Filemode: create new rgs source list or edit an existing one. Enable a change in the number of the prime source. Enable a change in the attitude. The name of the rgs source list. Instrument/exposure ID string (the filename of any ODF constituent may be used). Write observation-specific keywords to the header. Write exposure-specific keywords to the header. If two source labels are the same, delete the second source. Style for designating the prime source. Index of prime source. primeindex in [1:] Label of source to make the prime source. Column expression to calculate index of prime source. Style for entering (or calculating) the attitude. Name of the attitude history file. Name of the attitude history file. Right Ascension (decimal degrees) of the attitude. attra in [0.0:360.0] Declination (decimal degrees) of the attitude. attdec in [-90.0:90.0] Position angle (decimal degrees) of the attitude. attapos in [0.0:360.0] Name of the filtered attitude history table. Add a source with user-defined position, rate etc. Label for the user-defined source. Rate value (if known) for the user-defined source. rate in [0.0:] Set the prime source to the user-added source. Set the PROCESS flag for the user-added source. Set the BKG_EXCLUDE flag for the user-added source. Style for entering the position of the user-defined source. Right Ascension (decimal degrees) of the user-defined source. ra in [0.0:360.0] Declination (decimal degrees) of the user-defined source. dec in [-90.0:90.0] Cross-dispersion offset (arcmin) of the user-defined source from the pointing. Dispersion-direction offset (arcmin) of the user-defined source from the pointing. Add sources from an epic-derived source list. Name of the epic-derived source list. Prefix for epic-source labels. Flag sources which are confused in the epic camera plane. Epic count rates are averaged according to these weight values. If yes, flag the EPIC sources falling out of FOV (not drop them). Enable spatial filtering of epic sources. Energy band IDs for (EPIC) sources (recommended: 2 for 1XMM and 2,3 for 2XMM and after). Flip the sign of the boresight euler%psi. This parameter should be removed after the boresight is fixed.