #print("\n"); if ($userSupplied == 1) { # print("Line 1398\n"); my @temp = (); my $l = 0; for ($l = 0; $l < @UserExposureList; $l++) { my $m = 0; my $found = 0; while ($m < @List1 and $found == 0) { if($UserExposureList[$l] eq $List1[$m]) { $found = 1; # print("Line 1410 found $List1[$m]\n"); push(@temp, $UserExposureList[$l]); } $m++; } } @List1 = @temp; } my $noExposures = @List1; my $message; if ($noExposures == 0) { next; } #Ignore also UNDEFINED filter if ( $List[$k] eq "GRISM1" or $List[$k] eq "GRISM2" or $List[$k] eq "UNDEFINED") { if ( $List[$k] eq "GRISM1" or $List[$k] eq "GRISM2"){ my $message = "Ignoring filter $List[$k]- please use the omgrism chain to reduce the data"; &HighlightedMessage("x", $message); } else { my $message = "Ignoring filter $List[$k] - please check the input data"; &HighlightedMessage("x", $message); } next; } if ($noExposures == 1) { $message = "Processing $List[$k] band image (exposure " . join(", ", @List1) . ")"; } else { $message = "Processing $List[$k] band images (exposures " . join(", ", @List1) . ")"; } &HighlightedMessage(" ", $message); my $start = time(); #print("Line 1452 noexposures=$noExposures\n"); for (my $i = 0; $i < $noExposures; $i++) { $exposureNo = $List1[$i]; #print("Line 1460 finding exposure type for exosure no $exposureNo\n"); $exposureType = &FindExposureType($exposureNo); #print("$i, )Line 1463 exposureno=, $exposureNo, exposuretype=$exposureType\n"); if ($exposureType ne "MISSING") { $oldExposureType = $exposureType; } my $exposureSchedule = $ExposureScheduleList{$exposureNo}; my $exposure_key = $exposureSchedule . $exposureNo; &ProcessExposure($orbitNo, $obs_key, $exposureNo, $exposureSchedule, $exposureType, $List[$k]); } $exposureType = $oldExposureType; #**************************************** # Mosaic the images for thsi filter #**************************************** my $num = @Simage2000Files; #print("L1779 *****************************************\n"); #print("L1780 Finished processing exposures num=$num \n"); if ($num > 0) { #print("L1792 mosaicing images \n"); my $mosaicedSkyImage = &MosaicImages($exposureType, $List[$k], @Simage2000Files); #******************************************************************************** # # Store this mosaiced sky-image for possible source-detection later on # #******************************************************************************** my $lengthMosaicedSkyImage=length($mosaicedSkyImage); #print("L1803 lengthMosaicedSkyImage=$lengthMosaicedSkyImage \n"); if ( length($mosaicedSkyImage) > 2) { #print("L1809 filter=$List[$k], mosaicedskyimage=$mosaicedSkyImage\n"); push( @mosaicedSkyImageList, $mosaicedSkyImage ); push( @mosaicedFilterList, $List[$k] ); #***************************************************** # Store this file # NB Store(key, value, self) #***************************************************** %processedMosaicedImageList = Store($List[$k], $mosaicedSkyImage, %processedMosaicedImageList); } } # else # { # if ($num == 1) # { # my $zero = 0; # &HighlightedMessage("*", "Warning- there is only one sky-coord image ($Simage2000Files[$zero]" . "- ommosaic will not run"); # } # } my $time = time() - $start; if ($time > 1) { my $message = "Finished processing images for filter $List[$k] - time taken= $time seconds"; &HighlightedMessage("*", $message); } } #*********************************************** # Check that there is at least one source-list #*********************************************** my $numSourceLists = @osw_file_list; #print("L1847 numSourceLists=$numSourceLists \n"); if ($numSourceLists > 0) { #print("L1852 continue processing multiple source lists \n"); #********************************** # Set remaining pipeline variables. #********************************** $observation_source_list_pps_product_filename = "P$obs_key" ."OMCOMBOBSMLI0000.FIT"; $observation_source_list_region_product_filename = "P$obs_key" ."OMCOMBOBSMLI0000.reg"; $omvariability_plotFile = "P$obs_key" ."OMLIGHTCURVE0000"; #********************************************** # omsrclistcomb. #********************************************** &HighlightedMessage("-", "omsrclistcomb"); my $obsFile = "$out_directory/$observation_source_list_pps_product_filename"; my $arg_list=""; if ($catfileSpecified==1){ $arg_list = "sourcelistsets=\"" . join(" ", @osw_file_list) . "\"" . " nsigma=$omsrclistcomb_nsigma" . " usecat=$omsrclistcomb_usecat" . " alignaxes=$omsrclistcomb_alignaxes" . " catfile=$catfile" . " maxradecerr=$maxradecerr" . " maxrmsres=$maxrmsres" . " outset=$obsFile"; } else { $arg_list = "sourcelistsets=\"" . join(" ", @osw_file_list) . "\"" . " nsigma=$omsrclistcomb_nsigma" . " usecat=$omsrclistcomb_usecat" . " alignaxes=$omsrclistcomb_alignaxes" . " catfile=$usnoSubsetFileName" . " maxradecerr=$maxradecerr" . " maxrmsres=$maxrmsres" . " outset=$obsFile"; } # &Message("omsrclistcomb $arg_list"); system("omsrclistcomb $arg_list") && SAS::fatal("Task Failure","omsrclistcomb failed."); $observationSourceList{"EXPOSURES"} = $obsFile; # create a region file for the combined source list $arg_list = "set=$obsFile srcfile=$observation_source_list_region_product_filename"; system("omregion $arg_list") && SAS::fatal("Task Failure","omregion failed."); #*********************************************************************** # Run omvariability #********************************************************************** &runOmvariability($obsFile, @osw_file_list ); if( $detect_stacked eq "T" and @mosaicedSkyImageList > 0) { #***************************************************************************** # 5th November 2008 # Now want to run omdetect on the mosaiced sky images #***************************************************************************** my @swsList = &ProcessMosaicedSkyImages( \@mosaicedSkyImageList, \@mosaicedFilterList); if( @swsList > 0) { #***************************************************************************** # 5th November 2008 # Now want to run omsrclistcomb on the mosaiced SWS files #***************************************************************************** my $mosaicedObsSWSFile = "$out_directory/P$obs_key" ."OMCOMBOBSMOS0000.FIT"; &ProcessMosaicedSWSList( $mosaicedObsSWSFile, @swsList ); $observationSourceList{"MOSAICED"} = $mosaicedObsSWSFile; #****************************************************************************** # Now need to merge the two observation source-list files #****************************************************************************** my $mergedList = $out_directory . "/P$obs_key" . "OMCOMBOBSMER0000.FIT"; my $mergedListRegion = $out_directory . "/P$obs_key" . "OMCOMBOBSMER0000.reg"; &mergeLists( $obsFile, $mosaicedObsSWSFile, $mergedList); $observationSourceList{"MERGED"} = $mergedList; # create a region file for the merged source list $arg_list = "set=$mergedList srcfile=$mergedListRegion"; system("omregion $arg_list") && SAS::fatal("Task Failure","omregion failed."); } } } else { &HighlightedMessage("Warning!- There are no source-list files for omsrclistcomb to process"); } } # The end of looping through the list of observations } #******************************* # sub SetUpDirectoryPaths #******************************* sub SetUpDirectoryPaths { $inp_directory = stringParameter("inpdirectory"); my $directory; if (length($inp_directory) < 2 || length($inp_directory) >255) { #************************************************* # If the SAS_ODF environment variable has been set # then set the input directory to it- otherwise # set the input directory to the current directory #************************************************* my $length1=length($inp_directory); my $len = 0; my $input = " "; if (exists($ENV{SAS_ODF})) { $len = length($ENV{SAS_ODF}); $input = $ENV{SAS_ODF}; } if ($len < 3) { $inp_directory = &GetCurrentDirectory; $ENV{SAS_ODF} = $inp_directory; my @SASFiles = <$inp_directory/*.SAS>; $SASFile = shift @SASFiles; } else { #************************************************* # If SAS_ODF is set to a .SAS file then need # to get the ODF directory from it #************************************************ my $pos = index($input, "SAS"); if ($pos > 0) { my $length = length($input); $directory = substr($input, 1, $length - 4); $SASFile = $input; $inp_directory = &GetODFDirectory; } else { $inp_directory = $input; my @SASFiles = <$inp_directory/*.SAS>; $SASFile = shift @SASFiles; my $string = "$inp_directory/*.FIT"; } } } else { my @SASFiles = <$inp_directory/*.SAS>; $SASFile = shift @SASFiles; $ENV{SAS_ODF} = $inp_directory; } $out_directory = stringParameter("outdirectory"); if (length($out_directory) < 2 || length($out_directory) > 255) { $out_directory = &GetCurrentDirectory; #print("L1948 out_directory=$out_directory \n"); } my $fileExists1=FileExists($out_directory); if (FileExists($out_directory) == 0) { # SAS::fatal("Task Failure","$out_directory doesn't exist"); die("Task Failure (out_directory): $out_directory doesn't exist"); } if (length($inp_directory) < 2 || length($inp_directory) > 255) { $inp_directory = &GetCurrentDirectory; #print("L1965 inp_directory=$inp_directory \n"); } $fileExists1=FileExists($inp_directory); if (FileExists($inp_directory) == 0) { # SAS::fatal("Task Failure","$inp_directory doesn't exist"); die("Task Failure (inp_directory): $inp_directory doesn't exist"); } } #********************************** # sub CheckForHouseKeepingFiles #********************************** sub CheckForHouseKeepingFiles { if($periodic_file_flag == 0) { &Message("The ODF does NOT contain a Periodic Housekeeping file. Please insert into the ODF. "); SAS::fatal("Task Failure","Incomplete ODF."); } if($non_periodic_file_flag == 0) { &Message("The ODF does NOT contain a Non Periodic Housekeeping file. Please insert into the ODF."); SAS::fatal("Task Failure","incomplete ODF."); } } #************************************** # Subroutine InitialiseLists #************************************** sub InitialiseLists { # print("initilaiselists line 1509\n"); &FillExposureNoList; # Stores a list of exposures from the summary file. } #************************************** # Subroutine Message #************************************** sub Message($) { my ($message) = @_; # my $length = length($message); # if ($length <= 72) # { # for (my $i = 0; $i < $maxLength; $i++) # { # $text = $text . $character; # } if ($redirect == 5) { print("$message \n"); } else { SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::SparseMsg, $message); } # } # else # { # my $i = 0; # my $j = 0; # do { # $j += 72; # my $message1 = substr($message, $i, 72); # if ($redirect == 5) # { # print("$message1 \n"); # } # else # { # SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::SparseMsg, $message1); # } # $i += 1; # } until ($j >= $length); # } } #************************************** # Subroutine HighlightedMessage # Outputs lines of text #************************************** sub HighlightedMessage($) { my ($character, @Messages) = @_; my $noLines = @Messages; my $maxLength = length($Messages[0]); if ($noLines > 1) { for (my $i = 1; $i < $noLines; $i++) { if (length($Messages[$i]) > $maxLength) { $maxLength = length($Messages[$i]); } } } if ($maxLength > 80) { $maxLength=80; } my $text = ""; for (my $i = 0; $i < $maxLength; $i++) { $text = $text . $character; } &Message("$text"); for (my $i = 0; $i < $noLines; $i++) { &Message($Messages[$i]); } &Message($text); } #*************************************** # CreateLogFile #************************************** sub CreateLogFile { $redirect = 5; open (STDOUT, ">omichain_log"); # and die("Couldn't open file");; open (STDERR, ">&STDOUT"); select (STDERR); } #*********************************** # Subroutine GetCurrentDirectory #********************************** sub GetCurrentDirectory { my $command = "pwd"; my $curdir = `$command`; my $leng = length($curdir); substr($curdir, $leng - 1) = ""; return $curdir; } #****************************** # Subroutine GetODFDirectory # Retrieves the directory-path # of the ODF data files. #****************************** sub GetODFDirectory($) { open (SASFILE, $SASFile) || SAS::fatal("OMICHAIN","Unable to open SAS SUMMARY FILE $SASFile"); my $line = ; while ($line = ) { if ($line =~ "PATH") { my $length = length($line); my $directory = substr($line, 5, $length - 6); #if ($directory eq "." or $directory eq "./") #{ # my $length = length($SASFile); # $directory = substr($SASFile, 0, $length - 32); #} close SASFILE; return $directory; } } close SASFILE; } #************************************ # Sub GetOmmodmapParameters #************************************ sub GetOmmodmapParameters { $ommodmap_nsig = intParameter("ommodmapnsig"); $ommodmap_nbox = intParameter("ommodmapnbox"); if ($ommodmap_nsig > 10 || $ommodmap_nsig < 1) { $ommodmap_nsig=3; } if ($ommodmap_nbox > 2048 || $ommodmap_nbox < 1) { $ommodmap_nbox=16; } } #************************************ # Sub GetOmdetectParameters #************************************ sub GetOmdetectParameters { $omdetect_nsigma = realParameter("omdetectnsigma"); $omdetect_minsignificance = realParameter("omdetectminsignificance"); # print("omdetectminsignificance= $omdetect_minsignificance\n"); $omdetect_detectextended = booleanParameter("omdetectdetectextended"); $psfPhotometryEnabled = booleanParameter("psfphotometryenabled"); $backgroundMethod = intParameter("backgroundmethod"); $maxRawCountRate=realParameter("maxrawcountrate"); if ($omdetect_nsigma > 20.0 || $omdetect_nsigma < 1.0 ) { $omdetect_nsigma=2.0; } if ($omdetect_minsignificance < 20.0 and $omdetect_minsignificance > 0.0 ) { $omdetect_minsignificance=$omdetect_minsignificance * 1.0; } else { $omdetect_minsignificance = 0.0; } if ($omdetect_detectextended eq 0 or $omdetect_detectextended eq "no" or $omdetect_detectextended eq "NO" ) { $omdetect_detectextended="F"; } else { $omdetect_detectextended="T"; } } #************************************ # Sub GetOmsrclistcombParameters #************************************ sub GetOmsrclistcombParameters { $omsrclistcomb_nsigma = realParameter("omsrclistcombnsigma"); $omsrclistcomb_usecat = &GetBooleanParameter("omsrclistcombusecat"); $omsrclistcomb_alignaxes = &GetBooleanParameter("omsrclistcombalignaxes"); if ($omsrclistcomb_nsigma >10.0 || $omsrclistcomb_nsigma < 1.0) { $omsrclistcomb_nsigma = 3.0; } } #************************************ # # Sub GetOmattParameters # #************************************ sub GetOmattParameters { $omatt_usecat = &GetBooleanParameter("usecat"); $catfile = stringParameter("catfile"); if (length($catfile) < 2 || length($catfile) >255) { $catfile=$inp_directory/"usnocat.fit"; $catfileSpecified=0; } else { $catfileSpecified=1; } if (-e $catfile){ # file ixists: OK $usnoSubsetFileName=$catfile; } else{ # specified file does not exist, using internal name $catfile=$usnoSubsetFileName; $catfileSpecified=0; } $omatt_rotateimage = &GetBooleanParameter("omattrotateimage"); $maxradecerr = realParameter("maxradecerr"); $maxrmsres = realParameter("maxrmsres"); } #************************************ # Sub GetOmmergelistsParameters #************************************ sub GetOmmergelistsParameters { $ommergelistsRegionFile = stringParameter("ommergelistsregionfile"); if (length($ommergelistsRegionFile) < 2 || length($ommergelistsRegionFile) >255) { $ommergelistsRegionFile= ""; } $ommergelistsPlotFile = stringParameter("ommergelistsplotfile"); if (length($ommergelistsPlotFile) < 2 || length($ommergelistsPlotFile) >255) { $ommergelistsPlotFile= ""; } $ommergelistsTolerance = realParameter("ommergeliststolerance"); if ($ommergelistsTolerance > 10.0 || $ommergelistsTolerance < 1.0) { $ommergelistsTolerance = 2.0; } $ommergelistsMaxrawrate = realParameter("ommergelistsmaxrawrate"); if ($ommergelistsMaxrawrate > 100.0 || $ommergelistsMaxrawrate < 0.0) { $ommergelistsMaxrawrate = 5.0; } } #************************************ # Sub GetOmvariabilityParameters #************************************ sub GetOmvariabilityParameters { $omvariability_minStd = realParameter("omvariabilityminstd"); if ($omvariability_minStd > 100.0 || $omvariability_minStd < 0.5) { $omvariability_minStd = 2.0; } } #************************************** # GetBooleanParameter #************************************** sub GetBooleanParameter($) { my ($name) = @_; my ($parameter) = booleanParameter($name); my ($converted) = "F"; if ($parameter eq "1" or $parameter eq "yes" or $parameter eq "YES" or $parameter eq "TRUE" or $parameter eq "true" or $parameter eq "T" or $parameter eq "t") { $converted = "T"; } return $converted; } #************************************** # Sub GetFilterList # Returns a list of the OM filters # in the SAS summary file #************************************** sub GetFilterList { open (SASFILE, $SASFile) || SAS::fatal("OMICHAIN","Unable to open SAS SUMMARY FILE $SASFile"); #************************************************* # Skip past the EPIC and RGS stuff #************************************************* my $line = ; until (substr($line, 0, 2) eq "OM") { $line = ; if( eof) { die("Error reading SAS summary file"); } } @FilterList = (); while ($line = ) { if ($line =~ "/ Exposure Identifier") { my $filterName = &GetNextSASFilter; if ($filterName eq "") { last; } #********************************************* # Add the filter to the list #********************************************* my $numFilters = @FilterList; my $exists = 0; my $i = -1; while (++$i < $numFilters and $exists == 0) { if ($filterName eq $FilterList[$i]) { $exists = 1; } } if ($exists == 0) # Found a different filter { if (&FilterOkay($filterName) == 0) { push(@FilterList, $filterName); } } } } close SASFILE; # &Display("The list of filters", @FilterList); # die("stopped at line 2209"); return @FilterList; } #************************************************ # Sub GetFilterFileList # Returns a list of files for a # given filter which contain # the given expression # Usage :: @List = @GetFilterList("V", "*IMI*"); #************************************************ sub GetFilterFileList($) { my ($filter, $string) = @_; # my($i, $j) = 0; open (SASFILE, $SASFile) || SAS::fatal("OMICHAIN","Unable to open SAS SUMMARY FILE $SASFile"); #************************************************* # Skip past the EPIC and RGS stuff #************************************************* my $line = ; until (substr($line, 0, 2) eq "OM") { $line = ; } my @List =(); # Initialise the file list while ($line = ) { if ($line =~ "FILTER =") { my $pos = index($line, "//"); my $filterName = substr($line, 9, $pos - 10); # Get rid of the characters after the end of the filter if ($filterName eq "White") { $filterName = "WHITE"; } if ($filterName eq "Grism1") { $filterName = "GRISM1"; } if ($filterName eq "Grism2") { $filterName = "GRISM2"; } if ($filterName eq "Blocked") { $filterName = "BLOCKED"; } if ($filterName eq $filter) { until ($line =~ "/ Exposure Identifier") { $line = ; } my $exposureNo = substr($line, 0, 3); push(@List, $exposureNo); #print("Line 2277 getfiltefilelist- filter=$filter, string=$string\n"); } } } close SASFILE; #****************************************************** # Select all the files containing the specified string #****************************************************** my @FileList = <$inp_directory/$string>; @FilterFileList =(); # Initialise the file list for (my $i = 0; $i < @FileList; $i++) { for (my $j = 0; $j < @List; $j++) { if ($FileList[$i] =~ $List[$j]) { push(@FilterFileList, $FileList[$i]); } } } return @FilterFileList; } #***************************** # Subroutine Display # Displays the given list #**************************** sub Display($) { my ($title, @List) = @_; # print("DISPLAYING LIST $title \n"); for (my $i = 0; $i < @List; $i++) { print("$i) $List[$i] \n"); } } #******************************************* # # # GetNextSASFilter # # #****************************************** sub GetNextSASFilter { my $line = ; # print("getnextsasfilter line 2331\n"); my $count = 0; until($line =~ "FILTER =" or $line eq "") { $line = ; ++$count; if( $count > 100) { die("Error reading sas summary file"); } } if ($line eq "") { return $line; } my $pos = index($line, "//"); my $filterName = substr($line, 9, $pos - 10); # Get rid of the characters after the end of the filter #print("getnextsasfilter line 2353 - line=$line filterName=$filterName\n"); if ($filterName eq "White") { $filterName = "WHITE"; } if ($filterName eq "Grism1") { $filterName = "GRISM1"; } if ($filterName eq "Grism2") { $filterName = "GRISM2"; } if ($filterName eq "Blocked") { $filterName = "BLOCKED"; } return $filterName; } #************************************ # GetExposureNoListForFilter # Returns a list of the exposures # made for the given filter #************************************ sub GetExposureNoListForFilter($) { my ($filter, $exposureNo) = @_; my @ExposureNoFilterList = (); my @ExposureNoList = RetrieveList($filter, %ExposureFilterList); return @ExposureNoList; } #******************************************* # Sub FindExposureType # Determines if the given exposure number # is for a RUDI5 sequence, or ENG2 #******************************************* sub FindExposureType($) { my ($exposureNo) = @_; #***************************************************************** # Get a list of IMI files from the input directory #***************************************************************** my(@ImageFiles) = <$inp_directory/*IMI.FIT*>; #print("L2644 Findexposure looking for exposureNo $exposureNo\n"); my $num; my $numFiles = @ImageFiles; @ExposureImageList = (); # Initialise the file list my $type; for (my $j = 0; $j < $numFiles; $j++) { my $fileName = $ImageFiles[$j]; my $pos = index($fileName, "IMI") - 24; my $string = substr($fileName, $pos, 32); # Get rid of the directory name #print("$j) - L2632 filename=$fileName, string=$string\n"); #*********************************************************** # 2011-05-20 Modifying the exposure number to get it unique #*********************************************************** #my $text = substr($string, 19, 3); # The exposure number my $text = substr($string, 18, 4); # The exposure number #print("L2638 text=$text (exposure number\n"); if ($text eq $exposureNo) { #print("L2642 found exposure number $exposureNo\n"); push(@ExposureImageList, $fileName); } } my $numIMIFiles = @ExposureImageList; #print("L2685 numimifiles=$numIMIFiles\n"); $num = 0; if ($numIMIFiles > 0) { for (my $j = 0; $j < $numIMIFiles; $j++) { my $fileName = $ExposureImageList[$j]; # print("$j, ) Line 2408 filename=$fileName\n"); my $pos = index($fileName, "IMI") - 24; my $name = substr($fileName, $pos, 32); # Get rid of the directory name my $pattern = "0" . $j . "IMI"; $pos = index($name, $pattern); # print("Line 2414 pattern=$pattern, pos=$pos\n"); if ($pos > 0) { $num++; } } #print("Line 2709 numimfiles = $numIMIFiles num=$num\n"); # die(); # MODIFICATION ON 2nd NOVEMBER if ($num == 4 or $num == 3) # if ($num == 4) { $type = "ENG2"; $ExposureType{$exposureNo} = "ENG2"; $ExposureExtension{$exposureNo} = "*ENG2.FIT*"; #print("L2722 ENG2 type \n"); } else { $type = "RUDI5"; $ExposureType{$exposureNo} = "RUDI5"; $ExposureExtension{$exposureNo} = "*IMI.FIT*"; #print("L2729 RUDI5 type \n"); } } else { my(@ImageFiles) = <$inp_directory/*E4I.FIT*>; $numFiles = @ImageFiles; #print("L2739 numFiles=$numFiles \n"); for (my $j = 0; $j < $numFiles; $j++) { my $fileName = $ImageFiles[$j]; my $pos = index($fileName, "E4I") - 24; my $string = substr($fileName, $pos, 32); # Get rid of the directory name #my $text = substr($string, 19, 3); # The exposure number my $text = substr($string, 18, 4); # The exposure number if ($text eq $exposureNo) { push(@ExposureImageList, $fileName); } } my $numFiles = @ExposureImageList; #print("L2760 numFiles=$numFiles \n"); if ($numFiles == 0 ) { #print("L2764 Missing \n"); $type = "MISSING"; } else { #print("L2769 ENG4 type \n"); $type = "ENG4"; $ExposureType{$exposureNo} = "ENG4"; $ExposureExtension{$exposureNo} = "*E4I.FIT*"; } } #print("Line 2778 numfiles=$numFiles, type=$type\n"); return $type; } #****************************************************** # Sub MosaicImage # Mosaics the given list of # images #***************************************************** sub MosaicImages($) { if ($omatt_rotateimage eq 0) { return ""; } my($exposureType, $filter, @ImageList) = @_; my $size = @ImageList; #print("L2753 ImageList size=$size \n"); if($size < 2) { return ""; } my $text = "ommosaic- mosaicing images for filter $filter"; &HighlightedMessage("*", $text); my $string; if ($exposureType eq "RUDI5") { $string = "RSIMAG"; } elsif($exposureType eq "ENG2") { $string = "LSIMAG"; } elsif($exposureType eq "ENG4") { $string = "HSIMAG"; } elsif($exposureType eq "MISSING") { return ""; } else { die ("UNIDENTIFIED EXPOSURE TYPE ($exposureType)"); } my $filterCode = &GetFilterCode($filter); my $position = rindex($ImageList[0], "OM") - 11; my $outputFileName = $out_directory . "/" . substr($ImageList[0], $position, 14) . "000$string" . $filterCode . ".FIT"; my $outputRegionName = $out_directory . "/" . substr($ImageList[0], $position, 14) . "000$string" . $filterCode . ".reg"; # print("Line 2543 imagelist[0]=$ImageList[0] filtercode=$filterCode\n"); # print("outputfilename=$outputFileName\n"); # my $arg_list = "imagesets=\"" . join(" ", @ImageList) . "\" mosaicedset=$outputFileName" . # " exposuremap=$ommosaic_exposuremap " . "exposure=$ommosaic_exposure"; # my $arg_list = "imagesets=\"" . join(" ", @ImageList) . "\" mosaicedset=$outputFileName" . # " exposuremap=true " . "exposure=$ommosaic_exposure"; my $arg_list = "imagesets=\"" . join(" ", @ImageList) . "\" mosaicedset=$outputFileName" . " mincorr=0.0"; # &Message("ommosaic $arg_list"); system("ommosaic $arg_list") && SAS::fatal("Task Failure", "ommosaic"); return $outputFileName; } #************************************************ # Sub GetFilterFileList # Returns a list of files for a # given filter which contain # the given expression # Usage :: @List = @GetFilterList("V", "*IMI*"); #************************************************ sub GetExposureFileList($) { my ($directory, $exposureNo, $string) = @_; #print("L3026 directory=$directory exposureNo=$exposureNo \n"); #print("L3027 string=$string \n"); #****************************************************** # Select all the files containing the specified string #****************************************************** my(@FileList) = <$directory/$string>; #print("L3033 fileList=\n"); #print(@FileList); #print("\n"); my @ExposureFileList =(); # Initialise the file list for (my $i = 0; $i < @FileList; $i++) { #*********************************************************** # 2011-05-20 modification to get the unique exposure number #*********************************************************** #my $position = length($FileList[$i]) - 12; #if (substr($FileList[$i], $position, 3) =~ $exposureNo) #print("L3046 i=$i fileList[i]=$FileList[$i] \n"); #print("L3047 length="); print(length($FileList[$i])); print("\n"); my $position = length($FileList[$i]) - 13; if (substr($FileList[$i], $position, 4) =~ $exposureNo) { #print("L3053 pushing i=$i \n"); push(@ExposureFileList, $FileList[$i]); } } return @ExposureFileList; } #*************************************** # Subroutine CheckRudi5Images #*************************************** sub CheckRudi5Images($) { my ($exposureNo, @FileList) = @_; my $number = @FileList; #print("L2949 number=$number \n"); #print("L2950 exposureNo=$exposureNo \n"); #print("L2951 FileList=\n"); #print(@FileList); #print("\n"); if ($number ne 2) { my $text = "Warning - Missing Rudi-5 image file"; &HighlightedMessage(" ", $text); } } #****************************************** # Subroutine CombineEng2Images # Combines the 4 separate ENG2 image files # into a single image #****************************************** sub CombineEng2Images($) { my ($observationNo, $exposureSchedule, $exposureNo) = @_; my($fileName) = $ExposureImageList[0]; my($pos) = index($fileName, "IMI") - 24; my($name) = substr($fileName, $pos, 32); # Get rid of the directory name #***************************************************************** # The new image file is temporarily stored in the input directory #***************************************************************** #my $outputFileName = $out_directory . "/I$observationNo" . "OM$exposureSchedule$exposureNo" . "00E2I.FIT"; my $outputFileName = $out_directory . "/I$observationNo" . "OM$exposureNo" . "00E2I.FIT"; &HighlightedMessage("*", "omcomb"); my $arg_list = "imagesets=\"" . join(" ", @ExposureImageList) . "\"" . " outset=$outputFileName"; system("omcomb $arg_list") && SAS::fatal("Task Failure", "omcomb"); #*********************************************** # Check to see if omcomb ran successfully #*********************************************** my $exit_value = $? >> 8; # 0 okay, 1 call fatal called, or some other disaster if ($exit_value == 1) { $ExposureType{$exposureNo} = "RUDI5"; $ExposureExtension{$exposureNo} = "*IMI.FIT*"; &Message("The test in omcomb have failed - This exposure ($exposureNo) will be treated as normal imaging data"); } else { $ExposureType{$exposureNo} = "ENG2"; $ExposureExtension{$exposureNo} = "*E2I.FIT*"; push(@E2IMIList, $outputFileName); # A list of the combined image files } } #************************************ # Subroutine FilterOkay #************************************ sub FilterOkay($) { my ($filter) = @_; my (@BadFilter) = ("BLOCKED", "Blocked"); for (my $i = 0; $i < @BadFilter; $i++) { if ($filter eq $BadFilter[$i]) { my $message = "Warning! - Cannot process filter $filter. The image files for this filter will not be processed"; &HighlightedMessage("X", $message); return 1; } } return 0; } #*************************** # Subroutine GetFileList #*************************** sub GetFileList($) { my (@Pattern) = @_; my @Filelist = (); for (my $i = 0; $i < @Pattern; $i++) { my (@List) = <$Pattern[$i]>; for (my $j = 0; $j < @List; $j++) { push(@FileList, $List[$j]); } } &Display("test", @FileList); return @FileList; } #***************************************** # Checks to see if the given file exists # Returns 1 if it does, 0 otherwise. # #***************************************** sub FileExists($) { my ($file) = @_; if (-e $file) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } #*************************** # GetStringParameterList # Gets the list of strings # in the command line for a # specified parameter name #*************************** sub GetStringParameterList($) { my($parameter) = @_; my $num = 0; $num = parameterCount($parameter); my (@ParameterList) = (); if ($num eq 0) { return @ParameterList; } for (my $i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $ParameterList[$i] = stringParameter($parameter, $i); } return @ParameterList; } #************************************************************ # Sub CheckUserFilterList # Checks that the user-supplied list of filters exist in # the SAS summary file and returns a new list (if necessary) #************************************************************ sub CheckUserFilterList($) { my(@UserFilterList) = @_; my(@List) = &GetFilterList; # List of OM filters in summary file my @ModifiedList = (); for (my $i = 0; $i < @UserFilterList; $i++) { my $found = 0; my $j = 0; while ($j lt @List and $found == 0) { if ($List[$j] eq $UserFilterList[$i] ) { push(@ModifiedList, $UserFilterList[$i]); $found = 1; } $j++; } if ($found == 0) { my $message = "Warning! - Filter $UserFilterList[$i] does not exist in SAS Summary file- ignoring filter"; &HighlightedMessage("X", $message); } } if (@ModifiedList == 0) { @OMFilterList = &GetFilterList; # The list of OM filters from the SAS summary file my $message = "Error! - No valid filters to process (Valid filters are ". join(", ", @OMFilterList) .")- Aborting"; &HighlightedMessage("X", $message); die; } return @ModifiedList; } #******************************* # Sub CheckUserExposureList # Checks that the command-line # list of exposures is valid # (ie the filters are present) # and get a list of the filters # for the exposure list #******************************* sub CheckUserExposureList($) { @OMFilterList = &GetFilterList; # The list of OM filters from the SAS summary file #************************************************** # Loop through the user-supplied list of exposures # and produce a filter list #************************************************** for (my $i = 0; $i < @UserExposureList; $i++) { my $found = 0; my $j = 0; #****************************************************************** # Loop through the filter list obtained from the SAS summary file #****************************************************************** while ($j < @OMFilterList and $found == 0) { #**************************************************** # Get a list of the exposures for this filter #**************************************************** my (@ExposureNoList) = &GetExposureNoListForFilter($OMFilterList[$j]); my $k = 0; while ($k < @ExposureNoList and $found == 0) { push(@ExposureList, $ExposureNoList[$k]); if ($ExposureNoList[$k] eq $UserExposureList[$i]) { my $filterExists = 0; my $l = 0; while($l < @FilterList and $filterExists == 0) { if ($FilterList[$l] eq $OMFilterList[$j]) { $filterExists = 1; last; } $l++; } if ($filterExists == 0) { push(@FilterList, $OMFilterList[$j]); } $found = 1; } $k++; } $j++; } if ($found == 0) { &HighlightedMessage("X", "Warning! - Invalid exposure no ($UserExposureList[$i])"); } } if (@FilterList == 0) { my @Message = (); push (@Message, "Error!- Invalid list of exposures- aborted"); for (my $i = 0; $i < @OMFilterList; $i++ ) { my (@ExposureNoList) = &GetExposureNoListForFilter($OMFilterList[$i]); my $text = "Valid exposures for filter $OMFilterList[$i] are "; $text = $text . join(", ", @ExposureNoList); push(@Message, $text); } &HighlightedMessage("X", @Message); } return @FilterList; } #*************************************************** # Purpose:- Given an hash list and a key, stores # the given value # #************************************************** sub Store { my ($key, $value, %self) = @_; my %List = %self; push @{$List{$key}}, $value; return %List; } #*************************************************** # Purpose:- Given an hash list and a key, returns # an array containing the values for that key # #************************************************** sub RetrieveList { my ($key, %self) = @_; my @List = (); my $k = exists($self{$key}); if ($k == 0) { return @List; } my $n = @{$self{$key}}; for (my $i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { my $value = $self{$key}[$i]; # print("$i) value=$value\n"); push(@List, $value); } return @List; } #****************************************************** # ExamineSASFile # Obtains a list of the exposures in the summary file #****************************************************** sub ExamineSASFile { my %ObservationIdentifier = (); my %RevolutionIdentifier = (); open (SASFILE, $SASFile) || SAS::fatal("OMICHAIN","Unable to open SAS SUMMARY FILE $SASFile"); #************************************************* # Skip past the EPIC and RGS stuff #************************************************* $periodic_file_flag = 0; $non_periodic_file_flag = 0; my $observationId = "blank"; my $revolutionId = "blank"; my $line; while ($line = ) { # print("Line 2670 line=$line \n"); if ($line =~ "/ ODF Constituent" and $line =~ "OM") # An ODF file # if ($line =~ "file" and $line =~ "OM") # An ODF file { my $file = substr($line, 0, 31); #print("Line 2674 file=$file \n"); if ($file =~ "NPH") # An NPH file { $non_periodic_file_flag = 1; $non_periodic_hk_filename = $inp_directory . "/" . $file; } if ($file =~ "PEH") # An PEH file { $periodic_file_flag = 1; $periodic_hk_filename = $inp_directory ."/" . $file; } } if ($line =~ "Observation Identifier") # if ($line =~ "Observation Identifier" or $line =~ "Exposure Id") { $observationId = substr($line, 0, 10); $ObservationIdentifier{$observationId} = $observationId; # print("Observation identifier =$observationId\n"); # if ($revolutionId ne "blank" and $observationId ne "blank") # { # print("Storing in orb list $revolutionId, $observationId \n"); # %orb_list = Store($revolutionId, $observationId, %orb_list); # } } if ($line =~ "Revolution Identifier") # if ($line =~ "Revolution Identifier" or $line =~ "Revolution number") { $revolutionId = substr($line, 0, 4); # print("Revolution identifier =$revolutionId\n"); $RevolutionIdentifier{$revolutionId} = $name; if ($revolutionId ne "blank" and $observationId ne "blank") { # print("Storing in orb list $revolutionId, $observationId \n"); %orb_list = Store($revolutionId, $observationId, %orb_list); } } } close SASFILE; } #************************************************************************ # # November 5th 2008 # NB filter is the second argument # #************************************************************************ sub ProcessMosaicedSkyImages( ) { my $message = "Processing the mosaiced sky-images"; &HighlightedMessage("*", $message); my ($mosaicedSkyImageList1, $filterList1) = @_; #******************************************* # # De-reference the array list # #****************************************** my (@mosaicedSkyImageList) = @$mosaicedSkyImageList1; my (@filterList) = @$filterList1; # Get the list of OM filters my @swsFileList = (); my $i = 0; foreach ( @mosaicedSkyImageList ) # Loop through the mosaiced sky-images { my $filter = $filterList[$i]; my $imageFile = $mosaicedSkyImageList[$i]; my $swsFile = $imageFile; my $k = length($swsFile); substr($swsFile, $k - 8, 3) = "SWS"; my $message = "Filter $filter- processing image"; &HighlightedMessage("*", $message, $imageFile); #************************************************************************* # # Run omdetect on this image # #************************************************************************* &runOmdetect( $imageFile, $swsFile); #***************************************************** # Store this file # NB Store(key, value, self) #***************************************************** %processedMosaicedSourceList = Store($filter, $swsFile, %processedMosaicedSourceList); #************************************************************************* # # Run ommag on this SWS file # #************************************************************************* &runOmmag( $swsFile ); #************************************************************************* # # Set the quality flags using the quality map # #************************************************************************* my $mode = "usequalityimage"; &runOmqualitymap( $imageFile, $swsFile, $swsFile, $mode ); push(@swsFileList, $swsFile); ++$i; } return @swsFileList; } #*********************************************************************** # # #*********************************************************************** sub runOmqualitymap { my ($imageFile, $swsFile, $outSet, $mode) = @_; &HighlightedMessage("-", "omqualitymap"); my $arg_list = "set=$imageFile" . " srclistset=$swsFile". " outset=$outSet" . " mode=$mode"; system("omqualitymap $arg_list") && SAS::fatal("Task Failure","omquality failed."); } #****************************************************************************** # # # #***************************************************************************** sub runOmdetect() { my ($imageFile, $swsFile) = @_; #************************************************** # omdetect #************************************************** &HighlightedMessage("-", "omdetect"); my $regFileName = $imageFile; $regFileName =~ s/.FIT/.reg/; my $arg_list = "nsigma=$omdetect_nsigma" . " minsignificance=$omdetect_minsignificance" . " detectextended=$omdetect_detectextended" . " set=$imageFile" . " regionfile=$regFileName" . " outset=$swsFile" ;#. " psfphotometryenabled=$psfPhotometryEnabled" . " backgroundmethod=$backgroundMethod" . " maxrawcountrate=$maxRawCountRate"; system("omdetect $arg_list") && SAS::fatal("Task Failure","omdetect failed."); } #*********************************************** # ommag #*********************************************** sub runOmmag() { my ($swsFile) = @_; &HighlightedMessage("-", "ommag"); my $arg_list = "set=$swsFile"; system("ommag $arg_list") && SAS::fatal("Task Failure", "ommag failed."); } #********************************************** # # omsrclistcomb. # #********************************************** sub runOmsrclistcomb() { my ($outputFile, @swsFileList) = @_; &HighlightedMessage("-", "omsrclistcomb"); my $arg_list=""; if ($catfileSpecified == 1) { $arg_list = "sourcelistsets=\"" . join(" ", @swsFileList) . "\"" . " nsigma=$omsrclistcomb_nsigma" . " usecat=$omsrclistcomb_usecat" . " alignaxes=$omsrclistcomb_alignaxes" . " catfile=$catfile" . " maxradecerr=$maxradecerr" . " maxrmsres=$maxrmsres" . " outset=$outputFile"; } else { $arg_list = "sourcelistsets=\"" . join(" ", @swsFileList) . "\"" . " nsigma=$omsrclistcomb_nsigma" . " usecat=$omsrclistcomb_usecat" . " alignaxes=$omsrclistcomb_alignaxes" . " catfile=$usnoSubsetFileName" . " maxradecerr=$maxradecerr" . " maxrmsres=$maxrmsres" . " outset=$outputFile"; } system("omsrclistcomb $arg_list") && SAS::fatal("Task Failure","omsrclistcomb failed."); } #********************************************** # omvariability #********************************************** sub runOmvariability() { #return; my ($obsFile, @swsFileList) = @_; #print("L3776 obsFile= $obsFile \n"); &HighlightedMessage("-", "omvariability"); my $plotFile = "$out_directory/$omvariability_plotFile.ps"; my $arg_list = "srclistsets=\"" . join(" ", @swsFileList) . "\"" . " minstd=$omvariability_minStd" . " obsset=$obsFile" . " plotfile=$plotFile"; #print("$arg_list\n"); system("omvariability $arg_list") && SAS::fatal("Task Failure","omvariability failed."); #******************************************************************************** # # # #******************************************************************************** if (-e $plotFile) { my $plotFile1 = "$out_directory/$omvariability_plotFile.PDF"; #&HighlightedMessage("*", "ps2pdf"); $arg_list = "$plotFile $plotFile1"; system("ps2pdf $arg_list") && SAS::fatal("Task Failure","ps2pdf failed."); } } #************************************************************************************* # # # #************************************************************************************* sub ProcessMosaicedSWSList() { my ($outputList, @swsList) = @_; # $omsrclistcomb_usecat = "false"; &runOmsrclistcomb( $outputList, @swsList ); } #****************************************************************************** # # Now need to merge the two observation source-list files # #****************************************************************************** sub mergeLists() { my ($obsFile1, $obsFile2, $obsFile3) = @_; if(-e $obsFile1 and -e $obsFile2) { &HighlightedMessage("-", "ommergelists"); my $regionFile = ""; if (length( $ommergelistsRegionFile) > 2) { $regionFile="$out_directory/$ommergelistsRegionFile"; } my $plotFile = ""; if (length( $ommergelistsPlotFile) > 2) { $plotFile="$out_directory/$ommergelistsPlotFile"; } my $arg_list = "srclist1=$obsFile1 srclist2=$obsFile2 outset=$obsFile3 tolerance=$ommergelistsTolerance" . " maxrawrate=$ommergelistsMaxrawrate regionfile=$regionFile plotfile=$plotFile"; system("ommergelists $arg_list") && SAS::fatal("Task Failure","ommergelists failed."); } } #****************************************************************************** # # # # #****************************************************************************** sub getFitsAttribute() { my ($file, $attribute) = @_; # print("Get fits attribute file=$file, attribute=$attribute\n"); open (FITSFILE, $file) || die("Unable to open FITS FILE $file"); my ($buf, $text, $n); my $count = 0; #**************************************************** # # Read each line of the FITS header # #**************************************************** my $value = ""; while (($n = read FITSFILE, $text, 80) != 0) { if( $text =~ $attribute ) { my $k1 = index($text, '=') + 1; my $k2 = rindex($text, '/'); $value = substr($text, $k1, $k2 - $k1); $value =~ s/[ ]//g; # Remove all blank characters #print("Attribute $attribute found\n"); last; } if ($count > 1000) { last; } ++$count; } close FITSFILE; return $value; } #****************************************************************************** # # Retrieves the values for the input list of attributes # from a given FITS file # # #****************************************************************************** sub getFitsAttributes() { my ($file, @attributes) = @_; open (FITSFILE, $file) || die("Unable to open FITS FILE $file"); my ($buf, $text, $i); my $count = 0; #**************************************************** # # Read each line of the FITS header # #**************************************************** my $n = @attributes; my %value; while (($i = read FITSFILE, $text, 80) != 0) { my $attribute; foreach $attribute (@attributes) { if( $text =~ $attribute ) { my $k1 = index($text, '=') + 1; my $k2 = rindex($text, '/'); $value{$attribute} = substr($text, $k1, $k2 - $k1); $value{$attribute} =~ s/[ ]//g; # Remove all blank characters ++$count; } } if ($count == $n) # Found all the attributes { last; } } close FITSFILE; return %value; } #************************************ # # Sub IsHighResolutionCentralWindow # Return T (true) if the image is a # high-resolution RUDI-5 segment #************************************ sub IsHighResolutionCentralWindow() { my ($file) = @_; # print("Line 3733 checking file $file\n"); if(not -e $file) { return 'F'; } # print("Line 3740 checking file $file\n"); #********************************************************************************** # # Check to see if possible RUDI-5 HIGH-RESOLUTION IMAGE # # #********************************************************************************* my $position = index($file, "SWSRLI0000"); if ($position == -1) # Not found { return 'F'; } # print("Line 3764 checking file $file\n"); #********************************************************** # # # Check to see if # #********************************************************** my $k = length($file); my $file1 = substr($file, 0, $k - 8) . "1" . substr($file, $k - 7, 100); if ( &FileExists($file1) == 0) { return 'F'; } # print("Line 3785 checking file $file\n"); if ( &IsRudi5LowResCentralImage( $file1 ) eq 'F') { return 'F'; } # print("Line 3801 checking file $file\n"); # print("Line 3765 file=$file, file1=$file1\n"); my @attributes = ("BINAX1", "BINBPE", "WINDOWX0", "WINDOWDX", "WINDOWY0", "WINDOWDY" ); my %value; my $attribute; foreach $attribute (@attributes) { $value{$attribute} = $attribute; } %value = &getFitsAttributes($file, @attributes); my $binAxis = $value{"BINAX1"}; my $binBpe = $value{"BINBPE"}; my $x0 = $value{"WINDOWX0"}; my $y0 = $value{"WINDOWY0"}; my $nx = $value{"WINDOWDX"}; my $ny = $value{"WINDOWDX"}; # print("x0=$x0, y0=$y0, nx=$nx, ny=$ny binaxis=$binAxis, binbpe=$binBpe\n"); if( $binAxis != 0 or $nx != $ny or abs($nx - 224) > 10 or abs(920 - $x0) > 50 or abs(920 - $y0) > 50 or ($binBpe eq 't' or $binBpe eq 'y' or $binBpe eq 'T' or $binBpe eq 'Y') ) { return 'F'; } else { return 'T'; } } #************************************ # # Sub IsHighResolutionCentralWindow # Return T (true) if the image is a # high-resolution RUDI-5 segment #************************************ sub IsHighResolutionRudi5Window() { my ($file) = @_; if(not -e $file) { return 'F'; } my @attributes = ("BINAX1", "BINBPE", "WINDOWX0", "WINDOWDX", "WINDOWY0", "WINDOWDY" ); my %value; my $attribute; foreach $attribute (@attributes) { $value{$attribute} = $attribute; } %value = &getFitsAttributes($file, @attributes); my $binAxis = $value{"BINAX1"}; my $binBpe = $value{"BINBPE"}; my $x0 = $value{"WINDOWX0"}; my $y0 = $value{"WINDOWY0"}; my $nx = $value{"WINDOWDX"}; my $ny = $value{"WINDOWDX"}; # print("x0=$x0, y0=$y0, nx=$nx, ny=$ny binaxis=$binAxis, binbpe=$binBpe\n"); if( $binAxis != 0 or $nx != $ny or abs($nx - 224) > 10 or abs(920 - $x0) > 50 or abs(920 - $y0) > 50 or ($binBpe eq 't' or $binBpe eq 'y' or $binBpe eq 'T' or $binBpe eq 'Y') ) { return 'F'; } else { return 'T'; } } #******************************************************************* # # # #******************************************************************/ sub IsFullFrameHighResImage() { my ($file) = @_; my @attributes = ( "WINDOWDX", "WINDOWDY" ); my %value; my $attribute; foreach $attribute (@attributes) { $value{$attribute} = $attribute; } %value = &getFitsAttributes($file, @attributes); my $nx = $value{"WINDOWDX"}; my $ny = $value{"WINDOWDX"}; my $result = 'T'; if( $nx != 2048 and $ny != 2048) { $result = 'F'; } return $result; } #******************************************************************* # # # Checks to see if the FITS image is a Rudi-5 low resolution strip # #******************************************************************/ sub IsRudi5LowResImage() { my ($file) = @_; my @x0 = (16, 48, 224, 1504, 528); my @dx = (1792, 480, 1792, 480, 976); my @y0 = (1488, 16, 48, 240, 528); my @dy= (480, 1792, 480, 1792, 960); my @attributes = ("BINAX1", "WINDOWX0", "WINDOWDX", "WINDOWY0", "WINDOWDY" ); my %value; my $attribute; foreach $attribute (@attributes) { $value{$attribute} = $attribute; } %value = &getFitsAttributes($file, @attributes); my $result = 'F'; my $binAxis = $value{"BINAX1"}; if ($binAxis == 1) { return $result; } my $windowX0 = $value{"WINDOWX0"}; my $windowY0 = $value{"WINDOWY0"}; my $windowDx = $value{"WINDOWDX"}; my $windowDy = $value{"WINDOWDX"}; for(my $i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { if( abs($windowX0 - $x0[$i]) <= 10 and abs($windowDx - $dx[$i]) <= 10 and abs($windowY0 - $y0[$i]) <= 10 and abs($windowDy - $dy[$i]) <= 10 ) { $result = 'T'; } } # print("Line 4023 checking file $file reesult=$result\n"); # die(); return $result; }; #******************************************************************* # # # Checks to see if the FITS image is a Rudi-5 low resolution strip # #******************************************************************/ sub IsRudi5LowResCentralImage() { my ($file) = @_; # print("isrudi5lowrescentralimage line 4049 checking $file\n"); my @attributes = ("BINAX1", "WINDOWX0", "WINDOWDX", "WINDOWY0", "WINDOWDY" ); my %value; my $attribute; foreach $attribute (@attributes) { $value{$attribute} = $attribute; } %value = &getFitsAttributes($file, @attributes); my $result = 'F'; my $binAxis = $value{"BINAX1"}; if ($binAxis == 0) { return $result; } my $windowX0 = $value{"WINDOWX0"}; my $windowY0 = $value{"WINDOWY0"}; my $windowDx = $value{"WINDOWDX"}; my $windowDy = $value{"WINDOWDX"}; if( abs($windowX0 - 528) <= 10 and abs($windowDx - 976) <= 10 and abs($windowY0 - 528) <= 10 and abs($windowDy - 976) <= 10 ) { $result = 'T'; } #print("result=$result\n"); return $result; }; #********************************************************* # # Covert string from uppercase to lowercase with perl: # #******************************************************** sub convertToLowerCase() { my ($string) = @_; $string =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; return $string; } #********************************************************* # # Covert string from lowercase to uppercase with perl: # #******************************************************** sub convertToUpperCase() { my ($string) = @_; $string =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; return $string; } #********************************************************* # # Lists the product-files that have been created # #******************************************************** sub processingReport() { my $filter; my $message = "********************************************************"; SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::SparseMsg, $message); $message = "Product Files produced by omichain"; SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::SparseMsg, $message); $message = "********************************************************"; SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::SparseMsg, $message); $message = sprintf("%10s %35s ", "Type:", "Observation source-list file:"); SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::SparseMsg, $message); my $type; my $file; my $i = 0; my $posCorrOkay = "NO"; foreach $type (keys(%observationSourceList)) { #print("L4232 type=$type \n"); $file = $observationSourceList{$type}; $posCorrOkay = &getFitsAttribute( $file, "POSCOROK"); $file = substr($file, length($file) - 31, 32); if( $posCorrOkay eq "T") { $message = sprintf("%2d) %10s %33s %13s", $i + 1, $type, $file, "Asp.corr.: YES"); } else { $message = sprintf("%2d) %10s %33s %13s", $i + 1, $type, $file, "Asp.corr.: NO"); } SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::SparseMsg, $message); ++$i; } #***************************************************************** # # # The images, etc, for each exposure of each filter # # #****************************************************************** $posCorrOkay = "NO"; foreach $filter (keys(%processedImageList)) { $message = sprintf("Filter %s", $filter); SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::SparseMsg, $message); my @fileList1 = &RetrieveList($filter, %processedImageList); # Unrotated product images my @fileList2 = &RetrieveList($filter, %processedSourceList); # Product source-list files my @fileList3 = (); # For the mosaiced sky-images my @fileList5 = (); # For the sky-images #***************************************************************** # List the mosaiced sky-images and source-lists (if produced) # #**************************************************************** if( $omatt_rotateimage eq 'T' or $omatt_rotateimage eq 't') { @fileList3 = &RetrieveList($filter, %processedMosaicedImageList ); # The mosaiced sky images @fileList5 = &RetrieveList($filter, %processedSkyImageList ); # The sky images my $num = @fileList3; if($num == 1) { my $imageFile = substr($fileList3[0], length($fileList3[0]) - 28, 32); my @fileList4 = &RetrieveList($filter, %processedMosaicedSourceList ); # The source-lists from the mosaiced sky-images my $num = @fileList4; if($num > 0) { my $sourceListFile = substr($fileList4[0], length($fileList4[0]) - 28, 32); $message = sprintf("Mosaiced sky-image=%s, source-list=%s", $imageFile, $sourceListFile); } else { $message = sprintf("Mosaiced sky-image=%s", $imageFile); } SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::SparseMsg, $message); } } #********************************************************************************* # # List the normal, sky and source-list product files # #********************************************************************************** $i = 0; $message = sprintf("%23s%33s%33s", "Image file:", "Sky-image file:", "Source-list file:"); SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::SparseMsg, $message); foreach $file (@fileList1) # The unrotated image { my $file3 = substr($file, length($file) - 31, 32); my $file4 = "---"; if( $omatt_rotateimage eq 'T' or $omatt_rotateimage = 't') { $file = $fileList5[$i]; $file4 = substr($file, length($file) - 31, 32); } my $file5= substr($fileList2[$i], length($fileList2[$i]) -31, 32); if( $omatt_usecat eq "T") { $posCorrOkay = &getFitsAttribute($fileList2[$i], "POSCOROK"); } if( $posCorrOkay eq "T") { $message = sprintf("%2d) %33s%33s%33s%15s", $i + 1, $file3, $file4, $file5, "Asp.corr.: YES"); } else { $message = sprintf("%2d) %33s%33s%33s%15s", $i + 1, $file3, $file4, $file5, "Asp.corr.: NO"); } SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::SparseMsg, $message); ++$i; } } #***************************************************************** # # Tracking-history plot files # #***************************************************************** my $num = @TSHPLT1List; if( $num > 0) { $message = sprintf("%35s%32s%32s", "Tracking-history time-series file:", "Tracking-history ps file:", "Tracking-history pdf file:" ); SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::SparseMsg, $message); $i = 0; foreach $file (@TSHPLT1List) { my $file1 = $TSTRTSList[$i]; # The tracking-history time-series file $file1 = substr($file1, length($file1) - 30, 32); my $file2 = substr($file, length($file) - 29, 32); # The tracking-history ps plot file my $file3 = $TSHPLT2List[$i]; $file3 = substr($file3, length($file3) - 30, 32); # The tracking-history pdf plot file $message = sprintf("%2d) %35s%35s%35s", $i + 1, $file1, $file2, $file3); SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::SparseMsg, $message); ++$i; } } else { SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::SparseMsg, "No tracking-history products have been produced"); } }