Name of the input image true Name of the input calibrated scattered light image true Name of the output image with scattered light subtracted true Flag for using one of the three methods of computing the scattered light scaling factor: 1 is for computing the scaling factor using the ratio between the background counts of the input and calibrated iamges. 2 is for computing the scaling factor from the differences between the background and scattered light counts for the input and calibrated images; 3 is for fitting the scaling factor by multiple-steps comparison of the background counts and the counts within the scattered light feature; mode in [1:3] Scaling factor for the scattered light image scalingfactor in [-1.0:10000000.0] Inner radius (unbinned pixels) for the ring-shaped region, within which the image background level should be determined innerradius in [-1.0:2048.0] Outer radius (unbinned pixels) for the ring-shaped region, within which the image background level should be determined outerradius in [-1.0:2048.0]