XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
cheese (esas-0.9.32) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]
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Output Files
atthk.fits - SAS attitude file.
boxlist.fits - The output from the first pass of eboxdetect.
boxlist-f.fits - The output from the second pass of eboxdetect.
emllist.fits - The output from emldetect.
Where MOS data are processed:
- mosprefix-bkg_region-det.fits - The background region
file made from the filtered source list. Note that this list
excludes the sources and is in detector coordinates.
- mosprefix-bkg_region-sky.fits - The background region
file made from the filtered source list. Note that this list
excludes the sources and is in sky coordinates.
- mosprefix-cheese.fits - The cheese mask image for the
prefix exposure.
Where PN data are processed:
- pnprefix-bkg_region-det.fits - The background region
file made from the filtered source list mode=2. Note that this list
excludes the sources and is in detector coordinates.
- pnprefix-bkg_region-sky.fits - The background region
file made from the filtered source list mode=2. Note that this list
excludes the sources and is in sky coordinates.
- pnprefix-cheese.fits - The cheese mask image for the
prefix exposure.
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04