XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
badpixfind (badpixfind-1.39) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]
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- badpixfind eventset=mosevents.dat (default automatic MOS PPS setting)
- badpixfind narrowerthanpsf=1.5 backgroundrate=0.0001 hithresh=0.0045
hicolthresh=0.00105 withsearchbadcolumn=y loenergythresh=0.14 hienergythresh=10.0
eventset=pnevents.dat (recommended automatic PN PPS setting)
- badpixfind eventset=mosevents.dat thresholdlabel=peak
backgroundrate=-1 hithresh=90 flickertimesteps=5 flickerksthresh=0.52
flickerchisqthresh=12 (bad pixels brighter than 90% of the peak brightness
are searched for, as are flickering pixels with variabilities in excess of the
given flicker thresholds)
- badpixfind eventset=mosevents.dat searchbadpix=n userflagbadpix=y
rawxlist="3 6" rawylist="5 8" typelist="4 4" yextentlist="2 2"
badpixset=bpxfmos.fits (just mode 2 (explicit user flagging) is used to create
two entries in output file bpxfmos.fits)
- badpixfind eventset=pnevents.dat threshabovebackground=Y
withbadpixmap=Y hithresh=0.00025 withsearchbadcolumn=y hicolthresh=0.00007
backgroundrate=-1 loenergythresh=7.0 hienergythresh=15.0 narrowerthanpsf=0.0
withfovmask=Y (detects bad pixels/columns and also sources in a hard energy
band, the thresholds set according to a calculated background level, producing
a background mask [badpixmap.fits] with the FOV masked out, usable (in
evselect) to create a background spectrum/lightcurve etc)
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04