Name of template image dataset. Name of temporary image dataset. List of lower bounds (in eV) of the energy ranges. evlo in (0:] List of upper bounds (in eV) of the energy ranges. evhi in (0:] List of names of output image datasets. Style of input for attitude data. The name of a binned-attitude dataset+table. Style of input for attitude-weighting data. Style of input for GTI data. Start time stamp of single GTI. End time stamp of single GTI. Name of the dataset(+table) in which to seek the GTI start and stop keywords. Name of the GTI start time keyword. Name of the GTI stop time keyword. Spacecraft RA in decimal degrees. ra in [0:360) Spacecraft dec in decimal degrees. dec in [-90:90] Spacecraft position angle in decimal degrees. apos in [0:360) Flip the sign of the boresight euler%psi. This parameter should be removed after the boresight is fixed.