Data i/o either via FITS dataset or via STDIN/OUT. Name of the input dataset+table. Set this if you want to read and write position uncertainties. Set this if you want to write the output to a new file rather than adding columns to intab. Name of the output dataset+table. User-supplied source RA (deg). ra in [0.0:360.0] User-supplied source dec (deg). dec in [-90.0:90.0] Set this if you want to read and write position uncertainties. User-supplied error radius of the source. (Tip: want arcsec? Use XXdXXmXX.Xs form.) errorradius in [0.0:] Whether to print some header info with the output line. Coordinate system of output positions. MOS CCD node (not read if instrument=pn). Style in which to input the instrument and the boresight date. Name of the dataset containing INSTRUME and DATE-OBS keywords. Instrument on XMM. User-supplied date-time (at which to determine the instrument boresight). User-supplied spacecraft RA (deg). scattra in [0.0:360.0] User-supplied spacecraft dec (deg). scattdec in [-90.0:90.0] User-supplied spacecraft position angle (deg). scattapos in [0.0:360.0] If true then positions outside the field-of-view are not processed Flip the sign of the boresight euler%psi. This parameter should be removed after the boresight is fixed.