Name of the input background time-series to evaluate (FILE.ds:TABLENAME). Column name of X-axis. Column name of Y-axis. Column name of FRACEXP. Style of the input time-series. Style of the GTI (currently unsupported). Whether start time is specified (Default: No). Start time to evaluate. Whether end time is specified (Default: No). End time to evaluate. Style of handling method of FRACEXP. Lower threshold for FRACEXP to be used in the calculation. fracexplower in [0.0:1.0] Whether the lower cutoff count (or rate) is specified (Default: No). The lower threshold count or ratio in search for the optimum value, that is, any bin having the count (or ratio) smaller than this value is not taken into account in the search. This value has to be either zero or positive. The default (when withlowercutoffcount=no) is 0.0. lowercutoffcount in [0.0:] Whether the minimum time ratio is specified (Default: No). The ratio of the acceptable minimum number of (time) bins (or row numbers in the FITS table) to the initial number of bins after other filtering is applied, during the search for the optimum value. If the search does not find the optimum threshold with larger number of bins, then the task raises an error and exits. The default (when withmintimeratio=no) is 0.05. mintimeratio in [0.0:] Whether ignoring the lowest-count (rate) bins with unusually high signal-to-noise ratio (Default: No). This option matters only when the input time-series shows the tendency that lower the count is (but above mintimeratio, if specified), larger signal-to-noise it shows. Even then, if the lowest-count bin occupies more than the third of the entire number of bins, this option is ignored and the lowest-count bin is regarded as the appropriate bin. Whether inserting the header attributes in the input time-series dataset (Default: No). Whether outputting the table of signal-to-noise ratio to the cutoff rate/count. Name of the output table of signal-to-noise ratio to the cutoff rate/count (FILE.ds:TABLENAME).