Name of input EPIC PN ODF directory true data mode exposure number of instrument mode exposure in [1:] List of CCDs to process true exposure schedule flag how to access the ODF Autogenerate calibration switches ? Autogenerate output fileanames ? Output name of final event file [if usecanonicalnames=N]? true Attitude time step (seconds) timestep in [0.0:] Use user-supplied RA,DEC coordinates for TIMING and BURST mode ? User-supplied source position RA [deg] srcra in [0.0:360.0] User-supplied source position DEC [deg] srcdec in [-90.0:90.0] Use user-supplied RAWY coordinates for TIMING and BURST mode ? Source position for TIMING and BURST mode (in RAWY pixel coordinates) srcposition in [1:200] Apply fine time corrections for TIMING and BURST mode ? minimum PHA to include in further processing [adu] lowerthreshold in [0:4095] maximum PHA for non-MIP events [adu] mipthreshold in [0:4095] method to reject MIPs maximum quality flag value to keep event in list qualmax in [0:2000000000] Create MIPDIST columns and MIPHIST extension in output (yes/no) Allowed percentage of wrong pixels without producing a warning wrongpixlimit in [0:100] E_Cn_TEMPQB1 F1576 F1676 F1776 F1876 [deg C] true CMS TIMINTREAQUA frame time parameter [] f1294 in [0:15] DTIMAUTRSTPREVAL coarse time reset [s] f1052 in [0:32767] F1118 HFWPOTPOSSENSORST An_CHOP F1534 F1634 F1734 F1834 anchop in [0:31] An_CMCORR F1525 F1625 F1725 F1825 ancmcorr in [0:4095] An_EAMIPSEL F1536 F1636 F1736 F1836 aneamipsel in [0:63] An_MAXMIP F1527 F1627 F1727 F1827 anmaxmip in [0:4095] An_MIP F1526 F1626 F1726 F1826 anmip in [0:4095] Create several event CCD maps ? Name of output event CCD map file true Try to determine F1294 and An_CHOP (yes/no) ? Try to determine FILTER (yes/no) ? Display CCX intervals (yes/no) ? Display AUX intervals (yes/no) ? Display PMH intervals (yes/no) ? Display PAH intervals (yes/no) ? Estimate oscillator frequency shift from HK data (yes/no) Check results of MIP rejection within SAS, meaningful only for SW TI BU modes (Y/N) Search for short-duration FIFO overflow data gaps (yes/no) ? Threshold for FIFO GTI search fifogtithresh in [0.0:4095.0] Supply time-converted FRAME numbers to CTI correction routine for non-IMAGING modes (Y/N Use 1eV output energy bin width (yes/no) Use offsetmap to derive offset correction values Turns on X-ray loading correction code for TI+BU modes Run creation of background lightcurve ? Run atthkgen ? Run badpix ? Run badpixfind ? Run epframes ? Run epreject ? Run epxrlcorr ? Run epnoise ? Run epevents ? Run attcalc ? Run epexposure ? Run evlistcomb ? Run epfast ? Run (final) evselect ? Perform screening of events with rejection flags and below threshold? Screen low-energy events ? Low-energy threshold for output events [eV] screenlowthresh in [0.0:32767.0] Screen rejected events (apply #XMMEA_EP) ? Get uplinked bad pixels [not for TI and BU modes] Get non-uplinked bad pixels Get new bad pixels (from badpixset) Create an empty BADPIX extension Just get pixels within input file X/Y window Badpixfind output file true Badpixfind output masks true Badpixfind hard band output masks true Name of background lightcurve file true Name of background spectrum file true Size of time bin for background lightcurve [0=automatic] timebinsize in [0.0:] use maskset for background lightcurve? use hard energy band for maskset instead of soft? maximum RATE for flare GTI [cts/ks/arcmin**2] flaremaxrate in [0.0:] Re-emission trigger threshold [adu] reemissionthresh in [0:4095] Accuracy of gain/cti correction [0,1,2] gainctiaccuracy in [0:2] Trigger for spatial randomization Trigger for energy randomization Run patternanalysis [not active yet in epevents]? Perform out-of-time events analysis instead (Y/N) Apply CTI corrections as if all events were from RAWY = SRCPOS (Y/N) Apply special gain if TIMING mode (Y/N) Apply special gain if BURST mode (Y/N) Apply special gain if FULL FRAME mode (Y/N) Apply special gain if EXTENDED FULL FRAME mode (Y/N) Create column PHA_GAIN (Y/N) Apply correct energy scale if low-gain mode (Y/N) Apply long-term CTI increase corrections (Y/N) ... special soft energy function (Y/N) ... special Y dependence (Y/N) Apply pattern energy offset corrections (Y/N) Apply quiescent background gain corrections (Y/N) Apply CCD offset corrections Y/N), discouraged Apply temperature correction (Y/N) Apply rate-dependent PHA correction for TI+BU modes (Y/N) Time-bin size for rate-dependent PHA correction for TI+BU modes (seconds) true Create several photon CCD maps ? Name of output photon CCD map file true Create EPN pattern plot stuff (PS + FLAG maps) ? Source of attitude information Source of reference point information Get median values from atthkgen file (otherwise mean) FIXED attitude RA (degrees) true FIXED attitude DEC (degrees) true FIXED attitude (astronimcal) position angle (degrees) true RA of ref.point (degrees) (refpointlabel=user) true Dec of ref.point (degrees) (refpointlabel=user) true Image half-size (degrees) imagesize in [0.0:] Create ADU 20-30 image to assess optical loading ? Name of ADU 20-30 image true Randomize TIME within one readout frame Remove extra columns in EXPOSU** extensions Determine spatial exposure inhomogeneities (CCD columns) memory model for task evlistcomb other tables/arrays to propagate EPN imaging mode column list true EPN imaging mode output column type EPN timing mode column list true EPN timing mode output column type how to propagate columns to final event file for TI and BU modes Keep intermediate files ? Input HK GTI file for epchain [not active yet] true Is this correct/nominal ODF/SDF (yes/no) ? Is this correct/nominal PMH/PAH (yes/no) ? Is this correct/nominal CCF/CAL (yes/no) ? setup for badpix/offset correction vector (used only if ccfok=N) Identify Noisy Frames Noise cut (maximum allowed number of soft events in frame) noisecut in [0:] sigma cut for bright sources sigmacut in [0:] Save CCDs mask to a file Save CCDs mask to a file bad column file true sigma threshold for offset correction sigma in [0.0:] noise fraction parameters true turns on flare screening code threshold for flare screening softflarethreshold1 in [0.0:] threshold for flare screening softflarethreshold2 in [0.0:] smoothing method for flare screening true energy range for flare screening true energy range for flare screening true