ChangeLog for calpnalgo ======================= open SSC-SPRs: *none* Version 2.44.5 - 2006-06-19 (AI) ------------ + (src/ctigain/cte_model_noprec.f and src/cti/cte_model_prec.f) Common block "index1" removed due to a run time error in Mac OS X 10.4.x. The variables used in "index1" are now passed as arguments Version 2.44.4 - 2005-10-24 (RDS) ------------ + (src/rmf/getpnresp.f) - stopped the code from recalculating the channel energies. It now uses the energies as obtained, indirectly, from the spectrum. (part of SCR-129) Version 2.44.3 - 2004-10-28 (RDS) ------------ + (src/rmf/getpnresp.f - read fixed parameters from CCF src/rmf/pem_model.f) - SCR-183 Version 2.44.2 - 2004-01-23 (RDS) ------------ + (src/rmf/getpnresp.f) - remove extraneous debug line Version 2.44.1 - 2004-01-21 (RDS) ------------ + (src/rmf/pem_par.f, src/rmf/getpnresp.f): new redistribution code - MPE V6.6 Version 2.44 - 2003-07-10 (RDS) ------------ + (src/rmf/pem_par.f, src/rmf/getpnresp.f): new redistribution code - MPE V6.5 Version 2.43.1 - 2002-12-05 (RDS) ------------ + (src/rmf/pem_par.f): new redistribution code, direct from FH Version 2.43 - 2002-10-30 (MJF) ------------ + (src/ctigain/evcr03.f): added switch to decide which SW/LW CTI correction function should be taken depending on CCF contents (backward compatibility) Version 2.42 - 2002-10-29 (MJF) ------------ + (src/ctigain/evcr03.f): new SW/LW low-energy correction function (unchanged in case of EPN_CTI_0009.CCF, extra term used with EPN_CTI_0010.CCF) Version 2.41 - 2002-09-11 (MJF) ------------ + (src/ctigain/evcr03.f): changed type from SINGLE to DOUBLE precision for time related variables (DT, TF, TY) + (src/ctigain/ccd_par_descr.f): changed type from SINGLE to DOUBLE precision for time related variables (RFP, RPRF) Version 2.40 - 2002-08-23 (UL) ------------ + evcr03InitCteParam() receives now additional parameter from CAL (parameter name is 't_par'; only applicable in timing mode; read from TIMECORR CCF) Version 2.39 - 2002-07-18 (UL) ------------ + changes in src/ctigain/evcr03.f: evcr03InitCteParam() receives now additional parameters from the CAL (read from the CCF) and places those in common blocks (ccd_par_decr.f) + CAL/calpnalgo interface in interface/CalPnAlgo.h updated accordingly + routines in sas_epn_gaincticorrect_mod.f90 have been rewritten in C++ and moved to the CAL proper Version 2.38 - 2002-07-10 (MJF) ------------ + (DEPEND): added "sas" as required by new infrastructure (sas-1.302) Version 2.37 - 2002-05-08 (MJF) ------------ + (doc/calpnalgo_description.tex): removed parameter part as there is no parameter interface and dependency on "param" can be removed + (DEPEND): removed "param" as not needed anymore due to change in doc, therefore this version can be used in the RT as well as in the DT Version 2.36 - 2002-04-18 (MJF) ------------ + (src/ctigain/sas_epn_gaincticorrect_mod.f90): adapted messages to new long-term CTI correction, cleared redundant variables Version 2.35 - 2002-04-11 (MJF) ------------ + (src/ctigain/sas_epn_gaincticorrect_mod.f90): omitted ADUREF, i.e. prepare for EPN_CTI_0009.CCF Version 2.34 - 2002-04-09 (MJF) ------------ + (src/ctigain/evcr03.f): editorial changes to prepare for CCF interface + (src/ctigain/sas_epn_gaincticorrect_mod.f90): as above Version 2.33 - 2002-03-28 (MJF) ------------ + (src/ctigain/evcr03.f): new low-energy SW/LW-CTI correction function + (src/ctigain/sas_epn_gaincticorrect_mod.f90): added comments to code Version 2.32.4 - 2002-03-15 (MJF) -------------- + (DEPEND): added "param" as required by change of package "sas" Version 2.32.3 - 2002-02-25 (RDS) -------------- + (src/rmf/getpnrsp.f) Just calculate sings+dubs even if P0-12 is requested. Version 2.32.2 - 2002-02-20 (RDS) -------------- + (src/rmf/getpnrsp.f) Calculate channel energy bounds on the fly Version 2.32.1 - 2002-02-18 (MJF) -------------- + (src/ctigain/*): restore original file times (as of version 2.30) + (src/ctigain/evcr03.f): use unshifted RAWY values for bad pixel checks closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-2766: Incorrect warnings related to bad pixels for SW and LW modes Version 2.32 - 2002-01-22 (RDS&UL) ------------ + (src/rmf/getpnrsp.f, pem_par.f) (SCR-72 - patterns) Version 2.31 - 2002-01-22 (UL) ------------ + interim update to rmf code - just CAL I/F updated; to be superseded by RDS/FH versions Version 2.30 - 2002-01-16 (MJF) ------------ + (src/ctigain/sas_epn_gaincticorrect_mod.f90): extended parameter interface from task `epevents' Version 2.29 - 2001-12-13 (MJF) ------------ + (src/ctigain/evcr03.f): updated SW/LW-CTI correction function, label quantities that should be moved to a CCF (requires further iteration) Version 2.28 - 2001-11-22 (JBa) ------------ + (doc/calpnalgo_description.tex): fixed documentation Version 2.27 - 2001-11-19 (MJF) ------------ + (src/ctigain/sas_epn_gaincticorrect_mod.f90): remove CAL dependency Version 2.26 - 2001-11-16 (MJF) ------------ + (src/ctigain/sas_epn_gaincticorrect_mod.f90): new module containing the former calibration routines of task `epevents' Version 2.25 - 2001-11-06 (MJF) ------------ + (src/ctigain/evcr03.f): improved medium-energy correction (SW LW) Version 2.24 - 2001-10-11 (MJF) ------------ + (src/ctigain/evcr03.f): improved low-energy correction (SW LW) Version 2.23 - 2001-09-01 (MJF) ------------ + (src/ctigain/evcr03.f): adapt internal error codes to CAL-routine "CtiCorrector" (exchange "bright pixel" and "no calibration data") Version 2.22 - 2001-08-31 (MJF) ------------ + (src/ctigain/evcr03.f): eFF mode variable C changed: 0.60 -> 0.56 Version 2.21 - 2001-07-17 (MJF) ------------ + (src/ctigain/evcr03.f): new energy correction function (LW) Version 2.20 - 2001-06-06 (MJF) ------------ + (src/ctigain/evcr03.f): new high-energy correction function (SW LW) Version 2.19 - 2001-05-28 (MJF) ------------ + (src/ctigain/evcr03.f): TI mode variable SCALE changed: 0.59 -> 0.43 Version 2.18.2 - 2001-05-04 (MJF) -------------- + (src/ctigain/evcr03.f): write several quantities that occur more than once in the code as parameter statement + (src/ctigain/cte_model_*pref.f): appended two missing variables to common block "model_par" to make size the same [SSC-SPR-2368] + (ChangeLog): distinguish between SOC and SSC SPRs closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-2368: linker warning Version 2.18.1 - 2001-04-27 (RDS) ------------ + (src/rmf/getpnresp.f) - extra normalisation (SOC-SPR-2001) Version 2.18 - 2001-04-23 (UL) ------------ + implemented SOC-SPR-1989: New PN redistribution code to implement (getpnrsp() [src/rmf/getpnresp.f] receives new parameter 'cmode' to indicate the CCD mode) + (src/ctigain): added parameter YTIMING to CALPNALGO_initCteParam() Version 2.17 - 2001-04-19 (RDS) -------------- + (src/rmf): routines updated for new FH redistribution code pem_par.f, pem_model.f, getpnresp.f (SOC-SPR-1989) Version 2.16 - 2001-04-09 (MJF) ------------ + (src/ctigain/): updated several routines: evcr03.f, cte_model_noprec.f, cte_model_prec.f, ccd_par_descr.f: - improved correction for SW, LW, TI modes - declare all variables explicitly (IMPLICIT NONE) Version 2.15.2 - 2001-03-16 (MJF) -------------- + (src/ctigain): updated several routines: evcr03.f, cte_model_noprec.f, cte_model_prec.f, ccd_par_descr.f made code faster, improved corrections for eFF, SW, TI modes Version 2.15.1 - 2000-10-27 (MJF) -------------- + (doc/calpnalgo_description.tex): added task description closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-1986: no description Version 2.15 - 2000-09-29 (MJF) ------------ + (src/gaincti/evcr03.f): initialize t_frame and y_shift for TI and BU Version 2.14 - 2000-09-25 (MJF) ------------ + (src/ctigain/): updated routines evcr03.f, cte_model_*.f which contain improved corrections for SW and LW modes Version 2.13 - 2000-09-21 (HS) ------------ + (src/rmf): Fixed runtime array indexing errors Version 2.12 - 2000-09-08 (MJF) ------------ + (test/Makefile): added `slatec' to USEDLIBS Version 2.11 - 2000-08-30 (UL) ------------ + CTI/gain correction and RMF code now in separate directories + added combilibs/interface directories Version 2.10 - 2000-07-31 (MJF/UL) ------------ + (src/evgn01.f): change type: IAMP -> AMPR Version 2.9 - 2000-07-24 (HS) ----------- + (DEPEND) added packages error and slatec (SSC-SPR-1931) Version 2.8 - 2000-07-07 (HS) ----------- + (src/getpnresp.f): Removed unused variables, and fixed bug connected to CCD line number. Commented out write statements + (src/pem_model.f): Removed unused variables introduced while integrating code into calpnalgo. Commented out all write statements, apart from one that leads to a stop statements + (src/lininterp.f): Commented out write statements. Version 2.7 - 2000-07-07 (HS) ----------- + Added F Haberl's PN RMF code: + (src directory) 4 New files added: getpnresp.f, pem_model.f findindex.f lininterp.f The first two are modified versions of F Haberl's epic_pn_rsp.f and pem_e.f. CalPnAlgo.h modified to support new calling function: CALPNALGO_resp. + (test directory) added to test CALPNALGO_resp. Not added yet to Makefile:TESTS variable. Version 2.6 - 2000-04-12 (MJF) ----------- + new evgn01.f (if CCF entries are 0: return error=3, ampcc = ampc) Version 2.5 - 2000-03-20 (UL) ----------- + adapted C++/f77 I/F to new evgn01 + in src/cte_model.f: added + to make it consistent with declaration of common block in src/ccd_par_descr.f Version 2.4 - 2000-03-17 (MJF) ----------- + new evgn01.f (gain + raw cti correction), evcr03.f, cte_model.f Version 2.3 - 2000-02-16 (MJF) ----------- + new evgn01.f, evcr03.f, cte_model.f Version 2.2 - 1999-12-07 (ME) ----------- + fixed a bug in evgn01.f: ampc = ampc * (1.0 + gn(1) * e**gn(2)) - gn(3) * e Version 2.1 - 1999-12-03 (ME) ----------- + removed write(*,*) statement in cte_model.f Version 2.0 - 1999-11-24 (UL) ----------- + updated CTI/gain correction algorithm from MPE + CAL I/F changed Version 1.1 - 1999-10-27 (UL) ----------- + uses INTERFACE mechanism + added DISTRIBUTION file Version 1.0 - 1999-06-23 (UL) ----------- + minor change in C++/Fortran interface Version 0.1 - 1999-06-15 (UL) ----------- + converted code from PN H/W group