#! /usr/local/bin/perl -w # # # main for SAS perl tasks. # require 5; use strict; use Getopt::Long; Getopt::Long::Configure ("pass_through"); use SAS::error; ## At build time the following strings (enclosed in --, that is ## -string-) are replaced: ## taskname ## version ## release ## aka ## Make sure they do not occur anywhere else in main.pl unless you ## want them to be replaced. ## taskname also occurs at the end of main.pl ## my $name = "xmmextractor"; SAS::error::client($name); my $VERSION = "1.4"; my $RELEASE = "xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0"; my $AKA = "14.0.0"; ## ## Standard options: these follow taskmain. ## ## -a|--ccfpath [:...] --> SAS_CCFPATH ## -f|--ccffiles [...] --> cannot be implemented ## -c|--noclobber --> SAS_CLOBBER ## -d|--dialog --> tool(sasdialog) ## -h|--help --> tool(listparams) ## -i|--ccf --> SAS_CCF ## -m|--manpage --> sashelp ## -o|--odf --> SAS_ODF ## -V|--verbosity -- SAS_VERBOSITY ## -v|--version --> local implementation ## ## Getopt::Long provides support for short versions with single "-" except for -v. ## Therefore all short versions were automatically included either with first letter ## or via an alias as for -a, -i, -o and -V. ## ## -v deserves special care due to the existence of support for $version within the ## Getopt module. Therefore -v is treated specially. my ($ccfpath, $noclobber, $dialog, $help, $ccf, $manpage, $odf, $verbosity, $version); exit(1) unless GetOptions("ccfpath|a=s" => \$ccfpath, "noclobber" => \$noclobber, "dialog" => \$dialog, "help" => \$help, "ccf|i=s" => \$ccf, "manpage" => \$manpage, "odf|o=s" => \$odf, "verbosity|V=i" => \$verbosity, "version" => \$version, ); my $arg; foreach $arg (@ARGV) { $version=1 if ( $arg =~ "-v" ); } $ENV{SAS_CCFPATH} = $ccfpath if($ccfpath); $ENV{SAS_CLOBBER} = 0 if($noclobber); $ENV{SAS_CCF} = $ccf if($ccf); $ENV{SAS_ODF} = $odf if($odf); $ENV{SAS_VERBOSITY} = $verbosity if($verbosity); use SAS::param; if($version){ print "$name-$VERSION [$RELEASE-$AKA]\n"; exit(0); } if($manpage){ system("sashelp --doc=$name"); my $x = $? >> 8; # perldoc -f system exit($x); } if($help){ system("listparams $name"); my $x = $? >> 8; exit($x); } if($dialog){ system("sasdialog $name"); my $x = $? >> 8; exit($x); } &xmmextractor(); ## @file # Run XMM Point Source Analysis Chain. # @par Main PROGRAM # @par xmmextractor # @par PURPOSE: # -# Run cifbuild and odfingest over an ODF # -# Produce Event List: run epproc, emproc, rgsproc and omichain # -# Compute GTI: run tabgtigen # -# Produce images of MOS/EPIC field of view # detected sources: run edetect_chain # -# Spectral Analysis of epic and rgs point sources: # -# Produce Background Subtracted Light Curves for epic and rgs, # -# Produce OM # # @par Usage : # perl xmmextractor # @par EXAMPLE # perl xmmextractor sourcename=CDFSJ03324-2741B obsid=0108060501 analysisoption=all # @par DATE # 21 Aug 2006 # # @par Version History # - 21 Aug 2006 : ICP : conversion from tcsh to pl script # - 1 Nov 2006 : ICP : add new IDL template to creat Light Curves # - 24 Nov 2006 : ICP : add new XSPEC template files to create spectra and # work out counts in different energy ranges # - 10 Aug 2007 : ICP : Add file with Global variables # - 25 Oct 2007 : ICP : Add file with OBSID Structure # - 25 Feb 2008 : ICP : Add RGS and OM analysis # - 22 Mar 2008 : AI : SAS Skelton # - 11 Jun 2008 : AI : Light curve functionality implemented # - 23 Oct 2008 : AI : PG signal to noise implemented # # @par AUTHOR # Ignacio de la Calle and Aitor Ibarra #################################################################### # PROGRAM: xmmextractor #------------------------------------------------------------------- # @par # PURPOSE: # 1) Run cifbuild and odfingest over an ODF # 2) Produce Event List: run epproc, emproc, rgsproc and omichain # 3) Compute GTI: run tabgtigen # 4) Produce images of MOS/EPIC field of view # detected sources: run edetect_chain # 5) Spectral Analysis of epic and rgs point sources: # 6) Produce Background Subtracted Light Curves for epic and rgs, # # # Usage : #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # DATE : 21 Aug 2006 # # Version History # - 21 Aug 2006 : ICP : conversion from tcsh to pl script # - 1 Nov 2006 : ICP : add new IDL template to creat Light Curves # - 24 Nov 2006 : ICP : add new XSPEC template files to create spectra and # work out counts in different energy ranges # - 10 Aug 2007 : ICP : Add file with Global variables # - 25 Oct 2007 : ICP : Add file with OBSID Structure # - 25 Feb 2008 : ICP : Add RGS and OM analysis # # AUTHOR: Ignacio de la Calle and Aitor Ibarra ##################################################################### #.. #..Start with code execution #.. sub xmmextractor () { use Math::Trig; use File::Path; use strict; use warnings; use SAS; use Switch; use strict; use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger); use File::Find; require "run_cifbuild.pl"; require "produce_eventlist.pl"; require "produce_epiceventlist.pl"; require "produce_rgseventlist.pl"; require "produce_omeventlist.pl"; require "compute_gti.pl"; require "run_edetectchain.pl"; require "produce_lightcurve.pl"; require "produce_spectrum.pl"; require "tools.pl"; require "pse_parameters_init.pl"; require "pse_obsid_structure.pl"; require "PG_gti_filter.pl"; require "run_epatplot.pl"; require "calculate_Signal2Noise.pl"; require "GVariables.pm"; require "pse_definenames.pl"; require "check_Spectra_Files.pl"; require "prepare_region_log_file.pl"; require "prepare_spectra.pl"; require "run_eregionanalyse.pl"; require "parseXMLConfFile.pl"; #.. Define Global Variables use vars qw(%action_to_take $analysis_action $Analysis_directory $results_directory $images_directory $spectra_directory $gti_directory $lcurve_directory $pn_directory $mos_directory $rgs_directory $om_directory $epatplot_directory $gv $PG_flagCall $outputfile $odf_object @exposures $doc $initlogConf $logger $eventLog $gtiLog $specLog $lcLog $rgsLog $rgsLCLog $omLog $edectLog $scienceLog ); &init(); &run(); &error_code(0); &pse_do_exit(0); } sub getLogfileName { my $var = $_[0]; return $var."_app.log"; } sub getEventLogName() { return $results_directory . "event_" . $odf_object->getSourceName . "\.log"; } sub getGTILogName() { return $results_directory."gtievent_".$odf_object->getSourceName."\.log"; } sub getSpecLogName() { return $results_directory."spectra_".$odf_object->getSourceName."\.log"; } sub getLCLogName() { return $results_directory."lcurve_".$odf_object->getSourceName."\.log"; } sub getRGSLCLogName() { return $results_directory."rgs_lcurve_".$odf_object->getSourceName."\.log"; } sub getRGSLogName() { return $results_directory."rgs_".$odf_object->getSourceName."\.log"; } sub getOMLogName() { return $results_directory."om_chain_".$odf_object->getSourceName."\.log"; } sub getEdetectLogName() { return $results_directory."edetect_chain_".$odf_object->getSourceName."\.log"; } sub getScienceLogName() { return $results_directory."science_".$odf_object->getSourceName."\.log"; } ## @method void logInit() ## Initializes the logging system sub logInit() { #.. Initialize logger system $initlogConf = q( log4perl.logger = INFO, AppWarn, AppError, AppInfo # Filter to match level ERROR log4perl.filter.MatchError = Log::Log4perl::Filter::LevelMatch log4perl.filter.MatchError.LevelToMatch = ERROR log4perl.filter.MatchError.AcceptOnMatch = true # Filter to match level WARN log4perl.filter.MatchWarn = Log::Log4perl::Filter::LevelMatch log4perl.filter.MatchWarn.LevelToMatch = WARN log4perl.filter.MatchWarn.AcceptOnMatch = true # Filter to match level INFO log4perl.filter.MatchInfo = Log::Log4perl::Filter::LevelMatch log4perl.filter.MatchInfo.LevelToMatch = INFO log4perl.filter.MatchInfo.AcceptOnMatch = true # Error appender log4perl.appender.AppError = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File log4perl.appender.AppError.filename = xmmextractor.err log4perl.appender.AppError.layout = SimpleLayout log4perl.appender.AppError.Filter = MatchError # Warning appender log4perl.appender.AppWarn = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File log4perl.appender.AppWarn.filename = xmmextractor.warn log4perl.appender.AppWarn.layout = SimpleLayout log4perl.appender.AppWarn.Filter = MatchWarn # Info appender log4perl.appender.AppInfo = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File log4perl.appender.AppInfo.filename = xmmextractor.info log4perl.appender.AppInfo.layout = SimpleLayout log4perl.appender.AppInfo.Filter = MatchInfo ); Log::Log4perl->init(\$initlogConf); $logger = get_logger(); #.. Initialize logger system } ## @method void logInit() ## Initializes the logging system sub logProductsInit() { #.. Initialize logger system my $conf = q( # Evtent appender log4perl.category.Event.Proc = INFO, EventLogfile log4perl.appender.EventLogfile = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File log4perl.appender.EventLogfile.filename = \ sub { return getEventLogName(); } log4perl.appender.EventLogfile.layout = SimpleLayout # GTIEvt appender: Output GTI filtered event file log information log4perl.category.GTIEvt.Proc = INFO, GTIEvtLogfile log4perl.appender.GTIEvtLogfile = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File log4perl.appender.GTIEvtLogfile.filename = \ sub { return getGTILogName(); } log4perl.appender.GTIEvtLogfile.layout = SimpleLayout # Edetect appender: Output edetect chain log information log4perl.category.Edetect.Proc = INFO, EdetectLogfile log4perl.appender.EdetectLogfile = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File log4perl.appender.EdetectLogfile.filename = \ sub { return getEdetectLogName(); } log4perl.appender.EdetectLogfile.layout = SimpleLayout # Spectrum appender: Output spectral log information log4perl.category.Spectrum.Proc = INFO, SpectrumLogfile log4perl.appender.SpectrumLogfile = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File log4perl.appender.SpectrumLogfile.filename = \ sub { return getSpecLogName(); } log4perl.appender.SpectrumLogfile.layout = SimpleLayout # EPIC lightcurve appender: Output light curve log information log4perl.category.EPICLC.Proc = INFO, EPICLCLogfile log4perl.appender.EPICLCLogfile = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File log4perl.appender.EPICLCLogfile.filename = \ sub { return getLCLogName(); } log4perl.appender.EPICLCLogfile.layout = SimpleLayout # RGS lightcurve appender: Output light curve log information log4perl.category.RGS.Proc = INFO, RGSLogfile log4perl.appender.RGSLogfile = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File log4perl.appender.RGSLogfile.filename = \ sub { return getRGSLogName(); } log4perl.appender.RGSLogfile.layout = SimpleLayout # RGS lightcurve appender: Output light curve log information log4perl.category.RGSLC.Proc = INFO, RGSLCLogfile log4perl.appender.RGSLCLogfile = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File log4perl.appender.RGSLCLogfile.filename = \ sub { return getRGSLCLogName(); } log4perl.appender.RGSLCLogfile.layout = SimpleLayout # OM lightcurve appender log4perl.category.OM.Proc = INFO, OMLogfile log4perl.appender.OMLogfile = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File log4perl.appender.OMLogfile.filename = \ sub { return getOMLogName(); } log4perl.appender.OMLogfile.layout = SimpleLayout # Science log appender log4perl.category.Science.Proc = INFO, ScienceLogfile log4perl.appender.ScienceLogfile = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File log4perl.appender.ScienceLogfile.filename = \ sub { return getScienceLogName(); } log4perl.appender.ScienceLogfile.layout = SimpleLayout ); $conf = $initlogConf.$conf; Log::Log4perl->init(\$conf); $eventLog = Log::Log4perl::get_logger("Event::Proc"); $gtiLog = Log::Log4perl::get_logger("GTIEvt::Proc"); $specLog = Log::Log4perl::get_logger("Spectrum::Proc"); $lcLog = Log::Log4perl::get_logger("EPICLC::Proc"); $rgsLCLog = Log::Log4perl::get_logger("RGSLC::Proc"); $rgsLog = Log::Log4perl::get_logger("RGS::Proc"); $omLog = Log::Log4perl::get_logger("OM::Proc"); $edectLog = Log::Log4perl::get_logger("Edetect::Proc"); $scienceLog = Log::Log4perl::get_logger("Science::Proc"); #.. Initialize logger system } ## @method void init() # Initializes the analysis program: init variables, set output log flags, # read analysis options from command line, etc. # @return Void #======================================================================== sub init() { #... Init logging system &logInit(); #... We need to initialize this variable before calling odfParamCreator chomp($Analysis_directory = `pwd`); $Analysis_directory = $Analysis_directory."/"; #... Check if we are runnig xmmextractor using an input parameter file. #... If there isn't any parameter, we firt assume that we have to run #... cifbuild + odfingest and then we run odfParamCreator my $file = ""; my $paramFile = "xmmextractor_init_".&getCurrentDate().".xml"; if (@ARGV) { $file = &pse_parameters_init(@ARGV); } else { &run_cifbuild(); my @args = ("odfParamCreator","outputFileName=$paramFile"); system(@args)== 0 or &error_code(5); $file = $paramFile; $outputfile = "default"; } #.. New Variable definition $odf_object = new GVODF(); &parseXMLConfFile($file); #.. Init Names Read from Command Line $analysis_action = 0; #.. Init Program Parameters $analysis_action = $odf_object->getAnalysisOption(); #.. Define the actions to take according to Analysis Option %action_to_take = ( '0:all' => \&run_all, 'cifbuild' => \&run_cifbuild, '1:events' => \&produce_eventlist, '2:gti' => \&compute_gti, '3:edetectchain' => \&run_edetectchain, '4:epatplot' => \&epatplot, '5:epic_spectra' => \&produce_spectrum, '6:epic_lightcurve' => \&produce_lightcurve, '7:rgs_lightcurve' => \&produceRGSLightcurves, ); #.. Define Directory and File names &pse_definenames(); #... Creating directory tree &startup(); #.. Init Structure for instrument information &pse_obsid_structure(); #... Init logging system &logProductsInit(); #.. Init PG flag $PG_flagCall = 0; return(0); } ## @method void startup() # Start analysis # @return Void #======================================================================== sub startup(){ #.. Set variables my $source_obsID = $odf_object->getObsId(); my $source_name = $odf_object->getSourceName(); my $source_ra = $odf_object->getRA(); my $source_dec = $odf_object->getDEC(); $logger->info("----> Creating Directory Structure<----"); $logger->info("Analysis directory : $Analysis_directory."); #.. Create Analysis Directory my $A_STATUS="OK"; if (!-e $Analysis_directory) { mkpath ($Analysis_directory,0,0755) or die "Cannot mkdir $Analysis_directory: $!"; $A_STATUS="CREATED"; } #.. Create Directory Structure my $R_STATUS="OK"; if (!-e $results_directory) { mkdir ($results_directory, 0755) or die "Cannot mkdir newdir: $!"; $R_STATUS="CREATED"; } my $I_STATUS="OK"; if (!-e $images_directory) { mkdir ($images_directory, 0755) or die "Cannot mkdir newdir: $!"; $I_STATUS="CREATED"; } my $S_STATUS="OK"; if (!-e $spectra_directory) { mkdir ($spectra_directory, 0755) or die "Cannot mkdir newdir: $!"; $S_STATUS="CREATED"; } my $PN_STATUS="OK"; if ($odf_object->EPN() eq "yes") { if (!-e $pn_directory) { mkdir ($pn_directory, 0755) or die "Cannot mkdir newdir: $!"; $PN_STATUS="CREATED"; } } else { $PN_STATUS="NOT CREATED"; } my $MOS_STATUS="OK"; if (($odf_object->EMOS1() eq "yes") || ($odf_object->EMOS2() eq "yes")) { if (!-e $mos_directory) { mkdir ($mos_directory, 0755) or die "Cannot mkdir newdir: $!"; $MOS_STATUS="CREATED"; } } else { $MOS_STATUS="NOT CREATED"; } my $RGS_STATUS="OK"; if (($odf_object->RGS1() eq "yes") || ($odf_object->RGS2() eq "yes")) { if (!-e $rgs_directory) { mkdir ($rgs_directory, 0755) or die "Cannot mkdir newdir: $!"; $RGS_STATUS="CREATED"; } } else { $RGS_STATUS="NOT CREATED"; } my $OM_STATUS="OK"; if ($odf_object->OM() eq "yes") { if (!-e $om_directory) { mkdir ($om_directory, 0755) or die "Cannot mkdir newdir: $!"; $OM_STATUS="CREATED"; } } else { $OM_STATUS="NOT CREATED"; } my $GTI_STATUS="OK"; if (!-e $gti_directory) { mkdir ($gti_directory, 0755) or die "Cannot mkdir newdir: $!"; $GTI_STATUS="CREATED"; } my $LCU_STATUS="OK"; if (!-e $lcurve_directory) { mkdir ($lcurve_directory, 0755) or die "Cannot mkdir newdir: $!"; $LCU_STATUS="CREATED"; } my $EPATPLOT_STATUS="OK"; if (!-e $epatplot_directory) { mkdir ($epatplot_directory, 0755) or die "Cannot mkdir newdir: $!"; $EPATPLOT_STATUS="CREATED"; } $logger->info( "\n----> Creating Directory Structure"); $logger->info( " Analysis directory : $Analysis_directory ... $A_STATUS"); $logger->info( " Results directory : $results_directory ... $R_STATUS"); $logger->info( " GTI directory : $gti_directory ... $GTI_STATUS"); $logger->info( " Images directory : $images_directory ... $I_STATUS"); $logger->info( " Light C directory : $lcurve_directory ... $LCU_STATUS"); $logger->info( " Spectra directory : $spectra_directory ... $S_STATUS"); $logger->info( " pn directory : $pn_directory ... $PN_STATUS"); $logger->info( " mos directory : $mos_directory ... $MOS_STATUS"); $logger->info( " rgs directory : $rgs_directory ... $RGS_STATUS"); $logger->info( " om directory : $om_directory ... $OM_STATUS"); $logger->info( " epatplot directory: $epatplot_directory ... $EPATPLOT_STATUS"); #.. Initial OBSID instrument structure variables &pse_print_obsid_instruments(); return(0); } ## @method void run() # Run a single analysis action # @return Void #======================================================================== sub run(){ #.. Take action based on the user's choice if (defined $action_to_take{$analysis_action}) { $action_to_take{$analysis_action}->(); #.. Before exiting, we will print to the stdout the value of the global variables. chdir ($Analysis_directory); if ($outputfile eq "default") { $outputfile = &getCurrentDate(); $outputfile = "xmmextractor_".$outputfile.".xml"; } $doc->toFile($outputfile,0); } else { $logger->error("Analysis option not recognized."); &error_code(255); } return(0); } ## @method void run_all() # Run the analysis actions # @return Void #======================================================================== sub run_all(){ #.. Run all tasks $logger->info( "\n----> Running all tasks ...."); $action_to_take{"cifbuild"}->(); $action_to_take{"1:events"}->(); $action_to_take{"2:gti"}->(); $action_to_take{"3:edetectchain"}->(); $action_to_take{"4:epatplot"}->(); $action_to_take{"5:epic_spectra"}->(); $action_to_take{"6:epic_lightcurve"}->(); $action_to_take{"7:rgs_lightcurve"}->(); #.. Before exiting, we will print to the stdout the value of the global variables. chdir ($Analysis_directory); $doc->toFile($outputfile); return(0); } ## @method void error_code($error_signal) # Definition of error codes # @param error_signal Error Code # @return Void #======================================================================== sub error_code(){ #.. Define the actions to take according to Error Code my $error_signal = $_[0]; my %error_code= ( '0' => " \#> Success", '1' => " \#> SAS_ODF does not exists", '2' => " \#> HEADAS not installed", '31' => " \#> Error: Producing EPN event files", '32' => " \#> Error: Producing MOS1 event files", '33' => " \#> Error: Producing MOS2 event files", '3' => " \#> Error: Producing RGS1 or RGS2 event files", '34' => " \#> Error: Producing RGS1 event files", '35' => " \#> Error: Producing RGS2 event files", '36' => " \#> Error: Producing OM event files", '4' => " \#> Error: Computing GTI", '5' => " \#> Error: Running edetect_chain", '6' => " \#> Error: Producing Spectrum", '7' => " \#> Error: Producing Light Curves", '8' => " \#> Error: Producing epatplot", '9' => " \#> Error: Running ecoordconv", '10' => " \#> Error: Running PG_gti_filter", '101' => " \#> Error: paramfile not found", '255' => " \#> Error: Running xmmextractor", ); if (defined $error_code{$error_signal}) { my $msg = $error_code{$error_signal}; if ($error_signal == 0) { $logger->info("$msg"); } else { $logger->error("$msg"); } if ($error_signal == 101) { &pse_do_exit($error_signal); } } return(0); } ## @method void pse_usage() # Print help lines onto the screen # @return Void #======================================================================== sub pse_usage(){ #..Print Help message print "#>xmmextractor paramfile=myParamFile.xml outputfile=myFile.xml\n"; # system("listparams xmmextractor"); # my $x = $? >> 8; &pse_do_exit(0); } #======================================================================== ## @method void pse_do_exit($exit_code) # Exit analysis program # @param exit_code Exit code to be output on exit # @return Void #======================================================================== sub pse_do_exit(){ #.. Define exit code my $exit_code = $_[0]; exit $exit_code; return(0); } 1;