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bin_image (esas-0.9.32) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]

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bin_image produces binned count rate and count-rate uncertainty images of single observations. It can use either individual exposures or the output of the program comp which can merge all of the exposures associated with a single ObsID. For each unmasked and binned pixel, the program will determine the average count rate and the count rate uncertainty. The assumption is that the uncertainty is dominated by the counting statistics and the the systematics of the background modeling.

Warning and requirements: bin_image is part of the package esas, integrated into SAS, but limited to work within esas' data reduction scheme. This is specially true wrt input files structure and names. In particular, bin_image assumes that another tasks from the package, like mos-spectra, mos_back, and if desired comb must have been successfully run for the exposures to be used.

XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04