Input events set Name of output X column. Name of output Y column. Image half-size (deg) imagesize in [0.0:] Source of attitude information. The dataset which contains the input binned attitude data. Source of attitude information within the ODF. The dataset which contains the average s/c pointing keywords. A new attitude bin is started if the attitude jumps by more than this amount (arcsec). Whether to use/calculate median or mean pointing for the _PNT keywords. Whether to write the binned attitude to file. The dataset which is to contain the binned attitude data. FIXED attitude RA (deg) attra in [0.0:360.0] FIXED attitude DEC (deg) attdec in [-90.0:90.0] FIXED attitude (Astronimcal) Position Angle (deg) attapos in [-180.0:360.0] Source of tangent ray information. RA of tangent ray (deg) (tangdirstyle=user) tangdirra in [0.0:360.0] Dec of tangent ray (deg) (tangdirstyle=user) tangdirdec in [-90.0:90.0]