arfgen spectrumset=spectrum.pha detmaptype=dataset detmaparray=detmap.ds
Generates a dataset ancillaryfile.ds, weighting the arf spatially using the first array found in the dataset detmap.ds. The effective area, filter transmission and quantum efficiency curve are included in the ARF. An ARF for an extended source is generated.
Such detector maps can be generated in xmmselect given an event list that contains a column DETX, DETY, by selecting those columns in the main GUI dialog of that task, clicking the 'Image' button and then specifying the preferred image binning in the subsequent evselect dialog.
Alternatively, it could be generated by invoking evselect:
evselect table='0001_0000010010_M1S00100IME.FIT:EVENTS'
destruct=false withfilteredset=true
withimageset=true imageset=detmap.ds xcolumn=DETX ycolumn=DETY
withxranges=true ximagemin=-1500 ximagemax=1500 withyranges=true
yimagemin=-1500 yimagemax=1500 imagebinning='imageSize'
ximagesize=20 yimagesize=20
writedss=true updateexposure=true