This parameter overrules the following parametr (withxrlcorrection, withrdpha, runepreject and runepfast) Remove temporary data sets? Remove intermediate GTI data sets? Remove the intermediate CCD/node-based event lists? Keep intermediate CCD/node-based event lists to be used for pile-up correction? Select the CCDs to process? false = process all CCDs. Process data for CCD 1? Process data for CCD 2? Process data for CCD 3? Process data for CCD 4? Process data for CCD 5? Process data for CCD 6? Process data for CCD 7? Process data for CCD 8? Process data for CCD 9? Process data for CCD 10? Process data for CCD 11? Process data for CCD 12? Select the modes to process? false = process only imaging. Process imaging mode exposure? Process timing mode exposures? process burst mode exposures? Source position for TIMING and BURST modes in RAWY pixel coordinates. [Used in epframes.] timingsrcposition in [1:200] Select exposures to process? List of exposures (ie, PNU002) true Use an external GTI dataset to be used when filtering the data? Name of the external GTI dataset to be used when filtering the data. true Generate a GTI dataset based on housekeeping? Pre-process attitude data through atthkgen? Coordinates of the reference poiting used for the calculation of the sky coordinates User-specified right ascension of s/c attitude (deg) ra in [0.0:360.0] User-specified declination of s/c attitude (deg) dec in [-90.0:90.0] User-specified astronomical position angle of s/c attitude (deg) posangle in [-180.0:180.0] Filter the event lists? Bad events selection expression. true Flag the events that match the filter expression instead of removing them? Merge all GTIs from each CCD Apply GTI filter to the event lists? Merge CCD-level event lists into exposure-level event lists (by mode)? screen EXPOSUnn extensions. Randomize TIME within one readout frame (TIMEDEL) Determine spatial exposure inhomogeneities (CCD columns) Search for bad pixels? Look for bad columns? Thresholds choice - as percentage of PEAK, as count RATE or pure COUNTS [!badpixfind] Low threshold to search for dead pixels [badpixfind] lothresh in [0.0:] High threshold to search for hot pixels [!badpixfind] hithresh in [0.0:] Columnsearch thresholds choice - refer to TOTAL column value or MEDIAN column value [badpixfind] Low threshold to search for dead columns [badpixfind] locolthresh in [0.0:] High threshold to search for hot columns [!badpixfind] hicolthresh in [0.0:] Number of timesteps to search for flickering pixels [badpixfind] flickertimesteps in [1:] K-S threshold for low count flickering pixels [badpixfind] flickerksthresh in [0:1] Reduced Chi-sq threshold for high count flickering pixels [badpixfind] flickerchisqthresh in [0:] Background rate (ct/s/pix) - if negative, mean over entire field assumed [!badpixfind] true PSF-pixel(s) comparison - 1:equal to PSF, >1:more compact [!badpixfind] narrowerthanpsf in [0.0:] High thresholds as values above background [badpixfind] Low energy threshold for searching (keV) [!badpixfind] loenergythresh in [0:30.0] Hi energy threshold for searching (keV) [!badpixfind] hienergythresh in [0:30.0] ents] Randomize PHA within one ADU bin [epevents] special soft energy function (Y/N) [epevents] The energy bin width used. Accuracy of gain/cti correction [epevents] gainctiaccuracy in [0:2] Re-emission trigger threshold [epevents] true Perform out-of-time events analysis instead (Y/N) [epevents] pattern types of the bands for photon maps [!epevents] true Apply temperature correction (Y/N). Perform pattern analysis Supply time-converted FRAME numbers to CTI correction routine for non-IMAGING modes (Y/N) Apply pattern energy offset corrections [epevents] Apply quiescent background gain corrections [epevents] Apply rate-dependent PHA correction for TI+BU modes Time-bin size for rate-dependent PHA correction for TI+BU modes (seconds) true Check results of MIP rejection within SAS, meaningful only for SW TI BU modes (Y/N) Allowed percentage of wrong pixels without producing a warning [!epframes] wrongpixlimit in [0:100] setup for badpix/offset correction vector (used only if ccfok=N) minimum PHA to include in further processing [adu] lowerthreshold in [0:4095] Estimate oscillator frequency shift from HK data (yes/no) ? [epframes] Use user-supplied RA,DEC coordinates for TIMING and BURST mode ? [epframes] User-supplied source position RA [deg] [epframes] srcra in [0.0:360.0] User-supplied source position DEC [deg] [epframes] srcdec in [-90.0:90.0] maximum PHA for non-MIPs [epframes] mipthreshold in [0:4095] method to reject MIPs [epframes] Create MIPDIST columns and MIPHIST extension in output (yes/no) ? [epframes] discard MIPs from event list (yes/no) ? [epframes] Specify explicit list of HK parameters? [hkgtigen] List of HK parameters to consider [hkgtigen] true Consider all parameters except those specified [hkgtigen] Specify list of additional parameters? [hkgtigen] List of override/additional parameters [hkgtigen] true Different options that need to be set up, if we are analyzing SciSim data. Run epnoise Sigma cut for bright sources sigmacut in [0:] Noise cut (maximum allowed number of soft events in frame) noisecut in [0:] Save CCDs mask to a file Run epreject Bad column file true Sigma threshold for offset correction ? true Apply noise reduction scheme according to epreject? true Noise fraction parameters true use offsetmap to derive offset correction values true turns on X-ray loading correction code for TI+BU modes true execute soft flare screening code (for TI mode) true threshold for flare screening in units of counts/0.1 s true threshold for flare screening true smoothing method for flare screening (on of BOX, GAUSS, or FLARE) true energy range for flare screening (in ADU) true smoothing parameters true Run epxrlcorr run epfast task (only for TI+BU modes).