Input/output data set containing RGS raw events true Input data set containing RGS source list true Beta bins: specify range or bin-size lower bound of first beta bin [rad] true upper bound of last beta bin [rad] true midpoint of bin for which BETACHA is 1 [rad] true width of beta bin [rad] betabinwidth in [0:] number of beta bins nbetabins in [1:] XDSP bins: specify range or bin-size lower bound of first xdsp bin [rad] true upper bound of last xdsp bin [rad] true midpoint of bin for which XDSPCHA is 1 [rad] true width of cross dispersion bin [rad] xdispbinwidth in [0:] number of xdsp bins nxdispbins in [1:] Produce columns with Spacecraft Pointing Produce column with m*lambda (source at requested position) midpoint of bin for which LAMBDACHA is one [Angstrom] true width of lambda bin [Angstroms] lambdabinwidth in [0:] number of lambda bins nlambdabins in [1:] Apply heliocentric velocity correction to mlambda column Apply Sun Angle correction to mlambda column