Input events file from ODF (or previous emevents run) true Create output events file (no for overwriting input) Output events file true Need input frames file Input frames file from emframes true Use CUT_GTI sub_task Use SP_GATTI sub_task Create output GATTI spectrum file Output GATTI spectrum file true Need files for other node (2-node CCD read-out only) Input events file for other node true Input frames file for other node true Need input offset/variance file Offset/variance files from ODF true Use EV_REC sub_task Use CUT_BAD sub_task Use DIAGO sub_task Keep as one event diagonals with Si fluorescence Use PUT_XY sub_task Randomize DETX/DETY within one pixel Throw away rows/frames with too many events Maximum number of events per row/frame maxeventsperrow in [1:] How far to check for other events next to bad row (pixels) widthnexttorow in [0:600] Throw away events with non-physical E3 Detect automatically bad offsets in the data (not in SW mode) Throw away groups of events in FRAME/RAWX/RAWY space Window size(s) along FRAME, RAWX, RAWY tolfxy in [0:] Use PUT_TI/PUT_TT sub_task Randomize TIME within one frame Size of event blocks blocksize in [1:]