Grism image file true OM OSW Source List filename true Output specrum file true Half-width of the spectrum extraction area (in pixels, if negative, and in FWHWs otherwise) spectrumhalfwidth in [-20.:20.] Offset for the left background extraction area (in pixels, if negative, and in FWHWs otherwise) bkgoffsetleft in [-20.:20.] Width for the left background extraction area (in pixels, if negative, and in FWHWs otherwise) bkgwidthleft in [-40.:40.] Offset for the right background extraction area (in pixels, if negative, and in FWHWs otherwise) bkgoffsetright in [-20.:20.] Width of the background right extraction area (in pixels, if negative, and in FWHWs otherwise) bkgwidthright in [-40.:40.] Length of the smoothing window for the extracted spectra (in pixels) spectrumsmoothlength in [0:] Type of the spectum extraction algorithm (0 is normal, 1 is optimal, etc.) extractionmode in [0:] Extracts all the available spectra in the current field Name of the output spectra list file true Name of the input source region file true Name of the output spectra region file true Generates a region file for newly detected point sources