Name of input spectrum dataset true Overwrite the input file Name of output grouped spectrum true Has a background dataset been supplied ? Name of input background dataset true Bin using a minimum number of counts ? Minimum number of counts in each bin, e.g. 25 true Bin using a minimum signal to noise ratio ?" Minimum signal to noise ratio in each bin, e.g. 5 (sigma) true Bin using a minimum ratio of source above background Minimum ratio of source above background true Bin using a minimum energy resolution Minimum energy resolution for each bin, e.g. FWHM / 3. true Group with the same bins as used in a template input file A grouped spectrum true Bin using given ranges ? Ranges to group over, e.g. 2-20,63-97 true Bin using a regular grid ? First channel to use in regular bins true Last channel to use in regular bins true Number of channels in each regular bin true Units for input parameters, KEV or CHAN Get ebins from response set Name of input response set true Has an ARF been specified ? Name of the associated ancillary response file (ARF) true Write/overwrite file keywords, ANCRFILE, RESPFILE, BACKFILE Group starting from the high energy bins ? What to do about ungrouped bins Whether to exclude some channels before grouping true