Plot table column data? Input table Produce scatter plot? Symbols for different graphs Colors for different graphs Use row index as x-axis? Name x-axis explicitely? Column name for x Specify lower bound of x-axis? Lower bound of x-axis Specify upper bound of x-axis? Upper bound of x-axis Logarithmic x-axis? Provide list of columns to plot explicitely? List of column names for y Specify lower bound of y-axis? Lower bound of y-axis Specify upper bound of y-axis? Upper bound of y-axis Logarithmic y-axis? Offset all x-value by x[0]? Title for the plot Subtitle for the plot Output channel Output file name Overlay plot with horizontal range markers? List of tables with abscissa ranges to plot Plot contents of all abscissa range tables following named first one? Name of column containing lower abscissa range boundaries Name of column containing upper abscissa range boundaries Provide vertical position of abscissa range markers? Vertical world coordinate position of abscissa range markers Provide vertical distance of subsequent abscissa range markers? Vertical world coordinate distance of abscissa range markers x-axis offset value (output)