Mask pixels are set true(=1) if the corrected count/frame is smaller than ratethreshold. ratethreshold in (0:1) Name of the input event list dataset. Name of the dataset to which the mask image/cube is written. Output style, either sky or raw. If raw, the output format is FITS cube. Template image set for output. If inputstyle=image, the imageset file is used, regardless of the user-specified value of templateset. Attitude style: either binnedset or template. Binned attitude set name. Minimum averaged count of the threshold to process a frame. avcnttoprocess in (0:) True if the count/frame image is also output. Root of the filenames of the dataset to which the rate (count per frame) images/cube is written. If true, the pile-up mask is also output. Root of the filenames of the dataset to which the piled-up mask images/cube (namely neither OOTE nor RGA spikes) is written. If true, the out-of-time (OOT) events due to piled-up pixels are masked in the output. If true, the RGA spikes due to piled-up pixels are masked in the output. If true, the affected regions by pile-up in the output mask are zero; if not, one. True if the approximate form of the pattern fraction parameters is used. Flip the sign of the boresight euler%psi. This parameter should be removed after the boresight is fixed.