XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
dal (dal-1.187) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]
Meta Index / Home Page / F90 DAL API / API Overview
A table is a block that consists of a set of
columns, each of which has its own data type.
A table can be accessed and released with the following procedures:
- table Returns a handle to the table. Requires a data set handle, the table name of number and the access mode.
- release Release the table again. The program should call release as soon as the table is no longer needed.
The table number can be found from its name with the blockNr function.
Columns in a table are accessed by name or by number. The number can be found from the name with the columnNr function.
The following procedures can operate on a table:
- addColumn Adds a column and returns a reference to the new column. Requires the name, the data type and the units for the new column.
- column Given a column number, returns a reference to the column.
- columnNr Given a name, returns the number of the column with that name.
- deleteColumn Deletes a column. Requires the column number.
- insertRows Inserts rows into the table. Requires the starting position and the number of rows to insert.
- deleteRows Deletes rows from a table. Requires the starting position and the number of rows to delete.
- copyColumn Copy a column. Requires the column number, a reference to the destination table and the new name.
- numberOfColumns Returns the number of columns.
- numberOfRows Returns the number of rows.
- copyRows Copies rows. Requires the row number to copy from, the row number to copy to, and the number of rows to copy.
- insertRows Inserts rows, containing arbitrary values. Requires the row number where to insert the rows and the number of rows to insert.
- deleteRows Deletes rows. Requires the row number of the first row to delete and the number of rows to delete.
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04