Input file part of ODF (yes/no)? Name of input FITS file or ODF set true Input block name to get x-axis column (yes/no)? Name of block for x-axis column true Name of x-axis column (eg. TIME, FRAME, etc) true Name of y-axis column(s) to plot true Plot GTI(s) for each y-axis value (yes/no)? Name of the GTI file to plot true Plot any CCDs (if applicable) (yes/no)? Select individual CCDs or use all (default) for Instrument (yes/no)? Selected individual CCD(s) to plot (if applicable) true Name of output plot filename (eg. true Name of output plot device (eg. /PS) true Convert Frame column to timetag (if applicable)? Use HK file TSTART as offset for xaxis (yes/no)? Select rowrange to plot (yes/no)? First row of infile to plot (default 1) true Last row of infile to plot (default nrows) true Select timerange to plot (yes/no)? Start time in infile to plot (default timemin) true Last row of infile to plot (default timemax) true Select framerange to plot (yes/no)? First frame of infile to plot (default 1) true Last frame of infile to plot (default highest frame) true Number of points per page to plot (default 600) true