Name of input dataset true Name of output dataset true Name of a temporary dataset Smoothing type Convolver type Characteristic width of the convolver width in [0.0:100.0] Whether to normalize the convolver Whether to look for a user-supplied list of convolver widths. List of convolver widths. userwidths in [0.0:100.0] Number of convolvers in the list nconvolvers in [2:126] Width of the smallest convolver in the list minwidth in [0.0:100.0] Width of the largest convolver in the list maxwidth in [0.0:100.0] Style of spacing in the list of convolver widths. Desired signal-to-noise ratio in the adaptively-smoothed image. desiredsnr > 0.0 Whether to write the template image to file. Name of a dataset containing the template Whether to write the list of convolvers to file. Name of a dataset containing the list of convolvers Name of a dataset containing the associated index image Name of a dataset+array containing the cube of convolver images. Whether to also look for an index image dataset+array. Name of a dataset+array containing the associated index image. Whether to normalize the convolvers Name of a dataset containing the template Number of multiplications required by direct convolution before FFT is invoked. nopslimit > 0.0 Turn off time-optimisation of code and read the parameter --calcbyfft. true: all pixels smoothed via FFT; false: all by direct calculation. Whether to supply a variance image. Name of input variance dataset. Whether to supply a variance image. Name of output variance dataset. Whether to supply a weight image. Name of the weight dataset. Whether to supply an `out' mask image. Name of the "out" mask dataset. This mask specifies for which pixels the convolution should be calculated. Whether to write the mask of pixels where the weight value was found to be too low. Name of the mask which records pixels where the weight value was found to be too low. Whether to supply an exposure map. Name of the exposure-map dataset. Controls the appearence of a smoothed image which had exposure variations. Whether to remultiply the output image by the exposure map.