Input image FITS file. Whether to use the source list in the observation. Source list (eg., P0123456789EPX000OBSMLI0000.FIT:SRCLIST) in the observation. Whether to give the coordinates in the command-line arguments. Right Ascension (in degree) of the source position in the J2000 coordinates. This is mandatory to be specified if withsrclist=no and withcat=no. ra in [-360:360] Declination (in degree) of the source position in the J2000 coordinates. This is mandatory to be specified if withsrclist=no and withcat=no. dec in [-90:90] Whether to use the (bigger) external catalogue set, which tabulates the source IAUNAME etc. Catalogue table name (eg., 'cat2xmm.fits:SRCLIST'). Whether to specify SRC_NUM. This is mandatory if withsrclist=no and withcat=yes. ID number (SRC_NUM) of the source in the given source list to process (0 (Default) means all the sources, which is valid only when withsrclist=yes). srcnum in [0:] Whether to automatically determine the output GIF filenames (yes) or use user-specified single filename (no). If no, either withsrclist has to be no or srcnum has to be non-zero. Filename of the output GIF (with suffix mandatory). Root of the output filenames. Style in naming the output GIF files. The suffix of the output GIF filename. The separators in the output GIF filenames: eg., "ROOT@@_@@-@@s@@" for " _-s". Style of the index printed in the GIF. In default, it is 'detid' if withcat=yes, 'srcnum' if withsrclist=yes, or 'none' otherwise. The separator between the source name and index displayed in the output image. Default is ':' and '/' for srcindexstyle='detid' and 'srcnum', respectively. Prefix for the IAUNAME in case the catalogue (if given) is missing it. String expression of OBS_ID. String expression of the energy band, such as, '0.5-10 keV'. String expression of the instrument. Comment appearing at right-hand side in the second row in the output image. Comment appearing at right-hand side in the first row in the output image. Size of the output image in unit of arcmin. imagesize in [0:] Lwidth of the cross in the image (0 (Default) means automatically calculated). lwidth in [0:] Ratio of the size of closeness of the cross to the source (0 (Default) means automatically calculated). sizeratiocross in [0:] Font number in PGPLOT used in output images (Default=0 (not specified)). fontnumber in [0:] Colour Map ID (Default=3, heat). colourmapid in [0:] Display to STDOUT the source parameters if yes. Dry-run if yes.