Whilst the DAL data model is independent of any underlying representation, there is an exceptional facility for handling the notion of the FITS Primary Image. An array with block number zero, and name "PRIMARY", will be treated by the FITS file reader/writer as the FITS primary image. This does not spoil the purety of the DAL data model, with FITS specific notions, since the interpretation, is made by the FITS File reader/writer, which is a separate piece of software, which is implementated, in terms of the abstract DAL interface. The restriction of setting the block number to zero, is needed to ensure consistancy of block numbers, between successive create and reads.
The name, units and comment may be changed. The type, dimensions and position may not be changed. In the event that the ordinal position is not at the end, the newly created array is inserted, moving subsequent blocks as necessary.
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! two 3-dimensional arrays. ! ! It illustrates the use of the derived types DataSetT and ArrayT. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The first array is filled with unique data before the ! dataset is released (closed). program example_addarray use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(ArrayT) arr1, arr2 integer(kind=int32), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: a1, a2 integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,2 /) integer :: i,j,k,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr1 = addArray(set, "array1", INTEGER32, dimensions=s ) arr2 = addArray(set, "array2", arrayDataType( arr1 ), dimensions=s ) ! fill with unique numbers a1 => int32Array3Data(arr1) a2 => int32Array3Data(arr1) n = 0 do k=0,1 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 a1(i,j,k) = n a2(i,j,k) = a1(i,j,k) + 1 n = n + 1 end do end do end do call release(arr1) call release(arr2) call release(set) end program example_addarray
program example_addattributes use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) call setAttribute(set,"sbool1",.false.,"dataset bool comment") call setAttribute(set,"sbool2",.false.,"dataset bool comment") tab = addTable(set,"table",10); call addAttributes(attributable(tab),attributable(set)) call release(tab) call release(set) end program example_addattributes
program example_addcolumn use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col logical(kind=bool), dimension(:), pointer :: b integer(kind=int8), dimension(:), pointer :: i8 integer(kind=int16), dimension(:), pointer :: i16 integer(kind=int32), dimension(:), pointer :: i32 real(kind=single), dimension(:), pointer :: r32 real(kind=double), dimension(:), pointer :: r64 character(len=1024) :: s integer i set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"some table",100) col = addColumn(tab,"bool",BOOLEAN) b => boolData(col) do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 b(i) = ( modulo (i,2) .eq. 0 ) end do col = addColumn(tab,"int8",INTEGER8,units="cm",comment="int8 column") i8 => int8Data(col) write(*,*) shape(i8) do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 i8(i) = i end do col = addColumn(tab,"int16",INTEGER16,units="dm",comment="int16 column") i16 => int16Data(col) do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 i16(i) = 2*i end do col = addColumn(tab,"int32",INTEGER32,units="m",comment="in32 column") i32 => int32Data(col) do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 i32(i) = 3*i end do col = addColumn(tab,"real32",REAL32,units="Dm",comment="real32 column") r32 => real32Data(col) do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 r32(i) = 0.5*i end do col = addColumn(tab,"real64",REAL64,units="hm",comment="real64 column") r64 => real64Data(col) do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 r64(i) = 0.25*i end do col = addColumn(tab,"string",STRING,comment="string column",dimensions=(/80/)) do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 write(s,*) "string",i call setStringCell(col,i,s) end do call release(set) end program example_addcolumn
program example_addcomment use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) call addComment(set,"this comment is a dataset comment" ) call addComment(set,"and so is this one." ) tab = addTable(set,"some table",100) call addComment(tab,"this comment is a table comment" ) call addComment(tab,"and so is this one." ) call addComment(block(set,0,MODIFY),"Another table comment") call release(set) end program example_addcomment
program example_addhistory use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) call addHistory(set,"this history is a dataset history" ) call addHistory(set,"and so is this one." ) tab = addTable(set,"some table",100) call addHistory(tab,"this history is a table history" ) call addHistory(tab,"and so is this one." ) call addHistory(block(set,0,MODIFY),"Another table history") call release(set) end program example_addhistory
! This example shows how the addtable() ! function is used. program example_addtable use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(BlockT) blk integer i set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"table1",10) tab = addTable(set,"table2",100) tab = addTable(set,"table3",1000) do i=0,numberOfBlocks( set ) - 1 blk = block( set, i, MODIFY ) write(*,*) name( blk ) call addComment( blk, "A table comment" ) end do call release(set) end program example_addtable
! In this example, a dataset is created containing ! a 3-dimensional array. The array is filled with unique ! numbers, before the dataset is released (closed). ! ! The dataset is then reopened (with READ access), ! and the array's data is displayed. program example_array use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(ArrayT) arr integer(kind=int32), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: a integer(kind=int32), dimension(:), pointer :: ad integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,2 /) integer :: i,j,k,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr = addArray(set, "some array", INTEGER32, dimensions=s ) ! fill with unique numbers a => int32Array3Data(arr) n = 0 do k=0,1 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 a(i,j,k) = n n = n + 1 end do end do end do call release(arr) call release(set) ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",READ) arr = array(set, "some array", READ) ad => int32Data( arr ) do n = 0, numberOfElements( arr ) - 1 write(*,*) ad( n ) end do call release(set) end program example_array
! In this example add dataset is created containing ! 2 arrays and 2 tables. ! ! A simple loop then iterates over the dataset's ! blocks printing appropriate messages. ! The first two blocks will have ARRAY_BLOCK block type. ! The second two blocks will have TABLE_BLOCK block type. program example_blocktype use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(ArrayT) arr type(TableT) tab type(BlockT) blk integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,2 /) integer :: i ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr = addArray(set, "block0", INTEGER32, dimensions=s ) arr = addArray(set, "block1", INTEGER32, dimensions=s ) tab = addTable(set, "block2", 5 ) tab = addTable(set, "block3", 5 ) do i = 0, numberOfBlocks( set ) - 1 blk = block( set, i, READ ) if( blockType( block( set, i, READ ) ) .eq. ARRAY_BLOCK ) then write(*,*) "The block with name ", name( blk ), " is an array." arr = array( set, i, READ ) write(*,*) "It has ", numberOfDimensions( arr ), " dimensions." end if if( blockType( block( set, i, READ ) ) .eq. TABLE_BLOCK ) then write(*,*) "The block with name ", name( blk ), " is a table." tab = table( set, i ) write(*,*) "It has ", numberOfRows( tab ), " rows." end if end do call release(arr) call release(set) end program example_blocktype
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! two 3-dimensional arrays. ! ! It illustrates the use of the derived types DataSetT and ArrayT. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The first array is filled with unique data before the ! dataset is released (closed). program example_addarray use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(ArrayT) arr1, arr2 integer(kind=int32), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: a1, a2 integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,2 /) integer :: i,j,k,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr1 = addArray(set, "array1", INTEGER32, dimensions=s ) arr2 = addArray(set, "array2", arrayDataType( arr1 ), dimensions=s ) ! fill with unique numbers a1 => int32Array3Data(arr1) a2 => int32Array3Data(arr1) n = 0 do k=0,1 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 a1(i,j,k) = n a2(i,j,k) = a1(i,j,k) + 1 n = n + 1 end do end do end do call release(arr1) call release(arr2) call release(set) end program example_addarray
! In this example, a dataset is created with one table and one ! array. ! Two attributes are added to each of the dataset, table and array. ! ! The generic subroutine displayAttributes, which operates on the ! AttributableT base type, displays the attributes contained in ! each of the dataset, table and array. subroutine displayAttributes( thisAttributable ) use dal implicit none type(AttributableT) thisAttributable type(AttributeT) att integer i do i = 0, numberOfAttributes( thisAttributable ) - 1 att = attribute( thisAttributable, i ) write(*,*) name( att ), stringAttribute( att ), units( att ), label( att ) end do end subroutine displayAttributes program example_attributable use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ArrayT) arr integer(kind=int32), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: a integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,2 /) set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) call setAttribute(set,"sbool1",.false.,"dataset first bool comment") call setAttribute(set,"sbool2",.true.,"dataset second comment") tab = addTable(set,"table",10); call setAttribute(set,"int1",1,"table first integer comment","kg") call setAttribute(set,"int2",2,"table second integer comment","mm") arr = addArray(set, "array", INTEGER32, dimensions=s ) call setAttribute(set,"real1",1.1,"array first real comment","kN") call setAttribute(set,"real2",2.3,"array second real comment","rad") call displayAttributes( attributable( set ) ) call displayAttributes( attributable( tab ) ) call displayAttributes( attributable( arr ) ) call release(set) end program example_attributable
! In this example a dataset with a table is ! created. ! Two attributes are added to each of the dataset ! and table. ! The attribute names of the dataset are displayed using ! access-by-number, and the table attribute names are displayed ! using access-by-name. program example_attribute use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ArrayT) arr set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) call setAttribute(set,"sbool1",.false.,"dataset bool comment") call setAttribute(set,"sbool2",.true.,"dataset bool comment") tab = addTable(set,"table",10); call setAttribute(tab,"sbool1",.false.,"table bool comment") call setAttribute(tab,"sbool2",.true.,"table bool comment") write(*,*) name( attribute( set, 0 )) write(*,*) name( attribute( set, 1 )) write(*,*) name( attribute( tab, "sbool1" )) write(*,*) name( attribute( tab, "sbool2" )) call release(set) end program example_attribute
! In this example, a dataset is created with one table and one ! array. ! The generic subroutine displayBlock, which operates on the ! BlockT base type. The blockType() function operates on objects ! of type BlockT. ! The example also sjows blocks being retrieved from the dataset ! both by name and by number. subroutine displayBlock( thisBlock ) use dal implicit none type(BlockT) thisBlock write(*,*) "The block with name ", name( thisBlock ) if( blockType( thisBlock ) .eq. ARRAY_BLOCK ) then write(*,*) " is an array." end if if( blockType( thisBlock ) .eq. TABLE_BLOCK ) then write(*,*) " is a table." end if end subroutine displayBlock subroutine displayBlocks( thisSet ) use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) thisSet integer i do i = 0, numberOfBlocks( thisSet ) - 1 call displayBlock( block( thisSet, i, READ ) ) end do end subroutine displayBlocks program example_block use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ArrayT) arr integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,2 /) set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"table",10); arr = addArray(set, "array", INTEGER32, dimensions=s ) call displayBlock( block( tab ) ) call displayBlock( block( arr ) ) call displayBlock( block( set, "table", READ ) ) call displayBlock( block( set, "array", READ ) ) call displayBlocks( set ) call release(set) end program example_block
! In this example, a dataset is created with one table and one ! array. ! The generic subroutine displayBlock, which operates on the ! BlockT base type. The blockType() function operates on objects ! of type BlockT. ! The example also sjows blocks being retrieved from the dataset ! both by name and by number. subroutine displayBlock( thisBlock ) use dal implicit none type(BlockT) thisBlock write(*,*) "The block with name ", name( thisBlock ) if( blockType( thisBlock ) .eq. ARRAY_BLOCK ) then write(*,*) " is an array." end if if( blockType( thisBlock ) .eq. TABLE_BLOCK ) then write(*,*) " is a table." end if end subroutine displayBlock subroutine displayBlocks( thisSet ) use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) thisSet integer i do i = 0, numberOfBlocks( thisSet ) - 1 call displayBlock( block( thisSet, i, READ ) ) end do end subroutine displayBlocks program example_block use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ArrayT) arr integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,2 /) set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"table",10); arr = addArray(set, "array", INTEGER32, dimensions=s ) call displayBlock( block( tab ) ) call displayBlock( block( arr ) ) call displayBlock( block( set, "table", READ ) ) call displayBlock( block( set, "array", READ ) ) call displayBlocks( set ) call release(set) end program example_block
! This example creates a dataset with one ! table and one array. ! The table will have block number 0, ! and the array will have block number 1 subroutine displayBlockNumber( thisBlock ) use dal implicit none type(BlockT) thisBlock write(*,*) "The block with name ", name( thisBlock ), "has number " write(*,*) blockNumber( parent( thisBlock ), name( thisBlock ) ) end subroutine displayBlockNumber program example_blocknumber use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ArrayT) arr integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,2 /) set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"table",10); arr = addArray(set, "array", INTEGER32, dimensions=s ) call displayBlockNumber( block( tab ) ) call displayBlockNumber( block( arr ) ) call release(set) end program example_blockNumber
! In this example add dataset is created containing ! 2 arrays and 2 tables. ! ! A simple loop then iterates over the dataset's ! blocks printing appropriate messages. ! The first two blocks will have ARRAY_BLOCK block type. ! The second two blocks will have TABLE_BLOCK block type. program example_blocktype use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(ArrayT) arr type(TableT) tab type(BlockT) blk integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,2 /) integer :: i ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr = addArray(set, "block0", INTEGER32, dimensions=s ) arr = addArray(set, "block1", INTEGER32, dimensions=s ) tab = addTable(set, "block2", 5 ) tab = addTable(set, "block3", 5 ) do i = 0, numberOfBlocks( set ) - 1 blk = block( set, i, READ ) if( blockType( block( set, i, READ ) ) .eq. ARRAY_BLOCK ) then write(*,*) "The block with name ", name( blk ), " is an array." arr = array( set, i, READ ) write(*,*) "It has ", numberOfDimensions( arr ), " dimensions." end if if( blockType( block( set, i, READ ) ) .eq. TABLE_BLOCK ) then write(*,*) "The block with name ", name( blk ), " is a table." tab = table( set, i ) write(*,*) "It has ", numberOfRows( tab ), " rows." end if end do call release(arr) call release(set) end program example_blocktype
! This example shows how boolean attributes are used. ! The program creates a dataset containing two boolean attributes, ! together with a table containing two boolean attributes. ! The attributes are then accessed, by name, with ! the booleanAttribute() function. ! Also, it is shown how to access the attributes by position. program example_booleanattribute use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(AttributeT) att integer i set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) call setAttribute(set,"sbool1",.false.,"dataset bool comment") call setAttribute(set,"sbool2",.true.,"dataset bool comment") tab = addTable(set,"table",10); call setAttribute(tab,"sbool1",.false.,"dataset bool comment") call setAttribute(tab,"sbool2",.true.,"dataset bool comment") write(*,*) booleanAttribute( set, "sbool1" ) ! output 'F' write(*,*) booleanAttribute( set, "sbool2" ) ! output 'T' write(*,*) booleanAttribute( tab, "sbool1" ) ! output 'F' write(*,*) booleanAttribute( tab, "sbool2" ) ! output 'T' do i = 0, numberOfAttributes( set ) - 1 att = attribute( set, i ) write(*,*) booleanAttribute( att ) ! output the sequence 'F','T' end do call release(set) end program example_booleanattribute
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 2-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_cellarray2data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 logical(kind=BOOL), dimension(:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(2), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4 /) integer :: i,j,k,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", BOOLEAN, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 do k=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 c1 => boolArray2Data(col1,k) c2 => boolArray2Data(col2,k) do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j) = .false. c2(i,j) = c1(i,j) n = n + 1 end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_cellarray2data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 2-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised before the ! dataset is released (closed). program example_array2data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 logical(kind=BOOL), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(2), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4 /) integer :: i,j,k,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", BOOLEAN, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => boolArray2Data(col1) c2 => boolArray2Data(col1) n = 0 do k=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k) = .false. c2(i,j,k) = c1(i,j,k) n = n + 1 end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_array2data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 3-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_cellarray3data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 logical(kind=BOOL), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", BOOLEAN, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 do l=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 c1 => boolArray3Data(col1,l) c2 => boolArray3Data(col2,l) do k=0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k) = .false. c2(i,j,k) = c1(i,j,k) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_cellarray3data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 3-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised before the ! dataset is released (closed). program example_array3data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 logical(kind=BOOL), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", BOOLEAN, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => boolArray3Data(col1) c2 => boolArray3Data(col1) n = 0 do l=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do k = 0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k,l) = .false. c2(i,j,k,l) = c1(i,j,k,l) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_array3data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 4-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_cellarray4data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 logical(kind=BOOL), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(4), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5,6 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,m,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", BOOLEAN, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 c1 => boolArray4Data(col1,m) c2 => boolArray4Data(col2,m) do l=0,5 do k=0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k,l) = .false. c2(i,j,k,l) = c1(i,j,k,l) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_cellarray4data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 3-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised before the ! dataset is released (closed). program example_array3data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 logical(kind=BOOL), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", BOOLEAN, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => boolArray3Data(col1) c2 => boolArray3Data(col1) n = 0 do l=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do k = 0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k,l) = .false. c2(i,j,k,l) = c1(i,j,k,l) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_array3data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 4-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, and then the second column ! is output by accessing the column's data as a flat vector. program example_booldata use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 logical(kind=BOOL), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 logical(kind=BOOL), dimension(:), pointer :: cd integer, dimension(4), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5,6 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,m,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 5, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", BOOLEAN, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => boolArray4Data(col1) c2 => boolArray4Data(col2) n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do l=0,5 do k=0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k,l,m) = .false. c2(i,j,k,l,m) = c1(i,j,k,l,m) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) ! Output the col2 cd => boolData( col2 ) ! Access the column's 4-dimensional data as a flat vector. do n = 0,numberOfElements(col1) * numberOfRows(tab) - 1 write(*,*) cd(n) end do call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_booldata
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two vector arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell). ! The data is output on a cell-by-cell basis and accessing ! the cell as a flat vector. program example_boolcellvectordata use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 logical(kind=BOOL), dimension(:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(1), parameter :: s = (/ 3 /) integer :: i,m,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", BOOLEAN, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 c1 => boolVectorData(col1,m) c2 => boolVectorData(col2,m) do i=0,2 c1(i) = .false. c2(i) = c1(i) n = n + 1 end do ! release(col1) ! release(col2) end do ! Output col2 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 c2 => boolVectorData(col2,m) do n=0,numberOfElements(col2) - 1 write(*,*) c2(n) end do ! release(col2) end do call release(set) end program example_boolcellvectordata
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two vector arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the columnDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised before the ! dataset is released (closed). program example_columnvectordata use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 logical(kind=BOOL), dimension(:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(1), parameter :: s = (/ 3 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,m,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", BOOLEAN, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => boolVectorData(col1) c2 => boolVectorData(col2) n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do i=0,2 c1(i,m) = .false. c2(i,m) = c1(i,m) n = n + 1 end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_columnvectordata
! This example shows how the clobber() function is ! used. program example_clobber use dal implicit none if( clobber() ) then write(*,*) "The SAS_CLOBBER environment variable is set" else write(*,*) "The SAS_CLOBBER environment variable is not set" endif end program example_clobber
! This examples show how the column() function is used. ! The column by name is used to get a column and rename it. ! The column by number is used to iterate over all ! columns in the table to output the name, type and units. program example_column use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col integer i set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"some table",100) col = addColumn(tab,"col1",INTEGER32,units="m1",comment="in32 column") col = addColumn(tab,"col2",INTEGER32,units="m2",comment="in32 column") col = addColumn(tab,"col3",INTEGER32,units="m3",comment="in32 column") col = column( tab, "col2", MODIFY ) call rename( col, "col4" ) do i =0, numberOfColumns( tab ) - 1 col = column( tab, i, READ ) write(*,*) name( col ), columnDataType( col ), units( col ) end do call release(set) end program example_column
! This examples shows how the columnNumber() function ! is used. program example_columnnumber use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col integer i set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"some table",100) col = addColumn(tab,"int16",INTEGER16,units="dm",comment="int16 column") col = addColumn(tab,"int32",INTEGER32,units="m",comment="in32 column") col = addColumn(tab,"real32",REAL32,units="Dm",comment="real32 column") col = addColumn(tab,"real64",REAL64,units="hm",comment="real64 column", & position=columnNumber( tab, "int32" ) ) do i = 0, numberOfColumns( tab ) - 1 col = column( tab, i, READ ) write(*,*) name( col ) end do call release(set) end program example_columnnumber
! In this example a dataset is created, with ! three tables. ! ! The created datanew is then copied to a new dataset. ! A simple loop then iterates over the ! dataset's blocks (a table may be treated as a block) ! Each block is copyied to a second dataset, and ! then displays the name of each new block (which actually ! will be the same name as the source block); a comment ! is added to each new block. program example_copyblock use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set1, set2 type(TableT) tab type(BlockT) blk integer i set1 = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set1,"first table",100) tab = addTable(set1,"second table",1000) tab = addTable(set1,"third table",10000) set2 = dataSet("test1.dat",CREATE) do i = 0, numberOfBlocks( set1 ) - 1 blk = block( set1, i, MODIFY ) call copyBlock( set2, blk ) blk = block( set2, i, MODIFY ) call addComment( blk, "Copied from test.dat" ) end do call release(set1) call release(set2) end program example_copyblock
! This examples show how to use the copyColumn function. program example_copycolumn use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set1, set2 type(TableT) tab1, tab2 type(ColumnT) col1, col2, col3, col4 integer(kind=int32), dimension(:), pointer :: i32 real(kind=single), dimension(:), pointer :: r32 integer i set1 = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab1 = addTable(set1,"some table",100) col1 = addColumn(tab1,"col1",INTEGER32,units="m",comment="in32 column") i32 => int32Data(col1) do i=0,numberOfRows(tab1)-1 i32(i) = 3*i end do call release( col1) col2 = addColumn(tab1,"col2",REAL32,units="Dm",comment="real32 column") r32 => real32Data(col2) do i=0,numberOfRows(tab1)-1 r32(i) = 0.5*i end do call release( col2) set2 = dataSet("test1.dat",CREATE) tab2 = addTable(set2,"some table",100) call copyColumn( tab2, col1 ) call copyColumn( tab2, col2, "col3" ) col3 = column( tab2, name( col1 ), READ ) col4 = column( tab2, "col3", READ ) i32 => int32Data(col3) r32 => real32Data(col4) do i = 0, numberOfRows( tab2 ) - 1 write(*,*) i32(i), r32(i) end do call release(col3) call release(col4) call release(set1) call release(set2) end program example_copycolumn
! In this example a dataset is created, with ! three tables. ! The created datanew is then copied to a new dataset. ! A simple loop then iterates over the new ! dataset's ! blocks (a table may be treated as a block) ! then displays the name of ! each table, and adds a comment ! to each block (table). program example_copydataset use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(BlockT) blk integer i set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"first table",100) tab = addTable(set,"second table",1000) tab = addTable(set,"third table",10000) call release(set) call copyDataSet( "test.dat", "test1.dat" ) set = dataSet("test1.dat",READ) do i = 0, numberOfBlocks( set ) - 1 blk = block( set, i, MODIFY ) write(*,*) name( blk ) call addComment( blk, "Copied from test.dat" ) end do call release(set) end program example_copydataset
! This example shows how to use the clone ! function. program example_clone use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(DataSetT) clonedSet set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) call setAttribute(set,"att1", 10, "mm", "attribute comment" ) call release(set) set = dataSet("test.dat",MODIFY) call setAttribute(set,"att1", 10, "mm", "attribute comment" ) call release(set) clonedSet = clone("test.dat","test2.dat",MODIFY) call setAttribute(clonedSet,"att2", 10, "mm", "attribute comment" ) call release(clonedSet) set = dataSet("test2.dat",READ) write(*,*) "att2 = ", int32Attribute( set, "att2" ); call release(set) end program example_clone
Memory Considerations This operation of copying rows within a table is very expensive.
! This examples show how to use the copyRows subroutine. program example_copyrows use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=int32), dimension(:), pointer :: i32 real(kind=single), dimension(:), pointer :: r32 integer i set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"some table",10) col1 = addColumn(tab,"col1",INTEGER32,units="m",comment="in32 column") i32 => int32Data(col1) do i=0,4 i32(i) = 3*i end do call release( col1) col2 = addColumn(tab,"col2",REAL32,units="Dm",comment="real32 column") r32 => real32Data(col2) do i=0,4 r32(i) = 0.5*i end do call release( col2) call copyRows( tab, 0, 5, 5 ) ! copy range [0,4] to [5,9] i32 => int32Data(col1) r32 => real32Data(col2) do i = 0, numberOfRows( tab ) - 1 write(*,*) i32(i), r32(i) end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_copyrows
! This example shows how the seek functions ! are used. ! This subroutine will dispaly the seek values of the given table and column. subroutine whatisseek(tab) use dal type(TableT), intent(in) :: tab type(ColumnT) :: col write(*,*) from( tab ), count( tab ) col = column(tab,"x",MODIFY) write(*,*) from( col ), count( col ) end subroutine whatisseek program example_seek use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) :: set type(TableT) :: tab type(ColumnT) :: col interface subroutine whatisseek( subtab ) use dal implicit none type(TableT), intent(in) :: subtab end subroutine whatisseek end interface set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"events",10) col = addColumn(tab,"x",real32,"mm") call forEachSubTable(tab,whatisseek) call release(set) end program example_seek
! This example illustrates the use of the dataComponent() function. ! The units of objects with data type BOOLEAN and STRING are meaningless ! and so are not displayed. subroutine displayUnits( dcomponent ) use dal implicit none type(DataComponentT) dcomponent integer dattype dattype = dataType( dcomponent ) write(*,*) dattype if(dattype.eq.INTEGER8.or.dattype.eq.INTEGER16.or.dattype.eq.INTEGER32 & .or.dattype.eq.REAL32.or.dattype.eq.REAL64) then write(*,*) units( dcomponent ) end if end subroutine displayUnits program example_datacomponent use dal implicit none type(ArrayT) arr type(BlockT) blk type(ColumnT) col type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab integer i, j integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 2,3,4 /) set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"some table",100) col = addColumn(tab,"bool",BOOLEAN) col = addColumn(tab,"int8",INTEGER8,units="cm",comment="int8 column") col = addColumn(tab,"int16",INTEGER16,units="dm",comment="int16 column") col = addColumn(tab,"int32",INTEGER32,units="m",comment="in32 column") col = addColumn(tab,"real32",REAL32,units="Dm",comment="real32 column") col = addColumn(tab,"real64",REAL64,units="hm",comment="real64 column") col = addColumn(tab,"string",STRING,comment="string column",dimensions=(/80/)) arr = addArray(set, "array1", INTEGER16, dimensions=s, units="klm" ) arr = addArray(set, "array2", INTEGER32, dimensions=s, units="kla" ) do i = 0, numberOfBlocks( set ) - 1 blk = block( set, i, READ ) if( blockType( blk ).eq.ARRAY_BLOCK ) then arr = array( set, name( blk ), READ ) call displayUnits( dataComponent( arr ) ) else tab = table( set, name( blk ) ) do j = 0, numberOfColumns( tab ) - 1 col = column( tab, j, READ ) call displayUnits( dataComponent( col ) ) end do end if end do call release(set) end program example_datacomponent
! This examp,e shows how to use the dataset ! function. program example_dataset use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) call setAttribute(set,"att1", 10, "mm", "attribute comment" ) call release(set) set = dataSet("test.dat",MODIFY) call setAttribute(set,"att1", 10, "mm", "attribute comment" ) call release(set) set = dataSet("test.dat",READ) write(*,*) "att1 = ", int32Attribute( set, "att1" ) call release(set) end program example_dataset
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! two 3-dimensional arrays. ! ! It illustrates the use of the derived types DataSetT and ArrayT. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The first array is filled with unique data before the ! dataset is released (closed). program example_addarray use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(ArrayT) arr1, arr2 integer(kind=int32), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: a1, a2 integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,2 /) integer :: i,j,k,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr1 = addArray(set, "array1", INTEGER32, dimensions=s ) arr2 = addArray(set, "array2", arrayDataType( arr1 ), dimensions=s ) ! fill with unique numbers a1 => int32Array3Data(arr1) a2 => int32Array3Data(arr1) n = 0 do k=0,1 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 a1(i,j,k) = n a2(i,j,k) = a1(i,j,k) + 1 n = n + 1 end do end do end do call release(arr1) call release(arr2) call release(set) end program example_addarray ! This examples show how the column() function is used. ! The column by name is used to get a column and rename it. ! The column by number is used to iterate over all ! columns in the table to output the name, type and units. program example_column use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col integer i set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"some table",100) col = addColumn(tab,"col1",INTEGER32,units="m1",comment="in32 column") col = addColumn(tab,"col2",INTEGER32,units="m2",comment="in32 column") col = addColumn(tab,"col3",INTEGER32,units="m3",comment="in32 column") col = column( tab, "col2", MODIFY ) call rename( col, "col4" ) do i =0, numberOfColumns( tab ) - 1 col = column( tab, i, READ ) write(*,*) name( col ), columnDataType( col ), units( col ) end do call release(set) end program example_column ! This example illustrates the use of the dataComponent() function. ! The units of objects with data type BOOLEAN and STRING are meaningless ! and so are not displayed. subroutine displayUnits( dcomponent ) use dal implicit none type(DataComponentT) dcomponent integer dattype dattype = dataType( dcomponent ) write(*,*) dattype if(dattype.eq.INTEGER8.or.dattype.eq.INTEGER16.or.dattype.eq.INTEGER32 & .or.dattype.eq.REAL32.or.dattype.eq.REAL64) then write(*,*) units( dcomponent ) end if end subroutine displayUnits program example_datacomponent use dal implicit none type(ArrayT) arr type(BlockT) blk type(ColumnT) col type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab integer i, j integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 2,3,4 /) set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"some table",100) col = addColumn(tab,"bool",BOOLEAN) col = addColumn(tab,"int8",INTEGER8,units="cm",comment="int8 column") col = addColumn(tab,"int16",INTEGER16,units="dm",comment="int16 column") col = addColumn(tab,"int32",INTEGER32,units="m",comment="in32 column") col = addColumn(tab,"real32",REAL32,units="Dm",comment="real32 column") col = addColumn(tab,"real64",REAL64,units="hm",comment="real64 column") col = addColumn(tab,"string",STRING,comment="string column",dimensions=(/80/)) arr = addArray(set, "array1", INTEGER16, dimensions=s, units="klm" ) arr = addArray(set, "array2", INTEGER32, dimensions=s, units="kla" ) do i = 0, numberOfBlocks( set ) - 1 blk = block( set, i, READ ) if( blockType( blk ).eq.ARRAY_BLOCK ) then arr = array( set, name( blk ), READ ) call displayUnits( dataComponent( arr ) ) else tab = table( set, name( blk ) ) do j = 0, numberOfColumns( tab ) - 1 col = column( tab, j, READ ) call displayUnits( dataComponent( col ) ) end do end if end do call release(set) end program example_datacomponent
! This example shows how the deleteAttribute inteface is ! used. subroutine deleteAllAttributes( attrib ) use dal implicit none type(AttributableT) attrib type(AttributeT) att integer i do i = 0, numberOfAttributes( attrib ) - 1 att = attribute( attrib, 0 ) write(*,*) "deleting attribute with name ", name( att ) call deleteAttribute( att ) end do end subroutine deleteAllAttributes program example_deleteattribute use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ArrayT) arr set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) call setAttribute(set,"sbool1",.false.,"dataset bool comment") call setAttribute(set,"sbool2",.true.,"dataset bool comment") call setAttribute(set,"sbool3",.false.,"table bool comment") call setAttribute(set,"sbool4",.true.,"table bool comment") tab = addTable(set,"table",10); call setAttribute(tab,"sbool1",.false.,"table bool comment") call setAttribute(tab,"sbool2",.true.,"table bool comment") call setAttribute(tab,"sbool3",.false.,"table bool comment") call setAttribute(tab,"sbool4",.true.,"table bool comment") write(*,*) numberOfAttributes( set ) call deleteAllAttributes( attributable( set ) ) write(*,*) numberOfAttributes( set ) write(*,*) numberOfAttributes( tab ) call deleteAllAttributes( attributable( tab ) ) write(*,*) numberOfAttributes( tab ) call release(set) end program example_deleteattribute
! This example shows how the deleteBlock interface ! is used. program example_deleteblock use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(BlockT) blk integer i set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"table1",10) tab = addTable(set,"table2",100) tab = addTable(set,"table3",1000) write(*,*) numberOfBlocks( set ) call deleteBlock( set, "table2" ); do i=0,numberOfBlocks( set ) - 1 blk = block( set, 0, READ ) write(*,*) "deleting block with name ", name( blk ) call deleteBlock( set, 0 ) end do write(*,*) numberOfBlocks( set ) call release(set) end program example_deleteblock
program example_addcolumn use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col integer i set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"some table",100) col = addColumn(tab,"bool",BOOLEAN) col = addColumn(tab,"int8",INTEGER8,units="cm",comment="int8 column") col = addColumn(tab,"int16",INTEGER16,units="dm",comment="int16 column") col = addColumn(tab,"int32",INTEGER32,units="m",comment="in32 column") col = addColumn(tab,"real32",REAL32,units="Dm",comment="real32 column") col = addColumn(tab,"real64",REAL64,units="hm",comment="real64 column") col = addColumn(tab,"string",STRING,comment="string column",dimensions=(/80/)) call deleteColumn( tab, "int32" ) call deleteColumn( tab, 3 ) ! "real32" do i = 0, numberOfColumns( tab ) - 1 write(*,*) name( column( tab, i, READ ) ) end do call release(set) end program example_addcolumn
! This examples show how to use the deleteRows() subroutine. program example_deleterows use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=int32), dimension(:), pointer :: i32 real(kind=single), dimension(:), pointer :: r32 integer i, r set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"some table",10) col1 = addColumn(tab,"col1",INTEGER32,units="m",comment="in32 column") i32 => int32Data(col1) do i=0,4 i32(i) = 3*i end do call release( col1) col2 = addColumn(tab,"col2",REAL32,units="Dm",comment="real32 column") r32 => real32Data(col2) do i=0,4 r32(i) = 0.5*i end do call release( col2) call copyRows( tab, 0, 5, 5 ) ! copy range [0,4] to [5,9] i32 => int32Data(col1) r32 => real32Data(col2) do i = 0, numberOfRows( tab ) - 1 write(*,*) i32(i), r32(i) end do call release(col1) call release(col2) r = 0 do i = 0, 9 i32 => int32Data(col1) if( i32(r) .eq. 6 ) then write(*,*) "deleting row number ", i call deleteRows( tab, r, 1 ) else r = r + 1 end if call release( col1 ) end do i32 => int32Data(col1) r32 => real32Data(col2) do i = 0, numberOfRows( tab ) - 1 write(*,*) i32(i), r32(i) end do call release(set) end program example_deleterows
This subroutine must only be called by Meta Tasks.
! This example shows how to use the keepDataSet ! subroutine program example_keepdiscarddataset use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) call release(set) ! The dataset will be released from memory call keepDataSet("test.dat") ! Tell the dataset server not to discard ! the dataset with name "test.dat" set = dataSet("test.dat",READ) call release(set) ! The dataset will not be released from memory set = dataSet("test.dat",READ) ! The dataset is already in memory, so this ! operation has virtually no overhead. call release(set) ! The dataset will not be released from memory call discardDataSet("test.dat") ! Tell the dataset server to discard and ! release the dataset with name "test.dat" end program example_keepdiscarddataset
! This example demonstrates the dimensions inteferface. subroutine fillWithData( dataSetName ) use dal implicit none character(len=*), intent(in) :: dataSetName type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col integer(kind=INT32), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: c integer, dimension(:), pointer :: s integer :: i,j,k,l,m,n ! Reopen dataset and fill with data. set = dataSet( dataSetName, MODIFY ) tab = table( set, "table" ) col = column( tab, "column", MODIFY ) s => dimensions( col ) c => int32Array4Data( col ) n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do l=0, s(3) - 1 do k=0, s(2) - 1 do j=0, s(1) - 1 do i=0, s(0) - 1 c(i,j,k,l,m) = n n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do end do call release(col) call release(set) end subroutine fillWithData program example_dimensions use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col integer, dimension(4), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5,6 /) ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col = addColumn( tab, "column", INTEGER32, "km", s, "column comment" ) call release( set ) call fillWithData( "test.dat" ) end program example_dimensions
! In this example, a dataset is created with one table and one ! array. ! The generic subroutine displayBlock, which operates on the ! BlockT base type. The blockType() function operates on objects ! of type BlockT. ! The example also shows blocks being retrieved from the dataset ! both by name and by number. subroutine displayBlock( thisBlock ) use dal implicit none type(BlockT), intent(in) :: thisBlock write(*,*) "The block with name ", name( thisBlock ) if( blockType( thisBlock ) .eq. ARRAY_BLOCK ) then write(*,*) " is an array." end if if( blockType( thisBlock ) .eq. TABLE_BLOCK ) then write(*,*) " is a table." end if end subroutine displayBlock subroutine displayBlocks( thisSet ) use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) thisSet integer i interface subroutine displayBlock( blk ) use dal implicit none type(BlockT), intent(in) :: blk end subroutine displayBlock end interface call foreachblock( thisSet, displayBlock ) end subroutine displayBlocks program example_foreachblock use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ArrayT) arr integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,2 /) set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"table",10); arr = addArray(set, "array", INTEGER32, dimensions=s ) call displayBlock( block( tab ) ) call displayBlock( block( arr ) ) call displayBlock( block( set, "table", READ ) ) call displayBlock( block( set, "array", READ ) ) call displayBlocks( set ) call release(set) end program example_foreachblock
! This examples show how the forEachColumn() function is used. ! The column by name is used to get a column and rename it. ! The column by number is used to iterate over all ! columns in the table to output the name, type and units. subroutine displayColumn( col ) use dal implicit none type(ColumnT), intent(in) :: col write(*,*) name( col ), columnDataType( col ), units( col ) end subroutine displayColumn program example_foreachcolumn use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col integer i interface subroutine displayColumn( col ) use dal implicit none type(ColumnT), intent(in) :: col end subroutine displayColumn end interface set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"some table",100) col = addColumn(tab,"col1",INTEGER32,units="m1",comment="in32 column") col = addColumn(tab,"col2",INTEGER32,units="m2",comment="in32 column") col = addColumn(tab,"col3",INTEGER32,units="m3",comment="in32 column") col = column( tab, "col2", MODIFY ) call rename( col, "col4" ) call forEachColumn( tab, displayColumn ) call release(set) end program example_foreachcolumn
! This example shows how the forEachSubTable() function ! is used. ! This subroutine will fill the subtable with dummy data. subroutine fill(tab) use dal type(TableT), intent(in) :: tab type(ColumnT) :: xCol, yCol, tCol real(kind=SINGLE), dimension(:), pointer :: x,y,t write(*,*) from( tab ), count( tab ) xCol = column(tab,"x",MODIFY) yCol = column(tab,"y",MODIFY) tCol = column(tab,"t",MODIFY) x => real32Data(xCol) x = 1.23 write(*,*) x y => real32Data(yCol) y = 2.34 write(*,*) y t => real32Data(tCol) t = 3.45 write(*,*) t end subroutine fill ! This subroutine will write the contents of the subtable to standard output. subroutine check(tab) use dal type(TableT), intent(in) :: tab type(ColumnT) :: xCol, yCol, tCol real(kind=single), dimension(:), pointer :: x,y,t write(*,*) from( tab ), count( tab ) xCol = column(tab,"x",READ) yCol = column(tab,"y",READ) tCol = column(tab,"t",READ) x => real32Data(xCol) y => real32Data(yCol) t => real32Data(tCol) write(*,*) "DATA:", x, y, t end subroutine check program example_foreachsubtable use dal implicit none ! This part of the program will apply reportX to a table. type(DataSetT) :: set type(TableT) :: tab type(ColumnT) :: xCol, yCol, tCol real(kind=SINGLE), dimension(:), pointer :: x,y,t interface subroutine fill( subtab ) use dal implicit none type(TableT), intent(in) :: subtab end subroutine fill subroutine check( subtab ) use dal implicit none type(TableT), intent(in) :: subtab end subroutine check end interface set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"events",10) xCol = addColumn(tab,"x",real32,"mm") yCol = addColumn(tab,"y",real32,"mm") tCol = addColumn(tab,"t",real32,"s") call forEachSubTable(tab,fill) call forEachSubTable(tab,check) call release(set) end program example_foreachsubtable
! This example shows how the forEachSubTable() function ! is used. ! This subroutine will fill the subtable with dummy data. subroutine fill(tab) use dal type(TableT), intent(in) :: tab type(ColumnT) :: xCol, yCol, tCol real(kind=SINGLE), dimension(:), pointer :: x,y,t xCol = column(tab,"x",MODIFY) yCol = column(tab,"y",MODIFY) tCol = column(tab,"t",MODIFY) x => real32Data(xCol) x = 1.23 y => real32Data(yCol) y = 2.34 t => real32Data(tCol) t = 0 end subroutine fill ! This subroutine will write the contents of the subtable to standard output. subroutine check(tab) use dal type(TableT), intent(in) :: tab type(ColumnT) :: xCol, yCol, tCol real(kind=single), dimension(:), pointer :: x,y,t xCol = column(tab,"x",READ) yCol = column(tab,"y",READ) tCol = column(tab,"t",READ) x => real32Data(xCol) y => real32Data(yCol) t => real32Data(tCol) write(*,*) x, y, t end subroutine check program example_foreachsubtable use dal implicit none ! This part of the program will apply reportX to a table. type(DataSetT) :: set type(TableT) :: tab type(ColumnT) :: xCol, yCol, tCol real(kind=SINGLE), dimension(:), pointer :: x,y,t interface subroutine fill( subtab ) use dal implicit none type(TableT), intent(in) :: subtab end subroutine fill subroutine check( subtab ) use dal implicit none type(TableT), intent(in) :: subtab end subroutine check end interface set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"events",10) xCol = addColumn(tab,"x",real32,"mm") yCol = addColumn(tab,"y",real32,"mm") tCol = addColumn(tab,"t",real32,"s") call forEachRow(tab,fill) call forEachRow(tab,check) call release(set) end program example_foreachsubtable
! This example shows how the seek functions ! are used. ! This subroutine will dispaly the seek values of the given table and column. subroutine whatisseek(tab) use dal type(TableT), intent(in) :: tab type(ColumnT) :: col write(*,*) from( tab ), count( tab ) col = column(tab,"x",MODIFY) write(*,*) from( col ), count( col ) end subroutine whatisseek program example_seek use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) :: set type(TableT) :: tab type(ColumnT) :: col interface subroutine whatisseek( subtab ) use dal implicit none type(TableT), intent(in) :: subtab end subroutine whatisseek end interface set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"events",10) col = addColumn(tab,"x",real32,"mm") call forEachSubTable(tab,whatisseek) call release(set) end program example_seek
! This example shoes how the hasAttribute interface is used. program example_hasattribute use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(AttributeT) att set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) call setAttribute(set,"sbool1",.false.,"dataset bool comment") if( hasAttribute( set, "sbool2" ) ) then write(*,*) 'That is not possible' end if if( hasAttribute( set, "sbool1" ) ) then att = attribute( set, "sbool1" ) write(*,*) name( att ), " = ", booleanAttribute( att ) end if call release(set) end program example_hasattribute
! This example showas how the hasBlock() function is used. ! In the example, a dataset is created with one table and one ! array. ! The generic subroutine displayBlock, which operates on the ! BlockT base type. The blockType() function operates on objects ! of type BlockT. ! The dataset is testes for the existence of the table and the array, and in ! each case, the block is displayed. subroutine displayBlock( thisBlock ) use dal implicit none type(BlockT) thisBlock write(*,*) "The block with name ", name( thisBlock ) if( blockType( thisBlock ) .eq. ARRAY_BLOCK ) then write(*,*) " is an array." end if if( blockType( thisBlock ) .eq. TABLE_BLOCK ) then write(*,*) " is a table." end if end subroutine displayBlock program example_hasblock use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ArrayT) arr integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,2 /) set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"table",10); arr = addArray(set, "array", INTEGER32, dimensions=s ) call release(set) set = dataSet("test.dat",READ) if( hasBlock( set, "table" ) ) then call displayBlock( block( set, "table",READ ) ) end if if( hasBlock( set, "array" ) ) then call displayBlock( block( set, "array",READ ) ) end if call release(set) end program example_hasblock
! This examples show how the hasColumn() function is used. ! The column by name is used to get a column and rename it. ! The column by number is used to iterate over all ! columns in the table to output the name, type and units. program example_hascolumn use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col integer i set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"some table",100) col = addColumn(tab,"col1",INTEGER32,units="m1",comment="in32 column") col = addColumn(tab,"col2",INTEGER32,units="m2",comment="in32 column") col = addColumn(tab,"col3",INTEGER32,units="m3",comment="in32 column") col = column( tab, "col2", MODIFY ) call rename( col, "col4" ) if( hasColumn( tab, "col2" ) ) then write(*,*) 'This is not possible, since col4 was renamed to col4' end if do i =0, numberOfColumns( tab ) - 1 col = column( tab, i, READ ) write(*,*) name( col ), columnDataType( col ), units( col ) end do call release(set) end program example_hascolumn
! This example shows how null values are used. subroutine check( thisNullable ) use dal type(NullableT), intent(in) :: thisNullable write(*,*) "Null defined?: ", nullDefined( thisNullable ), nullType( thisNullable ) end subroutine check program example_nullvalues use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(ArrayT) arr1, arr2 type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=int32), dimension(:), pointer :: i32 real(kind=double), dimension(:), pointer :: r64 integer(kind=int32), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: a1, a2 integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,2 /) integer :: i,j,k,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr1 = addArray(set, "array1", INTEGER32, dimensions=s ) arr2 = addArray(set, "array2", arrayDataType( arr1 ), dimensions=s ) ! fill with unique numbers a1 => int32Array3Data(arr1) a2 => int32Array3Data(arr1) n = 0 do k=0,1 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 a1(i,j,k) = n a2(i,j,k) = a1(i,j,k) + 1 n = n + 1 end do end do end do call setNullValue( arr1, 999999 ) call check( nullable( arr1 ) ) call setToNull( arr1, 0 ) ! Set the first element of array arr1 to null. ! Would have given an error, if the null ! value of array arr1 had not been set. if( nullType( arr1 ) .eq. INTEGER_NULL ) then ! write(*,*) "Using null value of arr1, in arr2" call setNullValue( arr2, intNullValue( arr1 )) else call setNullValue( arr2, 999999 ) end if call check( nullable( arr2 ) ) call setToNull( arr2, 1 ) ! Set the second element of array arr2 to null. ! Would have given an error, if the null ! value of array arr2 had not been set. call release(arr1) call release(arr2) tab = addTable(set,"some table",100) col1 = addColumn(tab,"int32",INTEGER32,units="m",comment="in32 column") i32 => int32Data(col1) do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 i32(i) = 3*i end do call setNullValue( col1, 999999 ) call check( nullable( col1 ) ) call setToNull( col1, 0 ) ! Set the first element of column col1 to null. col2 = addColumn(tab,"real64",REAL64,units="hm",comment="real64 column") r64 => real64Data(col2) do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 r64(i) = 0.25*i end do ! col is a non-integer column and it would be an ! an error to call setNullValue(). call check( nullable( col2 ) ) call setToNull( col2, 0 ) ! Set the first element of column col2 to null. if( hasNulls( col2 ) ) then do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 if( isNull( col2, i ) ) then write(*,*) "element", i, "is null" else write(*,*) "element", i, "is", r64(i) endif end do endif call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_nullvalues
! This examp,e shows how to open a dataset ! with a specific memory model. program example_memorymodel use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set set = dataSet( "test.dat",CREATE,HIGH_MEMORY ) call release( set ) set = dataSet( "test.dat",HIGH_LOW_MEMORY ) call release( set ) end program example_memorymodel
! This examp,e shows how to open a dataset ! with a specific memory model. program example_memorymodel use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set set = dataSet( "test.dat",CREATE,HIGH_MEMORY ) call release( set ) set = dataSet( "test.dat",HIGH_LOW_MEMORY ) call release( set ) end program example_memorymodel
! This examples show how to use the insertRows() subroutine. program example_insertrows use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=int32), dimension(:), pointer :: i32 real(kind=single), dimension(:), pointer :: r32 integer i, r set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"some table",5) col1 = addColumn(tab,"col1",INTEGER32,units="m",comment="in32 column") i32 => int32Data(col1) do i=0,4 i32(i) = 3*i end do call release( col1) col2 = addColumn(tab,"col2",REAL32,units="Dm",comment="real32 column") r32 => real32Data(col2) do i=0,4 r32(i) = 0.5*i end do call release( col2) ! insert 5 additional rows, at the end of the table call insertRows( tab, 5, 5 ) ! copy the first 5 rows to the new rows. call copyRows( tab, 0, 5, 5 ) ! copy range [0,4] to [5,9] i32 => int32Data(col1) r32 => real32Data(col2) do i = 0, numberOfRows( tab ) - 1 write(*,*) i32(i), r32(i) end do call release(col1) call release(col2) r = 0 do i = 0, 9 i32 => int32Data(col1) if( i32(r) .eq. 6 ) then write(*,*) "deleting row number ", i call deleteRows( tab, r, 1 ) else r = r + 1 end if call release( col1 ) end do i32 => int32Data(col1) r32 => real32Data(col2) do i = 0, numberOfRows( tab ) - 1 write(*,*) i32(i), r32(i) end do call release(set) end program example_insertrows
! This example shows how to use the int8Array2Data interface. ! In the example a dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 2-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_cellarray2data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=INT8), dimension(:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(2), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4 /) integer :: i,j,k,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", INTEGER8, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 do k=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 c1 => int8Array2Data(col1,k) c2 => int8Array2Data(col2,k) do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j) = n c2(i,j) = c1(i,j) n = n + 1 end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_cellarray2data ! This example shows how to use the int8Array2Data interface. ! In the example a dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 2-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_arrayarray2data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ArrayT) arr1, arr2 integer(kind=INT8), dimension(:,:), pointer :: a1, a2 integer, dimension(2), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4 /) integer :: i,j,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr1 = addArray( set, "array1", INTEGER8, s, "km", "array comment" ) arr2 = addArray( set, "array2", INTEGER8, s, "km", "array comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 a1 => int8Array2Data(arr1) a2 => int8Array2Data(arr2) do j=0,3 do i=0,2 a1(i,j) = n a2(i,j) = a1(i,j) n = n + 1 end do end do call release(arr1) call release(arr2) call release(set) end program example_arrayarray2data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 2-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised before the ! dataset is released (closed). program example_array2data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=INT8), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(2), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4 /) integer :: i,j,k,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", INTEGER8, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => int8Array2Data(col1) c2 => int8Array2Data(col2) n = 0 do k=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k) = n c2(i,j,k) = c1(i,j,k) n = n + 1 end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_array2data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 3-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_cellarray3data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=INT8), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", INTEGER8, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 do l=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 c1 => int8Array3Data(col1,l) c2 => int8Array3Data(col2,l) do k=0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k) = n c2(i,j,k) = c1(i,j,k) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_cellarray3data ! This example shows how to use the int8Array2Data interface. ! In the example a dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 3-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_arrayarray3data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ArrayT) arr1, arr2 integer(kind=INT8), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: a1, a2 integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5 /) integer :: i,j,k,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr1 = addArray( set, "array1", INTEGER8, s, "km", "array comment" ) arr2 = addArray( set, "array2", INTEGER8, s, "km", "array comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 a1 => int8Array3Data(arr1) a2 => int8Array3Data(arr2) do k=0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 a1(i,j,k) = n a2(i,j,k) = a1(i,j,k) n = n + 1 end do end do end do call release(arr1) call release(arr2) call release(set) end program example_arrayarray3data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 3-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised before the ! dataset is released (closed). program example_array3data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=INT8), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", INTEGER8, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => int8Array3Data(col1) c2 => int8Array3Data(col1) n = 0 do l=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do k = 0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k,l) = n c2(i,j,k,l) = c1(i,j,k,l) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_array3data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 4-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_cellarray4data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=INT8), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(4), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5,6 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,m,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", INTEGER8, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 c1 => int8Array4Data(col1,m) c2 => int8Array4Data(col2,m) do l=0,5 do k=0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k,l) = n c2(i,j,k,l) = c1(i,j,k,l) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_cellarray4data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 4-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised before the ! dataset is released (closed). program example_array4data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=INT8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(4), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5,6 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,m,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", INTEGER8, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => int8Array4Data(col1) c2 => int8Array4Data(col1) n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do l=0,5 do k=0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k,l,m) = n c2(i,j,k,l,m) = c1(i,j,k,l,m) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_array4data
! This example shows how int8 attributes are used. ! The program creates a dataset containing two int8 attributes, ! together with a table containing two int8 attributes. ! The attributes are then accessed, by name, with ! the int8Attribute() function. ! Also, it is shown how to access the attributes by position. program example_int8attribute use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(AttributeT) att integer i set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) call setAttribute(set,"int1",1,"int comment") call setAttribute(set,"int2",2,"int comment") tab = addTable(set,"table",10); call setAttribute(tab,"int1",3,"int comment") call setAttribute(tab,"int2",4,"int comment") write(*,*) int8Attribute( set, "int1" ) ! output '1' write(*,*) int8Attribute( set, "int2" ) ! output '2' write(*,*) int8Attribute( tab, "int1" ) ! output '3' write(*,*) int8Attribute( tab, "int2" ) ! output '4' do i = 0, numberOfAttributes( set ) - 1 att = attribute( set, i ) write(*,*) int8Attribute( att ) ! output the sequence 1, 2 end do call release(set) end program example_int8attribute
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 4-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, and then the second column ! is output by accessing the column's data as a flat vector. program example_int8data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=INT8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer(kind=INT8), dimension(:), pointer :: cd integer, dimension(4), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5,6 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,m,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 5, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", INTEGER8, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => int8Array4Data(col1) c2 => int8Array4Data(col2) n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do l=0,5 do k=0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k,l,m) = n c2(i,j,k,l,m) = c1(i,j,k,l,m) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) ! Output the col2 cd => int8Data( col2 ) ! Access the column's 4-dimensional data as a flat vector. do n = 0,numberOfElements(col1) * numberOfRows(tab) - 1 write(*,*) cd(n) end do call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_int8data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two vector arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_cellvectordata use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=INT8), dimension(:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(1), parameter :: s = (/ 3 /) integer :: i,m,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", INTEGER8, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 c1 => int8VectorData(col1,m) c2 => int8VectorData(col2,m) do i=0,2 c1(i) = n c2(i) = c1(i) n = n + 1 end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_cellvectordata ! This example shows how to use the int8Array2Data interface. ! In the example a dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 vector arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The array is then initialised, program example_arrayvectordata use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ArrayT) arr1, arr2 integer(kind=INT8), dimension(:), pointer :: a1, a2 integer, dimension(1), parameter :: s = (/ 3 /) integer :: i,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr1 = addArray( set, "array1", INTEGER8, s, "km", "array comment" ) arr2 = addArray( set, "array2", INTEGER8, s, "km", "array comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 a1 => int8VectorData(arr1) a2 => int8VectorData(arr2) do i=0,2 a1(i) = n a2(i) = a1(i) n = n + 1 end do call release(arr1) call release(arr2) call release(set) end program example_arrayvectordata
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two vector arrays. ! ! The second column has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the columnDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised before the ! dataset is released (closed). program example_columnvectordata use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=INT8), dimension(:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(1), parameter :: s = (/ 3 /) integer :: i,m,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 10, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", INTEGER8, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => int8VectorData(col1) c2 => int8VectorData(col2) n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do i=0,2 c1(i,m) = n c2(i,m) = c1(i,m) n = n + 1 end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_columnvectordata
! This example shows how to use the int16Array2Data interface. ! In the example a dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 2-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_cellarray2data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=INT16), dimension(:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(2), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4 /) integer :: i,j,k,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", INTEGER16, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 do k=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 c1 => int16Array2Data(col1,k) c2 => int16Array2Data(col2,k) do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j) = n c2(i,j) = c1(i,j) n = n + 1 end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_cellarray2data ! This example shows how to use the int16Array2Data interface. ! In the example a dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 2-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_arrayarray2data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ArrayT) arr1, arr2 integer(kind=INT16), dimension(:,:), pointer :: a1, a2 integer, dimension(2), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4 /) integer :: i,j,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr1 = addArray( set, "array1", INTEGER16, s, "km", "array comment" ) arr2 = addArray( set, "array2", INTEGER16, s, "km", "array comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 a1 => int16Array2Data(arr1) a2 => int16Array2Data(arr2) do j=0,3 do i=0,2 a1(i,j) = n a2(i,j) = a1(i,j) n = n + 1 end do end do call release(arr1) call release(arr2) call release(set) end program example_arrayarray2data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 2-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised before the ! dataset is released (closed). program example_array2data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=INT16), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(2), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4 /) integer :: i,j,k,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", INTEGER16, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => int16Array2Data(col1) c2 => int16Array2Data(col2) n = 0 do k=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k) = n c2(i,j,k) = c1(i,j,k) n = n + 1 end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_array2data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 3-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_cellarray3data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=INT16), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", INTEGER16, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 do l=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 c1 => int16Array3Data(col1,l) c2 => int16Array3Data(col2,l) do k=0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k) = n c2(i,j,k) = c1(i,j,k) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_cellarray3data ! This example shows how to use the int8Array2Data interface. ! In the example a dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 3-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_arrayarray3data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ArrayT) arr1, arr2 integer(kind=INT16), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: a1, a2 integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5 /) integer :: i,j,k,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr1 = addArray( set, "array1", INTEGER16, s, "km", "array comment" ) arr2 = addArray( set, "array2", INTEGER16, s, "km", "array comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 a1 => int16Array3Data(arr1) a2 => int16Array3Data(arr2) do k=0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 a1(i,j,k) = n a2(i,j,k) = a1(i,j,k) n = n + 1 end do end do end do call release(arr1) call release(arr2) call release(set) end program example_arrayarray3data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 3-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised before the ! dataset is released (closed). program example_array3data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=INT16), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", INTEGER16, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => int16Array3Data(col1) c2 => int16Array3Data(col1) n = 0 do l=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do k = 0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k,l) = n c2(i,j,k,l) = c1(i,j,k,l) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_array3data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 4-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_cellarray4data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=INT16), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(4), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5,6 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,m,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", INTEGER16, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 c1 => int16Array4Data(col1,m) c2 => int16Array4Data(col2,m) do l=0,5 do k=0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k,l) = n c2(i,j,k,l) = c1(i,j,k,l) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_cellarray4data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 4-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised before the ! dataset is released (closed). program example_array4data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=INT16), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(4), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5,6 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,m,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", INTEGER16, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => int16Array4Data(col1) c2 => int16Array4Data(col1) n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do l=0,5 do k=0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k,l,m) = n c2(i,j,k,l,m) = c1(i,j,k,l,m) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_array4data
! This example shows how int16 attributes are used. ! The program creates a dataset containing two int16 attributes, ! together with a table containing two int16 attributes. ! The attributes are then accessed, by name, with ! the int16Attribute() function. ! Also, it is shown how to access the attributes by position. program example_int16attribute use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(AttributeT) att integer i set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) call setAttribute(set,"int1",1,"int comment") call setAttribute(set,"int2",2,"int comment") tab = addTable(set,"table",10); call setAttribute(tab,"int1",3,"int comment") call setAttribute(tab,"int2",4,"int comment") write(*,*) int16Attribute( set, "int1" ) ! output '1' write(*,*) int16Attribute( set, "int2" ) ! output '2' write(*,*) int16Attribute( tab, "int1" ) ! output '3' write(*,*) int16Attribute( tab, "int2" ) ! output '4' do i = 0, numberOfAttributes( set ) - 1 att = attribute( set, i ) write(*,*) int16Attribute( att ) ! output the sequence 1, 2 end do call release(set) end program example_int16attribute
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 4-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, and then the second column ! is output by accessing the column's data as a flat vector. program example_int16data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=INT16), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer(kind=INT16), dimension(:), pointer :: cd integer, dimension(4), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5,6 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,m,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 5, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", INTEGER16, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => int16Array4Data(col1) c2 => int16Array4Data(col2) n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do l=0,5 do k=0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k,l,m) = n c2(i,j,k,l,m) = c1(i,j,k,l,m) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) ! Output the col2 cd => int16Data( col2 ) ! Access the column's 4-dimensional data as a flat vector. do n = 0,numberOfElements(col1) * numberOfRows(tab) - 1 write(*,*) cd(n) end do call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_int16data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two vector arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_cellvectordata use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=INT16), dimension(:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(1), parameter :: s = (/ 3 /) integer :: i,m,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", INTEGER16, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 c1 => int16VectorData(col1,m) c2 => int16VectorData(col2,m) do i=0,2 c1(i) = n c2(i) = c1(i) n = n + 1 end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_cellvectordata ! This example shows how to use the int16Array2Data interface. ! In the example a dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 vector arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The array is then initialised, program example_arrayvectordata use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ArrayT) arr1, arr2 integer(kind=INT16), dimension(:), pointer :: a1, a2 integer, dimension(1), parameter :: s = (/ 3 /) integer :: i,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr1 = addArray( set, "array1", INTEGER16, s, "km", "array comment" ) arr2 = addArray( set, "array2", INTEGER16, s, "km", "array comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 a1 => int16VectorData(arr1) a2 => int16VectorData(arr2) do i=0,2 a1(i) = n a2(i) = a1(i) n = n + 1 end do call release(arr1) call release(arr2) call release(set) end program example_arrayvectordata
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two vector arrays. ! ! The second column has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the columnDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised before the ! dataset is released (closed). program example_columnvectordata use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=INT16), dimension(:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(1), parameter :: s = (/ 3 /) integer :: i,m,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 10, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", INTEGER16, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => int16VectorData(col1) c2 => int16VectorData(col2) n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do i=0,2 c1(i,m) = n c2(i,m) = c1(i,m) n = n + 1 end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_columnvectordata
! This example shows how to use the int32Array2Data interface. ! In the example a dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 2-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_cellarray2data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=INT32), dimension(:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(2), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4 /) integer :: i,j,k,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", INTEGER32, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 do k=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 c1 => int32Array2Data(col1,k) c2 => int32Array2Data(col2,k) do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j) = n c2(i,j) = c1(i,j) n = n + 1 end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_cellarray2data ! This example shows how to use the int32Array2Data interface. ! In the example a dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 2-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_arrayarray2data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ArrayT) arr1, arr2 integer(kind=INT32), dimension(:,:), pointer :: a1, a2 integer, dimension(2), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4 /) integer :: i,j,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr1 = addArray( set, "array1", INTEGER32, s, "km", "array comment" ) arr2 = addArray( set, "array2", INTEGER32, s, "km", "array comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 a1 => int32Array2Data(arr1) a2 => int32Array2Data(arr2) do j=0,3 do i=0,2 a1(i,j) = n a2(i,j) = a1(i,j) n = n + 1 end do end do call release(arr1) call release(arr2) call release(set) end program example_arrayarray2data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 2-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised before the ! dataset is released (closed). program example_array2data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=INT32), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(2), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4 /) integer :: i,j,k,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", INTEGER32, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => int32Array2Data(col1) c2 => int32Array2Data(col2) n = 0 do k=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k) = n c2(i,j,k) = c1(i,j,k) n = n + 1 end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_array2data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 3-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_cellarray3data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=INT32), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", INTEGER32, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 do l=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 c1 => int32Array3Data(col1,l) c2 => int32Array3Data(col2,l) do k=0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k) = n c2(i,j,k) = c1(i,j,k) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_cellarray3data ! This example shows how to use the int8Array2Data interface. ! In the example a dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 3-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_arrayarray3data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ArrayT) arr1, arr2 integer(kind=INT32), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: a1, a2 integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5 /) integer :: i,j,k,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr1 = addArray( set, "array1", INTEGER32, s, "km", "array comment" ) arr2 = addArray( set, "array2", INTEGER32, s, "km", "array comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 a1 => int32Array3Data(arr1) a2 => int32Array3Data(arr2) do k=0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 a1(i,j,k) = n a2(i,j,k) = a1(i,j,k) n = n + 1 end do end do end do call release(arr1) call release(arr2) call release(set) end program example_arrayarray3data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 3-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised before the ! dataset is released (closed). program example_array3data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=INT32), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", INTEGER32, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => int32Array3Data(col1) c2 => int32Array3Data(col1) n = 0 do l=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do k = 0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k,l) = n c2(i,j,k,l) = c1(i,j,k,l) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_array3data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 4-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_cellarray4data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=INT32), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(4), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5,6 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,m,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", INTEGER32, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 c1 => int32Array4Data(col1,m) c2 => int32Array4Data(col2,m) do l=0,5 do k=0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k,l) = n c2(i,j,k,l) = c1(i,j,k,l) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_cellarray4data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 4-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised before the ! dataset is released (closed). program example_array4data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=INT32), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(4), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5,6 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,m,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", INTEGER32, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => int32Array4Data(col1) c2 => int32Array4Data(col1) n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do l=0,5 do k=0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k,l,m) = n c2(i,j,k,l,m) = c1(i,j,k,l,m) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_array4data
! This example shows how int32 attributes are used. ! The program creates a dataset containing two int32 attributes, ! together with a table containing two int32 attributes. ! The attributes are then accessed, by name, with ! the int32Attribute() function. ! Also, it is shown how to access the attributes by position. program example_int32attribute use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(AttributeT) att integer i set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) call setAttribute(set,"int1",1,"int comment") call setAttribute(set,"int2",2,"int comment") tab = addTable(set,"table",10); call setAttribute(tab,"int1",3,"int comment") call setAttribute(tab,"int2",4,"int comment") write(*,*) int32Attribute( set, "int1" ) ! output '1' write(*,*) int32Attribute( set, "int2" ) ! output '2' write(*,*) int32Attribute( tab, "int1" ) ! output '3' write(*,*) int32Attribute( tab, "int2" ) ! output '4' do i = 0, numberOfAttributes( set ) - 1 att = attribute( set, i ) write(*,*) int32Attribute( att ) ! output the sequence 1, 2 end do call release(set) end program example_int32attribute
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 4-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, and then the second column ! is output by accessing the column's data as a flat vector. program example_int32data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=INT32), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer(kind=INT32), dimension(:), pointer :: cd integer, dimension(4), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5,6 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,m,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 5, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", INTEGER32, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => int32Array4Data(col1) c2 => int32Array4Data(col2) n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do l=0,5 do k=0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k,l,m) = n c2(i,j,k,l,m) = c1(i,j,k,l,m) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) ! Output the col2 cd => int32Data( col2 ) ! Access the column's 4-dimensional data as a flat vector. do n = 0,numberOfElements(col1) * numberOfRows(tab) - 1 write(*,*) cd(n) end do call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_int32data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two vector arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_cellvectordata use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=INT32), dimension(:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(1), parameter :: s = (/ 3 /) integer :: i,m,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", INTEGER32, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 c1 => int32VectorData(col1,m) c2 => int32VectorData(col2,m) do i=0,2 c1(i) = n c2(i) = c1(i) n = n + 1 end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_cellvectordata ! This example shows how to use the int32Array2Data interface. ! In the example a dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 vector arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The array is then initialised, program example_arrayvectordata use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ArrayT) arr1, arr2 integer(kind=INT32), dimension(:), pointer :: a1, a2 integer, dimension(1), parameter :: s = (/ 3 /) integer :: i,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr1 = addArray( set, "array1", INTEGER32, s, "km", "array comment" ) arr2 = addArray( set, "array2", INTEGER32, s, "km", "array comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 a1 => int32VectorData(arr1) a2 => int32VectorData(arr2) do i=0,2 a1(i) = n a2(i) = a1(i) n = n + 1 end do call release(arr1) call release(arr2) call release(set) end program example_arrayvectordata
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two vector arrays. ! ! The second column has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the columnDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised before the ! dataset is released (closed). program example_columnvectordata use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=INT32), dimension(:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(1), parameter :: s = (/ 3 /) integer :: i,m,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 10, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", INTEGER32, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => int32VectorData(col1) c2 => int32VectorData(col2) n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do i=0,2 c1(i,m) = n c2(i,m) = c1(i,m) n = n + 1 end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_columnvectordata
The null value of an object containing integer data, may be defined with a call to setNullValue().
! This example shows how null values are used. subroutine check( thisNullable ) use dal type(NullableT), intent(in) :: thisNullable write(*,*) "Null defined?: ", nullDefined( thisNullable ), nullType( thisNullable ) end subroutine check program example_nullvalues use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(ArrayT) arr1, arr2 type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=int32), dimension(:), pointer :: i32 real(kind=double), dimension(:), pointer :: r64 integer(kind=int32), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: a1, a2 integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,2 /) integer :: i,j,k,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr1 = addArray(set, "array1", INTEGER32, dimensions=s ) arr2 = addArray(set, "array2", arrayDataType( arr1 ), dimensions=s ) ! fill with unique numbers a1 => int32Array3Data(arr1) a2 => int32Array3Data(arr1) n = 0 do k=0,1 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 a1(i,j,k) = n a2(i,j,k) = a1(i,j,k) + 1 n = n + 1 end do end do end do call setNullValue( arr1, 999999 ) call check( nullable( arr1 ) ) call setToNull( arr1, 0 ) ! Set the first element of array arr1 to null. ! Would have given an error, if the null ! value of array arr1 had not been set. if( nullType( arr1 ) .eq. INTEGER_NULL ) then ! write(*,*) "Using null value of arr1, in arr2" call setNullValue( arr2, intNullValue( arr1 )) else call setNullValue( arr2, 999999 ) end if call check( nullable( arr2 ) ) call setToNull( arr2, 1 ) ! Set the second element of array arr2 to null. ! Would have given an error, if the null ! value of array arr2 had not been set. call release(arr1) call release(arr2) tab = addTable(set,"some table",100) col1 = addColumn(tab,"int32",INTEGER32,units="m",comment="in32 column") i32 => int32Data(col1) do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 i32(i) = 3*i end do call setNullValue( col1, 999999 ) call check( nullable( col1 ) ) call setToNull( col1, 0 ) ! Set the first element of column col1 to null. col2 = addColumn(tab,"real64",REAL64,units="hm",comment="real64 column") r64 => real64Data(col2) do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 r64(i) = 0.25*i end do ! col is a non-integer column and it would be an ! an error to call setNullValue(). call check( nullable( col2 ) ) call setToNull( col2, 0 ) ! Set the first element of column col2 to null. if( hasNulls( col2 ) ) then do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 if( isNull( col2, i ) ) then write(*,*) "element", i, "is null" else write(*,*) "element", i, "is", r64(i) endif end do endif call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_nullvalues
! This example shows how null values are used. subroutine check( thisNullable ) use dal type(NullableT), intent(in) :: thisNullable write(*,*) "Null defined?: ", nullDefined( thisNullable ), nullType( thisNullable ) end subroutine check program example_nullvalues use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(ArrayT) arr1, arr2 type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=int32), dimension(:), pointer :: i32 real(kind=double), dimension(:), pointer :: r64 integer(kind=int32), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: a1, a2 integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,2 /) integer :: i,j,k,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr1 = addArray(set, "array1", INTEGER32, dimensions=s ) arr2 = addArray(set, "array2", arrayDataType( arr1 ), dimensions=s ) ! fill with unique numbers a1 => int32Array3Data(arr1) a2 => int32Array3Data(arr1) n = 0 do k=0,1 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 a1(i,j,k) = n a2(i,j,k) = a1(i,j,k) + 1 n = n + 1 end do end do end do call setNullValue( arr1, 999999 ) call check( nullable( arr1 ) ) call setToNull( arr1, 0 ) ! Set the first element of array arr1 to null. ! Would have given an error, if the null ! value of array arr1 had not been set. if( nullType( arr1 ) .eq. INTEGER_NULL ) then ! write(*,*) "Using null value of arr1, in arr2" call setNullValue( arr2, intNullValue( arr1 )) else call setNullValue( arr2, 999999 ) end if call check( nullable( arr2 ) ) call setToNull( arr2, 1 ) ! Set the second element of array arr2 to null. ! Would have given an error, if the null ! value of array arr2 had not been set. call release(arr1) call release(arr2) tab = addTable(set,"some table",100) col1 = addColumn(tab,"int32",INTEGER32,units="m",comment="in32 column") i32 => int32Data(col1) do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 i32(i) = 3*i end do call setNullValue( col1, 999999 ) call check( nullable( col1 ) ) call setToNull( col1, 0 ) ! Set the first element of column col1 to null. col2 = addColumn(tab,"real64",REAL64,units="hm",comment="real64 column") r64 => real64Data(col2) do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 r64(i) = 0.25*i end do ! col is a non-integer column and it would be an ! an error to call setNullValue(). call check( nullable( col2 ) ) call setToNull( col2, 0 ) ! Set the first element of column col2 to null. if( hasNulls( col2 ) ) then do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 if( isNull( col2, i ) ) then write(*,*) "element", i, "is null" else write(*,*) "element", i, "is", r64(i) endif end do endif call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_nullvalues
! This example shows how null values are used. subroutine check( thisNullable ) use dal type(NullableT), intent(in) :: thisNullable write(*,*) "Null defined?: ", nullDefined( thisNullable ), nullType( thisNullable ) end subroutine check program example_nullvalues use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(ArrayT) arr1, arr2 type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=int32), dimension(:), pointer :: i32 real(kind=double), dimension(:), pointer :: r64 integer(kind=int32), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: a1, a2 integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,2 /) integer :: i,j,k,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr1 = addArray(set, "array1", INTEGER32, dimensions=s ) arr2 = addArray(set, "array2", arrayDataType( arr1 ), dimensions=s ) ! fill with unique numbers a1 => int32Array3Data(arr1) a2 => int32Array3Data(arr1) n = 0 do k=0,1 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 a1(i,j,k) = n a2(i,j,k) = a1(i,j,k) + 1 n = n + 1 end do end do end do call setNullValue( arr1, 999999 ) call check( nullable( arr1 ) ) call setToNull( arr1, 0 ) ! Set the first element of array arr1 to null. ! Would have given an error, if the null ! value of array arr1 had not been set. if( nullType( arr1 ) .eq. INTEGER_NULL ) then ! write(*,*) "Using null value of arr1, in arr2" call setNullValue( arr2, intNullValue( arr1 )) else call setNullValue( arr2, 999999 ) end if call check( nullable( arr2 ) ) call setToNull( arr2, 1 ) ! Set the second element of array arr2 to null. ! Would have given an error, if the null ! value of array arr2 had not been set. call release(arr1) call release(arr2) tab = addTable(set,"some table",100) col1 = addColumn(tab,"int32",INTEGER32,units="m",comment="in32 column") i32 => int32Data(col1) do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 i32(i) = 3*i end do call setNullValue( col1, 999999 ) call check( nullable( col1 ) ) call setToNull( col1, 0 ) ! Set the first element of column col1 to null. col2 = addColumn(tab,"real64",REAL64,units="hm",comment="real64 column") r64 => real64Data(col2) do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 r64(i) = 0.25*i end do ! col is a non-integer column and it would be an ! an error to call setNullValue(). call check( nullable( col2 ) ) call setToNull( col2, 0 ) ! Set the first element of column col2 to null. if( hasNulls( col2 ) ) then do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 if( isNull( col2, i ) ) then write(*,*) "element", i, "is null" else write(*,*) "element", i, "is", r64(i) endif end do endif call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_nullvalues
This subroutine must only be called by Meta Tasks.
! This example shows how to use the keepDataSet ! subroutine program example_keepdiscarddataset use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) call release(set) ! The dataset will be released from memory call keepDataSet("test.dat") ! Tell the dataset server not to discard ! the dataset with name "test.dat" set = dataSet("test.dat",READ) call release(set) ! The dataset will not be released from memory set = dataSet("test.dat",READ) ! The dataset is already in memory, so this ! operation has virtually no overhead. call release(set) ! The dataset will not be released from memory call discardDataSet("test.dat") ! Tell the dataset server to discard and ! release the dataset with name "test.dat" end program example_keepdiscarddataset
! This example shows how the label, relabel, name and rename interfaces are used. subroutine displayLabelled( l ) use dal implicit none type(LabelledT), intent(in) :: l write(*,*) "the object with name ", name( l ), " has label: ", label(l) end subroutine displayLabelled subroutine display( set ) use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(ArrayT) arr type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col type(AttributeT) att att = attribute( set, 0 ) write(*,*) name(att), label( att ) call displayLabelled( labelled( att ) ) arr = array( set, 0, READ ) write(*,*) name(arr), label( arr ) call displayLabelled( labelled( arr ) ) att = attribute( arr, 0 ) write(*,*) name(att), label( att ) call displayLabelled( labelled( att ) ) tab = table( set, 1 ) write(*,*) name(tab), label( tab ) call displayLabelled( labelled( tab ) ) att = attribute( tab, 0 ) write(*,*) name(att), label( att ) call displayLabelled( labelled( att ) ) col = column( tab, 0, READ ) write(*,*) name(col), label( col ) call displayLabelled( labelled( col ) ) att = attribute( col, 0 ) write(*,*) name(att), label( att ) call displayLabelled( labelled( att ) ) end subroutine display program example_labelled use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(ArrayT) arr type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col ! type(AttributeT) att ! integer(kind=int32), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: a integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,2 /) ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) call setAttribute(set,"att1","value1","a dataset attribute comment") arr = addArray(set, "array", INTEGER32, comment="an array comment", dimensions=s ) call setAttribute(arr,"att2","value2","an array attribute comment") tab = addTable(set, "table", 10, comment="a table comment" ) call setAttribute(tab,"att3","value3","a table attribute comment") col = addColumn(tab,"int8",INTEGER8,comment="a column comment") call setAttribute(col,"TLMAX","value4","a column attribute comment") call display( set ) call relabel( tab, "a new table comment" ) call rename( col, "newcolnm" ) call display( set ) call release( set ) end program example_labelled
! This example shows how the label, relabel, name and rename interfaces are used. subroutine displayLabelled( l ) use dal implicit none type(LabelledT), intent(in) :: l write(*,*) "the object with name ", name( l ), " has label: ", label(l) end subroutine displayLabelled subroutine display( set ) use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(ArrayT) arr type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col type(AttributeT) att att = attribute( set, 0 ) write(*,*) name(att), label( att ) call displayLabelled( labelled( att ) ) arr = array( set, 0, READ ) write(*,*) name(arr), label( arr ) call displayLabelled( labelled( arr ) ) att = attribute( arr, 0 ) write(*,*) name(att), label( att ) call displayLabelled( labelled( att ) ) tab = table( set, 1 ) write(*,*) name(tab), label( tab ) call displayLabelled( labelled( tab ) ) att = attribute( tab, 0 ) write(*,*) name(att), label( att ) call displayLabelled( labelled( att ) ) col = column( tab, 0, READ ) write(*,*) name(col), label( col ) call displayLabelled( labelled( col ) ) att = attribute( col, 0 ) write(*,*) name(att), label( att ) call displayLabelled( labelled( att ) ) end subroutine display program example_labelled use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(ArrayT) arr type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col ! type(AttributeT) att ! integer(kind=int32), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: a integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,2 /) ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) call setAttribute(set,"att1","value1","a dataset attribute comment") arr = addArray(set, "array", INTEGER32, comment="an array comment", dimensions=s ) call setAttribute(arr,"att2","value2","an array attribute comment") tab = addTable(set, "table", 10, comment="a table comment" ) call setAttribute(tab,"att3","value3","a table attribute comment") col = addColumn(tab,"int8",INTEGER8,comment="a column comment") call setAttribute(col,"TLMAX","value4","a column attribute comment") call display( set ) call relabel( tab, "a new table comment" ) call rename( col, "newcolnm" ) call display( set ) call release( set ) end program example_labelled
! This example shows how the label, relabel, name and rename interfaces are used. subroutine displayLabelled( l ) use dal implicit none type(LabelledT), intent(in) :: l write(*,*) "the object with name ", name( l ), " has label: ", label(l) end subroutine displayLabelled subroutine display( set ) use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(ArrayT) arr type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col type(AttributeT) att att = attribute( set, 0 ) write(*,*) name(att), label( att ) call displayLabelled( labelled( att ) ) arr = array( set, 0, READ ) write(*,*) name(arr), label( arr ) call displayLabelled( labelled( arr ) ) att = attribute( arr, 0 ) write(*,*) name(att), label( att ) call displayLabelled( labelled( att ) ) tab = table( set, 1 ) write(*,*) name(tab), label( tab ) call displayLabelled( labelled( tab ) ) att = attribute( tab, 0 ) write(*,*) name(att), label( att ) call displayLabelled( labelled( att ) ) col = column( tab, 0, READ ) write(*,*) name(col), label( col ) call displayLabelled( labelled( col ) ) att = attribute( col, 0 ) write(*,*) name(att), label( att ) call displayLabelled( labelled( att ) ) end subroutine display program example_labelled use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(ArrayT) arr type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col ! type(AttributeT) att ! integer(kind=int32), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: a integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,2 /) ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) call setAttribute(set,"att1","value1","a dataset attribute comment") arr = addArray(set, "array", INTEGER32, comment="an array comment", dimensions=s ) call setAttribute(arr,"att2","value2","an array attribute comment") tab = addTable(set, "table", 10, comment="a table comment" ) call setAttribute(tab,"att3","value3","a table attribute comment") col = addColumn(tab,"int8",INTEGER8,comment="a column comment") call setAttribute(col,"TLMAX","value4","a column attribute comment") call display( set ) call relabel( tab, "a new table comment" ) call rename( col, "newcolnm" ) call display( set ) call release( set ) end program example_labelled
! This example shows how the mode() ! function is used. function addTableToSet( s, n, r ) use dal implicit none type(DataSetT), intent(in) :: s character(len=*), intent(in) :: n integer, intent(in) :: r type(TableT) :: addTableToSet if( mode( s ).eq.READ ) then write(*,*) 'The table with name ', n, ' is read only' else addTableToSet = addTable(s,n,r) end if end function addTableToSet program example_mode use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(BlockT) blk integer i type(TableT) :: addTableToSet set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTableToSet(set,"table1",10) call release( set ) set = dataSet("test.dat",READ) tab = addTableToSet(set,"table2",10) call release( set ) end program example_mode
! This example shows how the label, relabel, name and rename interfaces are used. subroutine displayLabelled( l ) use dal implicit none type(LabelledT), intent(in) :: l write(*,*) "the object with name ", name( l ), " has label: ", label(l) end subroutine displayLabelled subroutine display( set ) use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(ArrayT) arr type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col type(AttributeT) att att = attribute( set, 0 ) write(*,*) name(att), label( att ) call displayLabelled( labelled( att ) ) arr = array( set, 0, READ ) write(*,*) name(arr), label( arr ) call displayLabelled( labelled( arr ) ) att = attribute( arr, 0 ) write(*,*) name(att), label( att ) call displayLabelled( labelled( att ) ) tab = table( set, 1 ) write(*,*) name(tab), label( tab ) call displayLabelled( labelled( tab ) ) att = attribute( tab, 0 ) write(*,*) name(att), label( att ) call displayLabelled( labelled( att ) ) col = column( tab, 0, READ ) write(*,*) name(col), label( col ) call displayLabelled( labelled( col ) ) att = attribute( col, 0 ) write(*,*) name(att), label( att ) call displayLabelled( labelled( att ) ) end subroutine display program example_labelled use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(ArrayT) arr type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col ! type(AttributeT) att ! integer(kind=int32), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: a integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,2 /) ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) call setAttribute(set,"att1","value1","a dataset attribute comment") arr = addArray(set, "array", INTEGER32, comment="an array comment", dimensions=s ) call setAttribute(arr,"att2","value2","an array attribute comment") tab = addTable(set, "table", 10, comment="a table comment" ) call setAttribute(tab,"att3","value3","a table attribute comment") col = addColumn(tab,"int8",INTEGER8,comment="a column comment") call setAttribute(col,"TLMAX","value4","a column attribute comment") call display( set ) call relabel( tab, "a new table comment" ) call rename( col, "newcolnm" ) call display( set ) call release( set ) end program example_labelled
! This example illustrates the use of the dataComponent() function. ! The units of objects with data type BOOLEAN and STRING are meaningless ! and so are not displayed. subroutine displayUnits( dcomponent ) use dal implicit none type(DataComponentT) dcomponent integer dattype dattype = dataType( dcomponent ) write(*,*) dattype if(dattype.eq.INTEGER8.or.dattype.eq.INTEGER16.or.dattype.eq.INTEGER32 & .or.dattype.eq.REAL32.or.dattype.eq.REAL64) then write(*,*) units( dcomponent ) end if end subroutine displayUnits program example_datacomponent use dal implicit none type(ArrayT) arr type(BlockT) blk type(ColumnT) col type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab integer i, j integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 2,3,4 /) set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"some table",100) col = addColumn(tab,"bool",BOOLEAN) col = addColumn(tab,"int8",INTEGER8,units="cm",comment="int8 column") col = addColumn(tab,"int16",INTEGER16,units="dm",comment="int16 column") col = addColumn(tab,"int32",INTEGER32,units="m",comment="in32 column") col = addColumn(tab,"real32",REAL32,units="Dm",comment="real32 column") col = addColumn(tab,"real64",REAL64,units="hm",comment="real64 column") col = addColumn(tab,"string",STRING,comment="string column",dimensions=(/80/)) arr = addArray(set, "array1", INTEGER16, dimensions=s, units="klm" ) arr = addArray(set, "array2", INTEGER32, dimensions=s, units="kla" ) do i = 0, numberOfBlocks( set ) - 1 blk = block( set, i, READ ) if( blockType( blk ).eq.ARRAY_BLOCK ) then arr = array( set, name( blk ), READ ) call displayUnits( dataComponent( arr ) ) else tab = table( set, name( blk ) ) do j = 0, numberOfColumns( tab ) - 1 col = column( tab, j, READ ) call displayUnits( dataComponent( col ) ) end do end if end do call release(set) end program example_datacomponent
For real objects, this function always returns true.
The null value of an object containing integer data may be defined by calling setNullValue().
! This example shows how null values are used. subroutine check( thisNullable ) use dal type(NullableT), intent(in) :: thisNullable write(*,*) "Null defined?: ", nullDefined( thisNullable ), nullType( thisNullable ) end subroutine check program example_nullvalues use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(ArrayT) arr1, arr2 type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=int32), dimension(:), pointer :: i32 real(kind=double), dimension(:), pointer :: r64 integer(kind=int32), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: a1, a2 integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,2 /) integer :: i,j,k,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr1 = addArray(set, "array1", INTEGER32, dimensions=s ) arr2 = addArray(set, "array2", arrayDataType( arr1 ), dimensions=s ) ! fill with unique numbers a1 => int32Array3Data(arr1) a2 => int32Array3Data(arr1) n = 0 do k=0,1 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 a1(i,j,k) = n a2(i,j,k) = a1(i,j,k) + 1 n = n + 1 end do end do end do call setNullValue( arr1, 999999 ) call check( nullable( arr1 ) ) call setToNull( arr1, 0 ) ! Set the first element of array arr1 to null. ! Would have given an error, if the null ! value of array arr1 had not been set. if( nullType( arr1 ) .eq. INTEGER_NULL ) then ! write(*,*) "Using null value of arr1, in arr2" call setNullValue( arr2, intNullValue( arr1 )) else call setNullValue( arr2, 999999 ) end if call check( nullable( arr2 ) ) call setToNull( arr2, 1 ) ! Set the second element of array arr2 to null. ! Would have given an error, if the null ! value of array arr2 had not been set. call release(arr1) call release(arr2) tab = addTable(set,"some table",100) col1 = addColumn(tab,"int32",INTEGER32,units="m",comment="in32 column") i32 => int32Data(col1) do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 i32(i) = 3*i end do call setNullValue( col1, 999999 ) call check( nullable( col1 ) ) call setToNull( col1, 0 ) ! Set the first element of column col1 to null. col2 = addColumn(tab,"real64",REAL64,units="hm",comment="real64 column") r64 => real64Data(col2) do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 r64(i) = 0.25*i end do ! col is a non-integer column and it would be an ! an error to call setNullValue(). call check( nullable( col2 ) ) call setToNull( col2, 0 ) ! Set the first element of column col2 to null. if( hasNulls( col2 ) ) then do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 if( isNull( col2, i ) ) then write(*,*) "element", i, "is null" else write(*,*) "element", i, "is", r64(i) endif end do endif call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_nullvalues
! This example shows how null values are used. subroutine check( thisNullable ) use dal type(NullableT), intent(in) :: thisNullable write(*,*) "Null defined?: ", nullDefined( thisNullable ), nullType( thisNullable ) end subroutine check program example_nullvalues use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(ArrayT) arr1, arr2 type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=int32), dimension(:), pointer :: i32 real(kind=double), dimension(:), pointer :: r64 integer(kind=int32), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: a1, a2 integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,2 /) integer :: i,j,k,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr1 = addArray(set, "array1", INTEGER32, dimensions=s ) arr2 = addArray(set, "array2", arrayDataType( arr1 ), dimensions=s ) ! fill with unique numbers a1 => int32Array3Data(arr1) a2 => int32Array3Data(arr1) n = 0 do k=0,1 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 a1(i,j,k) = n a2(i,j,k) = a1(i,j,k) + 1 n = n + 1 end do end do end do call setNullValue( arr1, 999999 ) call check( nullable( arr1 ) ) call setToNull( arr1, 0 ) ! Set the first element of array arr1 to null. ! Would have given an error, if the null ! value of array arr1 had not been set. if( nullType( arr1 ) .eq. INTEGER_NULL ) then ! write(*,*) "Using null value of arr1, in arr2" call setNullValue( arr2, intNullValue( arr1 )) else call setNullValue( arr2, 999999 ) end if call check( nullable( arr2 ) ) call setToNull( arr2, 1 ) ! Set the second element of array arr2 to null. ! Would have given an error, if the null ! value of array arr2 had not been set. call release(arr1) call release(arr2) tab = addTable(set,"some table",100) col1 = addColumn(tab,"int32",INTEGER32,units="m",comment="in32 column") i32 => int32Data(col1) do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 i32(i) = 3*i end do call setNullValue( col1, 999999 ) call check( nullable( col1 ) ) call setToNull( col1, 0 ) ! Set the first element of column col1 to null. col2 = addColumn(tab,"real64",REAL64,units="hm",comment="real64 column") r64 => real64Data(col2) do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 r64(i) = 0.25*i end do ! col is a non-integer column and it would be an ! an error to call setNullValue(). call check( nullable( col2 ) ) call setToNull( col2, 0 ) ! Set the first element of column col2 to null. if( hasNulls( col2 ) ) then do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 if( isNull( col2, i ) ) then write(*,*) "element", i, "is null" else write(*,*) "element", i, "is", r64(i) endif end do endif call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_nullvalues
! This example show how the numberOfAttributes interface ! is used. program example_numberofattributes use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) call setAttribute(set,"sbool1",.false.,"dataset bool comment") call setAttribute(set,"sbool2",.false.,"dataset bool comment") write(*,*) numberOfAttributes( set ) ! 2 attributes tab = addTable(set,"table",10); call addAttributes(attributable(tab),attributable(set)) call setAttribute(tab,"sbool3",.false.,"dataset bool comment") write(*,*) numberOfAttributes( tab ) ! 3 attributes call release(set) end program example_numberofattributes
! This example shows how the numberOfBlocks interface ! is used. program example_numberofblocks use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(BlockT) blk integer i set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"table1",10) tab = addTable(set,"table2",100) tab = addTable(set,"table3",1000) write(*,*) numberOfBlocks( set ) ! 3 blocks ! For each block, display the name, and ! add a comment. do i=0,numberOfBlocks( set ) - 1 blk = block( set, i, MODIFY ) write(*,*) name( blk ) call addComment( blk, "A table comment" ) end do call release(set) end program example_numberofblocks
! This examples shows how the numberOfColumns() ! function is used. program example_numberofcolumns use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col integer i set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"some table",100) col = addColumn(tab,"bool",BOOLEAN) col = addColumn(tab,"int8",INTEGER8,units="cm",comment="int8 column") col = addColumn(tab,"int16",INTEGER16,units="dm",comment="int16 column") col = addColumn(tab,"int32",INTEGER32,units="m",comment="in32 column") col = addColumn(tab,"real32",REAL32,units="Dm",comment="real32 column") col = addColumn(tab,"real64",REAL64,units="hm",comment="real64 column") col = addColumn(tab,"string",STRING,comment="string column",dimensions=(/80/)) write(*,*) numberOfColumns( tab ) ! 7 columns ! For each column, display the name and ! add an attribute. do i=0, numberOfColumns( tab ) - 1 col = column( tab, i, MODIFY ) write(*,*) name( col ) call setAttribute( col, "TLMAX", 10, "tlmax attribute" ) end do call release(set) end program example_numberofcolumns
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! two 3-dimensional arrays, and one table. ! ! It illustrates the use of the numberofdimensions interface. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. program example_numberofdimensions use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(ArrayT) arr type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col integer :: i,j ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr = addArray(set, "array1", INTEGER32, dimensions=(/3/) ) arr = addArray(set, "array2", dataType( arr ), dimensions=(/3,4/) ) arr = addArray(set, "array3", dataType( arr ), dimensions=(/3,4,5/) ) tab = addTable(set,"table",10) col = addColumn(tab,"col1",INTEGER8) ! scalar col = addColumn(tab,"col2",dataType(col),dimensions=(/3/)) ! vector col = addColumn(tab,"col3",dataType(col),dimensions=(/3,4/)) ! 2-dimensions col = addColumn(tab,"col4",dataType(col),dimensions=(/3,4,5/)) ! 3-dimensions col = addColumn(tab,"col5",dataType(col),dimensions=(/3,4,5,6/)) ! 4-dimensions do i = 0, numberOfBlocks( set ) - 1 ! For each block which is an array, display the ! name and number of dimensions. if( blockType( set, i ).eq.ARRAY_BLOCK ) then arr = array( set, i, READ ) write(*,*) name( arr ), numberOfDimensions( arr ) else tab = table( set, i ) do j = 0, numberOfColumns( tab ) - 1 ! For each column, display the name ! and the number of dimensions. col = column( tab, j, READ ) write(*,*) name( col ), numberOfDimensions( col ) end do end if end do call release(set) end program example_numberofdimensions
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! two 3-dimensional arrays, and one table. ! ! It illustrates the use of the numberofelements interface. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. program example_numberofdimensions use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(ArrayT) arr type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col integer :: i,j ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr = addArray(set, "array1", INTEGER32, dimensions=(/3/) ) arr = addArray(set, "array2", dataType( arr ), dimensions=(/3,4/) ) arr = addArray(set, "array3", dataType( arr ), dimensions=(/3,4,5/) ) tab = addTable(set,"table",10) col = addColumn(tab,"col1",INTEGER8) ! scalar col = addColumn(tab,"col2",dataType(col),dimensions=(/3/)) ! vector col = addColumn(tab,"col3",dataType(col),dimensions=(/3,4/)) ! 2-dimensions col = addColumn(tab,"col4",dataType(col),dimensions=(/3,4,5/)) ! 3-dimensions col = addColumn(tab,"col5",dataType(col),dimensions=(/3,4,5,6/)) ! 4-dimensions do i = 0, numberOfBlocks( set ) - 1 ! For each block which is an array, display the ! name, number of dimensions and the number of elements. if( blockType( set, i ).eq.ARRAY_BLOCK ) then arr = array( set, i, READ ) write(*,*) name( arr ), numberOfDimensions( arr ), numberOfElements( arr ) else tab = table( set, i ) do j = 0, numberOfColumns( tab ) - 1 ! For each column, display the name, ! number of dimensions and total number of elements. col = column( tab, j, READ ) write(*,*) name( col ), numberOfDimensions( col ), numberOfRows( col ) * numberOfElements( col ) end do end if end do call release(set) end program example_numberofdimensions
! This example shows how the numberOfRows ! interface is used. program example_numberofrows use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab integer i set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"table1",10) tab = addTable(set,"table2",100) tab = addTable(set,"table3",1000) do i=0,numberOfBlocks( set ) - 1 tab = table( set, i ) write(*,*) name( tab ), numberOfRows( tab ) end do call release(set) end program example_numberofrows
! This example shows how the parent interface ! is used. subroutine test1( set, tab, arr, col ) use dal type(DataSetT), intent(in) :: set type(TableT), intent(in) :: tab type(ArrayT), intent(in) :: arr type(ColumnT), intent(in) :: col type(AttributeT) att att = attribute( set,0 ) write(*,*) name( parent( att )) if( name( parent( att )) /= name( set )) then call error('internalError',"problem in parent method" ) end if att = attribute( tab,0 ) write(*,*) name( parent( att )) if( name( parent( att )) /= name( tab )) then call error('internalError',"problem in parent method" ) end if write(*,*) name( parent( tab )) if( name( parent( tab )) /= name( set )) then call error('internalError',"problem in parent method" ) end if att = attribute( arr,0 ) write(*,*) name( parent( att )) if( name( parent( att )) /= name( arr )) then call error('internalError',"problem in parent method" ) end if write(*,*) name( parent( arr )) if( name( parent( arr )) /= name( set )) then call error('internalError',"problem in parent method" ) end if att = attribute( col,0 ) write(*,*) name( parent( att )) if( name( parent( att )) /= name( col )) then call error('internalError',"problem in parent method" ) end if write(*,*) name( parent( col )) if( name( parent( col )) /= name( tab )) then call error('internalError',"problem in parent method" ) end if write(*,*) name( parent( parent( col ))) if( name( parent( parent( col ))) /= name( set )) then call error('internalError',"problem in parent method" ) end if end subroutine test1 program example_parent use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col type(ArrayT) arr integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,2 /) set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) call setAttribute(set,"sint8",1_int8,"int8 unit","set int8 comment") tab = addTable(set,"some table",100) call setAttribute(tab,"sint8",1_int8,"int8 unit","set int8 comment") arr = addArray(set, "some array", INTEGER32, dimensions=s ) call setAttribute(arr,"sint8",1_int8,"int8 unit","set int8 comment") col = addColumn(tab,"bool",BOOLEAN) call setAttribute(col,"TLMIN",1_int8,"int8 unit","set int8 comment") call test1( set,tab,arr,col ) call release(set) set = dataSet("test.dat",READ) tab = table(set,0) arr = array(set,1,READ) col = column(tab,0,READ) call test1( set,tab,arr,col ) call release(set) end program example_parent
! This example shows how the qualifiedName ! interface is used. program example_qualifiedname use dal type(DataSetT) :: set type(ArrayT) :: arr type(TableT) :: tab type(ColumnT) :: col type(AttributeT) :: att set = dataSet("test.dat",create) call setAttribute(set,"sbool",.false.,"set bool comment") arr = addArray(set,"array",integer32, dimensions=(/ 1,2,3 /)) call setAttribute(arr,"abool",.true.,"arr bool comment") tab = addTable(set,"table",10) call setAttribute(tab,"tbool",.false.,"tab bool comment") col = addColumn(tab,"column",INT32,units="UNITS",comment="Column") call setAttribute(col,"tlmin",1_int32,"int32 unit","col int32 comment") write(*,*) "qualified data set name: ", qualifiedName( set ) ! test.dat att = attribute( set, "sbool" ) write(*,*) "qualified data set attribute name: ", qualifiedName( att ) !"test.dat:sbool write(*,*) "qualified table name: ", qualifiedName( tab )! test.dat:table att = attribute( tab, "tbool" ) write(*,*) "qualified table attribute name: ", qualifiedName( att ) ! test.dat:table:tbool write(*,*) "qualified array name: ", qualifiedName( arr ) ! test.dat:array att = attribute( arr, "abool" ) write(*,*) "qualified array attribute name: ", qualifiedName( att ) ! test.dat:array:abool write(*,*) "qualified column name: ", qualifiedName( col ) ! test.dat:table:column att = attribute( col, "tlmin" ) write(*,*) "qualified array attribute name: ", qualifiedName( att ) ! test.dat:table:column:tlmin call release(set) end program example_qualifiedname
! This example shows how to use the real32Array2Data interface. ! In the example a dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 2-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_cellarray2data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 real(kind=SINGLE), dimension(:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(2), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4 /) integer :: i,j,k,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", REAL32, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 do k=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 c1 => real32Array2Data(col1,k) c2 => real32Array2Data(col2,k) do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j) = n c2(i,j) = c1(i,j) n = n + 1 end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_cellarray2data ! This example shows how to use the real32Array2Data interface. ! In the example a dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 2-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_arrayarray2data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ArrayT) arr1, arr2 real(kind=SINGLE), dimension(:,:), pointer :: a1, a2 integer, dimension(2), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4 /) integer :: i,j,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr1 = addArray( set, "array1", REAL32, s, "km", "array comment" ) arr2 = addArray( set, "array2", REAL32, s, "km", "array comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 a1 => real32Array2Data(arr1) a2 => real32Array2Data(arr2) do j=0,3 do i=0,2 a1(i,j) = n a2(i,j) = a1(i,j) n = n + 1 end do end do call release(arr1) call release(arr2) call release(set) end program example_arrayarray2data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 2-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised before the ! dataset is released (closed). program example_array2data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 real(kind=SINGLE), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(2), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4 /) integer :: i,j,k,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", REAL32, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => real32Array2Data(col1) c2 => real32Array2Data(col2) n = 0 do k=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k) = n c2(i,j,k) = c1(i,j,k) n = n + 1 end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_array2data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 3-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_cellarray3data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 real(kind=SINGLE), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", REAL32, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 do l=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 c1 => real32Array3Data(col1,l) c2 => real32Array3Data(col2,l) do k=0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k) = n c2(i,j,k) = c1(i,j,k) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_cellarray3data ! This example shows how to use the int8Array2Data interface. ! In the example a dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 3-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_arrayarray3data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ArrayT) arr1, arr2 real(kind=SINGLE), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: a1, a2 integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5 /) integer :: i,j,k,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr1 = addArray( set, "array1", REAL32, s, "km", "array comment" ) arr2 = addArray( set, "array2", REAL32, s, "km", "array comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 a1 => real32Array3Data(arr1) a2 => real32Array3Data(arr2) do k=0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 a1(i,j,k) = n a2(i,j,k) = a1(i,j,k) n = n + 1 end do end do end do call release(arr1) call release(arr2) call release(set) end program example_arrayarray3data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 3-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised before the ! dataset is released (closed). program example_array3data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 real(kind=SINGLE), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", REAL32, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => real32Array3Data(col1) c2 => real32Array3Data(col1) n = 0 do l=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do k = 0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k,l) = n c2(i,j,k,l) = c1(i,j,k,l) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_array3data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 4-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_cellarray4data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 real(kind=SINGLE), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(4), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5,6 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,m,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", REAL32, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 c1 => real32Array4Data(col1,m) c2 => real32Array4Data(col2,m) do l=0,5 do k=0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k,l) = n c2(i,j,k,l) = c1(i,j,k,l) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_cellarray4data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 4-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised before the ! dataset is released (closed). program example_array4data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 real(kind=SINGLE), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(4), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5,6 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,m,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", REAL32, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => real32Array4Data(col1) c2 => real32Array4Data(col1) n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do l=0,5 do k=0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k,l,m) = n c2(i,j,k,l,m) = c1(i,j,k,l,m) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_array4data
! This example shows how real32 attributes are used. ! The program creates a dataset containing two real32 attributes, ! together with a table containing two real32 attributes. ! The attributes are then accessed, by name, with ! the real32Attribute() function. ! Also, it is shown how to access the attributes by position. program example_real32attribute use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(AttributeT) att integer i set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) call setAttribute(set,"real1",1.0,"real comment") call setAttribute(set,"real2",2.0,"real comment") tab = addTable(set,"table",10); call setAttribute(tab,"real1",3.0,"real comment") call setAttribute(tab,"real2",4.0,"real comment") write(*,*) real32Attribute( set, "real1" ) ! output '1.0' write(*,*) real32Attribute( set, "real2" ) ! output '2.0' write(*,*) real32Attribute( tab, "real1" ) ! output '3.0' write(*,*) real32Attribute( tab, "real2" ) ! output '4.0' do i = 0, numberOfAttributes( set ) - 1 att = attribute( set, i ) write(*,*) real32Attribute( att ) ! output the sequence 1.0, 2.0 end do call release(set) end program example_real32attribute
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 4-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, and then the second column ! is output by accessing the column's data as a flat vector. program example_real32data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 real(kind=SINGLE), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 real(kind=SINGLE), dimension(:), pointer :: cd integer, dimension(4), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5,6 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,m,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 5, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", REAL32, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => real32Array4Data(col1) c2 => real32Array4Data(col2) n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do l=0,5 do k=0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k,l,m) = n c2(i,j,k,l,m) = c1(i,j,k,l,m) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) ! Output the col2 cd => real32Data( col2 ) ! Access the column's 4-dimensional data as a flat vector. do n = 0,numberOfElements(col1) * numberOfRows(tab) - 1 write(*,*) cd(n) end do call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_real32data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two vector arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_cellvectordata use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 real(kind=SINGLE), dimension(:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(1), parameter :: s = (/ 3 /) integer :: i,m,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", REAL32, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 c1 => real32VectorData(col1,m) c2 => real32VectorData(col2,m) do i=0,2 c1(i) = n c2(i) = c1(i) n = n + 1 end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_cellvectordata ! This example shows how to use the int32Array2Data interface. ! In the example a dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 vector arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The array is then initialised, program example_arrayvectordata use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ArrayT) arr1, arr2 real(kind=SINGLE), dimension(:), pointer :: a1, a2 integer, dimension(1), parameter :: s = (/ 3 /) integer :: i,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr1 = addArray( set, "array1", REAL32, s, "km", "array comment" ) arr2 = addArray( set, "array2", REAL32, s, "km", "array comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 a1 => real32VectorData(arr1) a2 => real32VectorData(arr2) do i=0,2 a1(i) = n a2(i) = a1(i) n = n + 1 end do call release(arr1) call release(arr2) call release(set) end program example_arrayvectordata
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two vector arrays. ! ! The second column has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the columnDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised before the ! dataset is released (closed). program example_columnvectordata use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 real(kind=SINGLE), dimension(:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(1), parameter :: s = (/ 3 /) integer :: i,m,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 10, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", REAL32, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => real32VectorData(col1) c2 => real32VectorData(col2) n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do i=0,2 c1(i,m) = n c2(i,m) = c1(i,m) n = n + 1 end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_columnvectordata
! This example shows how to use the real64Array2Data interface. ! In the example a dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 2-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_cellarray2data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 real(kind=DOUBLE), dimension(:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(2), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4 /) integer :: i,j,k,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", REAL64, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 do k=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 c1 => real64Array2Data(col1,k) c2 => real64Array2Data(col2,k) do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j) = n c2(i,j) = c1(i,j) n = n + 1 end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_cellarray2data ! This example shows how to use the real64Array2Data interface. ! In the example a dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 2-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_arrayarray2data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ArrayT) arr1, arr2 real(kind=DOUBLE), dimension(:,:), pointer :: a1, a2 integer, dimension(2), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4 /) integer :: i,j,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr1 = addArray( set, "array1", REAL64, s, "km", "array comment" ) arr2 = addArray( set, "array2", REAL64, s, "km", "array comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 a1 => real64Array2Data(arr1) a2 => real64Array2Data(arr2) do j=0,3 do i=0,2 a1(i,j) = n a2(i,j) = a1(i,j) n = n + 1 end do end do call release(arr1) call release(arr2) call release(set) end program example_arrayarray2data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 2-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised before the ! dataset is released (closed). program example_array2data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 real(kind=DOUBLE), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(2), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4 /) integer :: i,j,k,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", REAL64, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => real64Array2Data(col1) c2 => real64Array2Data(col2) n = 0 do k=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k) = n c2(i,j,k) = c1(i,j,k) n = n + 1 end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_array2data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 3-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_cellarray3data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 real(kind=DOUBLE), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", REAL64, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 do l=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 c1 => real64Array3Data(col1,l) c2 => real64Array3Data(col2,l) do k=0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k) = n c2(i,j,k) = c1(i,j,k) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_cellarray3data ! This example shows how to use the int8Array2Data interface. ! In the example a dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 3-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_arrayarray3data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ArrayT) arr1, arr2 real(kind=DOUBLE), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: a1, a2 integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5 /) integer :: i,j,k,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr1 = addArray( set, "array1", REAL64, s, "km", "array comment" ) arr2 = addArray( set, "array2", REAL64, s, "km", "array comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 a1 => real64Array3Data(arr1) a2 => real64Array3Data(arr2) do k=0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 a1(i,j,k) = n a2(i,j,k) = a1(i,j,k) n = n + 1 end do end do end do call release(arr1) call release(arr2) call release(set) end program example_arrayarray3data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 3-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised before the ! dataset is released (closed). program example_array3data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 real(kind=DOUBLE), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", REAL64, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => real64Array3Data(col1) c2 => real64Array3Data(col1) n = 0 do l=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do k = 0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k,l) = n c2(i,j,k,l) = c1(i,j,k,l) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_array3data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 4-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_cellarray4data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 real(kind=DOUBLE), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(4), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5,6 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,m,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", REAL64, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 c1 => real64Array4Data(col1,m) c2 => real64Array4Data(col2,m) do l=0,5 do k=0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k,l) = n c2(i,j,k,l) = c1(i,j,k,l) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_cellarray4data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 4-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised before the ! dataset is released (closed). program example_array4data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 real(kind=DOUBLE), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(4), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5,6 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,m,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", REAL64, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => real64Array4Data(col1) c2 => real64Array4Data(col1) n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do l=0,5 do k=0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k,l,m) = n c2(i,j,k,l,m) = c1(i,j,k,l,m) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_array4data
! This example shows how real64 attributes are used. ! The program creates a dataset containing two real64 attributes, ! together with a table containing two real64 attributes. ! The attributes are then accessed, by name, with ! the real64Attribute() function. ! Also, it is shown how to access the attributes by position. program example_real64attribute use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(AttributeT) att integer i set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) call setAttribute(set,"real1",1.0,"real comment") call setAttribute(set,"real2",2.0,"real comment") tab = addTable(set,"table",10); call setAttribute(tab,"real1",3.0,"real comment") call setAttribute(tab,"real2",4.0,"real comment") write(*,*) real64Attribute( set, "real1" ) ! output '1.0' write(*,*) real64Attribute( set, "real2" ) ! output '2.0' write(*,*) real64Attribute( tab, "real1" ) ! output '3.0' write(*,*) real64Attribute( tab, "real2" ) ! output '4.0' do i = 0, numberOfAttributes( set ) - 1 att = attribute( set, i ) write(*,*) real64Attribute( att ) ! output the sequence 1.0, 2.0 end do call release(set) end program example_real64attribute
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two 4-dimensional arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, and then the second column ! is output by accessing the column's data as a flat vector. program example_real64data use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 real(kind=DOUBLE), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 real(kind=DOUBLE), dimension(:), pointer :: cd integer, dimension(4), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,5,6 /) integer :: i,j,k,l,m,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 5, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", REAL64, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => real64Array4Data(col1) c2 => real64Array4Data(col2) n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do l=0,5 do k=0,4 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 c1(i,j,k,l,m) = n c2(i,j,k,l,m) = c1(i,j,k,l,m) n = n + 1 end do end do end do end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) ! Output the col2 cd => real64Data( col2 ) ! Access the column's 4-dimensional data as a flat vector. do n = 0,numberOfElements(col1) * numberOfRows(tab) - 1 write(*,*) cd(n) end do call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_real64data
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two vector arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised, on a row-by-row ! basis (i.e. accessing the column's data cell-by-cell), ! before the dataset is released (closed). program example_cellvectordata use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 real(kind=DOUBLE), dimension(:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(1), parameter :: s = (/ 3 /) integer :: i,m,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 100, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", REAL64, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 c1 => real64VectorData(col1,m) c2 => real64VectorData(col2,m) do i=0,2 c1(i) = n c2(i) = c1(i) n = n + 1 end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_cellvectordata ! This example shows how to use the int64Array2Data interface. ! In the example a dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 vector arrays. ! ! The second array has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the arrayDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The array is then initialised, program example_arrayvectordata use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ArrayT) arr1, arr2 real(kind=DOUBLE), dimension(:), pointer :: a1, a2 integer, dimension(1), parameter :: s = (/ 3 /) integer :: i,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr1 = addArray( set, "array1", REAL64, s, "km", "array comment" ) arr2 = addArray( set, "array2", REAL64, s, "km", "array comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers n = 0 a1 => real64VectorData(arr1) a2 => real64VectorData(arr2) do i=0,2 a1(i) = n a2(i) = a1(i) n = n + 1 end do call release(arr1) call release(arr2) call release(set) end program example_arrayvectordata
! In this example add dataset is created (opened) containing ! a table with 2 columns of two vector arrays. ! ! The second column has the same data type as the first; this ! is ensured by using the columnDataType() function to determine ! the data type of the first array. ! ! The columns are then initialised before the ! dataset is released (closed). program example_columnvectordata use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 real(kind=DOUBLE), dimension(:,:), pointer :: c1, c2 integer, dimension(1), parameter :: s = (/ 3 /) integer :: i,m,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set, "table", 10, "table comment" ) col1 = addColumn( tab, "column1", REAL64, "km", s, "column comment" ) col2 = addColumn( tab, "column2", columnDataType( col1 ), "km", s, "column comment" ) ! fill with unique numbers c1 => real64VectorData(col1) c2 => real64VectorData(col2) n = 0 do m=0,numberOfRows(tab) - 1 do i=0,2 c1(i,m) = n c2(i,m) = c1(i,m) n = n + 1 end do end do call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_columnvectordata
! This example shows how the label, relabel, name and rename interfaces are used. subroutine displayLabelled( l ) use dal implicit none type(LabelledT), intent(in) :: l write(*,*) "the object with name ", name( l ), " has label: ", label(l) end subroutine displayLabelled subroutine display( set ) use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(ArrayT) arr type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col type(AttributeT) att att = attribute( set, 0 ) write(*,*) name(att), label( att ) call displayLabelled( labelled( att ) ) arr = array( set, 0, READ ) write(*,*) name(arr), label( arr ) call displayLabelled( labelled( arr ) ) att = attribute( arr, 0 ) write(*,*) name(att), label( att ) call displayLabelled( labelled( att ) ) tab = table( set, 1 ) write(*,*) name(tab), label( tab ) call displayLabelled( labelled( tab ) ) att = attribute( tab, 0 ) write(*,*) name(att), label( att ) call displayLabelled( labelled( att ) ) col = column( tab, 0, READ ) write(*,*) name(col), label( col ) call displayLabelled( labelled( col ) ) att = attribute( col, 0 ) write(*,*) name(att), label( att ) call displayLabelled( labelled( att ) ) end subroutine display program example_labelled use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(ArrayT) arr type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col ! type(AttributeT) att ! integer(kind=int32), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: a integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,2 /) ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) call setAttribute(set,"att1","value1","a dataset attribute comment") arr = addArray(set, "array", INTEGER32, comment="an array comment", dimensions=s ) call setAttribute(arr,"att2","value2","an array attribute comment") tab = addTable(set, "table", 10, comment="a table comment" ) call setAttribute(tab,"att3","value3","a table attribute comment") col = addColumn(tab,"int8",INTEGER8,comment="a column comment") call setAttribute(col,"TLMAX","value4","a column attribute comment") call display( set ) call relabel( tab, "a new table comment" ) call rename( col, "newcolnm" ) call display( set ) call release( set ) end program example_labelled
! This example shows how the label, relabel, name and rename interfaces are used. subroutine displayLabelled( l ) use dal implicit none type(LabelledT), intent(in) :: l write(*,*) "the object with name ", name( l ), " has label: ", label(l) end subroutine displayLabelled subroutine display( set ) use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(ArrayT) arr type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col type(AttributeT) att att = attribute( set, 0 ) write(*,*) name(att), label( att ) call displayLabelled( labelled( att ) ) arr = array( set, 0, READ ) write(*,*) name(arr), label( arr ) call displayLabelled( labelled( arr ) ) att = attribute( arr, 0 ) write(*,*) name(att), label( att ) call displayLabelled( labelled( att ) ) tab = table( set, 1 ) write(*,*) name(tab), label( tab ) call displayLabelled( labelled( tab ) ) att = attribute( tab, 0 ) write(*,*) name(att), label( att ) call displayLabelled( labelled( att ) ) col = column( tab, 0, READ ) write(*,*) name(col), label( col ) call displayLabelled( labelled( col ) ) att = attribute( col, 0 ) write(*,*) name(att), label( att ) call displayLabelled( labelled( att ) ) end subroutine display program example_labelled use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(ArrayT) arr type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col ! type(AttributeT) att ! integer(kind=int32), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: a integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,2 /) ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) call setAttribute(set,"att1","value1","a dataset attribute comment") arr = addArray(set, "array", INTEGER32, comment="an array comment", dimensions=s ) call setAttribute(arr,"att2","value2","an array attribute comment") tab = addTable(set, "table", 10, comment="a table comment" ) call setAttribute(tab,"att3","value3","a table attribute comment") col = addColumn(tab,"int8",INTEGER8,comment="a column comment") call setAttribute(col,"TLMAX","value4","a column attribute comment") call display( set ) call relabel( tab, "a new table comment" ) call rename( col, "newcolnm" ) call display( set ) call release( set ) end program example_labelled
! This example shows how the setAttribute ! interface is used. program example_setattribute use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) call setAttribute(set,"test1","some value","some comment to the attribute") call setAttribute(set,"TELESCOP","XMM","Telescope (mission) name") write(*,*) numberOfAttributes( set ) ! 2 attributes call release(set) end program example_setattribute
! This example shows how the setAttributes interface ! is used. program example_setattributes use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) call setAttribute(set,"sbool1",.false.,"dataset bool comment") call setAttribute(set,"sbool2",.false.,"dataset bool comment") tab = addTable(set,"table",10); call setAttributes(attributable(tab),attributable(set)) write(*,*) numberOfAttributes( tab ) ! 2 attributes call release(set) end program example_setattributes
! This example shows how to set the data in ! a variable length column. program example_setdata use dal implicit none integer, parameter :: nRows = 10 integer, parameter :: maxCellSize = 100 integer, dimension(0) :: zeroSize integer(kind=INT32) :: i type(DataSetT) :: set type(TableT) :: tab type(ColumnT) :: i8col1, i8col2, i16col1, i16col2, i32col1, i32col2 type(ColumnT) :: r32col1, r32col2, r64col1, r64col2 type(ColumnT) :: scol1, scol2, bcol1, bcol2 logical(kind=bool), dimension(maxCellSize) :: b integer(kind=INT8), dimension(maxCellSize) :: i8 integer(kind=INT16), dimension(maxCellSize) :: i16 integer(kind=INT32), dimension(maxCellSize) :: i32 real(kind=SINGLE), dimension(maxCellSize) :: r32 real(kind=DOUBLE), dimension(maxCellSize) :: r64 character(len=maxCellSize) :: s real(kind=SINGLE), dimension(:), pointer :: r32Data s = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" do i = 1, maxCellSize i8(i) = i i16(i) = i i32(i) = i r32(i) = i r64(i) = i b(i) = ((i / 2).eq.0 ) end do set = dataSet("test.dat",Create) tab = addTable(set,"someTable",nRows) bcol1 = addColumn(tab,"bcol1",Boolean, & dimensions=zeroSize,comment="bool data") bcol2 = addColumn(tab,"bcol2",Boolean, & dimensions=zeroSize,comment="bool data") i8col1 = addColumn(tab,"i8col1",Integer8,units="m", & dimensions=zeroSize,comment="int8 data") i8col2 = addColumn(tab,"i8col2",Integer8,units="m", & dimensions=zeroSize,comment="int8 data") i16col1 = addColumn(tab,"i16col1",Integer16,units="m", & dimensions=zeroSize,comment="int16 data") i16col2 = addColumn(tab,"i16col2",Integer16,units="m", & dimensions=zeroSize,comment="int16 data") i32col1 = addColumn(tab,"i32col1",Integer32,units="m", & dimensions=zeroSize,comment="int32 data") i32col2 = addColumn(tab,"i32col2",Integer32,units="m", & dimensions=zeroSize,comment="int32 data") r32col1 = addColumn(tab,"r32col1",Real32,units="m", & dimensions=zeroSize,comment="real32 data") r32col2 = addColumn(tab,"r32col2",Real32,units="m", & dimensions=zeroSize,comment="real32 data") r64col1 = addColumn(tab,"r64col1",Real64,units="m", & dimensions=zeroSize,comment="real64 data") r64col2 = addColumn(tab,"r64col2",Real64,units="m", & dimensions=zeroSize,comment="real64 data") scol1 = addColumn(tab,"scol1",String,units="m", & dimensions=zeroSize,comment="string data") scol2 = addColumn(tab,"scol2",String, & dimensions=zeroSize,comment="string data") do i=0,nRows - 1 call setData( bcol1, i, b( 1 : i + 1 )) call setData( bcol2, i, b( 1 : nRows - i )) call setData( i8col1, i, i8( 1 : i + 1 )) call setData( i8col2, i, i8( 1 : nRows - i )) call setData( i16col1, i, i16( 1 : i + 1 )) call setData( i16col2, i, i16( 1 : nRows - i )) call setData( i32col1, i, i32( 1 : i + 1 )) call setData( i32col2, i, i32( 1 : nRows - i )) call setData( r32col1, i, r32( 1 : i + 1 )) call setData( r32col2, i, r32( 1 : nRows - i )) call setData( r64col1, i, r64( 1 : i + 1 )) call setData( r64col2, i, r64( 1 : nRows - i )) call setData( scol1, i, s( 1 : i + 1 )) call setData( scol2, i, s( 1 : nRows - i )) end do call release( set ) set = dataSet("test.dat",Modify) tab = table(set,"someTable") bcol1 = column(tab,"bcol1",Read) bcol2 = column(tab,"bcol2",Read) i8col1 = column(tab,"i8col1",Read) i8col2 = column(tab,"i8col2",Read) i16col1 = column(tab,"i16col1",Read) i16col2 = column(tab,"i16col2",Read) i32col1 = column(tab,"i32col1",Read) i32col2 = column(tab,"i32col2",Read) r32col1 = column(tab,"r32col1",Read) r32col2 = column(tab,"r32col2",Read) r64col1 = column(tab,"r64col1",Read) r64col2 = column(tab,"r64col2",Read) scol1 = column(tab,"scol1",Read) scol2 = column(tab,"scol2",Read) do i = 0, nRows - 1 write(*,*) boolData( bcol1, i ) write(*,*) boolData( bcol2, i ) write(*,*) int8Data( i8col1, i ) write(*,*) int8Data( i8col2, i ) write(*,*) int16Data( i16col1, i ) write(*,*) int16Data( i16col2, i ) write(*,*) int32Data( i32col1, i ) write(*,*) int32Data( i32col2, i ) write(*,*) real32Data( r32col1, i ) write(*,*) real32Data( r32col2, i ) write(*,*) real64Data( r64col1, i ) write(*,*) real64Data( r64col2, i ) write(*,*) stringCell( scol1, i ) write(*,*) stringCell( scol2, i ) end do call release( set ) end program example_setdata
! This example shows how the setexists() ! function is used. program example_setexists use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) call release(set) if( setExists( "test.dat" ) ) then write(*,*) 'Very strange' end if end program example_setexists
The null value of an object containing integer data (if it has been defined) may be obtained with the function intNullValue().
The logical function nullDefined() may be used to determine if the null value has been defined.
! This example shows how null values are used. subroutine check( thisNullable ) use dal type(NullableT), intent(in) :: thisNullable write(*,*) "Null defined?: ", nullDefined( thisNullable ), nullType( thisNullable ) end subroutine check program example_nullvalues use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(ArrayT) arr1, arr2 type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=int32), dimension(:), pointer :: i32 real(kind=double), dimension(:), pointer :: r64 integer(kind=int32), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: a1, a2 integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,2 /) integer :: i,j,k,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr1 = addArray(set, "array1", INTEGER32, dimensions=s ) arr2 = addArray(set, "array2", arrayDataType( arr1 ), dimensions=s ) ! fill with unique numbers a1 => int32Array3Data(arr1) a2 => int32Array3Data(arr1) n = 0 do k=0,1 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 a1(i,j,k) = n a2(i,j,k) = a1(i,j,k) + 1 n = n + 1 end do end do end do call setNullValue( arr1, 999999 ) call check( nullable( arr1 ) ) call setToNull( arr1, 0 ) ! Set the first element of array arr1 to null. ! Would have given an error, if the null ! value of array arr1 had not been set. if( nullType( arr1 ) .eq. INTEGER_NULL ) then ! write(*,*) "Using null value of arr1, in arr2" call setNullValue( arr2, intNullValue( arr1 )) else call setNullValue( arr2, 999999 ) end if call check( nullable( arr2 ) ) call setToNull( arr2, 1 ) ! Set the second element of array arr2 to null. ! Would have given an error, if the null ! value of array arr2 had not been set. call release(arr1) call release(arr2) tab = addTable(set,"some table",100) col1 = addColumn(tab,"int32",INTEGER32,units="m",comment="in32 column") i32 => int32Data(col1) do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 i32(i) = 3*i end do call setNullValue( col1, 999999 ) call check( nullable( col1 ) ) call setToNull( col1, 0 ) ! Set the first element of column col1 to null. col2 = addColumn(tab,"real64",REAL64,units="hm",comment="real64 column") r64 => real64Data(col2) do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 r64(i) = 0.25*i end do ! col is a non-integer column and it would be an ! an error to call setNullValue(). call check( nullable( col2 ) ) call setToNull( col2, 0 ) ! Set the first element of column col2 to null. if( hasNulls( col2 ) ) then do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 if( isNull( col2, i ) ) then write(*,*) "element", i, "is null" else write(*,*) "element", i, "is", r64(i) endif end do endif call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_nullvalues
! This example shows how the setStringCell() ! function is used. program example_setstringcell use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col character(len=12) :: s integer i s = "abcdef" set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"some table",100) col = addColumn(tab,"string",STRING,comment="string column",dimensions=(/80/)) do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 write(s,*) "string",i call setStringCell(col,i,s) write(*,*) stringCell( col, i ) end do call release(set) end program example_setstringcell
! This example shows how null values are used. subroutine check( thisNullable ) use dal type(NullableT), intent(in) :: thisNullable write(*,*) "Null defined?: ", nullDefined( thisNullable ), nullType( thisNullable ) end subroutine check program example_nullvalues use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(ArrayT) arr1, arr2 type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col1, col2 integer(kind=int32), dimension(:), pointer :: i32 real(kind=double), dimension(:), pointer :: r64 integer(kind=int32), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: a1, a2 integer, dimension(3), parameter :: s = (/ 3,4,2 /) integer :: i,j,k,n ! create a set set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) arr1 = addArray(set, "array1", INTEGER32, dimensions=s ) arr2 = addArray(set, "array2", arrayDataType( arr1 ), dimensions=s ) ! fill with unique numbers a1 => int32Array3Data(arr1) a2 => int32Array3Data(arr1) n = 0 do k=0,1 do j=0,3 do i=0,2 a1(i,j,k) = n a2(i,j,k) = a1(i,j,k) + 1 n = n + 1 end do end do end do call setNullValue( arr1, 999999 ) call check( nullable( arr1 ) ) call setToNull( arr1, 0 ) ! Set the first element of array arr1 to null. ! Would have given an error, if the null ! value of array arr1 had not been set. if( nullType( arr1 ) .eq. INTEGER_NULL ) then ! write(*,*) "Using null value of arr1, in arr2" call setNullValue( arr2, intNullValue( arr1 )) else call setNullValue( arr2, 999999 ) end if call check( nullable( arr2 ) ) call setToNull( arr2, 1 ) ! Set the second element of array arr2 to null. ! Would have given an error, if the null ! value of array arr2 had not been set. call release(arr1) call release(arr2) tab = addTable(set,"some table",100) col1 = addColumn(tab,"int32",INTEGER32,units="m",comment="in32 column") i32 => int32Data(col1) do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 i32(i) = 3*i end do call setNullValue( col1, 999999 ) call check( nullable( col1 ) ) call setToNull( col1, 0 ) ! Set the first element of column col1 to null. col2 = addColumn(tab,"real64",REAL64,units="hm",comment="real64 column") r64 => real64Data(col2) do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 r64(i) = 0.25*i end do ! col is a non-integer column and it would be an ! an error to call setNullValue(). call check( nullable( col2 ) ) call setToNull( col2, 0 ) ! Set the first element of column col2 to null. if( hasNulls( col2 ) ) then do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 if( isNull( col2, i ) ) then write(*,*) "element", i, "is null" else write(*,*) "element", i, "is", r64(i) endif end do endif call release(col1) call release(col2) call release(set) end program example_nullvalues
! This example shows how the setUnits interface ! is used. program example_setunits use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"some table",100) col = addColumn(tab,"int8",INTEGER8,units="cm",comment="int8 column") call release(set) set = dataSet("test.dat",MODIFY) tab = table( set, 0 ) col = column( tab, 0, MODIFY ) write(*,*) units( col ) call setUnits( col, "mm" ) write(*,*) units( col ) call release(set) end program example_setunits
! This example shows how string attributes are used. ! The program creates a dataset containing two string attributes, ! together with a table containing two string attributes. ! The attributes are then accessed, by name, with ! the stringAttribute() function. ! Also, it is shown how to access the attributes by position. program example_stringattribute use dal use errorhandling implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(AttributeT) att integer i set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) call setAttribute(set,"string1","abcdef","string comment") call setAttribute(set,"string2","ghijkl","string comment") tab = addTable(set,"table",10); call setAttribute(tab,"string1","abcdef","string comment") call setAttribute(tab,"string2","ghijkl","string comment") write(*,*) stringAttribute( set, "string1" ) ! output 'abcdef write(*,*) stringAttribute( set, "string2" ) ! output 'ghijkl' write(*,*) stringAttribute( tab, "string1" ) ! output 'abcdef write(*,*) stringAttribute( tab, "string2" ) ! output 'ghijkl' do i = 0, numberOfAttributes( set ) - 1 att = attribute( set, i ) write(*,*) stringAttribute( att ) ! output the sequence 'abcdef', 'ghijkl' end do call release(set) end program example_stringattribute
! This example shows how the stringCell() ! function is used. program example_stringcell use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col character(len=12) :: s integer i s = "abcdef" set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"some table",100) col = addColumn(tab,"string",STRING,comment="string column",dimensions=(/12/)) do i=0,numberOfRows(tab)-1 write(s,*) "string",i call setStringCell(col,i,s) write(*,*) stringCell( col, i ) end do call release(set) end program example_stringcell
! This example shows how the table ! interface is used. program example_table use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab integer i set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"table1",10) tab = addTable(set,"table2",100) tab = addTable(set,"table3",1000) do i=0,numberOfBlocks( set ) - 1 tab = table( set, i ) ! Access table by number write(*,*) name( tab ) end do tab = table( set, "table1" ) ! Access table by name write(*,*) name( tab ) call release(set) end program example_table
program example_columnunits use dal implicit none type(DataSetT) set type(TableT) tab type(ColumnT) col integer i, coltype set = dataSet("test.dat",CREATE) tab = addTable(set,"some table",100) col = addColumn(tab,"bool",BOOLEAN) col = addColumn(tab,"int8",INTEGER8,units="cm",comment="int8 column") col = addColumn(tab,"int16",INTEGER16,units="dm",comment="int16 column") col = addColumn(tab,"int32",INTEGER32,units="m",comment="in32 column") col = addColumn(tab,"real32",REAL32,units="Dm",comment="real32 column") col = addColumn(tab,"real64",REAL64,units="hm",comment="real64 column") col = addColumn(tab,"string",STRING,comment="string column",dimensions=(/80/)) do i=0, numberOfColumns( tab ) - 1 col = column( tab, i, READ ) coltype = columnDataType( col ) if(coltype.eq.INTEGER8.or.coltype.eq.INTEGER16.or.coltype.eq.INTEGER32 & .or.coltype.eq.REAL32.or.coltype.eq.REAL64) then write(*,*) units( col ) end if end do call release(set) end program example_columnunits
! Extended DAL
subroutine subTableSeek( table, from, count ) type(SubTableT), intent(in) :: table integer, intent(in) :: from, count
call error( "", errorMessage )
end subroutine
end module Dal
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04