XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
attcalc (attcalc-4.33) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]
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- attcalc eventset=events.dat (uses ahf attitude within the
current ODF [set via the environment variable $SAS_ODF] to
calculate event X/Y coordinates, referenced to PNT values in atthk.dat)
- eventset=events.dat attitudelabel=fixed refpointlabel=obj
fixedra=23.645 fixeddec=-10.034 fixedposangle=23.4 (uses fixed attitude to
calculate event X/Y coordinates, referenced to the OBJ RA/Dec values in the
event file).
- attcalc eventset=events.dat attitudelabel=ahf refpointlabel=user
nominalra=100.0 nominaldec=10.0 imagesize=1.0 (uses ahf attitude in the
current ODF
to calculate event X/Y coordinates, referenced to user defined RA/Dec. Size of
effective image increased).
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04